OF DIRECTORS is their commitment to growth of our community as well as how they
contribute to the function of the board from their varied professional perspectives.
In celebrating our bank's 90th anniversary, we felt it appropriate to link the personal
strengths of our directors with the strengths of First National Bank in a special
advertisement campaign. The following photos of our board of directors give an insight
into the hobbies and/or personal philosophies of this group of folk who from years
of practical experience know that our bank can do only as well as our community
does. They either live here or work here so they have a vested interest in how our
communities grow. It just makes sense to want to build and plan for a better way
of life for our children and their children. That's why First National Bank of Oneida
is com-mitted to leading the way for economic growth for our area.
“Having run a lumber business
for over 40 years, I've been on both sides of the desk. I know the
difficulties businesses face with meeting weekly payrolls and struggling,
oftentimes, just to stay in business. When people come to me to talk about
their problems, I can relate because I have been there.” |
“Whether it be father/son or
banker/customer, quality time spent one-on-one helps relationships flourish.
At First National Bank we believe people bank with people, so we make every
effort to give each of our customers our undivided attention. They deserve
it.” |
“Travel is a big part of my job
at Hartco, but for scenic beauty, friendly people, and dependable,
hard-working, there-when-you-need-them good friends, you can't beat the folk
who bank at First National Bank of Oneida.” |
“Mountain biking requires skill,
strength and perseverance. The same
can be said for banking and our bank has delivered in all these areas for 90
years.” |
Dr. Frank Thomas, Vice
Chairman of the Board
“As a founder of the Stearns
Museum, I understand the importance of preserving and safeguarding items of
historical significance. As Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of First
National Bank, I understand the responsibility we have to safeguard the trust
that has been built over the 90 years we've been in business.” |
“Coaching soccer helps me
instill in our leaders of tomorrow the importance of teamwork, skill,
strength and playing by the rules. At First National Bank strength,
dependability and trust of our customers are what have kept us the winning
team for the past 90 years.” |
“Priorities change and new ones
are added as we progress through life. At my stage of life, one of my higher
priorities is “it's pay back time” to my family and community for the good
things they have provided me. The reputation of our bank has been 90 years in
the making and I intend to do my part in keeping the trust of our customers
at the top of our list of priorities.
The trust of our customers is the strength of bank.” |
“Safeguarding the hard-earned
dollars that belong to our valued customers by prudent investments is what
has made us the lead bank in our area and kept us a vital part of our
community for 90 years.” |
“Despite all fhe technological
advances we made with computers and so forth, some things never change and
are “just like they used to be in the good ol’ days.” At Frist National Bank,
we still try to treat our customers in the same friendly, courteous and
respectful way that our first customers were treated at the bank back in
1904. “The customer comes first”; that is something that will never change.” |
“As a board member I know that
the same care and attention that results in my drug store customers trusting
me, is provided the customers of First National Bank of Oneida. They can be
assured of efficiency, accuracy and most importantly, confidentiality with
regard to their accounts. Our customers can depend on us.” |
“Grandparents want
the world of their grandchildren to be the best it can be - the best in
educational and career opportunities - the best quality of community and
personal life. A responsibility that First National Bank takes seriously is
helping shape the economic growth of our area. This results in jobs that give
our children and grandchildren the opportunity to have the good things we
wish for them - right here at home.” |
page was created by Timothy
N. West and is copyrighted
him. All rights reserved.