Cova Warren Cemetery is a recent cemetery (established in 1965) on Burns Hill Road in Perry County, Tennessee.
David Donahue recorded Gola Warren Cemetery January 14, 2000 and checked and updated it September 28, 2004. Mary (Stewart) Bowen and Melissa (Snyder) Bowen recorded the cemetery in the early 1990s. Their record appears in Mary Bowen's Perry County, Tennessee Cemetery Records (Vol. I). This earlier record is referred to as Bowen in the notes below.
Baker, Howard, Oct. 11, 1902-Dec. 3, 1987
Baker, Dorothy, Aug. 28, 1901-Feb. 3, 1987Bates, David, Nov. 11, 1928-Aug. 7, 1978, "Dad" footstone
Bates, Idell, Jan. 7, 1933-____, unplaced "Mom" footstone, "Wed Aug. 12, 1950"Bates, David W., Sept./ 15, 1954-____, "Loving son" [probably son of David and Idell Bates, whose double marker is adjacent
Bates, Leslie, Oct. 25, 1897-Mar. 25, 1975
Bates, Mamie, Mar. 12, 1902-July 18, 1977Bates, Lessie E. [see Lee, Lessie E.]
Bates, Sam D., Sept. 28, 1927-June 3, 1991, "Father" footstone [Bowen lists him as Samuel David Bates]
Bates, Clatie M., Nov. 19, 1937-____, unplaced "Mother" footstone, "Our children Mike Cathy Roger"Bates, Sue [see Trull, Sue Bates]
Bates, William Cecil, Mar. 9, 1940-____, "Daddy"
Bates, Wanda Lounell Nutt, Apr. 12, 1940-May 22, 1999, "Mother" "Married May 28, 1960" "Buddy & Nell" "Our children Marie Jackie Trina Louann Cecil"Bollinger, Bobbie [see Estes, Bobbie Bollinger]
Bryant, Thomas W., Mar. 25, 1934-Nov. 18, 2002, military marker as footstone "Thomas wayne Bryant" "US Army"
Bryant, V. Joyce, Mar. 29, 1940-____Coble, A. B., 1932-1984, "Daddy" footstone
Coble, Peggy, 1946-____Crowell, John H., Mar. 21, 1928-Feb. 21, 2004
Crowell, Mary D., Jan. 2, 1936-May 31, 1990Curry, James D., Aug. 18, 1912-Jan. 20, 1991, military marker as footstone "James Dexter Curry" "US Army World War II"
Curry, Laverne R., June 19, 1921-Mar. 19, 1997, "Mother" footstoneCurry, Stanley M., May 30, 1914-Aug. 23, 2002, unplaced "Daddy" footstone, military marker as footstone "Tec 5 US Army World War II"
Curry, Sara W., Apr. 13, 1921-____, unplaced "Mother" footstone, "Wed Sept. 21, 1946"Daniel, Joe E., July 10, 1927-Oct. 27, 1981
Daniel, Hollie T., May 21, 1933-____ [Bowen notes her to be Hollie Trull]Edwards, Glenn, May 15, 1935-____
Estes, Robert Warren, Mar. 27, 1949-____
Estes, Bobbie Bollinger, Sept. 17, 1949-Apr. 4, 2001, also temporary marker, Brantley, Bobbie Jean EstesEstes, William R., Oct. 3, 1926-Apr. 19, 1980, military marker as footstone "William Robert Estes" "Seaman 1st Class US Navy World War II"
Estes, Julia W., Oct. 26, 1927-____Hall, Emma Bertha [see McElroy, Emma]
Hinson, Terry M., May 28, 1967-July 21, 1983
Hood, A. E., 1919-1999
Hood, Sudie T., 1922-1998Lee, H. B., Apr. 28, 1924-Sept. 8, 1979, military marker as footstone "Henry B. Lee" "PFC US Army World War II"
Lee, Leslie E., Dec. 8, 1925-____ [Bowen noted her to be Lessie E. Bates, sister of Clara Sue Bates Trull]Loggings, Estelle [see Weatherly, Estella]
McElroy, Emma, Apr. 21, 1925-May 19, 1999, also temporary marker, McDonald Funeral Home, Emma Bertha Hall McElroy [shares double marker with Clyde Warner]
Saavedra, Jeffrey Robert, Sept. 26, 1987-Oct. 2, 1987
Shelton, Waco, 1877-1969
Trull, Grady William, Sept. 17, 1915-Apr. 6, 1981
Trull, Sue Bates, May 30, 1923-Mar. 6, 1984Trull, Hollie [see Daniel, Hollie T.]
Warner, Clyde, June 13, 1913-____ [shares double marker with Emma McElroy; ground disturbance suggests that he was buried here before 2004]
Warren, Cynthia Ann, Feb. 29, 1964-Aug. 13, 1977
Warren, Deborah Kay, Sept. 20, 1971-Dec. 7, 1989
Warren, Donald Elijah, Dec. 9, 1936-Nov. 19, 1990, military marker as footstone "US Navy Korea Vietnam"
Warren, Era Jean, Mar. 23, 1942-____, unplaced "Wife" footstone, "Married Feb. 17. 1962"Warren, Gola R., Dec. 5, 1900-Jan. 9, 1992
Warren, Lessie R., June 10, 1901-Apr. 6, 1975Warren, Myrtle, Nov. 26, 1902-June 9, 1992 [from temporary marker, McDonald Funeral Home, read in 2000: Myrtle Mai Warren]
Weatherly, Ewell B., Mar. 4, 1923-Aug. 9, 1997, unplaced "Father" footstone, military marker as footstone "Ewell Brown Weatherly" "Tec5 US Army World War II" [Masonic symbol]
Weatherly, Estella, Aug. 10, 1922-Aug. 15, 1990, "Mother" footstone, also temporary marker, McDonald Funeral Home, Centerville, "Estelle Loggins Weatherly"; "Married March 11, 1946"Weatherly, J. D., Sept. 12, 1920-Nov. 18, 1983, military marker as footstone Tec4 US Army World War II"
Weatherly, Ruby Jo, May 15, 1930-Apr. 8, 1999Weatherly, Ricky Jo, Dec. 20, 1947-Nov. 5, 1965
Wiyolt, Steve A., July 18, 1959-May 12, 1995, "Member, Sons of the Confederacy"
Wiyolt, Joanne H., Sept. 16, 1952-____, "Our daughter Kristine Nicole"
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