William Moore Estate division with Frank Durrett
Source; Robertson County, Tennessee, Will Book 3, p.208.
Transcribed by Larry Hallstrom
© 2008
Francis Durrett’s Part
The part of the Estate of William Moore Dec’d account for the heirs of Frank Durrett to wit, Negro woman called Rose Dily Jackson Loucinda, 1 Old bay horse, one cow got of Walton ? from the others one sow 1 axe, 1 saddle $9____ 1 pr wood cards, 1 cha_____ skillet, 1 Cider pail 37 1/2 Cts, 1 Bedstand, 1 Raw hide, Lot of books No. 3 $2.50 also property now in his pocession $27.41 2/3 ____ Bed of the Estate by the Legatees $918.86
Int. due the Legatees $967
Rec’d on above 918.86
Due $48.14
By one horse 20.00
Due $28.14
By note 28.14
Janry 4th 1821
Martin Walton
James Gates
Thos. Johnson