Bry Gregory Documents For Pension

These Documents Submitted by Terri Dillehay
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Court Record For Bry & Statement By Miles West & Isham Beasley

(and) annuity except the present and declares his name is
not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year
aforesaid.                                   his
                                            Bry X Gregory
J. Pickett Clk.                           mark

We Miles West, a Clergyman, and Isham Beasley,
both residing in the county of Smith and State
of Tennessee hereby certify that we are well acquainted
with Bry Gregory who has subscribed and sworn
to the above declaration that we know him to be about
71 years of age, that he is reputed and believed in
the neighbourhood where he resides, to have been
a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in
that opinion Sworn and subscribed the day
and year aforesaid.
                                             Miles West
J. Pickett Clk.                  Isham Beasley

Transcriber Note:
Any words in (..)'s are unknown or unsure of transcription
Transcribed by Colleen Taylor

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