The Tennessee State Library & Archives (TSLA) houses the surviving records of the Tennessee State Penitentiary.
The following list is for individuals in the index of Shelby County inmates at the state penitentiary between 1831-1850. For information on how to get more information about these records, please contact TSLA.
The table below lists each individual names, crimes and age.
Last Name | First Name | Crime | County | Age |
Allen | John | passing counterfeit money | Shelby | 42 |
Allen | Wiley | larceny | Shelby | 19 |
Bailey | John | larceny | Shelby | 28 |
Balduff | Henry | petit larceny | Shelby | 15 |
Ballentire | William | grand larceny | Shelby | 30 |
Bennett | John | negro stealing | Shelby | 31 |
Berry | John A. | grand larceny | Shelby | 25 |
Blackwell | Joseph | petit & grand larceny | Shelby | 36 |
Brewer | James | grand larceny | Shelby | 39 |
Brewer | Wesley | passing counterfeit money | Shelby | 20 |
Brown | James | larceny | Shelby | 32 |
Brown | William | horse stealing | Shelby | 37 |
Bruce | Nathaniel | grand larceny | Shelby | 24 |
Buchanan | Edward | grand larceny | Shelby | 48 |
Bunch | Basil | having & pass[ing] c[ounterfeit] money | Shelby | 23 |
Burke | William | larceny | Shelby | 22 |
Butler | James | larceny | Shelby | 29 |
Caldwell | William | larceny | Shelby | 30 |
Campbell | William | grand larceny | Shelby | 33 |
Charles | Devit | petit larceny | Shelby | 42 |
Clasure | John | grand larceny | Shelby | 53 |
Corroman | Michael | larceny | Shelby | n/a |
Covington | William C. | slave stealing | Shelby | 23 |
Davis | Richard | petit larceny | Shelby | 36 |
Davis | William | robbery | Shelby | 33 |
Dayton | Josiah | grand larceny | Shelby | 24 |
Dorsey | Cornelius | keeping counterfeit coin | Shelby | 29 |
Eddington | Andrew | grand larceny | Shelby | 29 |
Elloitt [sic, Elliott] | Ransom | malicious shooting | Shelby | 48 |
Fallick | Isaac | passing counterfeit money | Shelby | 28 |
Fasting | William | grand larceny | Shelby | n/a |
Finney | Augustus | arson | Shelby | 16 |
Fisher | Jacob | grand larceny | Shelby | 33 |
Forbes | Saml. H. | murder in 2nd degree | Shelby | 24 |
Frazier | Ermando | horse stealing | Shelby | 25 |
Gordon | Robert | petit larceny | Shelby | 16 |
Gott [Jott?] | Sterling M. | negro stealing | Shelby | 28 |
Griffith | Oliver | grand larceny | Shelby | 33 |
Grooms | James | grand larceny | Shelby | 70 |
Hall | Jonathan A. | obtaining goods by false pretence | Shelby | 23 |
Hanna | John Ezra | malicious shooting | Shelby | 25 |
Harrell | Henry | grand larceny | Shelby | 33 |
Harrison | Benjamin R. | stealing promissory notes | Shelby | 25 |
Harrison | John | horse stealing | Shelby | 24 |
Hecock | John | larceny | Shelby | 21 |
Henry | James | larceny | Shelby | 33 |
Herron | Jack | larceny | Shelby | 28 |
Hobbs | A. | forgery | Shelby | 24 |
Hoffman | Danl. | larceny | Shelby | 23 |
Hooper | Nimrod | negro stealing | Shelby | 49 |
Hoy | Hugh | grand larceny | Shelby | 35 |
Husky | Blake | arson | Shelby | 31 |
Jackson | Thos. P. | petit larceny | Shelby | 33 |
Jestice [Justice?] | Robert | horse stealing | Shelby | 31 |
Jones | Charles W.H. | larceny | Shelby | 30 |
Jones | Wm. G. | horse stealing | Shelby | 24 |
Kelly | James | grand larceny | Shelby | 45 |
Kirksey | Jesse B. | grand larceny | Shelby | 39 |
Larkey | Saml. | larceny | Shelby | 30 |
Leger | Lewis D.H. | assault to kill | Shelby | 29 |
Lickstein | Daniel | grand larceny | Shelby | 25 |
Little | John | grand larceny | Shelby | 31 |
McBride | John | counterfeiter | Shelby | 39 |
McCoy | John A. | negro stealing | Shelby | 33 |
McKay | Robt. | petit larceny | Shelby | 33 |
McKinley | R[?] R. | harboring a slave | Shelby | 31 |
McMahan | John | larceny | Shelby | n/a |
Mills | Thomas | receiving stolen good[s] | Shelby | 32 |
Mitchel | Abraham | larceny | Shelby | 26 |
Mitchel | James | robbery | Shelby | 23 |
Nebas | Matthew | petit larceny | Shelby | 27 |
Norris | Ambrose A. | petit larceny | Shelby | 25 |
O'Donnell | John | larceny | Shelby | 30 |
Orr | John | petit larceny | Shelby | 31 |
Pass | ashington G. | horse stealing | Shelby | n/a |
Popelaski | William | larceny | Shelby | 22 |
Randal | Thompson W. | larceny | Shelby | 38 |
Rial | John | larceny | Shelby | 35 |
Rodgers | Thomas | larceny | Shelby | 40 |
Ross | William W. | robbery | Shelby | 19 |
Sanders | James | Receiving stolen goods | Shelby | 27 |
Seymour | W.H. | grand larceny | Shelby | 17 |
Simpson | John | grand larceny | Shelby | 24 |
Smith | William | obtaining goods under false pretence | Shelby | 29 |
Smolenski | Stanislous | p[etit] larceny | Shelby | 49 |
Spears | Abram | murder 2d degree | Shelby | 20 |
Spooner | Sanlis[?] | petit larceny | Shelby | 43 |
St. John | Francisco | grand larceny | Shelby | 26 |
Stanton | George | larceny | Shelby | 20 |
Taggart | John | obtaining goods by false pretence | Shelby | 26 |
Taylor | James | petit larceny | Shelby | 22 |
Taylor | James | circulating counterfeit coin | Shelby | 49 |
Taylor | William | arson | Shelby | 23 |
Thomas | H.W. | larceny | Shelby | 47 |
Todd | Samuel H. | robbery | Shelby | 20 |
Tomlinson | Elijah | malicious stabbing | Shelby | 29 |
Turner | John | grand larceny | Shelby | 44 |
Valentine | Ratchford | murder 2nd degree | Shelby | 34 |
Walker | Peter | manslaughter | Shelby | 45 |
Walter | Robert | larceny | Shelby | 26 |
Ward | James | grand larceny | Shelby | 27 |
Webb | Jesse | p[etit] larceny | Shelby | 28 |
Whitesides | Samuel | p[etit] larceny | Shelby | 39 |
Williams | Caleb | larceny | Shelby | 23 |
Williams | John | petit larceny | Shelby | 36 |
Wilson | Samuel | larceny | Shelby | 47 |
Wise | George | attempting to pass c[ounterfeit] money | Shelby | 33 |
Wolf | Moses | passing counterfeit money | Shelby | 27 |
Woodruff | John A. | petit larceny | Shelby | 22 |
--?-- | Williams | larceny | Shelby | 21 |
Showing 1 to 110 of 110 entries
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