George Pool Estate Inventory
George Pool Estate Inventory
Source: Robertson County Tennessee Will Book 1 page 226, 227.
Transcribed by Jerry Wilson
© 2009
In obedience of an order of Robertson County Court bearing date August Term 1806.
Glanster, Sina, Rachel, Diley, Peter, Anne, one hundred sixty and one-half acres of land, five head of horses, fifteen head of cattle, thirty three head of hogs, fifty eight head of geese, sixteen head of sheep, three feather beds and furniture, four bedsteads, two chests, two woolen wheels, one spinning wheel, one pair of fire dogs, three ploughs, three axes, 1 pair iron wedges, four hoes, one mattock, one pair drawing chains, part a lock chain, two pairs collar & hames, one cross cut saw & test, one froe, five (seting chains), three pots and one skillet, one dutch oven, one griddle, one frying pan, three pair and one pair of pot hooks, one pair flat irons, one pair fire tongs, one small trunk & parcel of books. One loom and pair of warping bars, five flays & two (flase) hackles, four pewter plates, four pewter dishes & seven basons, fifteen spoons, two tea kittles, one spice mortar and pestle, one looking glass, & one woman (saddle) and brush, one mans (saddle) and brush two old (saddle) trees, two candle sticks & snuffers, one stone butter pot, one box of lumber, eight earthen plates, three bowls, set of tea cups and saucers, case of knives and forks, cuting knife board, water vessels, hogshead barrels & two wheat sifter, one pair of scales, one X leged poplar table, one clock (teel) & winding blades, four pair of chairs, six pair of old chairs, three burow traps, one meal sifter, two bells, one lamp, parcel of leather, parcel shoe maker tools all blades & pair of sheep shears, one small grindstone, pair of razor (shares) & one guttering plane, auger, center bit & planer, square, foot adz, & one (….) and one compass saddle, augar, chissel and wheel wrights tools, shot mauls and hogheads claws, one shop vice and hand vice, one glue pot, two & half pounds of glue, one pair of steelyards, one pad lock, one small old waggon, part of one old rifle gun, one razor strop & one hand saw & file and rest, crop of corn.
Signed Martin Walton for Chloe Walton formerly Chloe Pool.
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