The Men of
King's Mountain
Oct 1780
Researchers: If your ancestor fought at The Battle of King's Mountain (on either side), please submit his name and supporting documentation by posting to the Tennesseans of the Revolution Records Board and it will be added to this site,
A number of historians have published lists of the 900-1,000 men who served at The Battle of King's Mountain on 7 Oct 1780, but few military records are extant, and most published lists include very little in the way of documentation. This site is the beginning of an effort to document those who served either directly or indirectly, whether as Rebels (a.k.a. Whigs or Patriots) or for the British (whether English "Regulars" or Tories a.k.a. Colonial Loyalists), whether or not they were Tennesseans, then or later.
We begin with some of the names of those wounded and killed:*
* This is a new report (Jul 2001). Additions will be made over time from various sources as noted, including submissions from researchers (as noted above).
Tennesseans in the Revolutionary War is a Special Project of TNGenNet, the volunteer organization of the TNGenWeb Project.
American Dead and Wounded
According to the formal report of Campbell, Shelby and Cleveland to Gates, of the Americans, 1 colonel, 1 Major, 1 captain, 2 lieutenants,4 ensigns and 19 privates were killed; and 1 Major, 3 captains, 3 lieutenants and 55 privates were wounded. Benjamin Sharp stated that 225 Americans were killed and "about as many or a few more wounded." The discrepency could have been exaggeration naturally arising from the passage of years, or perhaps the three colonels simply did not have a complete and accurate count at the time.
Colonel James Williams of South Carolina (1)
Major William Chronicle of South Carolina (2)
Captain John Mattocks (2)
William Robb (2)
John Boyd (2)
Lieutenant Edmondson, Campbell's Regt. (3)
Capt. Robert Edmonston, Campbell's Regt. (4)
Capt. Robert Sevier, Sevier's Regt. (4)
Moses Shelby, Col. Shelby's Regt. (the Col.'s brother) (4)
Capt. William Lenoir, Winston's Regt.
----- Fagan (4)
Col. Snodgrass, Col. Shelby's Tennessee Regt. (4)
(1) British Capt. Chesney states that Col. Williams was killed by Ferguson. Ramsey adds that he survived "until he heard that his antagonist (Ferguson) was killed, and his camp surrendered; and amidst the shouts of victory by his triumphant countrymen, said: "I die contented," and with a smile upon his countenance, expired." Benjamin Sharp, however, states that Williams died during the march the day after the battle.
(2) A monument erected at King's Mountain at some time before 1813, states "Sacred To the memory of Major William Chronicle, Capt. John Mattocks, William Robb, and John Boyd, Who were killed at this place, on the seventh day of October, 1780, fighting in defence of America," and on the reverse side, "Col. Ferguson, An officer of his Britanic Majesty, Was defeated and killed At this place, On the 7th day of October, 1780." (Ramsey, p. 240)
(3) Ramsey, who adds that two others of the same name and family (Edmondson) were also killed, as well as ten of their associates in arms." (p. 241)
(4) Ramsey, pp. 241-242
Note: Wounded in a skirmish on the way to King's Mountain was Larkin Cleveland, brother of Col. Benjamin Cleveland. He died many years later in Giles County, Tennessee.
British Dead and Wounded
According to the formal report of Campbell, Shelby and Cleveland to Gates, of the British regulars, one colonel, one Major, one captain, two lieutenants and fifteen privates were killed. Thirty-five privates were wounded, and “left on the ground, not able to march” were another two captains, four lieutenants, three ensigns, one surgeon, five sergeants; three corporals, one drummer and fifty-nine privates taken prisoners.
Colonel Patrick Ferguson
Adjutant McGinnis (1)
Capt. Andrew Chesney
(1) Killed by Virginia Ensign Robert Campbell according to Ramsey, p. 240
Tory Dead and Wounded
According to the formal report of Campbell, Shelby and Cleveland to Gates, of the American Loyalists (Tories), two colonels, three captains, and two hundred and one privates were killed; one Major and one hundred and twenty-seven privates wounded and "left on the ground not able to march." Another nine or ten (1) of the Tories who were taken prisoner were executed several days later.
Unknown (at this time - research in progress)
Unknown (at this time - research in progress)
(1) Nine per British Capt. Andrew Chesney and ten per Virginia Militiaman Benjamin Sharp. In a letter dated 18 Feb 1843, from Lyman Draper, Buffalo, New York, to William Martin, Dixon's Springs, Smith County, Tennessee, Draper states: "You spoke of nine Tories being sentenced to be hung after the action & one broke and escaped," and goes on to state that Maj. Benj. Sharp of Missour "avers that nine were hung--& he was in the battle; & Silas McBee of Pontotoc county Miss., who was under Col. Williams has told me the same, & that the tenth effected his escape."
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