Bry Gregory Documents For Pension

These Documents Submitted by Terri Dillehay
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Court Record For Bry

State of Tennessee }
Smith County} On this 3rd day of September 1832
personally appeared in open court before John Chambers
Zachary Ford & Isaac Goodall the Court of Pleas and
Quarter Session now setting Bry Gregory, a resident
of the County of Smith and State of Tennessee, aged
71 years, who being first duly sworn according to law
doth on his oath make the following declaration in order
to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June
7, 1832, that he entered the service of the United
States under the following named officers and served
as herein stated. That in October* 1780 he volunteered
under Capt. Patterson from sickness was furlowed and as
he recovered his health in a few days, he left home
for Capt. Pattersons company and fell in with Capt.
Dudly Reynolds company and served in his company
three months and then received a written discharge which
has been lost. Afterwards in the year 1781 he volunteered
again under Capt. Benjamin Herrin, marched to General
Lillingtons camp and served under him until discharged

Transcriber Note:
It looks as though October was struck through saying Bry
was unsure of the month.

Transcribed by Colleen Taylor & Netta Mullin

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