NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1870 TERRITORY: TN COUNTY: Smith DIVISION: Civil District No 10 REEL NO: M593-156 PAGE NO: 114A REFERENCE: Enumerated 27 day of August by J. G. Wyatt ======================================================================================================================================================================================== LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE FOREIGN BIRTH MONTH MONTH ATT. CAN'T CAN'T DEAF M-21yrs VOTE- FATHER MOTHER BORN MARR. SCHOOL READ WRITE DENIED ======================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 120 120 Trawick Ibby* 38 F W House Keeper Tennessee REMARKS: Handwritten page # 17; Post Office Chestnut Mound 2 120 120 Trawick Linus* 13 M W at Home Tennessee REMARKS: LN# 1&2 appear to be duplicates from previous page* 3 120 120 Trawick Mary E. 8 F W at Home Tennessee 4 120 120 Trawick Sarah L. 5 F W at Home Tennessee 5 121 121 Gillahan Rufus 20 M W Farmer 250 Tennessee X X 6 121 121 Gillahan Mary 23 F W House Keeper Tennessee X X 7 121 121 Gillahan Uriah 17/365* M W at home Tennessee Apr* REMARKS: Age unclear, possibly 17 months?, birth month is April*? 8 122 122 Hogan Carrol 45 M B Farmer 250 Tennessee X X X 9 122 122 Hogan Milberry 35 F B House Keeper Tennessee X X 10 122 122 Hogan James 16 M B Farm hand Tennessee X X 11 122 122 Hogan Caroline 14 F B at Home Tennessee 12 122 122 Hogan Charity 10 F B at Home Tennessee X X 13 122 122 Hogan Edward 9 M B at Home Tennessee 14 123 123 Petty Stephen 58 M W Farmer 2,500 1,000 Tennessee X 15 123 123 Petty John H. 22 M W Farm hand Tennessee X 16 123 123 Petty James 10 M W at Home Tennessee X 17 123 123 Petty Reid* 50 M B Farm hand Tennessee X X X REMARKS: First name Rent*, unsure of spelling* 18 123 123 Petty Hanner 48 F B House Keeping Tennessee X X REMARKS: End of District 10, Page 114B. 115A &115B are blanks..