Samuel McMurray Land Division
Samuel McMurry Land Division
Source; Will Book 6, p. 347, Robertson County, Tennessee.
Transcribed by Larry Hallstrom
© 2008
State of Tennessee
Robertson County We the undersigned commissioners appointed by the County Court November Term 1830 to divide the real estate of Samuel McMurry Dec’d agreeable to the last will and testament of the said Dec’d. Hence in conformity to said order divided the same as follows:
To wit, Beginning at the Sulphur Fork where a crop fence through the bottom field joins the same accruing thence North 12 degrees East with said crop fence to a small spanish oak in the Gallatin road. Thence with said road to Wisenor’s line. Thence South with his and Phepps lines to a sugartree. Thence West to a rock corner fence North 10 degrees East to the Sulpher Fork. Thence down the same with its several meanders to the beginning, all of which we do allot to the widow of the aforesaid dec’d except one half of the Spring the shop, still house and cider press which Robert McMurry is to have free access to without any molestation whatsoever. Given under our hands this 4th day of January 1831.
Henry Johnson Surveyor
Grandberry Bagget
David Jones, Sr.
Jas. Sawyers Sr.
John Baldwin
Robertson County Court Feb Term 1831
This Division of the real estate of Samuel McMurry Dec’d was returned unto Court & ordered to be recorded.
Test; W. Seal Clk
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