Rejected or Suspended Pensions
Section III

Excerpted from "Rejected or Suspended Applications for Revolutionary War Pensions," Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., originally published in 1838, expanded in 1852 to include later records.

Reminder: These are partial records. In many cases, the applicant, widow or heir applied successfully at a later date.

First NameLast NameStateCity/CountyReason
WilliamAndersonTN--, KnoxNancy Anderson, widow, applied. Married after the war--he did not serve six months, and no allowance was made for his impressed team-service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
PeterBakerTNSparta, WhiteMary Baker, widow, applied. Married after service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JamesCourcyTNShelbyville, BedfordSusannah Courcy, widow, applied. He did not serve six months during the revolution. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnCraigTN--, MorganBarbary Craig, widow, applied. Not military service--not under military authority. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JonathanDavisTN--, AndersonElizabeth Davis, widow, applied. He did not serve six months. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
LabanHaislipTN--, MadisonRebecca Peace, formerly widow of Laban Haislip. Married after the war. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
MichaelHosslerTN--, RoaneChristian Hossler, widow, applied. He did not serve six months. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
BenjaminJonesTNManchester, CoffeeElizabeth Jones, widow, applied. Did not serve in a military capacity. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
AndrewMcCampbellTN--, KnoxMary McCampbell, widow, applied. He did not serve six months. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
Farrell O'NeilDaileyTNUnknownNancy Daily applied in Symthy County, Virginia, as widow of James O'Neill Daily. There was no pensioner of the name--the pensioner's name was Farrell O'Neil Dailey, and drew his pension in Tennessee. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
IsaacWatkinsTN--, DavidsonRebecca Watkins, widow, applied. Not in evidence that he died in the service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
John T.WestTN--, SumnerKitty West, widow, applied. Married after the war. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
First NameLast NameStateCity/CountyReason
AndrewBoyleTNMaryville, BlountElizabeth Boyle, widow of. Not six months' service established in this case. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
NathanBriggsTNCarthage, SmithMary Briggs, widow of. For proof of service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
WilliamCarrollTNSparta, WhiteKeziah Carroll, widow of. For proof of marriage and of service from the South Carolina records. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnChisamTNSparta, WhiteSarah Chisam, widow, applied. For proof of marriage and of service from the South Carolina, records. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnClayTNMurfreesboro', RutherfordMilison Clay, widow. For proof of marriage before service terminated. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnCunninghamTNChalk Level, HumphreysAnna Craig, formerly widow of John Cunningham. For further proof of service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
DanielCreamerTNGreenville, GreeneSarah Creamer, widow of. Rejected--married after service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JoabDanielTNLawrenceburgh, LawrenceElizabeth Daniel, widow of. For proof of service from the Raleigh records, and the date of the marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JosephDavisTNMontgomery, MorganElizabeth Davis, widow of. For proof of service from the records of North Carolina and South Carolina, if he served under both States. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
WilliamDavisTNSpringfield, RobertsonRebecca Edwards, (deceased) widow of. Not a widow at the date of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
FrederickEmmertTNSevier, C. H., SevierBarbara Emmert, widow of. For further proof and specification. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnEtheridgeTNNashville, DavidsonMary Etheridge, widow of. For proof of the date of the marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnFordTNDandridge, JeffersonEsther Ford, widow of. For proof of marriage, and of service by the Pennsylvania records. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
FrederickHambrightTNKnoxville, KnoxMary Hambright, (deceased), widow of. For proof of service from the South Carolina records, and the date of the marriage, and her surviving children. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
BarzillaHarrisonTNShelbyville, BedfordAnn Harrison, widow of. Proof of service required. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
SampsonHarpTN--, OvertonSarah Harp, widow of. For further proof of service and marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JonathanHarrisTNSparta, WhiteMargaret Harris, widow of. For proof of marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JosephHatfieldTNJacksboro', CampbellRachel Hatfield, widow of. No proof of service after marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
DavidHenryTNGallatin, SumnerMargaret Henry, widow of. For proof of identity of her husband with a soldier of the same name on the comptroller's certificate of New York for £60 15s. 5d. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
SamuelHutchinsonTN--, JacksonPolly Hutchinson, widow of. For proof of service from the South Carolina rolls, and proof of marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
StephenJacksonTN--, HumphreysNancy Jackson, widow of. For proof of service, from the South Carolina rolls and proof of marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
SamuelJacksonTNJasper, MarionJane Jackson, widow of. For proof of service and marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JamesJenkinsTN--, SevierHannah Jenkins, widow of. For further proof. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
WilliamJonesTN--, CarrollMartha Jones, (deceased) widow of. For further proof. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
LawrenceLambersonTN--, DeKalbChristina Lamberson, widow of. For further proof from the New Jersey records. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnLawsonTNMontgomery, MorganAnny Lawson, widow of. For proof of marriage and of service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
HenryMillerTNMarysville, BlountMartha Miller, widow of. For proof of identity with the warsman of the North Carolina line of the same name. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
ThomasMillasapsTN--, SevierBathsheba Millasaps, widow of. For period, length and grade, and names of company and field officers, and the test of the North Carolina records. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
LovettMorleyTNLewisburg, MarshallMary Morley, widow of. No action on this case--it was mailed from Lewisburg,TNin 1840, but it is not known by whom. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
RobertMorrowTN--, WarrenElizabeth Morrow, (deceased), widow of. If the service and marriage can be proven, the children of the deceased will be entitled to the same amount from March 4 to death of widow. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
AndrewMcCallisterTNMadisonville, MonroeElizabeth McCallister, widow of. Proof of service and of marriage deficient. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JamesMcCampbellTNKnoxville, KnoxMartha McCamphell, widow of. Witness should testify to the duration of each tour of actual service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JosephMcClaskyTNFayettville, LincolnMary McClasky, widow of. For proof of marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
WilliamMcCoramckTN--, OvertonNancy McCormack, widow of. For proof and specification of service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnMcKennonTNMurfreesboro', RutherfordElizabeth McKennon, widow of. For proof of service from the records of South Carolina, and of marriage before the termination of the service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
WilliamOwensTNBoiling Springs, FentressSally Owens, widow of. For proof of service by the North Carolina records, and of the marriage before the termination of the same. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnOwsleyTN--, ClaiborneCharity Owsley, widow of. He was a deserter. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
DavidPeckTN--, OvertonJane Peck, widow of. For proof of service and marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JamesPerryTN--, HickmanJane Perry, (1st), widow of. For proof and specification of service and of marriage prior to the termination thereof. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
BenjaminRodderTN--, MarionKeziah Pittman, widow of Matthew, formerly widow of Benjamin Rodder. Eighteen months' service admitted--rejected for proof of marriage wanting. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnPriceTN--, SevierEleanor or Ellen Price, widow of. For further proof. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
DanielReevesTNNashville, DavidsonEleanor Reeves, widow of. For proof of marriage and service from the South Carolina records. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
EzraRobertsTNLawrenceburg, LawrencePatsey Roberts, widow of. For further proof of service and of marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JamesRichieTNDresden, WeaklyMartha Richie, widow of. For proof of marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JuliusRutherfordTNKnoxville, KnoxRhoda Rutherford, widow of. For a new declaration and the usual proof of service and marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
PhilipSailorTNMurfreesboro', RutherfoldMary Ann Sailor, widow of. Period, leugth and grade of service, and names of company and field officers and stations should be stated by the witnesses. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
WilliamSandersonTNCarthage, SmithJemima Saunderson, widow of. For further proof and specification, and date of marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnSaundersTNJacksboro', CampbellMary Saunders, widow of. For further proof of marriage, and service subsequent thereto. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JeremiahSmithTNFayetteville, LincolnMargaret Smith, widow of. For proof of identity that the soldier in Secretary Hill's certificate was the husband of claimant, and proof of marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
RobertSmithTNJacksboro', CampbellBlessing Smith, widow of. Names of the officers required in order to inspect the rolls--proof of marriage also required. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JesseSmithTNHarrison, HamiltonSarah Smith, widow of. No claim--the rolls do not show that he died in the service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
A. G.SmithTNJacksboro', CampbellJane Smith, widow of. He did not serve in any regularly organized corps. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
MosesSpencerTNLawrenceburg, LawrenceElizabeth Spencer, widow of. Married after service--No claim under this act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
WilliamStapletonTNRogersville, HawkinsMary Stapleton, widow of. The difficulty connected with the proof of services obviated by the joint resolution of July 1, 1848. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
MeshackStevensTNDresden, FentressMilly Stevens, (deceased), widow of. For proof of marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
ConwayStoneTNJasper, MarionElizabeth Stone, (deceased), widow of. For proof of marriage prior to or concurrent with service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
ThomasTrottyTNSouth Harpeth, DavidsonSarah Trotty, widow of. For further proof and specification. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnWebbTN--, SevierElizabeth Webb, widow of. Certificate of Secretary of North Carolina in favor of John Webb, under two enlistments from 1777 to 1783, cannot be received as proof in this case. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
DanielWhiteTN--, MorganNelly White, widow of. For proof of identity with the soldier of the North Carolina line, and of the marriage. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnYanceyTNGallatin, SumnerElizabeth Yancy, widow of. There does not appear to have been six months' service performed in this case. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
First NameLast NameStateCity/CountyReason
JohnBriggsTNGreenville, GreeneIsabella Briggs (dec'd), widow of. Died before the joint resolution of August 28, 1842--not a widow at the date of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
ZachariahButlerTNBlountsville, SullivanElizabeth Butler, widow of. Barred by act of April 30, 1844. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
DanielCarrollTNFayetteville, LincolnHannah Carroll, widow of. Not a widow at the date of the act--died before August 23, 1842. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
DavidCobbTNCarthage, SmithCatharine Cobb, widow of. Not six months revolutionary service. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
DabneyCooperTNCarthage, SmithHenrietta Cooper, widow of. Not a widow at the date of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
GeorgeDoughertyTN--, FranklinMary Dougherty (dec'd), widow of. She died before the passage of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
WilliamElliottTNJasper, MarionMiriam Elliott, widow of. Not a widow under the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
IsaacFergusonTNFranklin, WilliamsonNancy Ferguson, widow of. Not a widow at the date of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
WilliamHodgesTNBlountsville, SullivanEmilia Hodges, widow of. No proof of service--name not on the rolls. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
WilliamHollandTN--, MorganLavinia Holland, widow of. Not a widow at the date of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
DempseyHunterTNClarksville, MontgomeryCatharine Hunter, widow of. Married in 1795. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JacobHawkTNBlountsville, SullivanMargaret Hawk, widow of. Not a widow at the date of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JamesJohnsonTN--, RoaneDelilah Johnson, widow of. Not a widow under the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
WilliamMaxwellTNLancaster, SmithElizabeth Maxwell, widow of. Not a widow at the date of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JamesMagillTNGreenville, GreeneMary Magill, widow of. Did not serve six months--not a widow at the date of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
SamuelReynoldsTNWinchester, FranklinMary Reynolds, widow of. Not a widow at the date of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnReedTN--, MorganNancy Reed, widow of. Married after service--papers withdrawn--J. W. Blackwell, July 2, 1844. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnReedTNShelbyville, BedfordSarah Reed, widow of. Not a widow at the date of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
JohnSharpeTNFranklin, WilliamsonMargaret Hulme, formerly widow of John Sharpe. Married after the limit of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
SamuelSloanTNCarthage, SmithElizabeth Sloan, widow of. Not a widow under the act--died before joint resolution of August 23, 1842. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
DavidTateTNRutledge, GraingerComfort Tate, widow of. Not a widow at the date of the act. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)
GordonWhiteTN--, BlountNancy White, widow of. Not a widow under the act--died before August 16, 1842. (Rejected/Suspended Pensions, 1852)

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