The original owner of the Hunter Bible is not known. It was passed down to Robert Jackson Hunter
the son of James Hunter and Susannah Jenkins. Robert Jackson is the brother of my Great great
grandfather William Hunter b. 1835. Robert lived most of his life in Macon Co, Tn. The Hunter
bible is now in the possession of a direct descendant of Robert who resides in Kentucky.
James Hunter d. 1839 was the second husband of Susannah Jenkins b. 1803 Smith Co. She was
the daughter of William Jenkins and Sabry Witcher. Before her marriage to James she had been
married to a Cassetty. Which Cassety has not been proven, although there is much speculation.
The name Cassetty is prevalent in the bible.
The bible also speaks of the Minchey Cemetery. This cemetery is located in Jackson Co, Tn.
most of my Hunter family are there and so is L.D. Cassetty who is mentioned in the bible.