Sumner Co. TN
When North Carolina gave up her claim to TN, the Secretary of State of the U.S. requested a list of the lands that had been granted in that territory so the right of ownership could be protected. Microfilm # 68, Roll # 1 is a microfilm copy of this report as it was reported to the President by Thomas Jefferson. ( The original report from NC has not been found). There is also a note that 2,275 more warrants had been issued to officers and soldiers of the Continental Line for which grants had not yet been made.
From Goodspeed's History of TN -1887- the following information was given on the grants. A soldier received 640 acres; Non Commissioned Officer 1,000 acres; Lt Col. 5,700; Commandant 7,200; Col. 7,200. Brig. Gen. 12,000; Chaplin 6,200; soldier who had fallen in the defense of his country received the full amount of his grant.
Any family that had previously moved into the area reserved for grants was given a grant of 640 acres. Nothing indicated that residence was required to receive a grant, therefore, it is possible grants were given to many people who never were residents of TN. There were also many peolpe who lived in TN but received the title to their property in some other manner and do not appear on this list; i/e purchase or other land acts.
Location of grants was very vague, such as on the back of Lick Creek.
1174. Robert Nelson 1188-1189. Joshua Hadley 1190. David Wilson 1200-1209. Alexander Mebane 1210. Robert Bell 1210. Alexander Mebane 1232. James Breston 1233. Daniel Anderson 1234. Howell Tatum 1249. Daniel Anderson 1250. Richard Fenner |
1251. Thomas Hamilton 1262. David Shelley 1263. James Brown 1264. John Brown 1265. Thomas Hagg 1266. Philip Phillips 1267. Bradley Gambill 1271. Phillips & Campbell 1272. William Ray 1305. Samuel Barton 1306. Elias Fort |
1307. Mann Phillips 1308. Phillips & Campbell 1309-1310. same 1394. John & James Bonner 1402. Abraham Jones 1403. John Buchanan 1404. John Devers 1408. John Eaton 1409. Samuel Gainer 1410. James Dean 1411. John Nicholls 1412. John Rice & Co. |
1415. Samuel Barton 1416. John Francks 1419. John Buchanan 1420. Philip Shackler 1432. James Williams & John Boyd |
1433. Thomas Taylor 1434. William Dillon 1435. Ephraim Payton 1436. Adam Miller |
1444. Philip Shackler 1445. John Hamilton 1446. James Mulherrin 1447. Isaac Bledsoe |
2275 warrants to officers and soldiers to which grants not yet issued.
Estimates of the Lands granted to Colonel Martin Armstrong, Surveyor of the Lands allotted to the Officers of the Continental Line and his assigns and for his service.
71. James Douglass
73. Thomas Jones
77. James Saunders