Addison Brewer Admr. Of Jones Brewer
To amt of Account of sale rendered 536.34
“ “ Inventory rendered 274.75
Amount of charges $811.09
Cr By H. Damenwood’s note insolvent 98.98
“ “ Woodard & Patterson acct 3.18
“ “ John S Hutchinson’s 2 receipts 12.33
“ “ Deceased note to M. J. Williams 28.20
“ “ Deceased note to M. Jernigan 87.64
“ “ C. B. Williams acct 10.00
“ “ William Randolph acct 3.00
“ “ Richard’s & Strother’s acct 76.56
“ “ Copeland & Co. acct 7.17
“ “ John Brewers acct 20.33
“ “ E. Brewer’s receipt Keeping Nancy 49.00
“ “ J. K. Woodsons receipt 3.00
“ “ Dr J. S. Mulloy’s receipt 5.25
“ “ Tax Receipt 1853 11.00
“ “ Dr John C. Patterson’s receipt 21.15
“ “ Deceased note to F. J. Bewseley 19.80
“ “ J. B. Edward’s (running) sale 1.00
“ “ D. E. Brooks receipt 3.00
“ “ W. Eatherly’s receipt 2.00
“ “ William Meguiar “ 2.00
“ “ Daniel Mulloy’s “ 2.00
“ “ Iredell Whites acct 20.00
“ “ J. M. Wright Receipt costs .85
“ “ W. Sam’s receipt 51.00
“ “ H Brewer receipt keeping Jude 98.00
“ “ Sallie Brewer Receipt years allowance 61.92
“ “ Bond, Security & accounts of sale 2.25
“ “ Clerk Murphey receipt for cash 1.20
“ “ Allowance to Adm. 30.00
“ “ Clerk for the settlement 2.50
“ “ George Brewer note insolvent 40.00 774.31
$ 37.18
Robertson County Court May Term 1855
The foregoing settlement with Addison Brewer Amin. Of Jones Brewer
Dec’d was presented to the Court, examined allowed and
ordered to be recorded. R. H. Murphey clerk