Morris Cemetery
The Morris Cemetery is located at #384 Rawls Creek Road approx. three and
one-half miles from Lebanon Road (Hwy 70N) at Rock City. The cemetery
was once badly grown up but a family member and new property owners teamed
up to clean the cemetery. This work is still ongoing.
36-12-80N 83-03-39W
Go To Thomas Albert Morris and Mary Ann Gill Morris Pictures
Morris, Thomas A. 11 May 1838 - 23 Aug 1909
(Note: He was a Union Soldier in the Civil War in Co B, 5th Mtd. Inf.)
Morris, Mary A. 7 May 1844 - 22 July 1911
Morris, Edwin B. 22 Sept 1879 - 26 Feb 1902
Morris, Nelia 19 Feb 1872 - 22 Sept 1891
Morris, Sallie 31 May 1877 - 7 Oct 1891
(There is a older broken stone for Sallie also.)
Highers, Alton M 8 Dec 1897 - 15 Feb 1900
S/O W.A. & L.
Copied by Retta Waggoner May 25, 2002
Listed in Smith County Tennessee Cemeteries - South of the Cumberland River Pg. 15.
Picture from July 2000
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