A 1924 Murfreesboro Letter From Mother to Daughter

Thanks so much Bonnie :)
March 24, 1924
Dearest Daughter: - 
Will try and write some to night. I am very tired tho.
Aunt Sarah and I went to Cross's store this morn. and purchased 2 1/2 bin of irish potatoes and garden seed. Dad said tell you he was having bad luck at the barn. The cows all are dry except 4 and a nice heiffer died. My horny heiffer has a young calf, so we will get more milk soon. Said he was getting along very slow farming. Has about 1/2 of the big clover field turned and we planted garden to day. Will plant irish potatoes tomorrow. 
I have peas, onions, radishes, beets, and mustard planted.
Spencer is playing the violin to night. We all  went yesterday to
see Mattie. She was fixing to go to church, she and Spencer went. We went in Jack's ford. Haven't got ours in running shape yet.
Spencer didn't buy .... so on this spring, but Dad says he is going
to fix it real soon.
Mattie has a new hat, blouses and 2 sweaters are on the order of
yours and one sleeveless.    I have been and got my hat and gloves, hat is black with a bunch of fruit cherries and plums, 2 bands of grey baby ribbons, no brim behind. Gloves are black kid. I am ready to go see you. You know I always have to wait for the wonderful 15th, the cream check. You know very well how
that goes. So you can look for me about the 16th if nothing happens or maby the 15th.   Guess we will have a good time when it does come.    You know tomorrow it will be as long as it ever has been since I saw my baby girl. I will be 53 tomorrow.
Aunt Mollie Davis is real sick. Dr. Hall stopped to see her this
morn. Said he didn't know for sure whether she had pneumonia or not yet, but its something on that order.     Aunt Queak Fleming is in bed, has to be turned over, and they say she squalls like a wild cat. Her side hurts bad. And there is 5 has measles at Mrs. Billingsleys.
We aim to see them tomorrow eve. I must go to see Aunt Mollie in the morning too. I am very busy going to see the sick now.
Well they have had loafers rest in jail again, guess thay won't get
out of this so easy. They had J. Rains, Claud and Everette Benson, and George Richie all in jail Friday night but they all made bond $5000 each except George Richie he is in jail yet. They went to Bradyville, the car broke down and had to call for George Richie and on Benson to come after them. They stopped at Will Harvies called for him to come out called him a black son of Bitch then began shooting in the house. And of course frightened his wife very bad. Harvie was gone to town. They almost have proof who they were too.
The day I went to town old Willie Rains and Richies wife came here
to telephone for George's step daddy. They came and called twice that day.     And Friday eve. Verner Abernathy and I went to see Mrs. Smithson. And old ... and Willie both came. I was sure glad I was gone too. But they didn't do any good tho. They are all afraid George R. will tell on them if they don't get him out of jail. Glen Hope swore that they came in home soon after dark said he saw them come down the Woodbury Pike and they were ar Bradyville at ... O'clock that night when the car broke down and J. said he got home directly after dark. They could put Glen in the lock up for swearing a lie. And may do so yet.    Bill Benson got John and Bud Gum to get his boys out of jail.    That Jack was in the crowd too but he is too young. They can't send him to the penitentiary tho. 
 Well Morgan Patton came to Luthers Sunday. He said they had made peace at Bradyville now. The 2 banks have gone together now. They ruled out the Ferrells so they no longer have any say so about the banks.   He asked about you, who you married and where you lived.
Poor Mrs. Smithson looks awfully feeble. Charley is sick with a cold now. They nave lost 2 cows and have 2 more down. It looks like they are having awfully bad luck now.
Mrs. Craynor came Mon. eve. Asked about you. Said tell you hello! And said she thought you might write her a card.
You know Mr. Craynor has been pretending to be terribly good friends to us. He came to get your Dad to give the land to the high-way. You know it will take on both sides, he said every body had given from here to town except Tom Patillo. John Anderson came up next morn. said he wouldn't give and said Craynor didn't even stop at Byron Sloans at all and so I think he just plainly lied. 
If he had been a friend to us, he would try to help Dad get pay, so
away with George Craynor now for me. The lying rascal thought he would just talk Dad in to it but he failed. And if he ever does come sticking in here to lodge at night again, he will get very cold comfort from your Ma. Now thats me all over. You know we will have to move the barn and the fences, ..... too and they want 60 ft now. Dad says he is going to have some pay if it can be gotten at all. Simp Huston is wroking from here up and Craynor from here to Murf.  Virginia Abernathy went to sleep and slept 36 hours. and they claim she had something like flu for 2 weeks after she woke. They didn't have any doctor. said they couldn't wake her up at all and didn't even let her Dad know it till it was all over. Now there is something peculiar about that.   I don't feel a bit good about that. She must have been doped or something very strange about it. Robert and ..... did know certainly know something about her in some way now sure or they would have called Jim. Don't you think so?
Well I guess you are having some time now keeping house. Say Bryar expelled Richard Gammvell from school today. He caught him smoking.   They are going to have a play Sat. night April 5. Come down and we all will go. Well everyone is in bed now asleep. Guess I had better follow now so good night with lots of love for you both.
Mother C.
p.s.Grace, I have lost your no. please send it again. I am going now to see Aunt Mollie. Feeling better this morn. Yours lovingly. Mother C