Compiled by: Mary (Stewart) Bowen
Melissa (Snyder) Bowen
Summer 1992
Order from: Mary N. Bowen
Route 2, Box 213A
Linden, TN 37096
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W YAARON Mildred 190; Thomas 190
ACREE Bessie 176; Leon 176
ADAMS Kittie 150
ADKINS Lydia 131; Moncy 131; Ruth 131; Will 131
ALBERSON Albert 1; Irene 1; Lou 1; Martha 1; Solomon 1
ALDRIDGE Beulah 134; Ellen 156; Ina 156; James 156; Joe 138; Lee 134; Nancy 156; Ramon 156; Robert 156; Ruth 138; Smithie 156; W. 156
ALEXANDER Bismark 44; Clay 44; Clint 146; Emma 148; Infant 44; J. 43; John 147; Mary 148; Pauline 146; S. 43; Scarless 44; Tommie 44
ALLEN Alonzo 195; Bertha 206; Bessie 140; Bobbie 24; Bonnie 47; Carrol 206; Cora 195; Elsie 24; Eula 24; Francis 196; Grant 196; Henry 196; Hybernia 196; J. 195, 196; James 140; Leora 195; Orice 196; Sarah 114; W. 196; William 47; Willie 85
ALRED Bobby 140; Marion 140
ALTOM Eliza 166; Jacob 166
AMBS Jack 13
AMMONS William 9
ANDERSON Agnes 15; Alma 71; Andy 22; Anna 130; Arthur 97; Bessie 172; Bonnie 23; Byron 23; Charlie 96; Claudia 96; Cody 96; Curtis 71; Donnie 25; Dora 23; Ella 24; Emily 23; Ethel 127; Felix 23; Frances 22; Ida 97; Isabell 97; J. 19, 96; James 97, 227; Jasper 23; Jewell 94; John 97; Joe 96; Kate 22; L. 96; Lefroy 168; Lizzie 15; Martha 96, 97; Mary 96; Muriel 46; Nan 96; Oscar 127; Robert 18; Sam 24; Sarah 18, 24; Smithie 16; Solomon 25; Walter 94; William 71; Woodrow 46
ANDREWS Grady 172; James 182; Maud 72; N. 72
ARGO Jessie 152; John 152; Zadie 152
ARMSTRONG Alba 83; Allie 152; Bertha 112; Charles 109; Dwight 66; Elizabeth 83; Fount 83; Grace 112; H. 141; Jane 151; Jimmie 83; John 66, 136; Lanty 151; Liddah 83; Lola 66; Lucille 136; Lynn 83; Mortick 141; Pauline 122; Ralph 152; Tom 152; William 112
ARNDT Sarah 126
ARNOLD Allie 65; Christine 153; Clayton 63; Clifford 74; Dottie 63; Eliase 109; Ellen 65; Jessie 63; Jewel 63; Kenneth 63, 153, 176; Linda 153; Martha 137; Mary 65; Newt 137; Otis 153; Richard 109; Roy 63; William 137
ARY Charles 132; Daniel 3; Doris 2; Elbert 2; Emma 3; Eugene 2; Garland 3; George 4; Gladys 2; Hubert 3; J. 3; James 2; L. 2; Lee 4, 132; M. 4; Mary 4, 140; Nancy 4; Ottie 140; Sophia 4; Trester 2; Twin boys 4; W. 4; William 4
ASHLEY Ead 117; Ezekil 117; Fred 117; Mary 117
ASHTON Alf 145; Bernice 145; James 145; John 13, 145; Nora 145
AUNT Hettie 160
AUSTIN John 88; R. 88
AVERETT Ada 143; Berdie 53; C. 143; E. 144; Edward 53, 185; Frank 139; Jesse 143; Jimmie 49, 139; Ludie 185; Marie 143; Maybell 139; Nettie 144; W. 53; William 143; Willie 137
AYDELOTT Mitchell 58
AYERS Anthony 6; E. 6; Earl 6; Ethel 6; Paul 6; W. 17
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BAARS Dona 68; George 10; Jennie 12; Mary 93; Maude 93; Nancy 69; Oscar 93; Sarah 93; Sarahe 61; Willie 69
BAKER Brown 173; Dicie 173; Donald 196; Dorothy 222; Edward 89; Elijah 77; Ernest 147; Ethel 90; Eula 39; Flora 90; Freddie 1; G. 173; George 90; Grace 152; Gussie 89; Howard 222; Irvin 1; James 152, 214; John 193; Johns 177; Josephene 77; Katherine 1; Lena 6; Lois 147; Louise 214; Mary 77, 193; Nancy 177; Oscar 193; Thomas 90; W. 6; Wallace 39
BANDY D. 73; Edgar 59; Elmer 76; James 72; Jinison 59; Joe 59; Martha 59; Mavis 76; Melinda 73; Nancy 73; Robert 76; W. 73
BANKS Elton 27; V. 27
BARBER 7; A. 7; Addie 7; Anna 80; Annie 111, 122; Baby 110; Bettie 181; Betty 89; Beular 155; Bobby 176; Calvin 7, 25; Casey 151; Chesley 8; Daniel 110; Delia 82; Delores 90; Dixie 221; Elizabeth 67; Elzada 51; Fay 156; Fernnie 155; Fifia 147; Foster 151; Frank 90; Franklin 69; Fred 176, 188; G. 7; George 110; Gertie 6; Gillispie 67; H. 7; Harold 137; Harret 8; Hollis 7; Infant son 89, 90; Irene 8; Isabell 52; James 77, 147; Jane 176; Jessie 25; Jocie 111; Joe 8, 80, 145; John 8, 90; Kenneth 185; Lena 8; Lillian 7; Lizzie 8, 90; Lonnie 122; Louiza 9; Luther 216; Maggie 188; Mandy 9; Martha 151; Mary 80; Mattie 77; Melvin 115; Michael 127; Mima 7; Nancy 7; Nola 145; Ola 8; Osby 110; Paralee 80; Parthenia 110; R. 7; Riley 80; Ronald 110; Ruby 7, 69; Sallie 176; Sam 69; Steven 127; Tammy 228; Thomas 22; Virginia 8; W. 9, 111; William 8, 52, 110, 188; Willie 8; Wilma 216; Z. 176
BARDEN George 140
BARHAM A. 155; Bail 9; Charlotte 149; Clyde 9; Emehhy 123; Ethel 9; George 9; J. 123; Jennie 9; Joe 149; Jossie 9; Loyed 9; Margaret 155; Marie 9; Sophie 183
BARNETT A. 34; Adolph 198; Alva 152; Bessie 161; Betty 161; Byrd 34; Clifford 198; Dillard 152; Edward 161; Infant dau 198; Jerry 198; Laura 161; Maggie 198; Malcolm 198; Nancy 198; Robert 34; William 161
BARNETTE Adelle 144; Anne 198; Earnest 34; Jennie 76; John 51; Mabel 51; Neal 76; Ransom 75; Russell 144
BARRETT Amanda 27; Jeramiah 27
BARRY Eliza 86; Mima 47; T. 47
BASLEY Cherry 97; Martha 97
BASTIN Annie 85; Belva 191; Harold 191; John 142, 143; Karl 85; Louise 84; Mattie 142; Pearl 186; Rowena 84; Willie 85
BATES A. 202; Albert 90; Andrew 42, 136; Bart 62; Bertie 150; Betty 63; Bid 63; Bismark 79; Blount 150; Bonnie 152; C. 149; Carlos 152; Cecil 62, 152; Charles 150; Clabe 63; Clatie 222; Clint 62; D. 43; David 90, 222; De-Brocks 90; Dewy 146; Dillie 79; Dock 44; Edward 106; Eleanor 153; Elizabeth 153; Elta 43; Emaline 90; Emmer 106; Flora 146; Florence 63; Fred 146; G. 45; Gary 152; George 63; Georgia 64; Hallie 148; Henry 146, 153; Hix 146; Howard 148; Idell 222; J. 43, 45, 62-64; James 150; Jennie 62; Jerry 170; Jess 63; Jimmie 150; Joe 189; John 13, 63, 64, 146, 151; Julia 99; Laura 44; Leslie 222; M. 106, 202; Mamie 222; Maran 45; Martha 45; Mary 150, 152; Mattie 44, 136; May 145; Minnie 63; Mollie 43; Nancy 62; Nettie 77; Nicholas 150; Nick 63; Nora 13, 146; Oliver 136; Ralph 139; Ray 145; Rebecca 150; Robert 153; Rudd 63; Sally 139; Sam 222; Samuel 150; Sarah 44; Sue 147; Tabbie 150; Tennie 64; Vada 151; Vanie 64; W. 14, 44, 106; Will 146; William 149; Willie 63, 146
BATSON Donald 136
BAUCOM Eliza 187; Levi 187; Lucinda 187; Sallie 187; William 187
BAUGUS Donnie 172; Ethel 76; Fannie 76; George 76; Jessie 76; Johnie 76; Josie 172; Laura 172; R. 172; son 172; W. 76
BEAKLEY Hugh 27; Lena 128; Lillie 83; Melinda 83
BEARD A. 93; Burl 204; J. 204; Latha 75; M. 34; Martha 177, 204
BEASLEY Ann 114; Augusta 219; Barnabas 93; Bettie 93; Beverly 91; Careline 91; Don 49; E. 49; Haddie 49; J. 93; Jack 219; Jess 125; Joe 93; John 50, 93; Joseph 115; Land 219; Lizzie 194; Lloyd 115; Lois 69; Mack 114; Mary 115; May 49; Minnie 219; Nancy 49; Nannie 16; Olag 49; Pete 115; Ruby 115; Sarah 93; Sims 115; Tom 91; Vera 115; W. 49; William 49, 115; Willie 125
BEATTY Sarah 100
BEATY David 167; Herbert 167
BELL Annie 177; Arthur 69; Bessie 82; Boyd 82; Carmon 219; Cassie 178; Charles 82, 178; Charlie 177; Corrinner 75; Crafton 219; Docia 68; Edward 178; Emmett 126; Ermur 82; Essie 68; F. 138; Farlie 58; Fernie 68, 177; Fred 68; George 82; Gracie 54; Gradie 54; Grady 148; Henry 70, 173; Herbert 177; Ida 173; Infant 83; Infant dau 173; Infant son 82; James 58; Jasper 69; Jimmie 211; John 82, 83, 173; Joseph 82; Laura 68; Lena 69; Leora 83; Lerlon 58; Loyd 82; Lucille 219; M. 82; Maggie 82; Manda 218; Martha 82; Marvin 58; Mary 148, 210; Matildia 82; Mayne 58; Mergile 219; Mildred 126; Minnie 58; Mollie 58; Monteville 58; Myrtle 70; Patricia 23; Ray 54; Roy 133, 196; Royce 177; Rubie 75; Sam 68; Sarah 82, 138; Shirley 133; Sylvia 69; Thomas 58, 68, 210; Tommye 219; Vera 178; Virdie 58; William 82; Willie 148; Winnie 177
BELSHA Bitha 168; Donald 2; Hessie 2; Miles 168
BERRY Allen 53; Andrew 53; Ben 46; Bessie 46; Jack 53; John 53; Johnny 221; Julia 46; Lou 53; Minnie 53; Thomas 53
BIGGS Nannie 175
BILL Kyle 160
BISHOP Addie 60; Evelyn 81; Jenny 29; L. 29
BLACK Bessie 186; I. 33; Julia 33; Sam 186
BLACKBURN B. 27; Bethel 201; Hattie 201; J. 27
BLACKWELL Josie 90; Sarah 32; Tabitha 97; William 97
BLANKENSHIP Twin sons 128
BLEDSOE David 71; Linda 172; Nellie 172; Noah 172
BOLIN John 24
BONE B. 30; dau 31; Ellen 31; Infant dau 31; John 30; Luna 31; son 31; William 31
BOREN James 149; Minnie 10; Willie 10
BOWEN Lester 93; Vannie 93
BOYCE Alberts 85; Etta 85; Harriet 85; Hassell 85; J. 85; Mary 85; Samuel 85; Virginia 85; William 85
BOYD Buford 3; Claude 132; Elizabeth 3; Elsie 99; Emma 132; J. 139; James 50; Lilly 16; Melvin 99; Vera 139
BRAMLETT Dorothy 134
BRANCH Jenny 75; John 75
BRANDON Mary 31; Maud 31
BRASHEAR Elizabeth 33; James 33; Martha 33; T. 33
BREWER Agnes 212; Nina 212; Sallye 189; Thelma 212
BRIDGES Bertha 229; Brown 168; George 168, 229; Infant sons 229; M. 168; Sallie 168; son 168; Tommy 230
BRILEY A. 116; Andrew 118; Andy 160; Elizabeth 118; F. 223; Parthena 118; Sallie 116, 160
BRIND Jinnie 217
BRINN Elizabeth 16; Mary 16; Tillman 19; W. 16
BRISON Annie 16; Augusta 1; George 1; Leornard 16; Nancy 1; Nora 3; Oscar 1; Paul 3; Rachel 16; Rufus 16; Shirley 3; Thelma 229; Troy 3; Walter 16; Wesley 1
BRITT Bessie 34; Howard 34; Ida 33; James 72; John 61, 72; Margaret 72; Marie 34; Mary 34, 72; Mattie 34; Oben 72; Robert 72; Sadie 34; Sue 61; Tom 33; W. 34; William 72
BROADWAY Addie 38, 139; Alexander 37; Alonzo 36; Beulos 36; Colonel 139; Cora 38; Delpha 36; Dixie 57; Elbert 134; Ella 36, 38; Ernest 36; Eula 161; Floyd 36; Grace 171; Grady 161; Guss 38; H. 160; Infant 37, 160; Ira 57; J. 171; James 36; Jim 38; John 38; Lexie 134; Lila 38; Loudean 38; Mallie 57; Mary 36; Mildred 36; Nancy 36, 37; Nannie 36; R. 36; Riley 38; Robert 36; Roscoe 37; Samuel 37; Sarah 37; W. 36; Wilburn 36
BROMLEY Charles 88; Dilla 88; Ellen 87; Jess 85; Mollie 88; Nancy 88; Richard 88; Thomas 88
BROOKS C. 166; George 166; Infant 166; Lillian 121; Mary 17; Sallie 117, 166; Vera 148; Will 148; Willard 148
BROWN B. 97; Carlos 150; Imogene 97; Laverne 150
BRUCE Eziah 165; Frank 185
BRYANT David 199
BRYSON Barney 211; Infant son 1; J. 1
BUCHANAN 32; Delia 32; Martin 32; Richard 32; Tony 32; Vera 32
BUCKNER William 230
BUGG Claude 33; Maggie 150
BUIE Ewell 130; Mary 130
BUNCH A. 38, 200; America 39; Charles 104; Charlie 102; Daniel 62; Elvia 38; George 38, 39; Georgie 111; Gracie 133; H. 149; Henry 133; Howard 39, 40; Infant son 15, 62; Jeanette 15; John 40; Johnnie 62; Joseph 39, 116; L. 111; Louise 104; Maggie 102; Malcolm 104; Margaret 15; Martha 39; Mary 39, 116; Minnie 40; Nannie 62; Nina 127; Pauline 62; S. 38, 41; Sallie 40; Sophia 111; Stanley 104; Thomas 39; Troy 127; W. 15; Will 15; William 40
BURCHAM Cathey 111; Dora 199; Infant dau 162; Infant son 66; Ira 66; John 199; Robert 230; Viola 66
BURKE Cleo 151; Vernon 151
BURKLOW Amber 96; Neva 96; Paul 96
BURLISON Ellie 74; Elizabeth 76
BURNHAM Bessie 136
BURNS Bettie 44; Fannie 43; Florence 89; Fred 13; G. 44; George 42; J. 13, 43; Infant 44; Infant dau 89; Jack 44; John 43, 64; Julia 44; Leora 13; Loa 43; Luther 12; Malcolm 43; Margaret 89; Maude 42; Myrtle 13, 42; Nancy 44; Nicholas 44; Ola 42; Robert 44; Sallie 43; Sue 12; Tabbie 43; Vannie 64; Willie 43
BUSSELL Bettie 179; Harvey 183; Ida 46; Jesse 46; John 179; Lee 45; M. 183; Martha 183; Minnie 49; Samuel 49; Vonnie 179; William 183; Willie 89
BUTLER Ellen 159; J. 159; Marion 159
BUTTS Sarah 45
BYLER Ames 66; Mose 66
BYRD Bridget 13; Carolyn 151; Clint 152; D. 11, 131; Donald 132; Dorothy 131; Etta 10; Fannie 11, 151; Fay 132; George 11, 64; Henreitta 10; J. 11; Joe 10; John 10; Lyddie 11; Mattie 64; Orpha 194; Oscar 131; Pearl 152; Raymond 13; Shelby 139; Sue 13; Wesley 139; Woodrow 151
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CAGLE James 90
CAIRENS Nancy 202
CAMPBELL Anna 25; Asa 48; Bernard 25; Betty 64; Beverly 25; Dena 150; Denny 32; Eddy 25; Eliza 47; Emey 64; Fred 7; Groom 100; H. 7; Huldy 17; J. 47; James 65; Jess 149; Joe 64; John 65; Lonnie 7; Mary 101; Ola 149; R. 7, 150; Sallie 48; Samuel 7; W. 48; wife 7; William 47; Willis 25
CANDIA Carrie 194
CAREY Evie 63; Hubert 63
CARLBERG Blanche 114
CARLTON Annie 182; Betty 140, 182; Beulah 180; Billy 140; Charlie 182; Cora 183; Elvin 182; Floyd 182; Fred 182; Glora 182; Griffin 180; Imogene 182; Infant 183; Lena 182; Martha 182; Mary 182; Timothy 182; Virgil 182; W. 180
CARROLL Annie 150; C. 231; Cas 71; Clyde 105; Edd 71; Elsie 153; Elvin 150; Fannie 63; G. 230; Gladys 71; Green 70; Gussie 231; Jackie 230; James 71; Jesse 105; John 63; Lorene 71; M. 71; Mavis 71; Ollie 153; Osie 230; Parlee 19; Villa 70; William 19
CARTER Berry 121; Blan 136; Cecil 157; David 159; Dellar 230; Emma 120; Ernest 228; Esby 120; Hessie 228; Infant dau 159; Irvin 230; Jessie 159; Jim 120; John 230; Jonathan 48; Lockie 140; Loyd 140; Mary 159; Mittie 120; Nora 120; Oliver 136; Robert 159; Tom 120
CATES Flora 225; J. 225; Jessie 225; Leeta 225; Leonard 225; William 225
CATRON Andrew 154; Henrietta 154; Thomas 154
CAVENDER Josie 32; Mary 32; Paralee 32; son 32
CHANDLER Ada 149; Addie 202; Ann 201; Brown 132; C. 124; Carl 152; Clara 152; Clay 149; Clora 224; Cora 147; D. 28; Dollie 220; Dona 201; Douglas 152; Evia 124; Felix 149; Fred 220; Hazel 139; James 149, 224; Jessie 149; Joe 149; John 91, 145; Jones 145; Joseph 153; Lula 8; Mary 97; Mattie 149; Newton 201; Ollie 149; Osby 202; Ray 149; Robert 149; William 201; Willie 132, 139
CHANGE Almira 58
CHAPPELL Joe 168; M. 85; Mamie 85; Melissa 168; Ross 85
CHASE Paul 164; Ruby 164
CHESSOR Boyd 146; E. 149; Edna 149; Elmer 146; H. 98; John 146; Mollie 145; Oda 146
CHILDERS Benjamin 15
CHILDRESS B. 15; Ida 26; Kathy 16; Lela 15; M. 17; Mae 15; W. 17
CHOAT Ruby 230; Walter 230
CHOATE Arthur 140; David 17; Evelyn 140; Isaac 18; Jessie 137; Linda 140; Patsy 230; Verna 137; Wayne 230
CHUMNEY Maggie 185; Paul 185
CHURCHWELL C. 174; Claude 161; Clint 113; D. 167; Eddie 161, 225; Florence 18; Hattie 225; Hazel 225; Herman 225; Ida 113; J. 161; James 161, 225; Jessie 225; Laurence 123; Lelion 225; M. 174; Martha 161; Maude 174; Moncy 123; N. 225; Ovid 225; Roxie 167; Ruby 225; Sam 18; Susan 161; Velma 214; Ward 225
CLARK Ardie 106; Arthur 106; Christopher 197; Danita 90; Estelle 90; Frances 105; Jennie 106; John 90; Johnnia 89; Kerry 133; Louise 152; Maude 106; Revone 133; Richard 89; Robert 152; William 106
CLAYBORNE Ben 32; E. 178; Edna 76; Flora 180; Harlyn 178; Jack 76; John 82, 201; Mattie 178; Rhube 180; Robert 82; Sara 178; Virginia 201
CLIFTON Annie 19; Arthur 37; Ervin 19; Ila 129; James 19; Jettie 37; Lorine 19; Luther 19; Mary 19; Myrtle 129; Nancy 19; R. 129; Ronald 37; Vestel 19
CLOYD Archie 132; Donald 132; E. 157; Ernest 132; Irene 132; Lucille 132; Malcum 132; Pauline 132; Thomas 157
COATS Mattie 197; Nettie 197; Peter 197
COBLE A. 222; Ada 152; Albert 149; Betty 54; Bob 76; Bonnie 83; Clint 131; Dimple 131; Emma 58; F. 10; Flora 74; G. 54, 58; George 10; Glen 10; Grace 76; Helen 149; Hugh 74; Ida 54; Infant dau 10; J. 74; James 64; John 75, 76; Johnnie 76; Lillie 10; Lynn 74; M. 54; Malcolm 10; Mary 75; Mattie 64; Mollie 74; Myrtle 75; Nancy 54; Obera 145; Paul 153; Peggie 222; Ray 152; Raymond 145; Robert 145; Thomas 83; Violet 76; William 74
COE Gladys 142
COFFMAN Jake 42; Ophelia 42
COLE Andie 145; Argie 145; Dedrick 152; Janette 152; Meda 145
COLEMAN 102; A. 72; Abner 123, 207; Albert 125; Alfred 198; Benjamin 207; Casandia 207; E. 124; Edward 123, 124; Grady 123; Herbert 123; Horace 72; Ida 123; Infant 198; James 72, 123; Jim 123; Jimmy 102; Joseph 124; Lincoln 113; Lula 199; M. 72, 102; Mable 123; Nancy 207; Oscar 64; Pearl 125; Repsey 72; Richard 124; Robert 207; Sallie 123; Susa 123; Thomas 113; Tommie 196; Venia 124; W. 113; William 113, 123
COLLINS Alvin 40; Clovis 38; John 39; Marvin 38; Mary 229; Minnie 40; Nora 38; Olton 40; Sarah 39
COMER Andy 192
CONDER Alma 226; Atlas 46; Bulahe 204; Caroline 175; Elizabeth 46; Ella 226; Herman 226; J. 204; John 204; M. 226; Mattie 203; Richard 203; Ruby 203; Soffie 204; son 226; W. 204; William 226
CONDOR L. 26; Urban 175; W. 26
CONGER Mary 144; Minnie 144; S. 144
CONNER son 156
CONWAY Geannie 131; Loyd 131
COOK Andrew 182; Anna 87; Celia 229; Charlie 134; E. 79; Eva 79; Grady 204; Martha 182; Maynie 134
COOPER Armentha 94; Bessie 94; Cullie 94; Infant dau 3; Jamey 94; Lena 94; Moncie 94; Ollie 94; Perry 94; Pollie 94; Thomas 94; Wilford 94
CORBITT Michael 152
CORIN Martha 114
COTHAM Alice 70; Alonza 36; Annie 24; Baswell 73; Bernard 73; Bynum 138; Byron 195; Charlie 73; Clopton 70; Danny 36; dau 73; Dora 75; E. 73; Edna 152; Elijah 100; Emmett 68; Ethel 138; Fanny 73; G. 73; Grover 152; H. 73; Howard 75; Ida 68; Infant dau 28, 73; Infant son 28, 72; Isaac 24; J. 72, 73; James 176; Jamison 73; JoAnn 182; John 73, 74; Kate 73; Leater 100; Leonard 182; Lillie 72; Lola 36; Mahala 24; Martha 72; Mima 100; Muriel 73; N. 73; Nannie 73; Nettie 73; Pollie 73; R. 73, 182; Richard 24; Ruby 182; Sallie 73; Sam 75; Stellar 72; Susie 176; Teresa 71; Tulious 182; W. 72, 73; Wanda 196; Wesley 72; Will 68; William 74
COTTON Addie 82; Alvin 82; Anna 134; Buford 95; Frances 9; Garvis 182; Infant son 95; Irvin 95; Jared 9; Mary 67; Paris 96; Riley 9; Ritta 9; Roger 67; Sallie 95; Savannah 95; Shelby 95; Sue 96; Van 134; Virginia 182; Willie 95
COX Robert 58
CRAFT Alice 69
CRAIG A. 55; Alice 53; Amand 57; Annie 139; Charlie 53; E. 11, 53; Edna 144; Elmer 139; Finis 154; Freddie 54; Gazuaway 57; George 11, 53; Hilda 53; Jennie 55; Joe Ann 53; John 144; Julian 57; Laura 53; Lewis 53; Lula 53; Luza 217; Margaret 53; Martha 57; Mollie 54; Nancy 53; Nell 53; O. 53; Ruby 55; S. 11; William 53
CREASY Albert 199; Alton 159; Edna 159; Giffie 199; John 164
CROSBY Dorothy 192; Gardner 200; Howard 192; Ilene 192; Martha 200; Obe 200; William 191
CROSSNOE Ben 230; Della 230; Ida 116; James 230
CROWDER Pauline 33
CROWELL Alton 94; Bertha 84; Commodore 84; D. 69, 86; Delphia 83; Frank 83; Infant 199; Infant dau 69; Janie 94; John 222; Mary 222; Mittie 69; Ona 84; W. 199
CUDE Andrew 61; Carlos 129; G. 61; Indiana 146; John 61; Juanita 129; M. 61; Mary 61
CULP A. 61; Alice 137; Anderson 62; Cora 62; Cornie 137; Doss's arm 163; Earnest 62; Eliza 160; Frank 137; Fronie 162; Gleonue 160; Grady 62; H. 62; Hartwell 184; Henry 160; Herschel 151; Infant son 62; Jennie 87; John 62; Katie 62; Leonard 137; Maggie 151; Minnie 160; Mary 62, 184; Mittie 62; Nannie 137; Nohra 160; Nonna 160; Nora 62; Ora 61; Ruthey 160; Susan 62; W. 62; Woodrow 137
CUNNINGHAM Ada 150; C. 149, 150; Charles 153; Evans 148; Infant son 148; Jesse 28; John 149; Katie 151; Lena 149; Leonard 24; Mable 153; Mary 28; Mollie 43; Ralph 150; Reese 136; Tommye 136; Velia 149
CURL Alta 201; Jo Neil 145; John 70, 201; Lizzie 201; Robert 145; T. 201; Verda 70
CURRY Addie 63; Amos 109; Boyed 64; Charlie 51; Donna 64; Earnestean 109; Eula 129; Felix 63; Grover 14; Harry 109; J. 109; James 222; Jez 109; Jim 64; John 64, 109; Johnnie 109; Kate 23; Laura 63; Laverne 222; Lloyd 214; Lula 109; Mary 64; Mattie 214; N. 14; Nettie 51; Nova 64; Obe 129; Roy 63; Sarah 109; Wess 23
CURTIS J. 28; Mary 90; Sallie 28; Willie 28
CUTLER Irma 190; Odell 190
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DABBS Alma 23; Austin 129; Cicily 66; Dewey 136; Donald 66; Elender 67; Eliza 94; Ethel 85; Eula 129; Felix 67; Flora 171; Ike 91; Infant dau 66, 94; Infant son 94; J. 94; James 19; Jincy 66; Joe 20, 138; John 91, 194; Joseph 66; Lenard 20; Lila 86; Mary 48; Neely 137; O'Neal 48; Ophelia 20; Ottis 19; Rebecca 194; Robert 171; Rubena 138; Rufus 66; Ruth 20; S. 67; Sue 91; Tom 23; Videlle 19; Virginia 140; W. 137, 194
DAILEY Alice 12; Arthur 5; Brown 150; Farris 151; Jessie 150; Kathleen 151; Kittie 151; Libina 5; Nellie 149; Regeon 151
DAILY Carroll 67; George 31; J. 31; John 77; Myrtle 67; R. 177; Sarah 31; Susan 67
DANIEL 170; A. 68, 169; Allen 172; Amanda 169; Anna 169; Annie 34; B. 69; Bertha 150; Bob 60; C. 31; Charles 29, 139; Clarence 32; Clint 171; Clyde 171; Commodore 171; D. 171; David 169; Docia 60; E. 169; Earl 58; Edd 31; Emma 172; Ethel 29; Eva 73; G. 171; Garry 106; Gauvain 30; George 172; Gilbert 31; Grace 69; Grady 171; Grover 34; Helen 138; Hillard 31; Hollie 221; Ida 69; Infant dau 34; Infant son 32; Iris 169; J. 29, 58, 138, 171, 172; Jack 131; Jackie 201; James 60, 171, 173; Joe 221; John 32, 60; Julia 171; Kittle 29; Laura 31; Lena 34; Lillian 60; Liza 60; Loraine 146; Louise 34; M. 68; Mae 171; Mamie 58; Margaret 60, 69; Martha 30, 58, 173; Mary 46, 171; Melissa 173; Minnie 31; Mollie 172; Molly 29; Myrtle 139; N. 192; Nancy 171, 181; Nellie 171; Orby 171; Parlee 171; Patrick 30; Paul 34; Pauline 69; Pete 146; R. 30, 58; Ramelle 171; Rebecca 29; Robbie 60; Robert 106, 171; Sallie 171, 172; Sam 58; Twilla 173; Tyline 169; Verdie 30; W. 69, 169, 201; Wallace 32; Walter 171; William 34, 169, 171; Will 69; Willie 68, 106; Wily 171; Woodson 171
DANLEY Prince 128
DATEY W. 124
DAVIDSON J. 119; Levi 70; Mary 119; Robert 119; Thomas 119
DAVIS B. 14; Charlotte 96; E. 101; Emily 14; Hester 101; Infant dau 96; J. 101; James 14; Jessie 96; John 96
DEAN Archie 65; Cleave 65; James 70; Pauline 65; Velma 127
DEDRICK Betty 40; Ethel 231; Herman 40; Kathleen 117; Mamie 42; Marvin 42; Robert 40, 42; Roxie 42; Samuel 42; Tommy 231
DEERE Dollie 131; James 131
DEESE Louise 195
DENTON Andrew 57; Annie 22; Argent 120; B. 120; Basha 118; Bertha 117; David 56; Dolph 57; Ernest 120, 195; Florence 16; Fredie 16; Fronie 57; Grace 160; Ida 20; Infant son 117; J. 120; Jessie 57; Joe 57; John 57, 120; Johnnie 57; Lena 160; Leslie 56; Loda 130; Lydia 164; M. 57, 120; Mancie 168; Margaret 56; Mary 57, 117; Masa 117; Matilda 120; Piney 168; Rebecca 117; Robert 22, 117; Ruth 195; Sam 57; Samuel 120; Sara 120; Sarah 39; Thetus 57; Thomas 20; Walter 57; William 145
DePRIEST Ada 224; Albert 224; Andy 223; B. 17; Baby 27; Barbara 11; Ben 11; Bertha 11; Bessie 11; Betty 12, 131; Brian 14; Carl 24; Casie 224; Charles 223; Claude 13; Clayton 10; Comadore 192; Cora 224; Danny 223; Delila 224; Denar 211; Dera 13; Dona 12; Donald 11; E. 10; Earline 10; Eck 17; Elizabeth 211; Elnora 26; Ernie 224; Ethel 13; Eugenia 224; Eunice 181; Fannie 16; father 12; Fernie 12; Frank 205; Fred 26; Genevia 12; George 224; Geraldine 224; Glenn 26, 180; Grady 180; Graydon 11; Gustavus 11; H. 13, 211; Harvel 192; Hazel 10, 12; Henry 12; Homer 211; Howell 11; Infant son 13, 223; Jack 181; James 16, 147; Jennie 192; Joe 10, 12, 223; John 10, 211; Julia 44; Kenneth 11; Lee 12; Leonard 26; Leota 211; Lillie 10, 11; Lonnie 224; Lorene 11; Lottie 223; Lucille 13; Lura 17; Luster 16; M. 192, 224; Margaret 10, 12; Martha 16; Mary 13, 211; May 224; Mildred 223; Minnie 42, 180; Mollie 10, 223; Montie 224; Mosella 13; mother 12; Myrtle 223; Nellie 12; O. 13, 224; Obed 12; Obey 12; Opal 11; P. 12; Paul 12; Pauline 13, 224; Pearl 24; Peter 10; Ralph 12; Randol 12; Rebecca 17; Reed 224; Rene 16; Robert 12; Ruby 147; Rudolph 13; Sallie 16, 224; Sarah 11, 12; Scobey 13; Scott 12; Sybil 181; Terry 11; Thelma 149; Viola 224; Vivian 224; W. 224; Waco 17; Wiley 192; William 12
DEVER H. 161; Hettie 161
DEVERS Bell 162
DIAL Annie 143; John 143
DICKEY Jennifer 39
DICKSON Alonza 207; Baxter 199; Bessie 206; Betty 206; Della 26; E. 206; Eliza 207; Ethel 199; G. 206; Gidon 210; Jacob 26; James 200, 207; Jeny 210; Julia 206; Leander 206; Lenora 210; M. 26; Maggie 26; Matthew 210; Milton 26; Ollie 26; Thelma 126
DICUS Eldred 84; Goldie 84; Kelly 84
DILL H. 191; Mary 191
DIVINEY Lee 145; Nellie 145
DIVINY John 63
DIXON Fred 77; Thelma 147; Walter 77; William 147
DODSON Addie 20; Alice 52; Bess 21; Bettie 51; C. 50; Catharine 77; Charlie 50; Claiborn 77; Clarence 21; Claude 21; Dorothy 125; Elias 52; Elsie 50; Emile 224; Ennis 51; J. 50, 52; James 52; John 18, 21; Kyle 21; L. 50; Martha 52; Monroe 18; Nancy 77; Nina 18; Norma 180; Ralph 18; Roger 180; Sammy 21; Sue 21
DOTSON 29; B. 137; Cathey 29; Gertrude 137; James 139; Maggie 29; Mary 8; Melia 61; Minnie 137; Rebecca 61; Roy 137; Ruth 139
DOWDY A. 78; Alice 78; Anna 78; B. 78; Baker 78; David 78; Eve 78; Grover 78; Ila 78; Infant son 78; Irene 78; Jordan 8; M. 78; Mollie 78; Odell 78; R. 78; Tom 78; Villous 78
DOWNEY Mary 155
DOYLE Anna 135; Arkie 21; Barney 126; Boyd 135; C. 21; Celestine 23; Charlie 17; Clint 154; Docia 21; Dona 16; Effie 79; Hardy 13; Holly 13; Ira 21; Irene 139; J. 16; Jennie 79; John 17, 72; Johnson 79; Lawrence 21; Mary 23; Maudi 165; Mildred 126; Nannie 17; Noalon 79; Pete 23; Pheby 16; Pleas 139; Priniice 17; Ruby 72; Troy 17; William 79; Willie 79
DRAKE 7; Maxine 97
DUCKWORTH Timothy 32
DUDLEY Alta 214; Annie 214; Charlotte 79; Fay 214; George 79; Guy 42; Nellie 171; Sylvia 42; Thomas 79; Wiley 171; William 214
DUFF Ada 145; Artee 145; Jack 148; John 63, 148; L. 31; Pearl 148
DUKE George 74; Robie 74; Winnie 74
DUNCAN Aaron 96; Ada 184; Anna 155; Arlie 220; Bernard 81; Beulah 184; Billy 109; Bonnie 81; Brown 80; C. 80; Catherine 186; Clyde 80; Delphie 188; Drucilla 80; E. 35, 186; Edith 189; Eli 80; Elijah 80; Elizabeth 56; Emma 96; Florence 189; Frances 189; Hester 80; Homer 80, 146; Ida 81, 184; Infant dau 39; J. 35; James 169, 184, 189; Jean 13; Jeanette 189; Joe 80, 184; John 36, 55, 56, 96; L. 81; Lena 8; Loudine 220; Lovie 56; Lurah 81; Mable 146; Mary 8, 36, 80, 189; Mattie 35; Nancy 80, 81, 104; Ollie 80, 81; Paul 80; Pete 189; Rada 81; Raymond 57; Rosanna 80; Rozena 68; Sadie 169; Sarah 80; Scott 80; Solomon 81; Van 13; Vernon 190; W. 196; Webb 189; Wesley 81; Whitney 96; Will 169; Willard 169; William 184; Willis 8; Zula 11
DUNN Billie 25; Deborah 138; Horace 21; Jack 25; Julia 21; Leslie 138; Lillie 21; Lora 21; Mary 21; Maude 138; Tom 21
DYCUS Beady 229; James 229; Juley 229
DYER Charlie 11
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EARNEST Timothy 131
EARY Martha 110; Viriline 110
EASLEY Cherry 147; Frank 135; Lucitte 135; Peggy 147
EDMOND Robert 41
EDMONDS 200; C. 200; John 202; Mary 202; W. 202
EDNEY Ada 58; Austin 106; Bettie 186; Chesley 58; Golden 106; Joe 186; Lee 58
EDWARDS Bobby 131; Claude 220; Dan 132; Dorothy 220; Emma 85; Ethel 149; Etta 13; George 218; Glenn 221; Harvel 192; Infant dau 232; Joyce 68; Lillie 231; Lizzie 85; Lorenzo 223; Lottye 220; Mary 10, 44, 130; Melissia 140; Nettie 223; Paul 68; R. 231; Robert 10; Steven 132; T. 44, 210; Will 140
ELKINS Cristine 109; James 109
ELLIOT_HENSLEY Richard 176; Robert 176; Zoetta 176
ELLIS Flora 59
ELLISON Jeffery 99
EMMERLING Byron 53; F. 53; Frank 25; Mary 25
EPLEY Cora 157; Dora 22; Estalee 95; Eunice 95; Freeda 133; Hazel 22; J. 22; Melinda 157; Robert 95, 133; Stephen 136; Thomas 22
EPPERSON Jim 205; Luiza 205; M. 205; Nettie 204; P. 205; William 205
ERVIN Bert 226; James 226; William 226
ERWIN Claude 226; John 226
ESTES Julia 221; William 221
EVANS A. 39; Daisy 116; Evelyn 81; Fredona 211; H. 118; James 116; Judy 18; Mary 120; Opal 39; Sallie 116; Sealy 118; Wesley 116
EVENS David 119; Eliza 119; John 119; Mary 119; Nancy 119; S. 119; Sallie 119; Sarah 119; W. 119
EWING Norman 176
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FARMER Frank 14
FARRAR Jackie 13
FAULKNER 172; Dewey 172; Donia 172; Herbert 172; Katy 172; Lyla 172; Riley 172; Thomas 172
FERGUSON Bertha 100; C. 11; Carrie 39; Clint 148; Etta 148; John 100; Sarah 11; son 39; W. 11
FISHER Addie 77; Rufus 77
FLOWERS James 89; Jeney 89; L. 89; M. 88; Sammuel 89; W. 88, 89; Wade 56; William 89
FLOYD H. 98; Infant son 98
FLUTY E. 41, 88; Earnest 41; Etha 41; Infant dau 41, 85; Infant son 41; John 41; Mary 41; Sarah 88; Thomas 41
FODOR Clara 141; Eugene 141
FORD Mary 94
FORSHEE Earl 116; Edd 116; James 116; Jess 116; Rebecca 116
FRALEY Jocie 87; W. 87
FRANCH Fannie 74; M. 74
FRAZIER E. 74; Eddie 75; Herbert 75; Lena 74; Ophelie 210; Will 201
FREE Hazel 41; Lewis 41
FREEMAN Herchel 212
FRENCH E. 7; Alice 10; D. 99; Dossie 60; George 10; Hessie 52; Hester 10; Infant 74; J. 10, 122; Lennard 193; Kenneth 45; Nancy 10; Sue 45; W. 122; Watt 45
FRIESEN Benjamin 98
FROST Anna 149; Infant dau 149; John 149
FULLER Mary 211; Noah 151; Sarah 173; Sue 151
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GABBARD Lena 228
GALLYON William 104
GAMBLIN James 182; Lessie 182
GARNER Ada 84; Atha 84; Ben 84; Boyd 84; Cord 84; Edith 83; Elizabeth 84; Ina 128; J. 84; James 203; Janice 153; Opal 84; Samuel 84
GEAN Aaron 175; C. 175; Dona 198; J. 175; Nellie 175; Paul 180; Robert 175; S. 175
GIBBS Willie 63
GIBSON Alonzo 198; Clara 132; John 198; L. 198; Manerva 198; Polly 198; Ralph 198; Ray 132
GILMER Addie 90; Albert 90; Clayton 89; Ester 90; Inez 90; Infant son 89; Jack 90; Joe 89; John 89; Kate 89; Lois 89; Lucille 89; Martha 89; Myrtle 90; Robert 90; Roy 89; S. 89
GLADDEN 7; Archie 25; Doris 185; Elbert 185; Elizabeth 7; Felix 7; G. 24; James 25; Joe 185; Lillie 185; Lula 25; M. 24; Madison 24; Minnie 24; Ronald 185; Ruby 25; Warren 185
GLADWIN Mandy 51
GLICK Bernice 98
GOBELET Aug. 92; Bettie 91; Earnest 233; Eliza 233; Flora 232; Gussie 91; J. 91; Jesse 91; John 231; Johnny 92; Lennie 232; M. 91; Mack 91; Marie 233; Martha 130; Nancy 233; Robert 91; son 231; Susan 92; W. 130
GODWIN Alice 18; Baby son 18; C. 92; Cora 18; D. 53; Fred 18; G. 93; George 18; Infant son 53; James 93; John 18, 92; Katherine 18; Laura 53; Mary 92, 93; Maury 18; Minnie 92; Nola 18; Ralph 18; Redick 93; Sarah 93; Thomas 92; W. 93; William 18, 93
GORDON Jodie 38; Lizzie 38; Mattie 38; Wade 104; Wilton 104
GRAFTON Joseph 172
GRAHAM Allen 104; Bettie 102; Brown 229; Commodore 230; Delphia 104; Earnest 230; Edna 125; Ella 102; Era 229; Esther 127; Ethel 229; Flora 230; Fred 102; J. 102; J. 127; Jack 125; James 133; Joe 229; Joyce 127; Lila 133; Melvin 229; O'Neil 102; Opal 129; Richard 129; Robert 127, 229; Sallie 229; Stacy 129; Thomas 230
GRAIN E. 212; Leora 213; Mary 212
GRAMLIN Rebbecker 83
GRAVES Andy 94; Anna 115; Archie 95; Billy 71; Charlie 134; E. 95; Edgar 96; Ellison 95; Estalee 97; Evelyn 95; F. 95; Florine 71; Fred 94; H. 96; Harold 97; Hazel 76; Ida 212; Infant 95; James 86, 135; Leo 76; Lisie 86; Louise 96; Luther 97; M. 95; Mamie 94; Mary 95, 96; Mattie 95; Melissa 86; Minnie 94; Moncey 86; Opal 96; Pearl 134; Ransom 95; Robert 95; Ronald 135; Roxie 95; Ruth 135; Sally 86; Samuel 95; Sarah 95; Susie 95; T. 95; Thomas 95; Timothy 95; Virginia 93; W. 97; Wilburn 134; Wilson 95
GRAY Elishia 59; Ellen 146; Ida 59; Jerry 96; Jesse 44; Johnnie 96; Margaret 178; Nellie 44; Roy 146; Russell 146; William 178
GREENER Willie 204
GREENWAY Ethel 232; Florence 176; France 176; Francis 176, 232; Grace 176; Infant son 232; Mary 176; Roy 232; Tennie 233
GREER Ben 149; Bety 79; C. 90; Calerah 29; Carrie 149; Golden 77; H. 79; Isaac 77; Joseph 97; Lavisa 97; Leota 77; M. 77; Nancy 77; Robert 29; William 77; Willie 29
GREESON Bonnie 134; Brian 134
GREGORY Edward 71; Elmer 126; Leslie 21; Mabel 126; Poppie 71; Stella 21; W. 21
GREVE Dorothy 171; Harry 171
GRIFFIN C. 100; Madie 100
GRIGGS F. 98; Susan 98; Whitmill 98
GRIMES Glenn 85; Infant son 143; Jack 10, 143; Jessie 10; Keith 85; Marie 85; Mary 116; Robert 138; Ruth 143
GRINDER Billy 4; Carmie 3; Edward 4; Evelyn 3; Glenn 4; J. 67; L. 67; Lillian 3; Loyd 4; Mary 4; Milissa 2; Nettie 2; Ronnie 4; Sarah 67; Thelma 221; Theodore 4; W. 221; William 67
GRINSTEAD Annabelle 144; William 144
GROOM Alfred 102; Anna 100; Clint 98; Fannie 16; Grady 98; Henry 156; Infant 100; Infant son 100; J. 102; James 100; Jesse 100; Lova 98; Lucinda 157; Malinda 98; Noah 102; Rufford 16; Sallie 102; T. 16; Thompson 102
GROOMS Albert 196; Alma 194; James 196; Leonard 196; Nima 204; Viola 196; W. 196
GUNTER Susan 98
GRUTHRIE James 18; Medora 18
GUTHERY Elizabeth 167; John 167; Lucy 167; Martha 167
GUTHRIE Alma 15; Baby son 15; Jan 16; Lula 51; R. 16; W. 16; William 51; Willie 16
GWINN Douglas 26
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HADDEN Frank 116
HALBROOK 217; Laura 18; Lera 20; William 20
HALBROOKS Betty 138; Clem 138; Flora 138; Frank 19; Fred 19; George 19; Jack 21; Lena 19; Myrtle 21; Nannie 19; Robert 138
HALE Martha 20; Neal 20
HALFORD dau 159; George 164; Gertrude 164; Patty 194; Randolph 164; Raymond 159; son 159
HAM Anthony 101; Bessie 168; Della 168; George 168; Homer 101; Icy 168Infant dau 101; Isaac 88; J. 133, 168; James 100; Jane 88; Jesse 194; Lottie 168; Martha 101; Mary 101; Rebecca 101; Robert 101; Thomas 168
HAMEL Sharon 8
HAMILTON Ada 161; Marryeter 161
HAMM Audrey 88; Bransford 132; Doris 132; Earl 168; Elizabeth 100; Ezra 126; Infant son 88; Maud 88; Robert 88; Ross 88; Sue 126; W. 100
HAMPTON Lizzie 32; William 32
HANEY Winnie 59
HARDEN John 15; Laura 15
HARDER A. 105; Baby 99; Bertha 104; Bill 37; Bonnie 131; Carlus 96; Catherine 105; Cyrena 96; dau 105; Earl 99; Edgar 99; Edmond 105; Edmund 105, 131; F. 99; Francis 99; Harriet 99; Henry 99; Ila 221; Inez 2; Infant 99; Isabell 99; Jeramiah 99; Jerry 21; John 99; Leland 2; Leonard 105; Leora 105; Leslie 99; M. 99; Mary 67, 99, 105; Minnie 99; Nathan 104; Ollie 99; Prince 99; Robert 104, 105; Sallie 37; Sarah 99; Sherrod 2; Sol 99; Velma 45; W. 105; Wilburn 2; William 45, 99;
HARDIN Alice 194; Leslie 211; Minnie 194; Monroe 194; Ruby 211; Sam 194; Vick 103
HARPER Brownie 188; Denar 188; Florence 90; Guy 132; Jennie 188; Jessie 188; Mary 67; Olen 188; Ollie 64; Pleas 188; Wiley 79; Willie 64, 132
HARRIS Ada 61; Amy 132; Brown 173; Cecil 61; David 132; Edna 49; Eura 225; Giles 61; Grady 81; Jack 81; John 49; Lessie 81; Marie 130; Nora 49; Sallie 61; Thomas 130
HARRISON J. 35; Jessie 35; Robert 134
HARVEY Luke 140; Rita 140
HASSELL Louis 88; Minnie 88; Susan 88
HASTON Baxter 140; Patsy 140
HAWKINS Ella 123; James 123
HAYES Lanny 199; Lannie 199; Nannie 199; Thomas 17; Tina 17
HAYNES Addie 85; Alma 116; Belle 76; Charlie 230; Clinton 104; Dollie 103; Dorothea 141; Floyd 141; Frances 75; George 75; Henry 117; L. 85; Mary 75; Moody 76; Nina 117; Pearl 116; Queen 116; Russell 117; Thomas 75, 116
HAYS Alice 144
HEATH Alva 59; Andrew 59; Arra 59; Bernice 59; Cayce 169; Claude 106; Jesse 169; John 59; Louise 169; Martha 172; Mary 26; Norma 169; Pearl 106; Ray 59; Roy 59
HELAMS John 120; Mary 120
HELM Moses 205
HEMBY Oscar 194
HENDRIX Bessie 17; Charles 17; Charlie 17; Dennis 125; Lee 66; Lizzie 63; Mary 17, 125; Walter 63; Willie 66
HENSLEY 165; A. 71; Betty 178; Burt 60; Burton 35; Clarence 178; Clifford 204; Dallas 176; Duvel 208; Elmer 35; Elsie 35; Emma 104, 176; H. 60; Hairret 204; Hickman 208; Infant 60; Infant son 23; James 178, 189; Joe 104; Larry 178; Lena 178; Leslie 219; Louise 23; Loyd 178; Luther 22; M. 35; Mack 23; Mollie 74; Nita 219; Nora 35; Olamae 208; Patricia 22; Porter 204; Robert 178; Sid 204; Susie 208; W. 74; William 204
HESTER Billy 215; Foy 215; Gus 215; Honor 146; Ida 215; John 146, 215; Leslie 215; Richard 215; Sophia 215
HICKERSON Addie 86; Allen 5; Alma 96; Anthony 71; Beckie 107; Belle 14; Beulah 25; Beulas 5; Billy 4; Brown 14; Carrie 5; Clarence 40; Cleo 2; Clyde 42; Cornelia 4; Coy 15; Curnel 107; D. 14; David 4; Davie 5; Delphia 37, 117; Dollie 40, 195; Dorothy 4; E. 4; Earley 107; Earline 108; Edward 107; Elihugh 5; Eliza 41; Elmer 25; Elsie 139; Emily 107; Emma 86; Fannie 40; Florence 41; George 96; Grady 117; Harvil 4; Henry 2, 108; Hill 40; Howard 97; Ida 2, 4, 86; Infant 4; Infant dau 3, 40; Infant son 3, 4; J. 14, 138; Jadie 107; Jake 107; James 139; Janie 20; Jerry 110; Jim 5; Jimmy 5; John 4, 5, 86, 107; Johnnie 107; Jones 155; Joseph 107; Kay 107; Kyle 5; Laura 5; Leora 108; Lois 14; Lorene 25; Lucille 71; Lula 107; Mae 5; Maie 138; Margaret 107; Marion 110; Martha 107; Martin 107; Marvin 108; Mary 2; Maude 17; Melba 14; Minnie 15; Monroe 5; Nan 25; Nannie 14; Nathan 107; Nellie 97, 107; Nersissus 107; O. 40; Oma 107; Ouida 2; P. 41; Phillis 5; Rebecca 132; Robert 2, 15; Roy 5; Ruby 107; Sarah 4; Sophia 96; Stephanie 71; Susie 107; T. 40; Twin boys 112; W. 4, 107; Will 41; William 25, 40, 118; Willie 71, 107; Winfred 132
HICKS Alma 199; Gussie 122; J. 199; Jesse 122; John 122; Joseph 199; Letha 122, 123; Mattie 122; Mary 199; Noah 123; Ruby 122
HILDENBRANDT John 144; Norma 144
HILL Bonnie 62; Mary 40; Samuel 40; William 28
HIME Clara 62; J. 121; William 121
HIMES Chason 189; Minnie 230
HINSON Addie 14; Agnes 109; Alma 127; Alfred 108; Alton 108; Anna 109, 135; Barbra 108; Bernice 135; Bertha 108, 220; Bettie 189; Betty 153; Callie 110, 201; Carl 108, 153; Carlos 109; Clara 108; Clarence 101, 196; Clyde 13; Coleman 108; Docia 110; Donald 160; Donna 108; E. 158; Edgar 185; Elder 81, 108-110; Elese 108; Elta 220; Eunice 13; Fate 109; George 108; Gerald 153; Har. 108; Harold 135; Harville 220; Hazel 196; Herbert 109; Hessie 108; Hollace 153; Isabel 109; Jacob 8; James 127; Jamie 117; Joe 108; John 108, 109, 135; Jordon 109; Kenneth 109; Lanny 108; Larry 135; Leamon 108; Lee 195; Leon 108; Leonard 108; Leslie 108; Leta 108; Lillian 108; Lugie 196; M. 81; Maril 108; Marion 135; Martha 108, 110; Mary 195; Maude 81; Mavous 135; Maxie 108; Minnie 81, 108; Mollie 110; Myrtle 135; Ollie 108; Ophelia 109; Pearl 110; Ralph 220; Robert 127, 135; Ruby 153; S. 196; Smithy 185; Stewart 110; Susan 110; Terry 222; Wallace 110; William 135; Willie 14, 110; Winsel 108; Woods 81; Zula 110
HOLBROOK Mollie 17; Robert 17
HOLDER Bettie 111, 115; dau 111; Dewey 111; Donia 120; Eula 111; F. 42; H. 161; Hazel 118, 120; I. 42; Ida 111; J. 186; Jessie 111; John 111, 115, 120; Joe 111; Lena 115; Lochie 120; M. 111; Mary 115; Myrtle 111; Nannie 111; Oltia 111; Pauline 161; Richard 120; Roy 120; U. 111; Waldene 186; Willie 115
HOLLAND Aubrey 10
HOLLOWAY Bert 151; Sam 151; Sylvia 151; Wilma 151
HOLT Albert 112; Docia 112; Johnie 129; Mae 129; Thelma 129; Walton 129; William 167; Willie 129
HOOD Douglas 71; Thelma 71
HOOPER B. 30; Emily 30; J. 30; James 30
HOPE Tommie 45
HOPKINS Bessie 68; Bettie 227; George 106; Jennie 68; Nell 180; Walter 180; Willie 68
HORNER 12, 179; A. 183; Alice 177; Alton 188; Amanda 48; Aucie 133; Belle 112; Bessie 142; Bettie 147, 177; Betty 102; Bob 112; Charles 112; Charlie 142; Clatie 151; Clint 147; Dennis 183; Dillie 181; Dixie 226; Edgar 136; Eli 183; Elizabeth 181; Elsie 227; Emma 178; Flora 177; Flossie 178; Floyd 151; Foster 147; Frank 126; Freddie 48; Harriet 226; Harvy 11; Ida 175; Infant 112, 147, 183; Infant son 32, 177, 226; J. 179, 183; Jack 181; James 226; Janie 226; Jesse 175, 183; Jessie 178, 227; Joe 48; John 124, 176, 179, 181; Joseph 11; Kennie 48; Laura 226; Leda 181; Levi 181; Lucille 11; M. 179; Margaret 177, 179; Martha 179, 181; Mary 181, 183, 188; Mattie 46, 141, 179; Mildred 227; Minnie 90; Myrtle 136; Nan 188; Nancy 113, 177; Nathan 177, 179; Nathanal 214; Nell 112; O. 178; Ocie 138; Oles 214; Ollie 102; Opal 178; Pearl 178; R. 112; Ralph 178; Robert 181, 188; Ruby 112, 226; Sallie 179; Sarah 179; Sophrona 183; Sue 147, 179; Susan 183; Thomas 12, 141; Virginia 226; W. 112, 133, 138, 183; Will 46; William 48, 112, 113, 179, 226; Zula 126
HORTON G. 141; Lorraine 141
HOUSSELS Willie 233
HOUSTON Susan 136
HOWARD Abner 114; Ben 114; Benjamin 114; Betsy 114; Ellen 114; Ethel 114; Fannie 114; Florence 114; Frances 114; George 114; James 114; R. 114; Richard 114
HOWELL A. 165; Addie 129; Bev 148; Carl 129; Cora 40; Dianne 165; Edna 134; Emma 148; Fanny 117; Fred 136; George 134, 148, 149; Hollie 38; Jessy 163; John 40; Johnnie 163; Julia 163; Katheen 165; Katie 163; L. 117; Lany 117; Maggie 38; Marshall 129; Mary 40, 134; Nora 163; Noxie 162; Robert 165; Roxie 163; Roy 38; Stephen 117; T. 163; Thelma 129; Vernon 148; W. 163; William 134
HUDDLESTON Ida 225; Pearl 225
HUDSON Annie 9; C. 9; Chesley 130; Elizabeth 130; Elzadie 155; Harold 219; James 219; Larimore 155; Nancy 39; Thelma 219; Willie 130
HUFF Maggie 45
HUFSTEDLER Audra 133; Boyd 20; Cora 20; Curtis 20; David 20; Eddie 20; Elizabeth 125; H. 125; J. 2, 200; Jake 19; James 19; John 19; Louisa 122; Mable 3; Matilda 19; Pinkney 122; Rachel 109; Reeves 133; Sadie 183; Samuel 20; Telitha 19
HULLETT Ollie 180
HUNT Charlie 131; Clay 131; Euley 212; John 124; Kate 52; Mary 124; Mollie 131; Pearl 131; Roy 131; Ruth 131; Susan 61
HUNTER James 140; Jessie 140
HUTCHINSON Geraldine 139; James 22; Joe 139; Martha 22
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INMAN A. 163; Addie 116; Adline 121; Albert 117, 156; Alma 121; Amos 116; Bessie 121; Bill 158; Brice 116; Brown 120; Calvin 228, 230; Curtis 117; Della 158; Donald 120; Dora 116; Elvis 121; Emma 117; Ethel 51; Ezra 158; Forrest 163; Frank 117; Fredia 188; Garrett 231; Gussie 121; Hannah 230; Henry 156; Hester 116; James 116, 157; Jessie 116; Jimmie 138; Joe 188; John 156; Josey 163; Laz 51; Lila 156; Lizzie 117; Lonnie 116; Marshall 116; Martha 116; Minnie 158; Nannie 156; Nina 116; Nora 120; Ollie 158; Pearlina 158; R. 117; Rada 116; Robert 138; Roda 121; Ronie 230; Ruby 116; S. 116, 121; Sam 121; Samuel 55, 228, 230; Tommie 120; Zelma 55
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JACKSON Atha 185; Clara 23; Danny 134; Earl 137; Early 126; Frances 185; Freddie 25; Herbert 168; Inez 45, 136; Irma 185; Isabel 122; James 45; Jesse 126; Jim 20; Joan 84; John 136; Julia 137; L. 137; Lee 52; Lou 88; Martha 168; Mary 137; Myrtle 78; Nathaniel 20; Stanley 25; Virda 134; Will 23; William 79
JAMES Ann 16; Bonaree 209; Boyd 209; C. 209; Carrol 209; Ethel 47; Horace 47; James 209; Martha 209; Rebecca 209; Twin boys 209; Velma 209; Willie 208
JENNINGS Elder 181
JESTER Roy 145
JETER Clyde 161; Donald 160; Fay 161; Malenda 161; Margie 161; Myrtle 166; Unis 161; Vans 161; Verna 161; W. 161
JOHNSON Addie 185; Carl 53; Charlie 13, 17; Ennis 138; Guy 13; Lewis 93; Lizzie 185; Maie 138; Mary 93; Moddie 185; Nancy 17; Newton 13; Ruth 13; Susie 52; Verna 53; Willie 88; Willis 185
JOHNSTON Baxter 50; Beadie 50; Dennis 50; Effie 81; Fred 81; Irvin 50; James 50; Ollie 50; Russell 81; Ruth 81
JONES Bobby 154; Burnice 204; C. 154; Carrie 211; Dora 176; E. 204; Elbert 154; Elizabeth 154; Faye 103; Henry 154; J. 126; Jackin 154; John 103; Kayle 196; LeeAnn 196; Lena 154; Lewis 177; Mary 134; Misty 134; Richard 77; Sara 211; Susie 204; Thomas 176; Tom 154; Tulsa 103; Virginia 154; Vonneta 126; W. 211; Whit 103
JORDAN Byrdie 122; Estelle 129; James 129
JOURNEY C. 217; Dillie 24; Eliza 218; Fannie 218; Infant dau 217; Infant son 217; J. 218; Joe 217; Lee 24; William 217; Willie 217
JOYCE A. 72; M. 72
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KEEDY Infant son 204
KEELING Clyde's leg 133; Daisy 117; John 117; Lois 133
KELLER Annie 187; Phillip 187
KELLEY Carrie 14; Earnest 14; Ellen 14; J. 14; Joe 14; Laura 14; Martha 14; Mary 14; Willie 14
KELLON Mollie 7
KELLY Alfred 83, 124; Edker 120; Elvis 104; Ester 104, 120; Floudy 120; Fred 124; George 104; Imogean 104; J. 55; James 104; Laura 124, 125; Louise 123; Martha 124; Mary 55; Myrtle 83; Nancy 16; Noah 188; Okle 55; Willie 55
KENNAMORE Jimmy 103; Johnnie 103; Robbie 104; Timmy 103
KILLEN Augusta 152; Hubert 152; Wanda 60
KILLPATRICK Hart 112; Lottie 112; Mary 112; Thelma 112
KILPATRICK Allen 126; Andy 15; Billy 140; Carolyn 140; Claude 15; Clearance 70; Delvine 23; Elvie 15; Emma 126; Isaac 70; James 23; Joshie 67; Sallie 70; William 67
KIMBEL 212; Ben 212; C. 21; Dorothy 212; Edd 91; J. 91; Jane 91; John 91; Munervia 212; Richard 21; Robert 212
KIMBELL Ashby 212; Ezra 212; Harry 212; Sarah 91; Sims 91
KIMBLE Ada 134; Allen 158; Annie 132; Austrilla 158; Bobby 132; Cecil 211; David 136; Dixie 211; Ella 132; Elmer 158; Frank 127; G. 128; George 134; John 208; Joshua 190; M. 158; Marla 127; Mary 208; Myrtle 211; Ollie 132; Osby 132; Pearl 208; Robert 211; Ruth 128
KIMBREL Eliza 91; Robert 91
KING Albert 224; Betty 125; Billie 224; Dixie 20; Elmer 131; Emery 137; George 61, 140; Izora 141; J. 61; James 20, 125; Jane 61; John 141; Joseph 141; Leona 217; Leonard 20; M. 60; Madolene 20; Mary 20, 140; Mattie 141; Norma 61; Robert 20; Roffie 224; Sarah 61; Stella 131; Thomas 217; Verna 141; W. 60; Willie 137
KIRK Claude 23; Donald 130; Emma 24; Estalle 137; Florence 20; J. 17; John 24; June 23; Lochie 87; Lou 135; Lucinda 17; Lyle 130; Nesby 135; Nora 17; Obe 137; R. 20; Victoria 23; William 23
KISER Eddye 131; Elva 202
KITRELL Alma 70; Benjamin 70, 141; M. 141; Martha 141
KITTRELL Addia 53; Celia 84; Harris 219; Infant son 53; Kent 136; Lila 219; Ola 136; Sallie 163; Simon 136; Tommie 53
KNIGHT Frank 160; Glenn 197; Howard 85; John 85, 159; Nora 159
KUNKEL George 125; J. 125; Martha 125
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LACHNEY Martha 65
LADD Elizie 204
LAFFERTY Ara 142; Infant son 161; Oze 142
LAIRD James 46
LANCASTER 73; Annie 73; Fannie 148; George 34, 148; Gussie 148; H. 148; Henry 148; Hicks 147; Jack 147; John 148; Mary 147, 148; Nettie 147; W. 148; Walter 193
LAND E. 155; George 219; J. 155; Lee 219; M. 155; Nancy 155; W. 155
LANDERS 15; A. 41; Bennie 41; Bine 165; Claria 41; Delie 165; Dorothy 41; Frances 165; Gary 104; Henry 165; James 165; Lisa 165; Mary 165
LANE A. 27; Walter 27; William 130
LANGLY R. 31; T. 31
LaRUE A. 22; Addie 22; Anner 22; Dorcas 22; I. 22; J. 22; James 208; Maudie 22; R. 230; Rebecca 22; Walter 22
LASTER Sylvia 141; W. 141
LAWRENCE Beulah 142; Charles 142; Eliza 82; Ira 142, 201; L. 142; Lois 142; Miles 82; Robert 142; Stella 181
LAXTON Gertie 186; Isaac 186
LEATHERS Henry 32; Ludie 32; Mae 32; Mary 32; William 32
LEDBETTER Abram 143; Alonzo 51; Annie 232, 233; Ashley 210; Benjamin 233; Bernice 50; Bessie 228; Bettie 89; Betty 14; Bob 14; Bonnie 228; C. 144; Carl 228; Clare 233; Coleman 143; Cora 232, 233; Dena 144; Diann 228; Docie 143, 233; Elizabeth 233; Elgia 195; Ella 143; Foster 143; Frank 144; Fred 142; G. 227, 233; Golden 149; Gwendolyn 129; H. 232; Henry 93, 232, 233; Ila 125; Infant dau 143; Infant son 143, 144, 233; J. 89, 232; James 115, 143; Jane 143; Jno. 232; Joe 195; John 149, 196, 233; Joseph 115; Leslie 233; Lessie 228; Lester 95; Lillie 210; Lonnie 143; Lossie 141; Lottye 136; Louise 93; Lula 115, 196; M. 79; Malcolm 51; Manuel 205; Mark 90; Mary 93, 144, 232; Matilda 143; Mattie 207; Myrtle 142; N. 232; Nannie 207; Norma 205; Patry 50; R. 144; Ralpha 233; Reuben 123; Robert 143, 228; Roger 125; S. 123; Samuel 141; Sion 233; Thomas 136; W. 194; Walter 34; William 200, 227, 228; Willie 90
LEE Elijah 130; H. 222; Haley 130; Hansom 64; Hanson 64; Infant son 64; Janie 56; Joshua 196; Lessie 222; Maggie 64; Mary 187; Morris 187; Nettie 196; Raymond 196; Ruby 13
LEEGAN Lessie 152; Lucille 216; Nealy 152; Porter 204; Vada 204; Wilson 216
LEEPER Amsel 146; Andy 146; Bessie 142; Dena 146; Durwin 145; Era 146; George 147; Glyn 43; Infant dau 150; Iva 147; James 179; Joe 146; John 146, 147; Lonnie 214; Mary 147; Meda 144; Media 146; Myrtle 147; Sam 144, 146; Vina 179; William 142, 146; Willie 146
LEMMONS Annie 42
LEWIS 178; Cecil 114; Clint 185; Coleman 179; Colman 177; Dalton 169; Dixie 228; Ed 114; Edna 114; Eliza 182; Elizabeth 207; Emma 177; Ester 169; Eva 49; Frank 184; Fred 228; Gusta 185; Infant 183; Izora 7; J. 7, 182, 207; Jennie 177; Jesse 207; John 49, 114, 182, 228; Joseph 184; Laura 228; Levisie 7; Louis 114; M. 208; Mary 178, 208; Mellie 178; Nancy 182; R. 169; S. 207; W. 182, 207; wife 114; William 182, 207
LINEBER Adline 163; John 163
LINBERRY Alice 118; Andy 118; Annie 118; Ashley 118; C. 115; Charlie 115, 119; Edward 115; Eli 117; Elvis 118; Esley 116; Florence 119; Grace 211; Henry 118, 119; Infant dau 121; J. 117; James 121; Jewel 115; Lee 84; Leeta 115; Lillie 121; Linkford 118; Lona 117; Mary 117; Minnie 116; Nancy 115; Nora 117; Robert 117; Ronnie 121; Roscoe 118; Rube 121; Sam 118; Susie 119; W. 116; Ward 116; Winnie 118
LINEBERRY Andrew 22; Bill 133; Gertrude 25; Henry 38; J. 25; Lula 39; P. 84; Oscar 39; Sarah 84; Vesta 133
LITTLE Effie 197; Eunice 197; Frank 197; G. 197; J. 197; Jessie 197; Josie 197; Ollie 197; son 196; W. 197
LOGGINS Ader 216; Angelita 65; Benjamin 216; Delia 216; Doshie 216; Henry 13, 153; Infant dau 195; Jackie 215; John 216; Linda 195; Luna 216; Minnie 153; Tennessee 215; W. 216; William 215; Wilma 13
LOMAX Andrew 37, 100; Arnold 101, 192; Aulma 42; Barney 103; Burrel 191; Carl 192; Carmon 126; Claud 192; Clora 103; Coy 143; Daisy 103; Elbert 143; Elizabeth 100, 214; Elmer 21; Etta 101; Ezra 126; Fannie 103; Givie 126; Golden 42; Infant son 40; J. 192; James 102; Jennie 23; Jerry 42; Jess 21; Joe 192; John 101; Joseph 102; Leta 226; Louis 136; M. 192; Martha 101; Marvin 230; Mary 102; Maude 143; Minnie 102; Mollie 23; Myra 205; Nancy 101; Neely 103; Paul 23; Raymond 140; Rebecca 61; Robert 102; Sarah 102, 214; Tom 126; W. 101; Wilson 214
LONG Ada 75; Bethel 27; Claddie 150; Clyde 147, 181; D. 27; Doris 181; Ervie 27; Ethel 26; Evaline 27; Fernie 26; H. 27; Hattie 147; Henry 147; Howser 26; Idlet 75; J. 153; James 26, 75; John 27; Johnie 75; L. 27; Lathel 153; Lexie 145; Mae 75; Margaret 198; Mildred 75; Ronnie 161; Sarah 75; Willie 148
LOTT Bessie 168
LOUIS Annie 182
LOVE Ada 50; Mark 50
LOVELESS Alice 45; B. 44; Byron 145; Dora 44; Dorothy 145; Erwin 145; F. 44; Glenda 145; Hurshel 145; James 145; Jim 145; Loyde 44; Margaret 145; Robert 145; Ross 44; William 145
LOYD Charles 153
LUTTRELL Grady 194
LYNCH Abraham 152; dau 150; John 13; Maud 152; Thomas 202; Viera 13
LYON Janet 127; Jean 127; John 127; Sarah 127
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MACKIN Charlie 231; Gracie 231; Helen 104; Hillard 231; Jake 231; Learhepirl 91
MADDEN Dona 129; S. 129
MAGEE Jane 120; S. 119
MaGEE Betty 39; E. 39; Edgar 39; Eunis 39John 39; Louise 39; Martha 39; Mary 39; son 39; William 39; Willie 39
MAJORS Frank 134; Lela 154; Oneal 154
MANNON Ermel 60; Evenlyn 59; Harold 60; Henry 172; James 59; Lester 59; Mary 172; Wiley 60
MARKCUM Polly 172
MARLIN Andrew 136; Ben 206; C. 50; Cora 50; Doshie 50; E. 50; Edward 135; Holly 134; Ida 50; Infant dau 203; James 135; Lillian 206; Mattie 135; Minnie 134; Odella 203; Ophelia 217; Paul 135; Rita 135; Robert 50; W. 50; Wilma 136
MARRESS Gladys 70
MARRS Aneal 106; Anna 28; Audie 149; Dewey 106; Elena 29; Elizabeth 149; G. 29; George 29; Gladys 36; Henry 28; J. 149; Jennifer 28; Joyce 29; Kenneth 29; Martha 32; Paul 28, 147; Pauline 106; Polly 149; Roy 147; Sallie 150; Sammie 149; Sarah 150; Shellie 147; Verna 29; W. 32, 106
MARSHALL Floyd 180; Infant son 182; J. 27; Jack 64; James 26, 180; John 197; K. 27; Katie 180, 182; Luther 180; Margarete 27; Martha 180; Mary 197; Myrtle 180; Robert 180; Roy 180; Virginia 84, 126; W. 180; Walter 180; William 180; Willie 67
MARTIN Amanda 210; Effie 74; Flora 210; Ida 2; J. 74; Lula 210; T. 74
MARVIN A. 206; Adline 206; Albert 102; Elbert 205; Elsie 205; Gussie 102; Joe 206; John 206; M. 196; Martha 206
MAST Jacob 98
MATHES Beasley 197; Dixie 35
MATHEWS Anneliza 184; Charlie 87; Eliza 184; Phebe 184
MATHIS Albert 126; Allen 150; Clyde 48; Cora 194; Dena 194; Edith 194; Elizabeth 150; Emmar 204; Floyd 184; Granville 194; J. 202; Jo 184; Leonard 194; Loudean 193; Luda 56; Mark 194; Martha 48, 230; Murl 193; Ollie 197; Pogie 202; Robert 230; Roy 153; W. 194
MAUPIN G. 18; George 55; Sallie 18
MAYBERRY Abram 40; dau 40; Fannie 40; Thomas 40; W. 40
MAYNARD Alice 114; Grace 114; Howe 114; James 114
McAFEE Aza 56; Clara 158; Eddy 158; Etta 158; George 56; Laura 158; Margaret 56; T. 56; Willie 56
McALISTER Sarah 74
McALLISTER Black 188; Era 188; Lula 188
McCAIG Bessie 106; Coreana 107; Franklin 216; Hillard 216; James 106; Long 58; Mack 106; Nellie 58; Oddie 58; Odis 58; Paul 58; Walter 106
McCALL Emma 106
McCLANNAHAN Ethel 77; Gifford 77; Lee 77
McCLEAREN Josephine 18
McCLUNG Harold 64; Helen 64
McCLURE Gould 24; Mary 24
McCOLLUM Fred 30; Glenie 30; James 192; John 192; Mary 192
McCOY Bobby 64; Ernest 64; Hez 65; James 65; John 65; Johnny 64; Judy 65; Lula 64; Mary 152; Max 64; Nettie 152; Richard 152
McCUISTON Elijah 56
McCULLUM Neil 146; Watson 146
McCUSTON Jane 165
McCUTCHEN John 165
McCUTCHEON Albert 163; Billie 163; Bonnie 165; Clarence 164; Della 164; Dora 167; George 164; Infant dau 165; Infant son 164; J. 165; Jessie 167; John 163; Lena 163; Loretta 163; Mittie 163; Neely 163; Norma 165; Ora 164; W. 163; Wade 164
McDONAL Alva 23; Robert 24
McDONALD A. 168; Alexander 168; Ann 168; Archibald 168; Archie 214; Bessie 25; Billy 208; C. 1; Charley 214; Eula 2; Henrietta 168; Ida 24; Ila 110; Infant dau 168; Infant son 168; Jeffrey 190; L. 2, 168; Magie 1; Mary 84, 214; Melia 1; Miles 1; Pearl 110; Sam 24, 84; Sarah 109; Shirley 2; Vergie 84; Vina 110; William 110, 168
McGEE Author 55; Cora 22; Etta 49; J. 21; John 22; Mary 55, 140; Odie 24; Oville 21; T. 49
McHEAD Fred 30
McKEEL James 97
McKINLEY William 197
McKNIGHT A. 227; Amanda 227; Arbin 227; James 227; Lillie 227; Myrtle 227
McLEMORE Cora 114; Ella 87; Harris 87; J. 87; James 87; John 87; Lena 87; Millard 129; Mollie 87; Nora 87; R. 87; Sallie 87; Vera 129
McMAHAN Clovis 229; R. 117; Ruthie 117
McNALLY Clora 36; James 36
McPEAKE Tommye 126
MEACHAM Rosana 93
MEADERS Cleo 227
MEADOWS Addie 227; John 227
MEALER Cola 155; Era 155
MEDEARIS Rebecca 175
MELTON John 35
MERCER Ada 3; Arlie 133; Clarinda 4; Conred 3; Dorothy 3; Ed 131; Fred 3; Grace 1; Inez 133; Infant 1; Infant dau 105; James 107; John 3, 138; Leslie 107; Lillie 131; Luther 3; Nancy 3; Robert 131; Samuel 3; Shelt 1; Susie 3; William 4
MEREDITH Bettie 147; Charlie 91; Donald 90; Jean 90; Osie 91
MERIDETH Bobby 30; Brooksie 30; Earlie 30; William 30
MESSICK Gilbert 190; Verna 190
MIDDLETON Addie 162; Alfred 159; Alice 159; Ann 161; Billie 159; D. 162; Deloris 22; Doris 22; Flossie 162; Floyd 195; Forrest 161; Grady 195; Greenberry 55; Hazel 161; Infant 162; Infant dau 159; Infant son 159; J. 161; Jessie 162; Joe 195; Leona 159; Lonzo 159; Martha 55, 162; Mattie 162; R. 161; Sallie 162; Sally 195; Timothy 22; Willie 195
MILLER Annie 172; Homer 69; Lavada 28; Sam 215; T. 172; Thomas 28; Vara 215
MILLIGAN Shirley 58; William 58
MITCHEL Infant 204
MITCHELL Christiana 29; E. 29; Etta 29; Jack 29; Joe 185; John 14; Maudine 185; Mike 153; Nancy 185; Sue 153; Wilburn 185
MOHEAD Mavis 173
MONROE Joe 133; Joyce 133; Lottie 141; Margaret 127; Martha 124; Nora 118; William 127
MOORE A. 131; Albert 137; Allen 41; Arnold 157; Bell 42; Bradford 102, 103; Buel 158; Cora 42; Cressie 103; dau 158; Delores 42; Dorothy 157; E. 157, 158; Eason 157; Edna 157; Eliza 157; Emily 157; Emma 158; Emmett 94; Eunice 157; F. 131; Fount 103; G. 99, 103, 157; Gertie 210; H. 127; I. 158; Infant dau 157; Isaac 103; Isabelle 174; J. 103, 157; James 158, 210; Jess 210; Jewel 158; John 157; Jorene 94; Julina 157; Kathy 146; Leonard 94; Liddie 157; Lizzie 41; Lorene 94; Lydia 103; M. 157; Margaret 127; Mariam 137; Marie 158; Martha 158; Mary 102, 103; Matilda 15; Mattie 38; Monroe 41; Myrtle 157; N. 157; Norma 210; Ollie 103; Osco 127; Robert 42; Rogers 103; Ronald 94; Sceny 203; Stella 103; Syble 127; W. 38, 102, 157; Wayne 157; Will 88; William 210; Wilma 103
MORE Dellie 99
MORGAN B. 39; Edgar 27; John 163; Jossie 27; S. 86
MORRIS Alva 75; Frances 75; Jack 45; Jim 75; Lena 45; Louise 75; Melton 75; Wesley 75; William 75
MORRISON Bessie 65; Earl 63; Emma 150; Fred 144; James 65; Jane 65; Joe 65; Lucille 144; Will 65
MOSHER Mollie 68
MURDOCK Annie 56; G. 57; J. 57; Lewis 138; Ola 138; Willie 56
MURRAY Egbert 202; Elizabeth 77; Martha 202; Mary 43; Rebecca 202; Salley 202; W. 43
MURRY Wilie 45
MYATT Coleman 192; Isaac 192; Jane 192; John 231; Martha 232; Rhoda 193; Verilla 192; W. 192, 231
MYRICK Jessie 10
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NANCE Sarah 182
NANNEY Clarice 126; Stanley 126
NEHRING Robin 94
NICHOLS Pearl 135; W. 135
NIX Betsy 170; Bettie 179; C. 179; Della 181; E. 181; Edward 170; Elizabeth 170; Eva 177; Harvey 170; Infant dau 179; John 176, 179; Johnny 114; Lorene 179; Louisa 34; M. 181; R. 170; Roberta 76; Sarah 113; Sim 170; W. 181; Whitman 169; William 179; Zack 113; Zeb 180
NOLT Annie 98
NORMAN Zelphie 189
NORTHERN J. 172; Sallie 172
NORTON Nicholas 211; Sallie 211
NUNLEY Dora 161
NUNLY W. 167
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OAKLEY Annie 170; Homer 170; Ruthy 28; W. 28; William 28
O'BRYAN Fannie 28; J. 148; Ruth 148
ODLE Andrew 154; David 154; Ed 154; Julia 154; Monetta 154; Susie 154
O'GUIN 69; Ada 131; Allen 68; Clara 131; Commodor 69; Connie 68; David 68; Edward 177; Fount 68; Grady 69; Hazel 139; Ida 69; Infant dau 189; J. 68, 139, 201; Jack 68; Jeanette 189; John 131; Lee 69; Levi 205; Lula 4; M. 68, 69; Maggie 177; Mary 69; Nancy 68; Nathan 176; Ollie 69; Otto 69; Phenie 68; Riley 68; Rolley 189; Ruph. 68; Sam 68; son 68; Tandy 69; Vester 201; Walter 68
O'GUINN Becky 205; W. 205
OLIPHANT Glenn 151; Martha 151
OSBORNE Delia 108; Jack 42
OTT Alan 149
OUTLAND Infant dau 39
OWEN Jeff 34; Maude 34
OWENS Corn 31; Dottie 31; Frank 31; Minnie 147
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PACE Infant 179; Julina 207; Mary 178; W. 207; Wm. 178
PAGE Flora 3; Joyce 3; William 3
PARKER Elba 182; James 181; Lessie 182; Shelby 139; Thomas 139
PARNELL Allene 185; Archa 202; Bobby 52; Carlton 185; Cecil 49; Daryl 132; Don 132; Dorris 132; Frank 132; Gary 171; Hessie 132; Howard 185; J. 171; Jack 190; James 49; Jesse 52; John 202; Julia 49; Lena 49; Leonard 185; Lorene 49, 138; Lucille 49; Mamie 49; Mary 52; Maudie 185; Mollie 202; Nina 52; Ola 190; Ralph 185; Sallie 202; Samuel 49; Shelby 138; Walter 49; Will 49
PARRISH Ada 225; Alfred 227; Alpha 124; Asalee 227; Audie 124; Betty 174, 203; Clifford 203; Earl 226; Fred 203; George 174; Herbert 225; Homor 174; Ilean 203; Infant son 174; Irene 174, 226; James 225, 228; Jesse 174; Jimmie 174; Johnnie 174; Kathy 225; Leonard 174; Mary 124; Matilda 174; Myrtle 225; Nancy 124, 174; Ola 124; Olen 123; Ollie 174; Osby 203; Otis 124; Otto 225; Roy 228; Ruth 174, 228; Sally 174; Tommie 124; William 124; Willie 124
PASCHALL Almer 17, 56; Amanda 27; Bessie 56; Caldonia 20; Cleve 136; Connie 123; Ewell 135; Fannie 55; Grover 56; Howard 57; J. 56; Lowell 136; Michiel 20; Nannie 56; Patricia 57; Robert 57; Sally 26; Sarah 136; William 27, 55, 57; Willie 56; Woodrow 55
PATRY Gary 144; Mary 144
PATTERSON Atha 74; Beaney 175; Bernard 178; Bradie 69; D. 175; David 177; Dewey 175; Dixie 175; E. 180; Edna 175; Elizabeth 178; Emma 177; Flossie 183; Fred 178; Hannah 177; Hazel 69; Herbert 175; Howell 178; Ida 177; Infant dau 177; Infant son 177, 181; Isaac 179; J. 181; James 178; Jesse 179; John 69, 180; Josephine 181; Lee 183; Lizzie 177; Maggie 178; Malcolm 178; Malinda 181; Mamie 180; Margaret 177, 178; Martha 180, 181; Mary 175, 179, 181; Myra 179; Nettie 178; Otto 180; R. 177, 181; Ralph 69, 175; Robert 69; Ruby 175; S. 34; Sallie 181; Sarah 179, 181; son 175, 177; Thomas 175, 181; W. 177; Will 178; William 175, 177, 180, 181
PATTON Homer 53
PEACE Flora 137; Ida 47; Lonnie 137; Mary 47; T. 47; Thomas 47; William 47
PEARL W. 194
PEARSON C. 175; Charles 25; Edward 25; Elbert 24; George 24; Georgianna 175; Leeta 24; Lena 25; Leona 25; Percy 24; Wilfred 175
PEDIGO Robert 11
PENIX Ader 27; James 27; Samuel 27
PENNINGTON Clara 213; Rebecca 213; Virginia 152
PEREZ Anthony 131
PERKINSON William 70
PERRY Ella 153; Henry 153
PETERS Henry 148; Mattie 169; Rhinhart 227
PETERSON Dorothe 155; Infant 199; Julia 199
PEVAHOUSE 16; Albert 100; Alice 108; Berenice 129; Betty 108; Clovis 129; Clyde 140; Cora 25; Dorothy 16; Elige 15; Elihu 157; Ernest 156; Fannie 37; Fred 22; Infant dau 119; J. 15; Jesse 119; Jessie 70; Jimmie 125; John 157; L. 70; Lillie 15; Lilly 100; Lonnie 70; Lula 122; M. 70; Margaret 122; Ophelia 102; Paul 25; R. 22, 125; Robert 15, 119; Sarah 119; Therial 229; William 119; Willie 140
PHEBUS Gussie 169; L. 170; M. 170; W. 170
PHILLIPS April 151; Betty 116; Donnie 104; Dora 86; Dorothy 115; Hazel 136; Hilliard 86; J. 86; James 86; Joda 87; Martha 87; Sallie 86; Teddy 116; Vetta 86; Vickie 186; Willie 87
PIERCE Annie 52
PIERCE-HIBBS Geraldine 62; Lois 62
PIKE Unis 210
PILAND Vera 118
PINKERTON J. 181; Margarete 181; Mary 181
PINNIX Donna 132
PIPIN Algie 229; Lila 229
PIRTLE Edward 58; Frank 60; Golden 58; Infant son 60; Mary 36, 60; Robert 36; Wylie 172
PITTMAN Floyd 52; Loyd 52; Mary 52; Maudie 52
PITTS Josie 54
PLATT Edward 138; Vernell 138
PLUCKETT Corbitt 52; Dane 52; Deley 52; Hardin 52; Mary 52
PLUMMER H. 18; James 19; M. 18
PLUNKETT Baby 49; John 49; Mand 49; Robert 49
POLAN Mary 227; Raymond 227; Sallie 227; W. 227
POLK John 183; Talitha 183; Thomas 183
POLLOCK Grady 213
POOLE A. 31; David 31; Emma 31; Florence 31; Long 31; Mattie 31
POORE Cas 202; Ervin 177; John 202
POPE BamaLee 229; G. 229; Henry 229; Ila 57; Infant son 206; Issiac 229; Jane 229; Jesse 6; Josie 183; Judy 80; Jurettie 183; Kendra 55; M. 39; Mary 183; Ottis 103; Ruth 6; William 183
PORE Samuel 55
PORTER Mattie 44
POWELL A. 163; Amos 160; Annie 163; Azlee 160; Clara 164; Cora 162; Eliza 162; Hershel 159; Hillard 159; Jimmie 162; John 160; Malcolm 160; Martha 162, 163; Minnie 163; Nancy 160; Patsy 160; Robert 164; Sallie 162; W. 162
POWERS Earl 180; Gussie 180
PRESSON Jack 201; Nonnie 201
PRICE Joan 145; Pearl 205
PRUETT A. 74; Bettie 73
PULLEY Hugh 83; Opal 83
PUTMAN Daniel 170; Henry 170; Mary 170
PUTNAM Thompson 170
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QUALLS 187; Addie 189; America 6, 187; Amos 187; Annice 155; Annie 186; Asbury 186; Berry 187; Bertha 185; Bettie 186; Birdie 189; Birtie 52; Bud 155; Carl 48; Cecil 190; Charles 187; Charlie 187; Clifford 187; D. 186; Dock 190; Doctor 189; Dora 187; Dovie 48; E. 215; Earl 105, 185; Edna 189; Edward 189; Elijah 186; Elizabeth 187; Ellen 48; Elva 190; Emma 189; Eva 185; Ezora 189; Fate 6; Flora 187; Floyd 48; Frances 187; Franklin 91; G. 130; Genevieve 189; Harrett 187; Henry 48, 185; Hollis 186; Howard 189; Infant dau 186; Irvin 185; J. 186, 190; Janice 189; Jess 187; Jessie 189; Joe 188, 189; John 186; Joseph 187; Kyle 6; Lando 189; Lee 8; Leona 187; Lettie 186; Lillie 190; Lonzo 189; Manervia 187; Martha 186; Mary 186, 187, 215; Mollie 189; Myrtle 185; Nancy 186; Nannie 185; Nellie 186; Oscar 185; Paige 190; Richard 52, 186, 189; Riley 6, 186; Rob 189; Rosa 186; Roy 187; Ruthie 188; Sallie 6, 185; Serenia 189; Smitha 186; Soloman 186; Thomas 187; Tommie 6; U. 6; Verlie 190; Virginia 105; W. 186; Waco 6, 190; Wagmer 52; Waymer 185; Wilburn 185; William 186, 189
QUINN Edith 75; Onis 75
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RABY Fredy 211; W. 211
RAGAN Mavis 131; William 131
RAINEY 35; Andrew 191; Ben 191; Bess 191; Bill 191; Billy 191; Cecil 191; Charlotte 191; Earl 191; Emma 191; Fronia 191; Girtie 191; Infant daus 191; Infant son 191; Jeanetta 191; Jimmy 190; Johnny 191; Leonard 191; Lorene 190; Opal 190; Rushie 191; Samie 35; Samuel 191; Watt 190; William 190; Wilma 190
RAINS John 32; Mattie 32
RAMEY 35; Captola 57; Danny 47; Delphia 35; Elizabeth 35; Ervin 37; Gladys 194; J. 35; John 194; Lillian 56; Louie 194; M. 35; Madie 37; Mattie 57; Paul 194; Rosie 194; William 35
RANDEL Malinda 122; Nathaniel 122
RANDLE Ednia 170; Martha 167
RANEY Earlean 191; Elmer 192; Emma 191; Leona 180; W. 191; William 180
RAPER Ollie 126
RAPP Jeanie 128
RAWDON Otice 5
RAY Arthur 96; Authur 96; Charlotte 96
RAYBI_ISS John 166
RAYMER Clovis 173; Vivian 173
REESE Annie 147; James 147; Loviva 147; Roy 147; W. 147
REEVES 36, Emmet 209
REID Rachel 173
RENFRO 135; Lloyd 135; Rachel 55
RHODES Flossie 195; George 226; Gussie 226; Lona 226; Melvin 226; Tavy 195; Victory 195; William 226; Wonda 226
RICHARDSON 47; Alanson 128; Alonzo 40; Alvin 103; Ann 196; Arkie 102; Artis 128; Bertha 104; Billie 37; Brenda 161; Calvin 100; Clara 46; Claude 103, 116; Clora 99; Clovis 104; Clyde 46; Coy 196; Dewey 46; Doris 83; E. 101; Ed 37; Edward 212; Eler 164; Elsie 104; Etta 101; Fannie 101; Flora 53; Fred 99; George 102; Grady 46; H. 99; Ida 101; Ila 37, 46; Infant son 3, 164, 193; Isaac 100; J. 37, 83; Jack 47; Jacob 37; James 103, 104; Jane 100; John 161, 193; Johnnie 102; Johnny 165; Joseph 102, 193, 207; Lovie 101; Lula 193; Luther 164; M. 37, 47; Marie 103; Martha 37, 46; Mary 46, 103, 193; Mollie 37; Moncie 46; Nancy 193, 207; Naomi 212; Nina 103; Ollie 103; Ora 40; Pearlie 103; Pheba 103; Pleas 53; R. 193; Raymond 3; Ressie 120; Ricky 104; Riley 101; Ruth 193; S. 101; Sallie 61; Sam 128; Sarah 37, 102, 116, 158, 193; Tennie 40; Tommie 193; Vira 207; W. 37, 61; Will 102; William 101, 193; Willie 101, 164; Wilton 104; Zelda 103; Zula 46
RICKETTS Henrietta 85; Mary 85
RICKMON C. 72; Nancy 72
RIDENS Elizabeth 59; Johnny 59; Sarah 58; Tommy 59
RILEY Henry 50; Lucy 50; Nettie 129; P. 129
ROBERTS Agnes 27; Alonzo 180; Anne 31; Bessie 74; Cecil 198; Claudus 27; Clyde 177; Doyle 75; Eliza 198, 203; Ella 130; Emma 198; Ethel 200; Faye 128; Fonzo 129; G. 207; Henry 130; Infant 200; Infant dau 27; Infant son 82, 198; Ira 128; Irene 203; Iva 200; J. 75, 203; James 24; Jesse 28; Jim 45; John 24, 177; Lela 24; M. 74, 207; Martha 27, 75, 198; Mary 200; McKendree 180; Mildred 129; P. 198; Permelia 198; Peter 198; Polly 177; Priscilla 203; Ralph 74; Sallie 87, 200; Samuel 200; Sue 197; Thomas 198; W. 34, 75, 195; Walter 200; Watson 151; Willadean 74; William 75; Willie 151; Wynema 203
ROBERTSON Infant son 110; Shane 3; Vera 26; William 82
ROBINSON Adelide 82; Bud 72; Charity 154; John 154; Tom 154; Vonnie 71; William 71, 164
RODEN James 97
RODGERS 220; Bessie 130; Carlos 187; Clint 184; Clyde 220; Cora 220; Coy 190; Dick 184; Edd 186; Eileen 187; Elmer 189; George 220; Gertrude 220; Jimmie 130; John 187; Leonard 186; Lucy 190; M. 189; Margarette 187; Myrtle 186; Pauline 220; Rebecca 184; Robert 190; Thomas 85; Willie 85
ROGER son 114
ROGERS Agnes 190; Bettie 30; Cora 155; Danny 24; Dorothy 11; Elbert 132; Elva 187; Emmett 190; Henry 30; Infant son 11; James 11; Jerry 155; Jesse 187; Jim 155; Lonnie 155; Maxine 190; Michael 58; Pearl 30; Roy 190
ROSSON Nellie 44
RUNIONS Michael 22
RUSHTON Henry 180; Josie 180
RUSS John 167
RUSSELL Arthur 9; Bonnie 139; Floyd 139; J. 9; Janie 9; John 139; Mary 139; Pauline 9; Ruth 50
RUTLEDGE Clara 22; Claude 22; Joe 145; Laverne 128; R. 128
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S.B. 17
SAAVEDRA Jeffrey 222
SADLER Annie 188; Benjalae 188; Ira 188; James 188
SANDERS Aaron 18; Annie 20; Arthur 12; Charles 173; Elizabeth 22; Ellen 12; Irvin 22; J. 12; James 12; John 12, 18; M. 12; Maggie 18, 130; Martha 12; Mattie 173; Minnie 130; Ora 12; Robert 130; Twins 12; W. 20; Walter 106
SANFORD Eula 3; Joe 190; Lois 190; Mary 3; Tom 3
SAVAGE Barbara 128; Harold 128; Hazel 133; James 128; Louise 126; Lottie 128; Mary 128, 131; Patrick 128; Sam 126; Tom 131
SCAGGS Charlie 151; Donnie 151; Earline 138; Thomas 151; Ula 199
SCHMITZ Diamond 81
SCOTT Ruth 177
SCROGGINS Allie 55; Dewey 55; Elizabeth 16; Etta 55; H. 16; James 55; Robert 55; Roy 55; Triplets 55; W. 55; William 55
SEAGRAVES Joe 23; Lena 23; Mittie 23; William 23
SEARS Chester 154
SEATON Carter 212
SEWELL D. 164; Elijah 133; Elmer 160; Frances 162; George 115; Infant son 162; James 160; L. 119; Lela 117; Mary 115; Ollie 162; Pauline 164; S. 119; Sarah 118; Willie 133
SEXTON Hiliard 162
SHANNON Artemissia 34; Fannie 35; Hugh 35; Imojene 35; J. 35; James 30; Joseph 35; Laura 35; Lilly 35; Mary 34; Nancy 35; Robert 35; Samuel 34; Sue 35; William 35; Willie 30
SHARP Anna 128; Bailey 94; Beneva 84; Bessie 128; Bettie 87; Billy 215; Brown 140; Bud 128; Christine 92; Delbert 84; Della 176; Delphia 87; Earl 5; Etta 5; Fount 176; Frances 87; George 5, 87, 127; Infant son 3; J. 5; James 83, 84; Jane 48; Janice 180; John 5, 48, 176; L. 5; Linda 94, 128; Lockie 94; Marguerite 87; Martha 176, 215; Marvin 108; Mary 84; May 87; Mayhugh 128; Melba 140; Newt 176; Rex 84; Richard 5; Ruth 87; S. 87; Samuel 87, 94; son 5; Sue 127; Thomas 87; Vira 176; Walton 92; Whit 5; Willie 84
SHARPE Dennis 154
SHEA Corelus 19
SHEFFIELD John 20, 195; Mary 100; Victoria 195; Willie 20
SHEHAN Bridget 197
SHEILAND Evelina 197
SHELTON Asilee 49; Brown 191; Claiborn 50; Eva 50; Grady 191; Harold 191; Henry 121; Jack 191; James 49; Jessie 191; John 91, 173; Lee 50; Lucy 49; Lynn 200; Mary 191; O. 136; Ralph 191; Sallie 50, 91; Waco 222
SHEPARD Ada 145; Effie 106
SHEPPARD Carrie 202; J. 202; Lizzie 202
SHERFIELD dau 213; G. 213; Izzie 212; Jessie 212; Mary 212
SHIRK Infant son 98
SILVER Martha 177
SIMMONS Allie 233; Beulah 200; Cecil 169; Cora 1; D. 1, 233; Fannie 1; George 200; Ila 1; Infant 102; Infant dau 1; Infant son 4; Ivon 1; J. 199; Jake 1; James 199, 200; John 100, 199, 233; Laura 1; Lottie 200; Mary 200; Mavis 169; Melinda 102; Nancy 100; Ottis 189; Thelma 189; Thomas 102
SIMS Linda 46; Jerry 46; Vicky 147
SISCO Manda 101
SISK Martha 39
SKELTON Ernest 136; Georga 197; George 19; J. 83; Martha 13; Nettie 136; S. 136; Verdie 83
SLOAN Alice 128; Chester 128; James 128; Lyle 128
SMITH 118; Addie 211; Alice 118; Alton 159; Annie 105, 106; Arthur 105; Atlas 174; Bertha 101; Billie 101; Billy 132; Charlie 100; Clara 200; Claude 71; D. 100; Delmar 105; Denis 200; Elijah 174; Elizabeth 100; Eunie 201; Grady 162; Hillard 71; Houston 211; Hubert 101; Hugh 134; Ida 211; Infant 160; Ira 214; J. 174; James 6, 29, 100, 118, 172, 201, 202; John 30, 101, 174, 201; Jon 133; Kathleen 160; Keiffer 201; Kenneth 197; L. 163; Lislie 29; Loraine 71; Lucinda 174; Lura 211; Malisa 214; Margery 100; Margie 134; Marie 211; Mary 6, 201; Mildred 132, 162; Minnie 29, 159; Missouri 118; Myrtle 71; Nancy 174; Nannie 160; Nellie 159; Nolan 158; Nora 160; Patrick 100; Patsy 132; Pauline 30; Rebecca 133; Robert 211; Ruben 211; Russel 216; S. 202; Sarah 163; Selma 30; Sophia 232; Sue 11; Thelma 101; Thomas 154; Timothy 201; Von 201; W. 214; Warren 134; William 118, 159; Woodrow 132, 134
SMOTHERS Allie 52; Carl 52; Marie 52; P. 52
SNYDER Rubie 156
SOUTHALL Helen 138; William 138
SOUTHERLAND Elizabeth 46; Frances 46; James 46; John 46; Mrs. 113
SPARKS Ann 179; Bess 130; Jesse 130, 179; Manerva 232; Mary 183
SPEARS Karen 209
SPENCER Dent 170; Doss 170, 216; Edward 170; Fannie 216; Florence 151; H. 216; Helen 74; Henry 170; Jack 151; Jimmey 151; Raymond 170; Ruby 170; Tomye 170; Tony 216; W. 170
STAGGS Cora 229
STALEY Annie 141; George 141
STALLINGS Benjamine 120; G. 120; J. 120; T. 120
STAMP Nora 177
STANLEY I. 203; J. 202; M. 203
STANTON Ada 90; Eugene 90; Leona 169
STARBUCK Bess 205; Burnice 206; Charlie 133; Clifford 205; Daniel 206; Emma 206; Eureka 21; Genia 206; Harville 205; Infant dau 206; Infant son 206; James 206, 231; Joe 228; Julia 205; Lena 206; Lillian 206; Lois 228; Lydia 205; Marie 228; Marion 205; Mary 206, 231; Nancy 206; Pearl 206; Reuben 206; Sam 133; Thomas 21; W. 206; William 206
STARK Aline 130; Truman 130
STARNES Rebecca 119; W. 119
STAYBROOK Ione 173; Jacob 173
STEPHENS A. 208; Adell 208; Anderson 208; Ashley 208; Bessie 209; Calvin 209; Delpha 209; Elizabeth 176; Emma 128; Gracie 209; Guy 111; Hardey 208; Helen 209; Irvin 208; Janice 208; Jimmie 208; John 208; Levi 209; Ludene 208; Malcom 128; Mamie 208; Marshlean 208; Mary 208; Nancy 208; Nora 208; Phalisie 207; R. 208; Sarah 209; Serena 208; Sub 208; Virgie 208; Waymon 209; Wilson 208
STEVENS Annie 23; Bertha 24; Herbert 22; Isaac 24; Jack 139; James 24; Jesse 129; Jewell 136; Joe 136; John 23; Lillie 22; Thomas 23; Willie 23
STEWART Dora 29; Dorsey 29; Elizabeth 29; Floyd 212; James 30; L. 30; Mattie 29; Nelle 212; R. 29; Thomas 29; W. 29
STINNETT E. 15; W. 15
STONE Mary 85; S. 85; Willis 85
STORY Bonnie 139; Clarence 139; Infant dau 136
STRAIN Martha 150
STRICKLAND Betty 118; Earl 118, 140; Eliza 209; Flovd 209; George 118; Gladys 130; Grover 17; J. 130, 209; Jessie 17; John 209; Louise 118; Lucille 209; Tommy 209; Willean 140; William 118
STUTTS Thomas 133
SUMMER Alma 39
SUMMERS Florence 160
SURRATT Vannie 163
SUTTON 212; Chesley 212; Elizabeth 213; George 212; James 213; Lydia 212; Mary 35; Maud 212; Nora 212; son 213; Susan 170; Thomas 213; W. 210
SWAFFORD Elena 165; Jerrie 165; Joe 2, 165; John 129; Johnnie 2
SWEAT Aoam 63; Honor 62; John 63; Neoma 63; Paul 62; Pete 197
SWEENEY Addie 43; Cayce 43; Jesse 43; Mary 43; Thelma 43
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TALLEY Burnette 204; Francis 208; Hillard 69; Joe 204; Lissie 204; Mary 208
TALLY Carroll 208; Georgia 174; Herman 137; J. 122
TANNER Eligah 214; wife 214
TATE A. 91; Aaron 16; Alvin 90; Annie 21; Ben 227; Bertyle 214; Cecil 21; Charles 214; Cora 163; Dora 163; Dosha 126; Douglas 214; Eddie 176; Edward 21; Escar 21; Estell 162; Fate 69; Hiram 126; J. 163; James 176; Jane 16; John 16, 215; Jon 144; Jula 227; Julia 227; Kemp 162; Kenneth 21, 162; Lemuel 79, 214; Lena 151; Limual 17; Lon 21; Martha 214; Mary 214, 215; Maude 214; Mildred 214; Minnie 21; Neller 90; Nina 163; Pearl 21; Sallie 17, 79; Samuel 228; Vera 215; Virgie 162; W. 163
TATUM Ada 5, 6, 88; Bill 5; Claude 85; Clemmy 5; Clifford 80; Clister 96; Delphia 3; Dewitt 86; E. 66; Edna 66; Elizabeth 4; Ervin 6; Eunice 96; Francis 154; George 4; Infant dau 66; Jack 80; James 3; Jessie 88; John 86; Johnnie 5; Joe 51; L. 86; Lev 66; Loyd 3; M. 66; Martha 96; Mary 66, 86; Roxie 5; S. 66; Sadie 4; Sublet 66; Victoria 66; William 96
TAYLOR Andrew 191; Bill 191; Blanche 23; Jesse 215; Jor 191; Lewis 164; M. 215; Martha 148; Mary 191; Robert 21; Rye 191; Temperance 191
TERRY Nora 30
THARP Eunice 94; John 94; Lizzie 84; Mary 94; Pinkie 94
THOMAS Charles 46; Howard 64; John 64; Johnnie 154; Lou 64; Mary 46; Shannon 63; Thomas 63
THOMASON Alice 85; G. 86; Milton 85
THOMPSON A. 36; Alice 101; Buford 127; C. 166; E. 36; Elvira 38; Enloe 36; Fannie 157; Florene 36; G. 37; John 38; Joseph 37; Lorie 218; Mamie 151; Martha 36, 37; N. 167; Paul 95; Rebecca 101; Robert 57, 157; S. 167; Sallie 166; Violet 95; W. 167; Wiley 101; William 37
THORN Elizabeth 121; Lucinda 121
THORNTON Alma 92; Betty 153; Jasper 92; Joe 153; Lula 92; M. 92; Tracy 133
TILLEY Maizel 95; Vance 95
TININ Annie 75; Bessie 159; Carrie 165; Charles 164; Chester 166; Delphia 164; Dorothy 74; Ebdene 164; Elbu 164; Elcie 164; Gennie 165; Grandville 75; J. 128; Jemima 164; Jesse 165; John 164, 165; Joseph 166; Julia 166; Larry 164; M. 128; Malissie 164; Mary 165; Ralph 164; Tom 129
TODD Nancy 53
TOMLIN Leeta 195; Ross 195
TOWNSEND Sarah 169; Walter 169
TOYE Sue 151
TRACY Isaac 197; Jos. 56; Ollie 197
TRANUM M. 75; Pleasant 75
TREADWELL Alvin 84; Ben 229; Buddy 105; Callie 86; Carmel 229; Clara 84; D. 229; Dan 105; Daniel 86; Delphia 229; Dilly 229; Eliza 86; Elsie 84; Elvis 84; Esther 229; George 105; John 86; Lillian 105; Linda 84; Lura 87; Maggie 105; Mary 229; Nancy 86; Newt 4; Ottis 84; Sarah 229; Steven 86; T. 229; W. 87; Wesley 229
TREECE Dorothy 160; J. 14; James 160; John 115; Kenneth 115; Martha 160
TRUELL Euby 188; John 188
TRULL A. 11; Allen 22; Alma 135; Ann 52, 188; B. 135; Baxter 52; Benjamin 50; Bennie 43; Bobby 52, 155; Bonnie 128; C. 20; Clim 219; Dessie 155; Dora 107; Dorothy 50; Dwight 25; Earl 216; Elbert 137; Frank 43; Gertrude 156; Grady 221; Hattie 20; Hershel 54; Infant 22; Infant son 11; Irvin 135; J. 156, 188; James 52, 96; Jennie 107, 188; Jess 49; Jesse 182, 216; Jessie 155, 187; Jimmy 52; John 216; Johnnie 216; Joshua 150; Larene 38; Lattis 49; Lelon 155; Leonard 107; Lillie 22; Lizzie 43; Lucille 182; Lydia 25; Mahallie 43; Mamie 137; Martha 155, 187; Mary 20, 43; Mat 50; Mavis 20; Mike 22; Obe 128; Phoebe 188; Robert 139; Salathiel 188; Sallie 219; Sam 50, 184; Silas 50; Sue 221; Thomas 43; Tommie 216; Virgie 52; William 43, 155; Willodean 184
TUBBS Josie 170; P. 202; Sallie 202; Shadrick 202; Will 150
TUCKER 22; Ada 25; Alma 92; Andrew 136; Ardella 23; Baby 7; Carrie 25; Chloe 139; Clarence 51; Claud 217; Clifford 217; Dickson 217; Dixie 51; Elsie 138; Ethel 51, 217; Frank 133; Fred 138, 217; Grace 51; Grady 25; Infant dau 217; James 138; Jennie 7; Jerry 51; Joe 93, 217; Kate 134; Lelar 217; Lou 92; Mary 93, 183, 217; Minnie 51, 93; Mollie 57; Nona 51; Perry 134; R. 56, 70, 93; Robert 57; Sallie 136; Sam 93; Sheffield 217; Shirley 70; Stanley 70; Thomas 25; Vera 133; W. 93; Will 51; William 51, 92; Willie 139
TUMMINS Istella 30
TUNE Alexander 119; Lucindy 119; Mag 119
TURNBOW Alvin 103; Bertha 103; Charlie 178; Dealine 103; George 213; James 94; John 213; Mary 213; Sarah 167; Susan 95; William 167
TURNER Baxter 31; Ella 31; Fannie 113; George 101; Gordon 144; Jo 125; Martha 100; Minnie 101; Sarah 5; William 5
TURPIN Edward 152; Joyce 152
TWILLA Dora 173; Emma 148; Ida 173; Mary 173; Thomas 148
TWOMEY A. 169; Albert 64; Argie 146; Bennie 169; Cecil 146; Corra 169; Genevieve 64; I. 45; Joseph 44; Morris 147; N. 150; R. 45; Sarah 44, 118; Willis 45
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UMBERGER James 140; Lucille 140
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VAUGHAM Myrtle 154
VAUGHN Andrew 92; Claude 154; Greelys 92; H. 92; J. 92; John 92; Kittie 92; Lizzie 154; Mattie 92; Rue 92; Saramat 92; Thomas 92
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WADE Alonzo 51; Arah 51; Claude 51; Emma 125; H. 51; Homer 50, 51; J. 125; John 51; Leonard 145; Lola 125; Lucy 146; Maggie 51; Nora 50; Tom 51; W. 50; William 51
WALKERAdam 60; Annie 152; Arthur 59; Ashley 59; Clifford 60; Cora 59; Corda 160; Earlean 59; Emma 59; Evelena 218; Ferrel 62; George 160; Gus 59; Henry 218; Janer 120; Jessie 218; Jewell 59; John 59, 160, 218; Laid 60; Learlon 59; Leffer 152; Louis 167; Lucy 218; Martha 167; Mary 165; Niecy 60; Ralph 59; Sallian 58; son 59; Te 119; W. 58; Zenober 160
WALL Clara 19; Maud 19
WALLACE Julia 70; Ollie 70
WALLS Altha 48; Edward 48; Irene 48; Norma 48; Robert 48
WALTERS Gene 128; Robert 171; Velma 171
WARD Amanda 47; Amber 113; Ancil 194; Brown 207; Cheslie 212; Christina 55; Chucky 196; Diana 47; Dora 37; E. 130; Edith 196; Ella 196; Elsiel 47; Fred 37; G. 196; George 37, 38, 196; Hillard 47; Hughey 194; husb 213; Ida 55; Infant dau 213; Infant son 47; Irene 113; James 46, 47, 59, 211; Janel 196; Jimmy 113; Joseph 207; Julia 196, 207; Katherine 207; Lena 211; Leonard 47; Lizzie 37; Lorene 126; Lori 194; Louise 196; Malissa 194; Martha 47; Mary 47; Minnie 47; Nettie 37; Pleas 213; R. 130, 213; Rex 55; Richard 47; Robert 47; Ruth 38; Sallie 196, 213; Taylor 126; Tola 47; Velma 194; Virginia 196; W. 197; Walter 196; Wesley 213; Wess 196; William 37, 47, 194; Willie 47
WARNER Eunice 218; Florence 218; Frank 218; John 218
WARREN 127; A. 160, 221; Absy 219; Ada 81, 106; Alice 66; Alma 221; Alvin 8; Amye 219; Annie 90, 204; Arthur 160; Asbury 220; Ashley 220; Baby son 155; Bell 220; Bill 176; Billie 219; Billy 220; Bobby 32; Burrah 11; C. 219, 220; Carlos 106; Carroll 19; Cecil 129; Charlie 220; Chesley 221; Clabe 90; Claud 220; Clayton 106; Cora 220; Cynthia 222; Daisy 155; dau 11; David 45; Deborah 222; Delia 219; Donald 222; Dorothy 12, 79; Edna 64; Eleanor 221; Elijah 219; Elizabeth 11; Elta 8; Elva 222; Ethel 26; Farry 221; Fernie 33; Floyd 221; Fred 221; Gary 66; George 106; Gola 222; Grady 26; Harly 220; Hattie 140; Ida 117; Ina 220, 221; Irene 220; Isaac 65; J. 60, 221; Jack 129; James 44, 79; Jay 8; Jennie 221; Joe 33, 219; John 11, 51, 65; Joseph 221; Juanita 90; Kate 162; Kathy 52, 226; Katie 162; Kent 219; Kitty 220; L. 134; Leether 127; Lena 220; Leona 8; Lessie 222; Lona 221; Lora 219; Loradie 51; Loudean 219; Loy 129; Loyd 153; Lula 220; Maggy 33; Marshall 153; Martha 220; Mary 8, 33, 127, 220; Mattie 60; Merideth 155; Minnie 19, 219; Miza 219; Myrta 134; Nannie 160; Ola 33; O'Neal 106; Pauline 90; Ray 90; Raymond 140; Robert 1, 33; Rowena 221; Ruth 176, 221; S. 219; Sadie 153; Sallie 106, 219; Sally 65; Samuel 150; Sarah 26, 217; SueVaner 78; Susan 1; Syrene 8; Tennessee 221; Thomas 155; W. 129, 220; William 26, 32, 33, 66, 219; Wilma 33
WATERS Amos 223; Bonnie 223; Charley 223; Clouis 223; Gladis 223; Guy 223; J. 223; James 223; Jessie 223; Johnnie 223; Lila 223; Melissa 223; Willie 223
WATKINS Edward 134; Ottis 134
WATSON Charles 205; Jennie 49; John 49; Mary 205
WEATHERLY Bobbie 65; Dickey 222; Dora 65; Estella 221; Ewell 221; J. 222; Jim 65; Louise 65; Ludie 65; Martha 65; Mattie 151; Paul 65; Ruby 222
WEBB Atlas 137; Bonnie 137; Giles 206; John 137; Larimore 224; Lorene 137; Martha 224; Mattie 224; Maude 224; Milton 225; Ned 224; O'Neal 137; Sally 206; W. 224; William 224
WEBSTER Arthur 88; Claude 209; Connie 88; Virginia 209
WEEKS Ashley 24
WEEMS Ashby 227; Augustan 227; Ella 227; Eula 226; Grace 133; Harriet 114; Hartie 226; John 227; Loyd 226; Mary 227; Nancy 227; R. 227; son 226; Susan 227; Virginia 226; W. 227; William 226
WELTY Clifford 151; Melba 151
WESTBROOK A. 18; Annie 18; Carl 130; Hulah 130; Jennie 18; Joe 199; John 18; Robbye 130; Sarah 127
WESTBROOKS 169; Barney 188; Bertha 19; Cartis 10; Cecil 138; Charlie 18; Clyde 193; Cora 19; Dale 67; Dan 14; David 10; Docie 188; Elbert 123; Eliza 51; F. 10; G. 19; Gladys 14; Green 7; Henry 189; Homer 188; Howard 26; Infant 199; Jeffrey 135; Jim 14; Joe 135; Leona 188; Lewis 51; Lillie 135; Lockie 14; Mary 135; Minnie 18, 189; Montie 10; Myrtle 193; Nanye 18; Pete 67; Ralph 19; Samual 51; Sarah 10; Smith 67; Smitha 7; T. 17; Walter 19; Willie 138
WHEAT Charlie 162; Cora 232; Eliza 162; Elizabeth 162; Goldie 159; Grady 118; Hannah 166; Harry 162; Infant son 159, 166; J. 162, 166; John 162, 166; L. 159; Mary 159, 166; Nora 162; Rutha 166; Sallie 162; Silas 193; Tilda 232; Tobitha 166; W. 166; William 162; Winnie 119
WHEET Bettie 30; Clyde 30; Fannie 30; George 30; Maycel 30
WHILWELL Arden 195; Evelyn 195
WHINERY Charles 184
WHITAKER J. 85; Susan 85
WHITEHEAD Beulah 135; Foster 135; Nancy 5
WHITSON E. 56; Edward 47; Henry 56; Infant dau 56; Isaac 56; J. 56; Jimmy 56; John 47; Martha 56; William 56
WHITWELL Agnes 195; Claud 136; Dewey 194; Earl 25; Elise 130; Elvia 195; George 195, 207; Imogene 25; Infant sons 195; Isaac 94; Josephine 122; Kent 195; Nanie 95; Nannie 193; Nell 194; Pau1 84; S. 25; Sam 94; V. 207; W. 195
WHITWORTH Drema 66; Edward 66; Martin 66; Mildred 66; Vivian 65
WIGGS Andrew 137; Green 52; Nancy 203
WILBURN Dora 93; Ethel 133; Jack 133; Sophia 45; W. 45
WILEY Alexander 100; Bernice 196; Thomas 196
WILHELM Edwin 37
WILLIAMS Alice 35; Beulah 49; Billie 126; Clevie 45; Donnie 126; Frances 126; George 45; H. 49; Howard 129; Infant dau 35; John 65; Mattie 65; Tennie 150; Wanda 129; William 49
WILLIS Christine 139; James 139
WILLS Jessie 207; Mollie 200; Robert 200; Wesley 200
WILSDORF Amie 201; Annie 54; Clark 125; E. 54; Edward 54; Ethel 182; Fred 182; Henry 182; James 201; Loraine 127; Louis 183; Mary 54; Oscar 54; Patricia 125; Rody 127; Roy 201; Velera 182; William 54
WILSON Blanche 141; Dona 229; Fannie 200; Mary 95; Patrica 30; Ray 141; Robert 116, 229; Ruthy 195; William 95; Willie 195; Zola 195
WOERNER Leland 177
WOLF Lloyd 96; Mildred 96
WOMACK Harry 148; Irene 148; Willie 211
WOOD Arthur 15; Gladys 15; Glenn 135; James 15; Jimmie 135; Louella 15; Mary 15; Roy 15; Sarah 15
WOODARD Sarah 27
WOODLEY Clara 133; Winford 133
WOODROOF E. 78; Margette 78; Ouida 78; Rembert 78
WOODS Bashie 229; Charley 229; James 228; Jessie 229; John 229; Lillian 229
WORLEY Donald 162
WRIGHT Annie 28, 206; Armstered 206; Ashley 206; Bill 206; Bobby 28; Fred 189; Harriet 189; Henry 28; Judith 189; Leslie 28; Luna 28; Mary 206; Maude 28; Will 28
WYLIE Fannie 150; Grady 150
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YARBROUGH 154; Margaret 204
YOUNG Beatrice 127; Bess 231; Billie 19; Billy 20; Clifford 128; Cora 231; Dewey 205; Gladys 127; Ida 233; Infant son 196; J. 133, 231, 232; Jack 127; Jane 20; Joe 50; Kyle 231; L. 231; Lessie 205; Louise 130; M. 134; Maggie 68; Mary 233; Nolen 19; Odell 130; Paul 127; Robert 231, 233; Sam 20, 232; Sarah 128, 232; Thomas 232; Tom 20; W. 34, 226; Walton 226; Watsie 50; William 232
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