This page created for the Smith Co Website.
Any comments questions should be sent to the transcriber
A NOTE OF CAUTION:These records are very difficult
to read in sections and so I wanted to let the reader know that although
great care has been taken to ensure accuracy, it must be remembered that
some of these documents are almost 200 years old.The pages are known
to have finger print smudges from years of use, ink spots and spills, faded
ink, and just plain difficult to read handwriting.
According to info from the Brush Creek section of History of Smith County Tennessee (1986): p.125- . . . In the latter part of the 1830s a certain amount of friction came up within the church concerning the mission movement, the method of carrying home missions, and probably some doctrinal differences. As a result of these differences the church divided in the latter part of the 1830s, one group assuming the name of the Missionary Baptist Church which still exists in Brush Creek community today, and the other group assuming the name of Primitive Baptist. These churches are still functioning and have had much influence for good in the Brush Creek community. . . .
***You will notice the date of 16 Feb 1839 is when the Brush Creek Primitive Baptist Church excluded those members who then became part of the Missionary Baptist Church.
Each church has a cemetery adjacent and the two churches
are adjacent to
each other. Makes it real convenient to park and
walk through both cemeteries.
Both cemeteries are small as are the churches.
Directions (somewhat Tennessee-style): From Interstate 40, west of Carthage (or east of Lebanon) take Exit 254 (this is highway 53). Go south just a few miles. When you see the railroad tracks ahead of you and the Brush Creek Post Office ahead on the left, slam on your brakes so that you can turn right. I believe that there is a church on the southeast corner of thisintersection. The road to the left goes to Union Hill Presbyterian Church (and Sykes). Follow this road to the west until you come to the stop sign. Take the gravel road off to the right (not the paved road). [after the right turn onto the gravel road, not the paved road] the churches are on the left (west) side of the road, just a short distance.This road will take you right in front of the two churches. The driveways are steep----go straight when the two drives intersect--don't try to turn. Both drives end up in the same parking area.Go up the hill & park. One small cemetery is just west of the parking lot. The larger is on the north side by the other church. Turn around to drive out. Don't try to back out of the parking area.
The "new" Brush Creek cemetery is about a block north and a block west of the two churches. It is just west of the Lions building (old school).
(I wish to thank Joy and Cindy King for their help with the previous history and directions)
***I have noted a Church Member Number so that you can tell who was listed next to whom. This may help in determining who is most likely related to whom. If there is no number it is because the name was not listed in the membership list but was listed in the Church minutes.
Church Member Number | SURNAME | Given Name | Comments |
311 | A black man | Evans ?sp |
111 | A black man | General |
291 | A black man | James |
217 | A black man | Matason |
272 | A black Woman | Lucie |
292 | A black woman | Nancy |
318 | A Black Woman | Nelly |
117 | A black woman (BLACK) | Selah |
378 | AGEE | Malissa |
379 | AGEE | Marth A. | Blank |
380 | AGEE | Thomas | Blank |
Deacon |
ALLEN | Archibald |
130 | ALLEN | Elizabeth |
129 | ALLEN | Judy |
34 | ALLEN | Juliett |
64 | ALLEN | Margaret |
11 | ALLEN Sen | Martha |
105 | ALLEN 3rd | Moses |
33 | ALLEN Jun | Moses |
93 | ALLEN Sen | Moses |
7 | ALLEN | Sarah |
112 | ALLEN | William |
223 | ALLEN or SMITH | Fanny |
59 | ALLISON | Ann |
41 | ALLISON | Isaac |
215 | ALLISON | Nancy |
253 | ALLISON | Nancy |
103 | ALLISON | Polly |
42 | ALLISON | Thomas |
57 | ALLOWAY?sp | Elizabeth |
83 | ARILL | Nancy |
38 | ASHLEY | Frances |
37 | ASHLEY | Thomas |
75 | ATWOOD | Mary |
369 | BAILARD or BARLOW ?sp | Elisha |
22 | BAIRD | Jeremiah |
25 | BAIRD | Mary |
24 | BARNETT | Ketzia |
23 | BARNETT | William |
174 | BARNETT or DENNY | Mary (Polly) |
123 | BELCHER | Mary |
172 | BELSHAW | Lucie |
80 | BELSHAW | Mary |
113 | BETSY | Black |
221 | BETTY | Black |
164 | BLACK | Derry |
165 | BLACK | Fanney |
166 | BLACK | Jane |
167 | BLACK | Rachel |
342 | BLACKMAN | _es__d faded | Blank |
351 | BLACKMAN | E____ A. |
101 | BLACKMAN | Frances |
102 | BLACKMAN | Neley |
100 | BLACKMAN | Richard |
180 | BLACKMAN | Robert |
99 | BLACKMAN | Lewis |
219 | BOOKER | Permelia |
240 | BOOKER | William |
222 | BOON(E) | Emily |
47 | BRADFORD | Booker |
48 | BRADFORD | Fr? |
17 | BRADLEY | Benjamin |
266 | BRADLEY | Frances | Blank |
88 | BRADSHAW ?sp | Margaret |
198 | BRIANT | James |
110 | BRIANT | Jane |
27 | BRICKHUSSNON?sp | Dersney ?sp |
248 | BRIGHAM ?sp | James |
249 | BRIGHAM ?sp | Mary |
277 | BUCKHANNON | David |
285 | BUCKHANNON | Dennis |
278 | BUCKHANNON | Sarah |
90 | BURCHETT | Margret |
235 | BURFORD | Joycy |
159 | BURNET or TURNER faded | Wilson |
242 | BURNETT | Nancy |
96 | CAMPBELL | Melvinah |
276 | CARTER | Emeline |
263 | CARTER | Rebecca |
236 | CASKEY | John |
237 | CASKEY | Sarah |
158 | CASKEY | William |
220 | CASKY | Elizabeth |
187 | CHANDLER | Littleton |
251 | CHANDLER | Nancy |
138 | CHRISTY | Rebeccah |
84 | COAMBS | Phebe |
305 | COATS | Anna |
186 | COATS | Wilson |
161 | COLEMAN | John |
241 | COLEMAN | Wiat |
115 | COLEMAN | Wiatt (Wyatt) |
29 | COLLEY | Nancy |
317 | COMPTON | Martha | Blank |
18 | COMPTON | Matthew |
19 | COMPTON | Nancy |
252 | COOKSEY | James B. |
323 | CROSS | Elizabeth |
10 | DAVID | Polly |
357 | DAVIS | Lucinday S. | Blank |
73 | DAVIS | Susannah |
150 | DAVIDSON or ALLISON | Jane |
184 | DAVY ?sp | Kitty Worley |
20 | DEADMAN Cen | John |
21 | DEADMAN | Susannah |
375 | DEDMAN | Adalade | Blank |
341 | DEDMAN | M__l__m or W__l__m F. faded | Blank |
347 | DEDMAN | Marey |
179 | DEDMAN Jr | John |
46 | DENEY | Wiley |
55 | DENNEY | Carey |
270 | DENNEY | Clary?sp |
56 | DENNEY | Mary |
230 | DENNY | Aggy |
94 | DENNY ?sp | Benjamin |
128 | DENNY | Nancy |
137 | DENNY | Narcibey |
127 | DENNY (above is written WOODSON) | Fanney |
297 | DORSNEY ?sp | Patsey |
239 | DOSS or DORSE ?sp | Jonathan C. |
234 | DOSS | Pricilla (Cilla) |
261 | DOUGHTY | Lorenzo |
303 | DOWEL | Alisabeth sic? |
304 | DOWEL | Elisha |
382 | DOWEL | Nancy C. | Blank |
232 | DOWELL | Martha |
231 | DOWELL | Willis (Willy) |
181 | DUNCAN | Catherine |
108 | DUNCAN | Elizabeth |
44 | DUNCAN | John |
16 | DUNCAN | Richard |
45 | DUNCAN | Sarah |
107 | DUNCAN | Shadrach |
364 | EASTREDY?sp | Rebecah |
293 | ELISMO or ELISORO? ?sp | Mehy ?sp |
78 | ELLIOT or ELLETT | Margaret |
246 | ELLIS | David |
247 | ELLIS | Elizabeth |
81 | ELLISON | Mary |
70 | FARE ?sp | Elizabeth |
210 | FERGASON | Hubard Sandy |
288 | FIGG or ZIGG?sp | Martha |
281 | FIGG or ZIGG?sp | William |
40 | FRY | Abbey |
189 | FRY | Ally |
308 | FRY | David | Blank |
267 | FRY | Emily |
188 | FRY | Henry |
39 | FRY | Henry |
218 | FRY | Jacob |
371 | FRY | Sareah Jane |
149 | FRY or THOMASSON | Mary |
176 | FULLER | Elizabeth |
131 | FULLER | Harris |
160 | FULLER | James |
162 | FULLER | Jessie |
192 | FULLER | Mary |
207 | FULLER | Mary |
86 | FULLER | Mary |
175 | FULLER | Massey |
154 | FULLER | Nancy |
193 | FULLER | Nancy |
177 | FULLER | Sarah |
349 | GARISON | Mariah |
204 | GARRETT | Susannah (Susan) |
26 | GARRISON | Sarah |
264 | GARRISSON | Joseph |
360 | GEORGE | James |
366 | GEORGE | Laretta |
361 | GEORGE | Marey |
145 | GILL | Elizabeth |
146 | GILL | Elizabeth |
79 | GILL | Elizabeth |
95 | GILL | Elizabeth |
206 | GILL | Nancy |
298 | GREAR | Barthena |
348 | GREER | Marey H. | Blank |
384 | GRIFFITH | Eliza J. | Blank |
256 | HADEN | Jane |
279 | HAGER | Sarah |
368 | HALE | Martha |
307 | HALL | John |
326 | HALL | John |
354 | HALL | M___tter | Blank |
233 | HALL | Martha |
327 | HALL | Martha |
353 | HALL | Pale__t A. | Blank |
65 | HANCOCK | Elizabeth |
69 | HARRISON | Dulaney |
120 | HARTWELL | Lorenzo D. |
209 | HASKILL | Anderson |
238 | HASKILL or PASKILL?sp | Elizabeth |
269 | HEPTEN?sp | Frances |
148 | HICKERSON | Nathaniel |
227 | HICKERSON | Octava |
205 | HICKS | Mary |
258 | HOLLAN?sp | John |
133 | HOOKER | John |
144 | HOOKER | Polly |
243 | HOOKER | Polly (Mary) |
147 | HOOKER | Samuel |
4 | HOOKER | Sarah |
5 | HOOKER | Temperance |
1 | HOOKER | Thomas |
271 | HOUSE?sp | Elizabeth | Blank |
63 | HUGH (FIGH, FUGH) | C?(?sp.) |
265 | HUGH or CUGH or GUGH?sp | Mary |
244 | HUNT | Abel |
287 | HUNT | Elizabeth |
296 | HUNT | Mary |
74 | HUNT | Nancy |
178 | JOHNSON | John |
373 | JONES | William A. |
250 | KELLY | Barbary |
109 | KEPLEY | Charlotte |
301 | KYLE | Amy |
140 | LANCASTER | Judith |
119 | LANCASTER | Mary |
260 | LANCASTER | Mary |
66 | LANCASTER | Nancy |
383 | LANCASTER | Nancy M. | Blank |
313 | LANCASTER | Patrick M. | Blank |
319 | LANCASTER | Sally An (sic?) |
314 | LANCASTER | Samuel |
329 | LANCASTER | Samuel H. |
43 | LANCASTER cen | William |
185 | LANCASTER Jr | William |
68 | LANKFORD | Elizabeth |
92 | LAWRENCE | Mary |
346 | MAGNESS | Martha Alisabeth ?sic |
345 | MAGNESS or MAGINESS | Bethel |
310 | MALONE | Robert |
312 | MALONE | Robert |
214 | MASSIE | Nancy |
275 | MERYMAN | Nancy |
225 | MOOR | John |
62 | MOORE | Martha |
58 | MOORE | Ruth |
199 | MOORE or BUTLER | Lettitia |
52 | MORRISS?sp | Agnes |
28 | MORRISS | Elizabeth |
289 | NIXON?sp | Anna |
98 | NIXON | Charlotte |
142 | NUN | Rebecca |
116 | NUNN | William |
60 | OAKLEY | Susannah |
67 | ODUM | Sarah |
71 | OSTTIN | Sarah |
203 | OVERTON |
280 | PARIS | Betsy |
3 Deacon | PARKHURST | Elijah |
6 | PARKHURST | Susannah |
122 | PARRIS | Jane |
30 | PARRIS | Jane |
13 | PARRIS | Martha |
12 | PARRIS | Obediah |
201 | PASCHAL | Matilda |
173 | PASCHAL | Rhoda |
208 | PASCHAL | Samuel |
182 | PASCHAL | Sarah |
259 | PASCHAL | Sarah |
183 | PASCHAL | Susannah |
339 | PASCHEL | Joshua |
245 | PASKIL | Winney |
197 | PASKILL | Erie H. |
136 | PASKILL | Patsy |
91 | PERKINS | Ann |
97 | PETTSWORTH | Leycetty?sp |
118 | PICKEREL | Mary (Polly) |
143 | POWELL | John |
377 | PRITCHET | Arindah F. | Blank |
340 | PROWEL | Andrew |
333 | PROWEL | Jane |
344 | PROWEL | Sareah Jane | Blank |
343 | PROWELL | John H. | Blank |
211 | PRUET | Sarah |
294 | PUE or FRY? ?sp | Lary |
295 | PUE or FRY? ?sp | Namcy |
381 | REAVES | Anny | Blank |
124 | REED | Abner |
32 | RICHARDS | Sally |
170 | ROBY | Absolom |
171 | ROBY | Mary |
132 | RODGERS | John |
315 | RODGERS | John |
321 | RODGERS | Levi | Blank |
77 | RODGERS P1st | Lucie |
365 | RODGERS | Marey |
328 | RODGERS | Thomas |
157 | RODGERS | Wartzel |
268 | ROGERS | Lucy Ann | Blank |
325 | ROY | Rachel Jane | Blank |
370 | RUTLAND | Jane B. |
53 | SCEALES | Coleman |
82 | SCEALES | Rhoda |
31 | SEALES | Sally |
87 | SIMMONS ?sp | Rebecca |
257 | SIMPSON | Attalanta |
14 | SKEEF | Jessie |
15 | SKEEF | Margaret |
355 | SMART | ___l__y A. | Blank |
284 | SMART | Albert |
337 | SMART | John F. ?sp | Blank |
286 | SMART | Melinda |
356 | SMART | Tracey E. or Lucey E.?sp | Blank |
135 | SMITH | Amy |
152 | SMITH | Daniel |
9 | SMITH | Polly |
8 | SMITH | Wyly (Wiley) |
359 | SNOW | Alisabeth ?sic |
358 | SNOW ?sp | James |
229 | SOLOMON | Rachel |
302 | SPRINGFIELD | Alisabeth sic? | Blank |
134 | SPRINGFIELD | Samuel |
290 | STOKES | Barclay |
330 | TALLEY | Eliza Jane | Blank |
332 | TALLEY | Mary |
335 | TALLEY | Richard H. |
331 | TALLEY | Susanah |
322 | TALLY ?sp | Elizabeth | Blank |
334 | TALLY | Marinday | Blank |
273 | TAYLOR | Leonard |
274 | TAYLOR | Sarah |
228 | TENN | Jane |
202 | TRAIL | Harriet |
51 | TRAIL | Nancy |
216 | TUGGLE | John |
76 | TURNER | Alice |
106 Deacon | TURNER | Edward |
190 | TURNER | Elizabeth |
226 | TURNER | Elizabeth |
194 | TURNER | Fanny |
95 | TURNER | Hezekiah |
224 | TURNER | Mary (Elizabeth?) |
372 | TURNER | Sareah T. | Blank |
376 | TURNER | Susanah | Blank |
196 | TURNER | Tolaver |
367 | VIERS(?sp) | Frances |
36 | WALKER | Agnes |
35 Deacon | WALKER | Samuel |
213 | WALKER ?sp | Sarah Wiatt |
212 | WALKER | Susannah |
362 | WARFORD | John D. |
363 | WARFORD | Mallindy J. |
306 | WASHBURN | John |
324 | WASHBURN | John |
299 | WASHBURN | Lewis |
300 | WASHBURN | Nancey |
72 | WEST ?sp | Fanney |
125 | WHITE | Abel |
126 | WHITE | Elizabeth |
155 | WHITE | Elizabeth |
283 | WHITE | Elizabeth |
338 | WHITE | Marey H. |
156 | WHITE | Thomas |
282 | WHITE | Thomas |
163 | WHITE | Willis |
200 | WILKERSON | Sarah |
191 | WILLIAMS | Caroline |
169 | WILLIAMS | Jane |
168 | WILLIAMS | Robert B. |
61 | WILLIFORD | Sarah |
262 | WILSON | Anna |
104 | WOOD | Isham ?sp |
85 | WOOD | Margaret |
89 | WOOD | Margarett |
54 | WOOD (BASS) | Elizabeth |
374 | WOODSON | Harison G. |
352 | WOODSON | John J. | Blank |
50 | WOODSON | Polly |
49 | WOODSON | Tucker |
141 | WOODSON or CASKEY | Mandy |
151 | WOODSON or TALER (TAYLER?) | Karen |
114 | WORLEY | Zachariah |
320 | WRIGHT | Caroline |
121 | WRIGHT | Elijah A. |
255 | WRIGHT | Elizabeth |
316 | WRIGHT | Nancey M |
254 | WRIGHT | Paschal |
309 | WRIGHT | Stephen H. | Blank |
153 | WRITE | Elizabeth |
350 | YEARGEN | Pamelia |
336 | YOUNG | Samuel |