1844, April. Church met (__________) (_______) Br. Steel moderator, the church open her doors for the reception of members the church agreed to get a new church book and appointed Br. James M. Wright to get it, got and received. The church dycreed that Br. Frank belonging to Stephen Turner should have the liberty of exercise his gift dun on Sunday in public.
1844, Church met May conference 1844, Br. William Gorge chosen moderator & Sunday morning church sat and received Rachel Eubank by experience to be baptize.
Church met June conference 1844 Br. Steel moderator, first opened her doors for the reception of members, second appointed delegates to the association, we have chosen our beloved brethren William White and James M. Wright and agreed to send one dollar for the use of the association. We petition for the next association appointed Br. James M. Wright to rite the letter to the association motion maid and second and agreed the we call Br. William Hughlett to account for his not attending our church meeting and (___) by (_____) appointed Br. Reubin Wright to talk to him for satisfaction and report him at our next meeting then closed.
Church met on Sunday morning and baptized by experience a woman belonging to Abram Young by the name of Milly and was baptized.
Church met July conference 1844, Br. Joseph P. Ashford chosen moderator the case of Br. William Hughlett be carried over until next meeting then closed.
1845. Church convened at July conference, first the chosen J. P. Ashford moderator. Second the reference of the church call for (___) (____) the case of Br. William Hughlett and Br. Reubin Wright being present and stated that he failed to see him and the Br. Steel (_____) to see him and then agreed to lay it over until next meeting.
Church met August conference 1844, J. P. Ashford chosen moderator and then closed.
Church met February conference 1844 (1845?) Br. William Gorge moderator the case of Br. William Hughlett be held over until next meeting, motion maid and second and agreed that there be some person appointed to be door keeper and attend to making fires & Br. Francis M. Wright appointed.
March conference 1845 but nothing to do
April conference 1845 Br. Robert (Norviel?) chosen moderator but nothing to do
Church convened May conference May 1845 Br. Robert (Norviel?) chosen moderator closed.
Church met June conference 1845 Br. Robert (Norviel?) chosen moderator first appointed our delegates to the association we have chosen our beloved brethren Fielding Wright and William White and James M. Wright when convened at the head of Red River meeting house state of Tennessee Robertson County to commenst the Saturday before the first Sunday in August 1845, agreed that we appoint brethren Reubin Wright and Fielding Wright to talk to Br. Wilkerson Cummings for not attending church meeting and site him to our next meeting.
Church met July conference 1845 first Br. Fielding Wright moderator, Reubin Wright came forward and states the he wishes to (______)(___) & win he could and this gave satisfaction to the church.
Church met June conference 1846, first appointed or delegates to the association we have chosen our beloved brethren William White, Reubin M. Wright, James M. Wright to con this August when convened at New Salem meeting house (________) (_____) to commence the Saturday before the first Sunday in August 1845 appointed the church to rite the letter to the association and agreed to send one dollar for the use of the association.
Church met July conference 1846 Br. Steel moderator the association letter be reads & received.
Church met November conference 1846 J. P. Ashford moderator first motion maid and second and agreed that we take up the case of Milly Gorge which was about her (_____) the church unanimously declared (____) fellowship against her and closed. Second the church taken up case of Br. William Hughlett for attendance our church meeting (_______) the church declared & removed fellowship against him, closed.
Church met June conference 1847, Br. Steel , moderator first motion and second and agreed to appointed time deacon to service this church I place of others, elected by private ballot. Br William White and Reubin Wright to be ordained on Saturday before the second Lords day in July 1847, the brethren met and examination was performed by brethren Joseph Pitt and J. P. Ashford and Isaac Steel and open examination found to be in (_______) was ordained second the association call for read and received then it agreed to send one dollar for the use of the association then it appointed three delegates to the association, we have chosen our beloved brethren William White, Francis M. Wright, James M. Wright and in case of failure John W. Webb. (____) (_____) no (____) worthy of setting and meeting with the brethren when convened at Shiloh meeting house Allen County Ky to commence on Saturday before the second Lords Day in August 1847, the clerk appointed to rite the association letter then closed.
July conference met and nothing to do 1847.
(ditto monthly through)
May conference met 1848
June conference met 1848 the church appointed their delegates to the association, as (____) appointed Br. William White & Reubin Wright & Francis M. Wright and in case of failure John W. Webb & appointed James M. Wright to rite the association letter & agreed to send fifty cents to the association funds.
July conference met 1848 & the association letter call for, red and received.
August conference 1848 met.
:September conference met 1848 sister Nancy Doris call for a letter of dismission it granted to her.
October conference met 1849
(ditto monthly through)
May conference met 1849
June conference met 1849 motion maid and agreed that Br. Joseph P. Ashford act as moderator and then appointed our delegates to the association we have appointed brethren William White and Reubin Wright and Francis M. Wright and in case of failure John W. Webb and agreed to send fifty cents for contribution
July conference met 1849 Br. Dosen Bell (Dawson Bell ?) chosen as moderator the reference of the church call for, red and received which was the letter to the association, next this church appointed brethren William White and Reubin Wright to talk to Br. Steel and to see whether he intends to attend this church.
August conference 1844 Br. Joseph P. Ashford chosen moderator & Reubin Wright caim fored and stated that Br. Steel requested to be releasted then a motion was maid and second that the voice of the church be taken and agreed and a vote was taken and the majority was in favor of it then motion maid and second that we call Br. Joseph P. Ashford to the pastoral care of this church and agreed to it over until next meeting Sep.
September conference 1849 Br. Steel vote as moderator and motion maid and was second and agreed that we have now chose Br. Steel again and he agree to attend us again as hear to for and glad received.
October conference 1849 Br. Steel moderator, first sister Rachel West caim fored and requested a letter of dismission from this church to near hear home but this church did not grant it to hear at present.
November conference met 1849, Br. Steel moderator then caim fored sister Rachel West again and stated that she had joined and then church and requested her name be to be raised off of the church book but the church said to be a lost to give hear up but order hear now arased off of the church book then Br. Steel stated that a black brother belonging to John Payne by the name of Nelson that he had joined and other church and wish his name to be arased off of our church book and adjourned.
December conference met 1849
January conference met 1850
February conference met 1850
March conference met 1850
April conference met 1850
May conference 1850 church met first chosen Be. Josiah P. Ashford moderator taken the voice of the church on Br. Wilkerson Cummings for his Pat attending church meeting after being sent for the church unanimously excluded hear, also Anas Biggs for hear leaving the country with out call for a letter of dismission, this church declared (_____) fellowship against hear also this declared (_____) fellowship against Sinithy McElheny for hear (____) attendance also Thos McElheny declared (______) fellowship Jane Webb (_____) for hear none attendance.
Church met June conference Br. Steel moderator first chosen our delegates to the association we (____) (_____) of our beloved brethren William White & Reubin Wright & J. M. Wright & in case of failure John W. Webb & agreed to send fifty cents for the use of the association.
Church July conference 1850, nothing to do
(ditto monthly through)
Church met May 1851, nothing to do
Church met June 1851 Br. Steel moderator first by sericet balet elections delegates to the association William White, Reubin Wright & John W. Webb & in case of failure Francis M. Wright agreed to send fifty cents to the association fund, 2nd Br. Reubin Wright stated that sister Harriett Wright requested hear name to be arased off of the church book in consequence of her wanting to joining the church at Pleasant Hill, this church declared (anonce) fellowship against hear and therefore we consider hear no more union with us 3rd agreed that J. M. Wright rite the association letter.
Church met July 1851 Br. Steel moderator, nothing to do
(ditto monthly through)
Church met May 1852 Br. Steel moderator, nothing to do
Church met June 1852 Br. Steel moderator, 1 motion maid and second that we represent ourselves in the association agreed that J. M. Wright rite the letter.
Church met July 1852 Br. Steel moderator, association letter red and received.
Church met 1852 Br. Augt Br. Steel moderator.
(ditto monthly through)
Church met May conference 1854 Br. Steel moderator,
Church met Jany conference 1854 Br. Steel moderator, first Br. John W. Webb hereby appointed to talk to sister Rebecca Kirby sent with regards to hear joining hear self to another church not of our faith on order (___) fail to give satisfaction to the church was excluded.
Church met July conference 1855 Br. Steel moderator.
(ditto monthly through)
Church met March conference 1856 Br. Steel moderator.
Church met April conference 1856 Br. William White elected as moderator motion maid and seconded & agreed to appoint three & trustees to supervise the repairing of the church at the Head of Red River meeting house, appointed John McGuire & John W. Webb & J. M. Wright to act as said trustees. Motion maid and seconded (____) to reject the (Ellectic) brought for said (____) at said church.
J. M. Wright acted as trustee imployed Irby Hudson & William Hudson (_____________________) at nineteen dollars. (Joel) Warren eight thousand shingles at 25 cents per thousand, $20.00, 1 set of planks cut $7.00, 50 lbs nailes at $3.50, 1 (____) lock at $1.10, 1 Thruboult & Boult 15 cents, 1 ½ lbs of 2op nailes 10 cents. 2 pare of butts 80 cents, 2 bbls. Putty 20 cents, 5 lbs of nailes 35 cents. Lot Hughes for shingling and painting the house $12.00.
Church met May conference 1857, Br Steel moderator.
(ditto monthly through)
Church met Feby conference 1858, Br. Steel moderator.
Church met March conference 1858 Br. E. Bryant acted as moderator in consequence of Br. James Heck being unable to attend this church it motioned and seconded and agreed that E. Bryant to be cald to attend this church until Br. Steel get able if ever and agreed to.
Church met April conference 1858 Br. E. Bryant moderator.
(ditto monthly through)
Church met July conference 1859 Br. E. Bryant moderator.
J. R. call (___) Wm Warren.
1. Rachel West excluded
2. Jane Stringer dead
3. Elizabeth Payne dead
4. Nancy Morgan dead 1846
5. Fanny Wright dead
6. Rachel Briley dead 1846
7. Piety Briley dead
8. Elizabeth Evins dead
9. Elizabeth Hudson dead
10. Jarih Mequire dead
11. Polley Webb
12. Lucy Summerville
13. Rebeca Kirby excluded June 1854
14. Nelly Barry
15. Lucy Turner dead 1848
16. Harriet Williams dismissed by letter
17. Sarah Johnson dead
18. Aanas Biggs erast for her not attend
19. Sarah Biggs dead 1846
20. Frances D. Webb dead
21. Minerva C. Wright
22. Philissa Wright dead
23. Cinth McElhaney excluded for her not attend
24. Jane W. Barry excluded for not attend
25. Mary Martin
26. Nancy Hall dismissed by letter 1846
27. Nancy Davis dismissed by letter
28. Susan Rodgers dead
29. Harriet Wright excluded 1847
30. Winiford West dismissed by letter 1847
31. Elizabeth West
32. Elizabeth Wright
33. Talither (C___ces)
1. Thomas Aston decest 1848
2. Edmond Morgan decest 1848
3. Eligha Eubanks decest 1845
4. John W. Webb
5. James M. Wright
6. Reubin Wright
7. Fielding Wright decest 1846
8. Francis M. Wright
9. Wilkerson Cummins
10. William Hughlett excluded 1846
11. William White
12. Stephen Jones decest
1. Straughn Citty dead 1849
2. Youngs Mary dead
3. Woodard Lidia
4. Johnson Jack
5. (Golclought) Mathew
6. (_____) Isibel
7. (__yks) Rody dead
8. Turners Frank dead
9. (Cayens) Nelson dead
10. Bunton Catherine dead
11. West Rachel
12. Youngs Milly excluded 1846