Early History of Middle Tennessee
By Edward Albright, 1909

Chapter 34

Events Of 1792
Indian Ravages
General Knox Refuses To Co-Operate With The Colonists
Col. Valentine Sevier
Death Of His Sons
Forts In Robertson County Attacked
Massacre At Zigler's Station
Murderers Pursued

     Early in this year, despite all previous efforts to bring about peace, the ravages of the Indians broke forth anew. Historians very properly attribute this turn in the tide of affairs to the credulity of Governor BLOUNT and General KNOX, the latter then Secretary of War in President Washington's Cabinet. These officials allowed themselves to be imposed upon by protests of friendship from such treacherous deceivers as Hanging Maw, Little Turkey, Bloody Fello, Breath of Nickajack, John WATTS and a host of lesser lights from among the Cherokees, Creeks and Chickamaugas. In return for honeyed words and strings of beads the chiefs above mentioned demanded and received from the officials powder and lead. With the latter supplies they were secretly equipping expeditions against the various settlements. At the same time Generals SEVIER and ROBERTSON were forbidden to pursue these marauding bands beyond the boundaries of their own land.

     Indeed, the public records of this period clearly indicate that General KNOX was not in sympathy with the Western settlers. He publicly expressed the belief that "the whites were almost invariably the aggressors, and the Indians the injured parties."

     Governor BLOUNT knew where to place the responsibility. He was also well aware of the trials through which the colonies were passing. He believed, however, that the shortest route to peace was by the path of kindness and a meek compliance with the numerous demands of the enemy.

     Such a policy was doubtless well founded in theory, but, as the later annals of American history show, was very poor from the standpoint of the practical. Too, the Governor's better judgment and natural inclinations were probably hedged about by reason of his official positions, both of which demanded a minute compliance with the orders of the Secretary of War.

     On January 2 of this year the Governor wrote a letter to General ROBERTSON during the course of which he said: "I have heard that the Little Turkey Chief has sent you a very friendly letter and begs a supply of powder and lead. These things are trifles and had better be spared, if they can, than refused." A few days later he wrote, "Watts has sent me a peace talk and a string of beads. I believe he is in earnest."

     Had General SEVIER been Secretary of War and General ROBERTSON, or even young Andrew JACKSON, Governor of the territory during this eventful period the white wings of peace would doubtless have hovered over Watauga and the Cumberland before the expiration of twelve months from the organization of the Territorial Government. Instead, the war was lengthened out over a period of five eventful years, during the course of which many lives were sacrificed and much valuable property destroyed.

     In the forbearance and long suffering of SEVIER and ROBERTSON and the brave pioneers who composed their respective colonies, there is for all succeeding generations a great lesson of patience.

     The star of Alexander MCGILLIVRAY, the once powerful Creek chief, was now on the wane. The fact of his having received a hundred thousand dollars by a private clause in the Treaty of New York had become known, and the head men of his nation were bent on revenge. There arose in his stead an individual who was much traveled. He had recently visited England and other countries beyond the seas and now boldly proclaimed himself "General BOWLES, Director of the affairs of the Creek Nation". He denounced MCGILLIVRAY, asserting that the latter had been both bribed and cheated at the making of the Treaty of New York.

     He also coolly announced that while abroad he had been empowered by the British Government to declare void all treaties of his nation with the whites and to himself conclude a treaty with the Creeks. By the terms of the latter all lands previously claimed by them should be restored. Though his statements were never taken seriously by the whites, he was the source of much of the cruelty which fell to their lot later on.

     In the early spring BOWLES sent one of his head men, Cot-ea-toy, on a visit to General ROBERTSON at Nashville. He bore with him from BOWLES professions of lasting friendship for the settlers. He was kindly received and entertained, but General ROBERTSON was careful to send his son, Jonathan ROBERTSON, around with the visitor wherever he went, believing him to be---as in reality he was---a spy.

     Soon after this visit John WATTS and several other Cherokee chiefs arrived on a like pilgrimage at the home of General ROBERTSON. When about to depart the polite request was made that on the return journey they might be allowed to kill some game as they "passed over the white man's land."

     All these visits were made with sinister motives, and afforded the savages the privilege of spying out the strength and position of the settlements.

     Expecting a series of attacks, General ROBERTSON now ordered an organization of the militia in the three counties of Davidson, Sumner and Tennessee. The companies thereof were to be stationed at the various forts. A force of five hundred volunteers was called for, these to be held in reserve, but subject to the call of duty at a moment's notice. Capt. John RAINS had under him a band of rangers with headquarters at his station in Waverly Place. He kept two of these always on guard, and by a blast of his horn could call into action his entire force.

     Major SHARP, of Sumner County, was in command of a troop of cavalry. This though a Government force, could at all times be depended upon to act in concert with the local militia for purposes of a common defense. All of the above were held in readiness for an outbreak, which was confidently expected.

     One of the most picturesque characters of the Cumberland settlement was Col. Valentine SEVIER. Some years previous to this period he had removed from East Tennessee and established a station at the mouth of Red River, in Montgomery County, on the present site of New Providence. He brought with him his family, consisting of his wife and five sons. There were also in the party his sons-in-law and the families of Messrs. PRICE and SNYDER, two relatives by marriage. All of these took up residence at the New Providence station. Col. Valentine SEVIER was a brother of Gen. John SEVIER. From early youth he had been a hunter and warrior. Despite his now advancing years he was as erect as an Indian, spare of flesh, had a clear skin and a bright eye, which was ever on the alert for danger.

     He had served with distinction throughout the war of the Revolution as well as in all the Indian wars of his time, having obtained his rank at the battle of Pleasant Point in 1774. He is reputed to have been remarkably fond of his horse, his wife and children, his gun and hounds, glorying yet in the thrill of the chase.

     Hearing of the call for volunteers issued by General ROBERTSON, his friend of former days, Colonel SEVIER gave permission to his sons, Robert, William and Valentine, Jr., to go at once to Nashville and there enlist under the banner of the common wealth.

     It was decided that they should make the trip thither by canoes. Accordingly, on January 18, 1792, they began the ascent of the Cumberland in company with John PRICE and two others whose names tradition has not preserved. Reaching a sharp bend in the river they were discovered by a skulking band of Indians, who crept across the narrow strip of land intervening and hid themselves in the bushes at the water's edge on the other side. As the boats drew near the savages fired upon the occupants, killing the three SEVIERS and the two unknown men. While the enemy reloaded their guns PRICE hastily turned his canoe about and started down stream. Seeing, however, that he would be intercepted, he rowed to the opposite shore, and leaving his canoe, made his escape into the woods. After several days of wandering he reached the river bank opposite Clarksville. He was brought over by the settlers and from thence conveyed to Colonel and Mrs. SEVIER news of the terrible disaster which had befallen his companions.

     After the escape of PRICE the Indians boarded the canoe, scalped the dead and threw their bodies into the river. They then went their way, carrying with them all the guns, provisions and supplies found in the captured boats.

     The smaller forts in the neighborhood of Clarksville were now for a time abandoned, the occupants going for refuge to Sevier's Station.

     Several forts had at this time been established near the present location of Springfield, Robertson County. In February or March an attack was made upon these by a party of Creeks. John TITSWORTH, Thomas REASON and wife and Mrs. ROBERTS were slain. Also the entire family of Col. Isaac TITSWORTH except himself and an older daughter. Colonel TITSWORTH was absent from home and his daughter was carried away captive. The house in which the family resided was burned. Miss TITSWORTH and other captives were kept in the Creek camp near the mouth of the Tennessee until the first of June. They were then carried south into the Creek nation, where Miss TITSWORTH remained for three years. For a long time she was supposed to be dead, but in the summer of 1795 Colonel TITSWORTH, hearing that she was probably yet alive, journeyed through the Creek nation in search of her. Finally locating the rendezvous of her captors, he opened negotiations with them and arranged for her release by an exchange of prisoners. In retiring from the attack on the Springfield station the Indians discovering that they were being pursued, tomahawked and scalped three children they were carrying also into captivity.

     Among those prominent in affairs among the early settlers of Tennessee County were Thomas JOHNSON, father of Hon. Cave JOHNSON; Francis and William PRICE, the FORTS, and others, all having in later times a long line of descendants in Montgomery and Robertson Counties. Small parties of the enemy were now prowling about all parts of the settlement.

     During the morning of May 24 General ROBERTSON and his son Jonathan were sitting on their horses at the spring near his house. They were fired upon from behind a clump of bushes and thick cane, the General receiving a shot in the arm which caused him to drop his gun. In attempting to recover it he fell from his horse, which became frightened and ran off toward the house. Two of the savages were rushing toward him with raised tomahawks when Jonathan, though himself severely wounded in the hip, fired a well-directed shot, which pierced them both and thus covered the retreat of himself and his father. The ball which struck General ROBERTSON passed the length of his arm from the wrist to the elbow, shattering one of the bones. He was, on this account, disabled for several months.

     Failing in the above attack the Indians continued about the neighborhood for several days, during which they killed a boy within sight of the ROBERTSON residence and a little girl near the bluff fort.

     On the night of June 26, a force of several hundred Creeks, Cherokees and Chickamaugas made an assault on Zigler's fort, in Sumner County.

     During the morning preceding some of their advance guard had killed Michael SHAFFER while he was hoeing in a field adjoining the station. When the neighbors who had collected went out to bring the body into the fort, the Indians fired upon them from ambush, wounding Joel ECCLES and Gabriel BLACK. The latter was a brother-in-law of Gen. James WINCHESTER.

     The men were thus forced to leave the body of SHAFFER and flee for safety into the fort. The enemy kept up the fire for some time, but finally dispersed. About sundown the occupants of the fort again ventured out and brought the dead body into the enclosure.

     The alarm having been given, people for several miles around, including the occupants of the Walnutfield station, came into the fort to spend the night. These numbered in all probably thirty persons.

     For some unknown reason they all retired at an early hour, leaving no sentinels on guard.

     About 10 o'clock the attacking party stole out from the neighboring thickets, surrounded the fort, broke down the doors of the cabins, and fell in merciless assault upon the sleeping settlers. The latter thus awakened, fought as best they could, but were able to make but poor defense against such overwhelming numbers. At length the savages fired the fort, thus forcing the inmates to face the tomahawk in an effort to escape the flames.

     Jacob ZIGLER, founder of the fort, ran up into the loft of his cabin and was burned to death.

     Archie WILSON, a fine young fellow, who had volunteered his services to defend the fort that night, fought bravely, but finally, when wounded and retreating, was brought to bay and clubbed to death. His body was found next morning about a hundred yards from the station. Beside these, three other persons were killed, one of them a negro girl. Four were wounded, among them being Capt. Joseph WILSON. The wife and six children of Capt. WILSON, two children of Jacob ZIGLER, and nine other persons were taken prisoners and spirited away into captivity.

     Mrs. ZIGLER escaped with one child by thrusting her handkerchief into its mouth, thus preventing the noise of its crying as she fled through the darkness. The destruction of the station was complete.

     General WHITE, of East Tennessee, hearing that his sister, Mrs. WILSON, and five of her children, had been carried into the Cherokee nation, sent a messenger to the chief and had them released by purchase. One of the WILSON children, a daughter, was captured by the Creeks and for many years remained among them a slave. After returning from captivity she long retained the manners and customs of her captors. On the morning after the destruction of the fort a party under command of General WINCHESTER and Col. Edward DOUGLASS went in pursuit of the Indians. Capt. John CARR, John HARPOOL and Peter LOONEY were sent forward as spies. They took the trail of the retreating party and followed them across Cumberland River. From thence they proceeded up Barton's Creek to within about three miles of where Lebanon now stands. Here they came upon twenty-one packs of the plunder from the station, all of which had been nicely tied up and hung on trees. The packs were carefully protected from the weather by strips of peeled bark which had been placed over each. Having but few horses, the Indians had thus disposed of a part of their luggage until a part of them could go back and steal horses enough to bring it forward. In the meantime the main body was hurrying on with the prisoners.

     The pursuing party having now come up with their advance guard, some of them were sent back home with the captured plunder, and also that they might warn the settlers to be on the lookout for the horse thieves. The rest hastened on after the retreating enemy. At the big spring now on the public square at Lebanon they stopped to rest and drink. There Captain CARR and others cut their names on a cedar tree which stood by the spring for many years thereafter. Again on the chase the party came to a small stream of water which ran across the trail. On the banks of this they saw barefoot tracks of the children who had been captured. A little further on they found the smoldering embers of a fire from which the Indians had lighted their pipes and around this were scattered scraps of dressed skins, from which it was supposed they had made moccasins for the children, the feet of the latter having become sore from hard traveling. This was confirmed when later on they saw in the mud their little moccasined footprints. This is at least one instance of savage kindness to those who were so unfortunate as to fall into their hands.

     The whites camped that night at Martin's spring near the subsequent home of Esquire DOAK. Next morning they came to the place where the Indians had camped the first night out. As the latter were already a day and a half ahead, general WINCHESTER advised that the pursuit be abandoned, thinking it probable that the captives would be killed if the savages should be overtaken.

     On the journey homeward it was found that the horse-stealing party had returned in the meantime to the camp on Barton's Creek and there discovering the loss of their plunder had followed on to the big spring. Here they had cut on the surrounding trees signs of various characters in mock imitation of the names previously carved by CARR and his companions.

     On her return from captivity Mrs. WILSON related that when the advance party of Indians having in charge the captives, came to Duck River on the journey south, they halted in waiting for the rest of their number, upon whom they relied to bring up the captured plunder. When the latter arrived empty-handed, there was almost a pitched battle. In the fray knives and tomahawks were drawn by members of each party against those of the other. Mrs. WILSON said she was much alarmed lest in the rage they should kill herself and the rest of the captives.

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