Campbell County, Tennessee
See also Revolutionary War Soldiers of Campbell Co, TNGenWeb
Charles | BRATCHER | 1835 | Private, Virginia Line, $21.11 Annual Allowance $51.42 Amount Received October 18 1833 Pension Started Age 72 Died August 11 1833 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John | CABBAGE | 1835 | Private, Virginia Militia, $26.66 Annual Allowance $79.98 Amount Received June 11 1834 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
James | CHITWOOD | 1835 | Private, North Carolina Line, $33.33 Annual Allowance $99.99 Amount Received May 24 1833 Pension Started Age 82 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
MANOAH | Dyer | 1835 | Private-DRUMMER, North Carolina Militia, $23.22 Annual Allowance $69.66 Amount Received May 13 1833 Pension Started Age 79 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Daniel | GOING | 1835 | Private, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $1512.26 Amount Received July 29 1819 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
James | GRANT | 1835 | Private, CONN. Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $504.80 Amount Received June 12 1819 Pension Started Age 80 Died January 21 1824 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
ROLLING | James | 1835 | Private, North Carolina State Troops, $33.33 Annual Allowance $99.99 Amount Received April 16 1833 Pension Started Age 72 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
David | LAWSON | 1843-1852 | David LAWSON, NC Line, served under Capt. JOHNSON at Guilford Courthouse and Cowpens, then to "headwaters of the Holston;" married Elizabeth in Hawkins Co, TN on 18 Oct 1794, lived in Hawkins for 5 years; applied for pension in Campbell Co, TN in 1843, d 1852. Transcription See also Salathiel Martin, Tennesseans in the Revolutionary War, Surname M |
David | MARSH | See White Co, TN | |
John | READ | 1835 | Private, South Carolina Line, $70.00 Annual Allowance $210.00 Amount Received January 8 1834 Pension Started Age 72 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
AMOS | RICHARDSON | 1832-1853 | Private, North Carolina Line, $25.00 Annual Allowance $75.00 Amount Received April 16 1833 Pension Started Age 72 (1835 TN Pension Roll which locates pensioner in Rhea Co, TN) $25.00 Annual Allowance $75.00 Amount Received April 16 1833 Pension Started Age 72 (1835 TN Pension Roll which locates pensioner in Rhea Co, TN) AMOS RICHARDSON, NC Line, lived in Burke Co, NC at enlistment, applied 1 Sep 1832 Campbell Co, TN aged 70, was born in 1762 in Bedford Virginia; soldier married Fanny FARMER 17 Dec 1840. He died 2 May 1853, and his widow applied 3 Jan 1854 Campbell Co, TN, aged 65, declaring that she was his 2nd wife and that they had had no children. A Thomas RICHERSON [sic] had signed the marriage bond with Amos. Amos "RICHERSON" was in Anderson Co, TN on 11 Dec 1840, the children of Amos and his 1st wife were mentioned, but no names were given. (Extracted from RW Pension File w8552, White's RW Pens Abstracts, by C. H ammett) |
Benjamin | ROGERS | 1835 | Private, Virginia Line, $26.66 Annual Allowance $53.32 Amount Received May 3 1833 Pension Started Age 79 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Robert | ROSS | 1835 | Private, Pennsylvania Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $657.60 Amount Received January 13 1819 Pension Started Age 78 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Timothy | SEXTON | 1835 | Private, New Jersey Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $741.60 Amount Received January 14 1819 Pension Started Age 79 Dropped May 1 1820 Restored April 22 1825 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Thomas | SLAPE | 1835 | Private, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $279.20 Amount Received October 26 1819 Pension Started Age 79 Died March 26 1821 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
Jacob | STUKEBURY | 1835 | Private, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $182.93 Amount Received January 14 1819 Pension Started Age 79 STRICKEN from THE ROLL A WAGONER (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
John | WHITMAN | 1835 | Private, Virginia Line, $43.33 Annual Allowance $129.99 Amount Received April 16 1833 Pension Started Age 84 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
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