William Moore Inventory

Source; Robertson Co., Tn., Will Book 3, p.445-448

Transcribed by Larry Hallstrom
© 2008


Wm. D. Moore D’d  To the heirs of Wm. Moore Dec’d for s_____  colla____



One Bond on James Rainey (Roney, Roe)                                           $448.55

One   Do  on William Purell                                                                      4.50

One   Do  on  I ea.  Price                                                                         3.00

                        January 1822

One Bond on Stephen Dodson                                                             427.86

One   Do  on Dorson  &  Frey?                                                            162.50

One   Do  on William Irwin                                                                     85.00

One   Do  on Elizabeth Horgan                                                                 4.75

One   Do  on Joseph Lewis                                                                  183.35

One   Do  on  J_____  &   Co.                                                            122.23

One   Do  on Stephen Dodson                                                             183.35

One   Do  on Charles Wilson                                                               122.23

One   Do  on James Rially                                                                    122.23

One   Do  on Joseph Seivers                                                                183.35

One   Do  on Wm. McKipacks                                                            244.46

One   Do  on  P. H. Stringer ?? & Co.                                                  122.23

One   Do  on John Hubbard                                                                     8.36

Rec’d of Dickson & Atkinson in part                                                      63.00

Rec’d of Thos Donoho                                                                           18.00



                                    Credit by Money                                             2259.54




Credit by cash paid for the Ex______                                                     $85.00

By cash paid Betty P Moore                                                             15.00

By   Do  paid Jno. McMillin                                                                       3.75

By Cash paid B. & E. G. Rawling                                                             47.00

By cash  Do  Francis Durrett                                                           11.44

By cash   Do  Charles Kilgore                                                                       .88

By Cash  Do  paid Clark                                                                            4.75

By cash paid   Do  of  Do                                                                         10.30

By cash paid J. Hutchison                                                                             .78

By cash paid for Tax 1819 in _______                                                     66.03

By cash paid Francis Borin                                                                         1.50

By cash paid Cave Johnson                                                                      10.00


18th Decr 1820

By cash paid Thos. Baird                                                                        480.00

With the a_______  of 8 percent                                                               32.00

8th June 1821

By cash paid   Thos. Baird                                                                       100.00

12th By cash paid Do  Do                                                                       100.00

1832 27th Feby  By cash paid  Do                                                        1033.00

By cash paid Rich’d Carrol                                                                         6.13

Set of  McAlpine  Acpt                                                                               8.78

To off an Derrett Richard ____-                                                       33.20



Expenses to and from N. Carolina                                                              35.00




Am’t Brought forward and                                                        1/3       $2490.41


Widows part                                                                                          83.13 1/2

Six  Legacies                                                                            1/6       166.27 1/2

Each Legatees                                                                                        27.71 1/4


Paid  $249.41  full  a_____-  above ____

                                                            Wm. D. Moore


D  and the within  act                                                                            $2508.95

                                    Also one first ____                                              222.64



Cr. Adj.  within act                                                                                 2259.54


Cr by trouble in settling Estate in N.                                                          472.05

    Carolina  _____  act filed

                                                            A ____  Estate 1/3                       398.05


                                                Creditors part                                         $139.68

Each Legacies being 6 in No.                                                                    $44.23


Ww the  Commissioners appointed by the County Court of Robertson to Settle with Wm. D. Moore Executor of the Estate of Wm. Moore Dec’d do Certify that the above and foregoing act current with said Executor is correct.  Given under our hands this 11th 1822

                                                                        Thomas P Johnson

                                                                        William Pope

                                                                        A. Duncan


Robertson County Court September Term 1822 an account  current with Wm. D. Moore Executor of the Estate of William Moore Dec’d was returned into Court and ordered to be recorded.

                                    Teste                            Wm. Seal  Clk



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