Transcribed by Melody Carter


August 28, 1952




     We resume the publication of the records of the Quarterly Court and Court of Pleas of  Smith County, on Monday, June 21, 1802.   The place is the home of William Saunders, near the town of Dixon Springs. Present for the day’s work are the following:  Peter Turney, Nathaniel Brittain, Elmore Duglass and John Looney.  The next published item is a follows:


     “Ordered that Samuel Stalcup be allowed a license to keep an Ordinary at his now residence on Peyton’s Creek, and that he be rated agreeable to the customary rates of all other taverns in this county, who came into Court, and gave security accordingly.”  This Samuel Stalcup lived on Peyton’s Creek, but we do not know where.  We would suppose that he most probably lived in the vicinity of the present Monoville.  An “ordinary” was a public eating and drinking place where meals were placed on a table and eaten and not prepared to order.  The word is now almost obsolete, but it is still found in the dictionaries.


     “Deed, 75 acres, William Haynie to Elijah Haynie.  Acknowledged and ordered to be registered.”  This land, we presume, was also in the vicinity of Monoville, where the Haynie family originally settled on their !!coming to Smith County from North Carolina.  Elijah Haynie, “who is now nearly a hundred years old and formerly a citizen of Trousdale County, and a member of the County Court at Hartsville for years, who now lives in Nashville, is believed to be a direct descendant of Elijah Haynie of June 1808.


     The writer of this column is of the opinion that the William Haynie who sold 75 acres of land to Elijah Haynie was the father of Elder E. B. Haynie, known as Elder Ned Haynie.  Elder Haynie baptized R. B. Davis in 1859 into the fellowship of Peyton’s Creek Baptist church.  Fifty years later R. B. Davis, who had in the meantime became a Baptist minister, baptized this writer, which event occurred on Oct. 3, 1909.  A sketch of the life of Elder Haynie, from Grime’s History of Middle Tennessee Baptists, follows:




     This man of God was born in Smith County, Tennessee, five miles west of Carthage, October 1, 1805.  His parents were natives of North Carolina and came to this State when young; they were among the pioneer settlers of this section.  Though not religious themselves, yet they had a high regard for religion and often entertained preachers, and would sometimes have preaching at their house.  When in his fourteenth year, young Haynie was convicted of sin under the preaching of Elder Joshua Lester, the honored bishop of Smith’s Fork Baptist Church.  Soon after he embraced a hope and united with Peyton’s Creek Baptist Church and was baptized by Elder John Wiseman, December 20, 1819.  Brother Wiseman on the day he baptized him, prophesied that he would preach.  In a short time, though but a boy, he had impressions in that direction.  His father, though not religious, suspected something of the kind and stopped him from work on the farm and started him to school, where he secured a good practical education.  While yet in the teens he married Elizabeth Payne.  Seven children were the result of this marriage.  Having a wife, with an increasing family to support, he turned his attention from the ministry to the things of this world.  But the God who could subdue a Jonah knew how to deal with this rebellious child.  In the summer of 1827 he was brought down to death’s door.  His physician gave him up to die, but it proved to be only the chastening of the Lord, and, in the end, yielded the peaceable fruits of righteousness.  It was here that his grasp on the world was relaxed, and holy zeal kindled in his soul which must find vent in preaching the gospel of peace.  From this time on he was about the Master’s business.  In May, 1832 he was ordained to the full work of the gospel ministry by the following presbytery:  Elders Miles West, William C. Bransford and Daniel Smith.  He “made full proof of his ministry.”


     He traveled as missionary in Jackson and Overton Counties.  He was pastor of the following churches, viz.:  Peyton’s Creek, Defeated Creek, Round Lick, New Salem, Rome, Meadorville, Hillsdale and Friendship.  He did a great work with all these churches; but the monument of his ministry is found in old Peyton’s Creek Church, near his home, and where he was baptized and ordained.  He was called to the care of this church as soon as he was ordained, and remained their pastor for fifty years, during which time the church continually flourished.  It could truly be said that this was his “joy and crown.”


     In April, 1852, the wife of his youth fell on sleep and he was again married, March, 1853, to Miss Margaret Haynes, by whom he had two sons.


     Bro. Haynie was a good preacher and a great revivalist.  In doctrine he was a strong Calvinist and gloried in the doctrine of election.  In practice he sometimes affiliated in the exchange of pulpits with ministers of other denominations.


     He was a man of means, owning a valuable farm, near where he was born, and a beautiful country home.  It was a privilege of this author to spend some time in this home short!!ly before his death, and a more companionable brother he never knew.  It was his delight to encourage a younger brother who had aspirations.


     He lived to a ripe old age and at his own home in the mist of loved ones, he peacefully breathed his last.  You say he is dead?  “No, not dead, but sleepeth.”  Though numbered with  the dead, he lives on with the deeds of righteousness which know no death.  Grime’s History, pages 195-197.


     “Ordered that Daniel Witcher, Reuben Goad, James Bodine, Martin Young, Abealom Tedwell, Charles Wakefield, James McKain, Willoughby Pugh, William Jenkins, Robert Collier, Frederick Hill and Louis Pipkin be a jury to view, mark and lay off a road agreeable to law, from Daniel Witcher’s to the State line in a direction to the Salt Petre Cave, and report same to our next Court.”  Here we have an item of more than passing interest.  We know that Daniel Witcher died in the year 1815, 13 years after the Court record just given.  We reported last week that he lived in the vicinity of Red Boiling Springs, from the best we had then been able to learn.  Since that time we have learned that Daniel Witcher lived on what later became known as the Dr. Smith farm on Long Fork, not far up the creek from where Highway 52 crosses the stream, that the older members of the family were buried on top of the hill to the east of Long Fork on the present Patterson farm.  So a road leading from Daniel Witcher’s to the Kentucky line in the direction of the “Salt Petre Cave,” would have naturally been viewed and marked right down Long Fork Creek.  The “Salt Petre Cave” of that day and time was doubtless the present “Salt Petre Cave” owned by Jimmie Tucker and located on the waters of White Oak Creek, not many miles northeast of Lafayette.  The supposition is that the road was laid out down Long Fork by the Louis Pipkin farm, thence up the hill at Liberty church, thence across the dividing ridge to White Oak Creek about the Abe Cook farm, thence !!to the top of the next ridge and then on to the Kentucky line by way of the present Underwood.


     Our view of this matter is strengthened by reason of the appointment of certain men whose early member of the church at Liberty.  The name, Frederick Hill, is recalled by one of our fellow townsmen, but he does not remember where he lived.  All these points “tie” together and make out a fairly good case for the road as above outlined.


     Reuben Goad was a son-in-law of Daniel Witcher, whose daughter, Mary, married him in 1788 or 1789.  James Bodine and Absalom Tedwell are entirely unknown to the editor, as are also James McKain, Willoughby Pugh and Robert Collier.  We would judge that Martin Young was another son-in-law of Daniel Witcher, as three of his daughters married Youngs.  Charles Wakefield very probably was another son-in-law of Witcher, whose daughter, Susannah, married a Wakefield.  William Jenkins, who is included in the number to lay off the road, was the founder of the family in this part of Middle Tennessee.  He was the father of Roderick Jenkins, known as Roddy Jenkins, ancestor of our own Alex W. Jenkins; Noah Jenkins, ancestor of the Long Creek family of Jenkins; and Jacob or John Jenkins, and perhaps both.  Jacob Jenkins is believed to have been the ancestor of the present merchant, Jacob S. Jenkins, of Bakerton, above Red Boiling Springs.  Both Jacob and John Jenkins are listed in the census of 1820 as residing in Jackson County, and both being men of families and each was then above 45 years of age.  We believe that all four were brothers are the sons of William and Nancy Jenkins.  William Jenkins died in 1807, and his wife was left to administer on his estate.


     Martin Young was probably son-in-law of Witcher, as above mentioned.  He or one of the other Youngs is believed to have been the ancestor of the Hailey Young who was once a leading citizen of Lafayette and a public official.  He was the husband of the late Mrs. Annie Young, whom we rec!!all quite well in our early work as editor of the Times.


     The spelling of the word, “Saltpeter,” which is correct, was used as given above because it appears spelled in this manner in the old records.


     “Ordered that Thomas Draper be Overseer of the road leading from Pleasant Kearby’s to Daniel Witcher’s, and that all the hands living on Wartrance waters and on the main fork of Salt Lick Creek and the waters thereof, work under said Overseer.”  We do not know where Thomas Draper lived, but would suppose that he lived in the upper Jennings’ Creek section.  However, this is a mere guess.  The main fork of Salt Creek probably referred to that part of Salt Lick of Cumberland which rises near Dean Hill and flows southeastward into the Cumberland.  We do not know where Pleasant Kirby (sic) lived.  If any reader can tell of the place of his residence, the information will be appreciated.  It would appear from another part of this article that the road overseeing by Draper ended on Long Fork Creek, where Daniel Witcher lived.


     “Ordered that the certificate of Governor Williams, of North Carolina; and also the certificate of William White, Secretary of said State, with the papers accompanying the same, in favor Joseph Fox, be admitted to record and the same registered.”  No comment.


     “Ordered that Andrew Greer, William Carothers, William Martin, Peter Turney, James Ballou, Daniel Tyree, Godfrey Fowler, William Douglass, Vincent Ridley and Abram Thompson be a jury to lay off and mark a road from Samuel Carothers’ to intersect the Fort Blount Road near McFarland.”  Andrew Greer lived on the lower part of Middle Fork of Big Goose Creek.  The Carothers are thought to have lived somewhere on the waters of the East Fork of Big Goose Creek, perhaps not far from Greer.  William Martin, Peter Turney and James Ballou lived on Dixon’s Creek.  We do not recall at this time the places of residence of the other here mentioned.  We know wher!!e the Fort Blount road was, but we confess we do not know where McFarland was.


     “Ordered that Robert Collier be Overseer of the road leading from Michael Murphy’s to Witcher’s on the Ridge; and that Tandy Witcher, Absalom Tedwell, Jonathan Hill, William Tedwell, Charles Wakefield, Jr., William Marshall, Lacy Witcher, Daniel Witcher, Charles Wakefield, Sr., James Bodine, Reuben Goed, William Jenkins, William Donoho, Frederick Jones, James McKain, and George Wins or Winzard work under him.”  Here we have another order which is somewhat confusing at this time, 150 years removed from the time and place set forth in the above item.  We know that Michael Murphey lived then at the present Pleasant Shade, an earlier Court having been held in his home, which is said to have stood in the present field to the rear of the Bob Williams home in Pleasant Shade.  We would judge that the road led up the present Highway 80 to the foot of what is called Boston Hill, thence up that big hill, around the Ridge to the present Russell Hill and we know not how much further, except that it was to end at Witcher’s on the Ridge.  Just what Witcher this was, we do not know.   As has been noted already, Daniel Witcher did not live on the Ridge, but in the valley of Long Fork Creek.  However, he had three sons, Tandy, Lacy and Booker Witcher, and one of them might have been the party referred to as marking the end of the road over which Robert Collier was to be overseer.  This Robert Collier is one of the same men mentioned earlier in this article as having been appointed to mark or lay out a road to the Kentucky line from Daniel Witcher’s.


     The reader will note that about half of those to work under Draper had been previously appointed as a jury to lay off the road from Witcher’s to the Kentucky line.  New names that appear are: Jonathan Hill, presumed to have been a brother of Frederick Hill; William Tedwell, presumed to have been a brother of Absalom; and Charles Wakefield, Sr., supposed!! to have been the father of Charles Wakefield, Jr., although the first mention of Charles Wakefield, in the jury to lay off the road to Kentucky, has neither Sr., nor Jr., after it.  William Donoho is presumed to be the ancestor of the numerous Donohos of Smith, Jackson and Macon Counties, who married a daughter of Roderick Jenkins and reared a large family.  Frederick Jones is another newcomer to this column, and is believed to have lived in the vicinity of the present Russell Hill.  The last name, that of George Wins or Winzard, is not clear and we have no further comment at this time.


     We would again remind our readers that we gladly correct any item that is in error.  We would also call your attention to the fact that quite a lot of “supposing” and “presuming” is to be found in our comment on the old records.  We stand subject to any correction on any point that is in error.  Furthermore, if additional information that any reader has about any of the characters herein mentioned can be furnished to us, we shall be more than glad to publish same.  Your co-operation in getting these items as nearly correct as possible is requested.  It is exceedingly difficult to be certain on many points that involve a lapse of 150 years.

(To be Continued.)