These Pictures Graciously Submitted by Thomas D. Dickerson
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Cal's Ordination
Cal's Ordination As A Baptist Minister By Mt. Tabor Baptist Church,
Located At Pleasant Shade, Tn. In 1912. Cal Is In Second Row, Center Picture.
Cal & C.B. Massey
Cal And Fellow Minister, C.B. Massey. Circa 1925
Mace's Hill Church Baptizing
Cal Baptizing Converts Into Mace's Hill Baptist Church - 1927
Cal, Lambert & Sloan
Cal, F.W.Lambert & A.J. Sloan, Fellow Ministers,
At A Lock & Dam. Circa 1940
Mt. Tabor Church Baptizing
Cal Baptizing Converts Into Mt. Tabor Baptist Church - 1955
L-R Janet Gregory Domincovitch, Linda Brooks Oldham, Tom Dickerson,
Focian Russell & Clyde Russell
Cal's 60th Birthday Celebration
Sponsored By His Home Church, Mt. Tabor - 1951
L-R (Front Row Only)Sisters, Marietta Perrigo, Clara Barton,
Cal, Wife, Bettie, Sisters, Alice Beasley, Nanny Porter,
And Grace Dickerson
Cal's Family on his 60th birthday celebration at Mt. Tabor Church
Cal, Tommy, Lawrence's son, Charlie, Betty with grandbaby, Catherine, Charlie's wife, Frances,
Leonard's wife, Sue, Leonard, Meddie, Judy, Lawrence's daughter and Lawrence

Cal, Lambert & Massey
Cal's 60th Birthday Celebration At Mt. Tabor Church - 1951
L-R (Front Only) F.W. Lambert, Cal & C.B. Massey (Fellow Baptist Ministers)

Mace's Hill Church
Cal Was Instrumental In The Organization Of This Church In 1917.
He Was Elected The First Pastor And Continued As Pastor Until His
Death In 1957.
(Photo By Tom Dickerson, 2000)
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Mt. Tabor Church
Cal's Home Church, Mt. Tabor.The "New" Church Building Was Built Circa 1960.
The Old White Church Building Was Located Downhill And Across Highway 80 From
The Present Building. Cal's Church Membership Remained At Mt. Tabor Throughout
His Life. He Was Pastor Of Mt.Tabor Church At The Time Of His Death.
(Photo By Tom Dickerson, 2000)
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