NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1870 TERRITORY: TN COUNTY: Smith DIVISION: District No 21 REEL NO: M593-156 PAGE NO: 214A REFERENCE: Enumerated 10 day of August by J. G. Wyatt ======================================================================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE FOREIGN BIRTH MONTH MONTH ATT. CAN'T CAN'T DEAF M-21yrs VOTE- FATHER MOTHER BORN MARR. SCHOOL READ WRITE DENIED ======================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 74 74 Meachum William 9 M W Tennessee REMARKS: Handwritten page # 11; Post Office Chestnut Mound 2 74 74 Meachum Catherine 6 F W Tennessee 3 74 74 Meachum Lucy A. 4 F W Tennessee 4 75 75 Denny W. B. 25 M W Farming 1,000 400 Tennessee X 5 75 75 Denny Aggy 25 F W House Keeper Tennessee X X 6 75 75 Denny Nick* 4 M W Tennessee REMARKS: Unsure of first name; looks like Nuck?, might be Nick* 7 75 75 Denny Iter 1 F W Tennessee 8 75 75 Denny Wesley 18 M W Farm hand Tennessee X X 9 76 76 Tubb W. R. 30 M W House Carpenter 500 500 Tennessee X 10 76 76 Tubb Elizabeth 26 F W House Keeper Tennessee 11 77 77 Draper Mary 63 F W House Keeper* North Carolina X X REMARKS: Not sure occup. is listed, may be ditto marks from prev line 12 77 77 Draper Solilla* 5 F W Tennessee REMARKS: Unsure of first name, Salella? 13 77 77 Draper James M. 3 M W Tennessee 14 77 77 Draper Martha E. 1 F W Tennessee 15 78 78 Maynor Dorcus 30 F B House Keeper 100 North Carolina X X 16 78 78 Maynor Martha J. 55 F B Assistant about house Tennessee X X 17 78 78 Maynor Mary M. 22 F B House maid Tennessee X X 18 78 78 Maynor James L. 20 M B Farm hand Tennessee X X 19 78 78 Maynor Syrus 17 M B Tennessee X X 20 79 79 Glover N. H. 30 M W Farmer 900 300 Tennessee X 21 79 79 Glover Nancy 25 F W House Keeping Tennessee 22 79 79 Glover Robert G. 21 M W Farm hand Tennessee X 23 79 79 Glover Franklin F.* 17 M W Farm hand Tennessee X REMARKS: Unsure of middle initial, part of letter missing, L?, T? 24 79 79 Glover Hanson* L. 8 M W at Home X REMARKS: Unsure of first name, Hauson? 25 79 79 Glover Mary J. 5 F W at Home Tennessee 26 79 79 Glover William R. 2 M W at Home Tennessee 27 79 79 Glover Eliza E. 10/365* F W Tennessee May REMARKS: Unsure of age, says 10/365, birth month noted is May? 28 80 80 Finlen* George W. 24 M W Blacksmithing Tennessee X REMARKS: Surname Tunlen, Fenlen, Timlen, Timber? unsure* 29 80 80 Finlen* Narcissus E. 24 F W House Keeping Tennessee X X 30 80 80 Finlen* Frances M. 4 F W at Home Tennessee 31 80 80 Finlen* John H. 2 M W at Home Tennessee 32 80 80 Finlen* William B. 1/* M W at Home Tennessee Sept. REMARKS: Age unreadable probably should be 11/12, birth mo. is Sept. 33 80 80 Finlen* John L. 21 M W at Home Tennessee X X 34 81 81 Steward* Anthony 35 M B Farmer 250 250 Tennessee X X X REMARKS: Spelling is Stward, probably should be Steward* 35 81 81 Steward* Flo A.* 27 F B House Keeper Tennessee X X REMARKS: Name may be Fila, Tila, Fla*, unsure 36 81 81 Steward* Louisa 5 F B Tennessee 37 81 81 Steward* Arabell 1 F B Tennessee 38 82 82 Steward* Wiley 32 M B Farmer 250 250 Tennessee X X X REMARKS: Spelling is Stward, probably should be Steward* 39 82 82 Steward* Jinny 30 F B House Keeper Tennessee X X 40 82 82 Steward* John H. 9 M B Tennessee