These Photos Graciously Submitted by John Waggoner Jr.
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Turner Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
The Turner Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church is located at 113 Second
Ave East, Carthage.
The construction of Turner Chapel was completed by Rev. Arch Turner, a minister
and a shoemaker. Rev. Turner and his family moved to Smith County from Trousdale
County. It was for Rev. Turner that the church was named. The lot for the church
was purchased from Sallie M Hart by the following trustees in 1900: Aaron King,
A.H. King, Will McKinley, G.J. Pride. The price of the lot was $100. The amount
of $75 was paid with a balance of $25 made in two installments.
Some outstanding mininsters have graced the pulpit of Turner Chapel. In addition
to Rev. Turner, other ministers were: Rev Jodie Adams, Rev Ledford, Rev Walter
Harper, Rev J. H. Waddell, Sis. Hines, Rev M.M. Cole, Rev Woodson, Rev Eddie Marshall,
Rev Majors, Rev Ralph Tucker, Rev E.M. Alcorn, Rev Lawrence Hawkins, Rev J.M. Granberry,
Rev Robert Allen, Rev Chestina Archibald, Rev Nathan Frey, Rev Reginald Brock, Rev George
E. Mobley, Rev Columbus Jones, Rev Dexter Norris, Rev Janie Dowdy, and the present minister
Bro. Frederick L Jenkins.