Source; Robertson County, Tennessee, Will Book 3, p.334
Transcribed by Larry Hallstrom
Dr. Robert Long Executor of the Estate of James Long Snr
To amount of Sale $1473.125
To 1 note on Concrad & Elroddum 1 July 1822 877.50
To 1 note on Samuel Hawkins 73.00
To John H. Williams Constables recpt 48.00
To notes and cash ammounting to 64.49
State of Tennessee} Agreeable to an order of Court to us ______ _____
Robertson County } we have proceded to settle and adjust
the ammount current with Robert Long Executor of the Estate of James Long Dec’d and after examing the Vouchers we find the Executor indicated to the Estate the sum of two thoudand three hundred and one Dollars ninety eight & a half cent. Given under our hand this 12th day of Nov. 1821.
William Ross
John Hutchins
Robertson County Court Nov. Term 1821
This account Current with Robert Long Exctr of the Estate of Jas. Long Dec’d was returned into Court, examined, a _______- and ordered to be recorded.
Test Wm. Seal Clrk