Scott County, Tennessee
Civil War Veterans with County Connections

This page was updated 06 Sep 2008

Here is a list of over 450 Civil War soldiers with Scott Co. connections.  This list comes primarily from Paul Roy's Scott County in the Civil War book, a book compiled for the Scott County Historical Society.  Several names have since been added to this list and appear below.

Acres, David
Adkins, Arthur
Adkins, Brock
Adkins, John
Adkins, Joseph
Adkins, Pryor
Adkins, Sherwood
Allen, Calvin
Anderson, George B.
Anderson, John
Angel, Archibald
Angel, Nimrod
Baker, Hiram
Banks, Irvin
Beard, Josiah
Begley, Thomas
Bell, William
Bird, Jesse L.
Blevins, Daniel
Blevins, Isaac
Blevins, Pleasant
Blevins, William
Boles(1), John
Boles(2), John
Boles, Robert F.
Boles, William M.
Bowling, Andy
Bowling, Berry
Bowling, Isham
Bowling, James
Bowling, Nathan
Bowling, William
Bowls, John C.
Boyatt, Andy
Boyatt, David
Boyatt, Elisha
Boyatt, William
Braden, Granville
Bramble, John P.
Bridges, David
Brown, Hamilton
Brown, James M.
Brown, Jesse Thomas
Brown, John Russell
Brown, Moses
Brown, Thomas
Brown, Whig
Brown, Willis
Bunch, Isaac
Bunch, James M.
Bunch, Layford L.
Burchfield, Jessey Y.
Burchfield, Robert
Burns, Joseph H.
Burroughs, Samuel S.
Buttram, Daniel
Buttram, Iredell
Buttram, Jim
Buttram, Joel
Buttram, John
Byrd, Jesse Lawson
Byrd, Melton A.
Byrd, Peter
Canada Jr., Madison
Canada Sr., Madison
Canada, Jackson
Canada, Wesley
Carroll, Houston
Carson, Cyrenous
Carson, Jackson
Carson, James
Carson, Johnny A.
Carson, Samuel
Carson, William M.
Cecil, Beaty
Cecil, Joseph M.
Cecil, William
Cecil, William H.
Chambers, Isham T.
Chambers, John
Chambers, Riley
Chambers, Silas L.
Chambers, Thomas
Chambers, William A.
Chambers, William B.
Childers, Arthur L.
Chitwood, Andrew E.
Chitwood, Calvin
Chitwood, Daniel M.
Chitwood, F.M.
Chitwood, Henry Hamby
Chitwood, James
Chitwood, James Harrison
Chitwood, Joel
Chitwood, John H.
Chitwood, Miley
Chitwood, Thomas H.
Clark, John
Clements, Willie B.
Collins, James
Conner, Ransom J.
Connor, David
Cotton (or Whitecotton), Wayne W.
Cox, Alexander B.
Cox, Stephen
Crain, William B.
Creekmore, Andrew Jackson
Creekmore, David H.
Creekmore, Randolph B.
Creekmore, William W.
Cross, Abraham
Cross, Jacob Queener
Cross, James M.
Cross, John F.
Cross, Newton Perry
Cross, William A.
Daugherty Sr, John
Davis, Matthew P.
Davis, Phillip
Davis, Sephen E.
Davis, Travis
Davis, Welcome H.
Dawn, Henry C.
Dickerson, John W.
Dodson, James
Dorman, John S.
Duncan, Craven
Duncan, G.C.

Duncan, Isaac M.
Duncan, Israel
Duncan, Thomas
Duncan, William C.
Edwards, Cyrus
Ellis, Edward
Ellis, James
Ellis, Martin
Epperson, John E.
Epperson, William
Everett, James
Fague, Calvin
Farby, David
Fetterman, John
Foster, Patton
Francis, William D.
Franklin, George W.
Freels, William C.
French, Gordon
Fritts, Ransom
Fuston, John M.
George, James
Gibson, George
Gibson, Henry
Giles, Solomon H.
Goad, Johnson
Goad, Joshua
Goad, Little B.
Goodman, Henry
Goodman, John
Green, Harris S.
Greer, John Calvin
Griffith Sr., Joseph
Griffith, Abraham
Griffith, Allen
Griffith, Andrew
Griffith, Fielding
Griffith, Hamilton
Griffith, Henry
Griffith, Isaac
Griffith, John
Griffith, Joseph
Griffith, Louis
Griffith, William
Hall, Lilborn H.
Hammon, Jacob
Harness, James
Harness, John
Harness, Thomas
Hatfield, David
Hatfield, James
Hatfield, Joseph F.
Hembree, Hamilton
Hembree, Meshack
Henry, John C.
Henry, William
Hicks, Anderson
Hix(1), Thomas
Hix(2), Thomas
Hix, Marion
Honeycutt, Ambros
Honeycutt, Byrant
Honeycutt, Reason
Honeycutt, Thomas
Honeycutt, Uriah
Honeycutt, William
Honeycutt, William Riley
Hughett, Allen
Hughett, Calvin
Hughett, John
Hughett, Thomas
Hurtt, Isham
Hurtt, Moses F.
Hurtt, Reuben
Hutson, John E.
James, Richard J.
James, William B.
Jeffers, Blagburn
Jeffers, Daniel
Jeffers, Jasper
Jeffers, Marion
Jeffers, Stephen
Johnson, Thomas
Jones, Evan B.
Jones, Nicholas
Jones, Samuel
Keathly, William R.
Keen, Alderson Thompson
Keeton, Baty
Keeton, Burg
Keeton, Ewell
Keeton, Melton
Kennedy, Francis M.
King, John
King, Kirby
King, William
Lackey, Joel
Laxton, Alfred
Laxton, Jesse
Laxton, Lefish
Laxton, Thomas
Lay, John
Lay, Lewis
Lay, William P.
Lewallen, Campbell C.
Lewallen, John
Lewallen, William
Lloyd, Johnson
Lloyd, Jonathan
Lloyd, Thomas J.
Lockhart, Francis
Looper, Emerson
Looper, John
Low, Alexander
Low, Jacob
Low, John
Low, Jospeh
Low, Michael
Lowe Jr., Phillip
Malone, David
Marcum, G.W.
Marcum, Henry
Marcum, Hiram C.
Marcum, Reason
Marcum, Reuben
Marcum, Simeon
Martin, Ivey
Massengale, John
Massengale, Jordin
Massengale, William
Massey, James
Matthews, Thomas Barnes
McAnna, Mike
McCoy, Thomas
McDonald(1), James
McDonald(2), James
McDonald, Allen
McDonald, Amos
McDonald, George
McDonald, Samuel
McDonough, Michael
McDowell, Charles E.
McKinley, Andrew
Mullins, Peter
Murphy Jr., James
Murphy Sr., James
Murphy, David
Murphy, William
Neal, Joseph
Newport Sr., Ezekiel
Newport Sr., James
Newport Sr., William A.
Newport, Asa
Newport, Benjamin Solomon
Newport, Calvin
Newport, Fielding
Newport, James
Newport, James M.
Newport, Joseph
Newport, Joseph C.
Newport, Phoenix
Newport, Richard
Newport, William A.
Ott, John A.
Owens, John
Owens, Welsey C.
Owens, William R.
Padgett, John
Parker, Alvin
Parker, Emberson
Parker, James Crawford
Parker, Martin
Patten, Hymelas
Pemberton, Stewert
Pennington, Fielding
Pennington, George W.
Peter, _____
Peycke, Amandus
Phillips, Abner
Phillips, Abraham
Phillips, Emanuel
Phillips, Fountain
Phillips, James
Phillips, Jehu
Phillips, John
Phillips, Josiah
Phillips, Riley
Phillips, Thomas L.
Phillips, Timothy
Phillips, William
Pollard, George L.
Privett Jr., Andrew
Privett, James
Privett, Salem
Privett, Solomon
Reddick, Wesley
Reed(1), Allen
Reed(2), Allen
Reed, Campbell County
Reed, Claiborn
Reed, Harrison
Reed, Isaac
Reed, Shadrach
Reed, Wiley
Reynolds, Joseph
Riddle, John
Ridley, Garlan J.
Riseden, Isaac
Roach, Simston
Robbins, Harrison
Robbins, John
Robbins, William
Robinson, John C.
Rollen, John B.
Ross, Alfred C.
Ross, Joel C.
Rosser, W.M.
Rowland, John M.
Ryan, Cicero P.
Ryan, Moses S.
Sagar, Peter
Seiber, Jackson
Sexton, Aaron
Sexton, Caswell
Sexton, Christopher Columbus
Sexton, Daniel
Sexton, Emanuel
Sexton, Fountain
Sexton, Hiram
Sexton, James
Sexton, Julian
Sexton, Ransom
Sexton, Shadrack M.
Sexton, Thrigtrom
Sharp Sr,. James
Sharp, George Washington
Sharp, Nicholas
Sharp, Russell L.
Sharp, Tillman
Sharp, William (Billy)
Silcox, Levi
Silcox, Preston J.
Silcox, Robert Bratcher
Silcox, Stephen
Silcox, Thomas R.
Simpson, John
Sims, Thomas J.
Slagle, Henry C.
Slagle, Keelan
Slaven, Anderson B.
Slaven, Elias Meshak
Slaven, Jefferson
Slaven, Richard
Slaven, Richard D.
Slavey, Pleasant
Small, Leander
Smith, Alexander G.
Smith, Bailey P.
Smith, Calvin Morgan
Smith, Caswell
Smith, David
Smith, Edward C.
Smith, Edward D.
Smith, Ewell
Smith, George W.
Smith, Grog
Smith, Henry Clay
Smith, Leon
Smith, Robert F.
Smith, Sam
Smith, Stephen
Smith, William B.
Smither, Jesse
Smither, Jonathan
Smither, Reuben
Smither, William Turner
Smithers, Rubin
St Clair, John W..
Stanley, Louis c.
Stanley, Rhodes
Stanley, Robert J.
Stephens, James Granville
Stockwell, Joshua W.
Stonecipher, Curtis
Stonecipher, Joseph
Stonecipher, Wayne
Strunk, Alexander
Strunk, Solomon
Taylor, Alexander L.
Taylor, Britton
Terry Jr., Elijah
Terry, Josiah
Terry, Martin Jr.
Terry, Milton
Thomas, Henry
Thomas, James
Thomas, Joseph
Thomas, William
Thompson, Esau
Thompson, George
Todd, George W.
Toomey, Patrick
Tramel, Jarett
Trammell, David
Trammell, Dennis
Trammell, Fredrick
Trammell, James
Tuder, James H.
Vanover, Ransom
Walker, Daniel
Ware, Green
Waters, Elijah
Waters, John
Webb, George
Webb, Willis
West, "Jr." William T.
West, John
West, Pleasant W.
West, Reason
West, Reason
Wilhite, John C.
Wilhite, John W.
Wilson Jr., James Manuel
Wilson, James
Woodrum, George W.
Woolsey, Benjamin
York, David
York, Jesse
York, Matthew
York, Micagah
Young, Solomon

This page was created by Timothy N. West and is copyrighted by him. All rights reserved.