By Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith
Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 2003PREFATORY REMARKS
The death notices from the NASHVILLE CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE and occasional "other" genealogical references have been abstracted from this old-time official periodical of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, by the present compiler from the microfilm copies of the publication owned by the Lambuth University in Jackson, Tennessee. This compilation covers the years 1847-1849 and with the forthcoming publication covering the years 1850-1851 will complete the series of abstracts undertaken several years ago. For her thoughtful help in making the microfilm copies available to him, the compiler is grateful to Jackie Wood, acquisitions librarian and archivist of the Memphis Conference of the United Methodist Church.
The compiler is also grateful to Laurel Baty and David L. Donahue for their efforts in making this material available on the Internet, thereby providing a means of getting the genealogical data to a broad audience of interested genealogists.
For persons interested in getting full copies of these obituaries and/or death notices in the old-time NASHVILLE CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE they may order these for a nominal fee from the Methodist Library, Drew University, Madison Avenue, Madison, New Jersey 07940 or order them from Ms Wood at Lambuth University Library, 705 Lambuth Boulevard, Jackson, Tennessee 3830l, also for a nominal fee.
Jonathan K. T. Smith
June 2003
Jackson, Tennessee
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