These Photos Graciously Submitted by John Waggoner Jr.
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Peyton's Creek Baptist Church
Peyton's Creek Baptist Church was formed from Hogan's Creek Baptist
Church. The organization came about by agreement of members of Hogan's
Creek when they dismissed 24 members to form Peyton's Creek Baptist
Church. The church was organized on 'Saturday before the Third Sunday
July 1812'. The first pastor was Elder John Wiseman from the Dixon
Community, formerly of Rowan County, North Carolina.
On the day of organization, 21 July 1812, Abraham Piper of Smith County
deeded one acre of his property lying in Smith County and on Peyton's
Creek to be used for religious purposes. By the deed the property was
located - 'beginning on a beech on my north boundary line of 174 acres,
east to road from Carthage to Dyers Mill; adjoins Burwell Kemp's spring
and includes the school house now occupied by John Hodges in the
character of School Master. Signed, Abraham Piper Wit: John Hodges,
Neill Smith Proven: June 1813 by akn Rec 29 June
The first building was on the West side of Peyton Creek directly
opposite the Central Point and Hackett Hollow Branch that emptied into
Peyton Creek.
On November 24, 1823 John Carpenter gave one and a half acres for the
church on Key Hollow Branch. That land was exchanged for a different
parcel of land and a new church was erected and served until 1884,
the present building was erected. About the time this building was
erected a Post Office was established as Monoville Post Office on 13
June 1884 with William H Gifford as first postmaster.
The first pastor John Wiseman 1812-1829, Elder Daniel Smith 1830-1839
then E B Haynie 1840-1881. Both Smith and Haynie were ordained by this
church. In 1887 R B Davis was ordained by this church and served
twenty-nine years until his death 25 January 1916.
Note- This information is from '162 Years of Middle Tennessee Baptists'
and the article on Peyton's Creek Baptist Church was taken from writings
of R D Brooks, pastor in 1958, for that publication. The Deed info
found in 'Deeds 1811-1814 Smith County Tennessee Vol.3'
Credit should go to R D Brooks for the information regarding the
Elizabeth Deihl