Genealogical Abstracts from Will Book C and Miscellanea
1914 – 1927
Madison County, Tennessee
By Jonathan K. T. Smith
Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 1998
(Transcribed for TNGenWeb by Betty Finley)
The data reported in this publication were taken from the original Will Book C, 1914-1927 and county court minute books for the same period of time, in the Probate Office of the Madison County Court Clerk, Mr. Freddie Pruitt, whose deputy, Mrs. Lisa Kirby-Butler, was helpful and patient in providing a work-space for the present abstractor and in getting the original wills for him whenever he needed to check information in them.
Researchers may obtain certified copies of records from these books and of the original wills filed in this office. It is also suggested that researchers will want to check the executor-administrator reports as recorded in the Administrator and Executor Settlement Books, 10, 1912-1922, and 11, 1922-1930, to determine what disposition was made of the properties mentioned in the wills and other probate records. (These are also preserved on Madison County public records microfilm roll 546 and will book C is on roll 529 of the same series.)
In the abstracts of the wills herein the testator's name is provided, the date the will was executed (written) and the date it was probated, followed by the essential bequests in the will, these followed by the names of witnesses to the signing of the will. Below the abstract is a CM reference meaning County Court Minute Book with its number and the page on which the probate information for the will is recorded. In a few instances CFN is given rather than CM which represents that the county court clerk failed to note the fact of probate in the minute books (which information, the date of probate, is furnished in the will book and written on the original will itself).
Dau.; daus. = daughter, daughters
Exec.; execs. = executor/executors or executrix/executrixes
Bro. = brother
Wit.; wits = witness/witnesses
Personalty as used in these abstracts refers as it is conventionally, to personal property (jewelry, money, furniture, stocks and bonds, clothing, fishing tackle, anything movable) bequeathed in the wills, the exact nature of which will be given in the wills if not in the abstracts; the distinction is made between personal property (personalty) and real property (land and usually the improvements on same, i.e. house, barn, etc.), the latter of which is devised to legatees who are usually called devisees.
(Page 1)
1. Blank
2. M. S. NEELY, March 4, 1913 – February 19, 1914
Debts to be paid; his grave to be "suitably" marked. To James Bradford Murdoch farm he lived on in CD 15; also $5 cash, watch and chain; to James Elden Carthel, Trenton, Tenn., 100 shares capital stock of Southern Engine and Boiler Works, Jackson, on behalf of his grandson, J. B. Murdoch, until 3 years after testator's demise; $1000 held by Carthel for this grandson until 2 years after testator's demise. To James Elden Carthel $2000 in cash, 20 shares of capital stock in the Second National Bank, Jackson and 10 shares other stock in same bank; 100 shares capital stock in the
Southern Engine and Boiler Works, Jackson, in trust for his granddaughter, Miss Millard Murdoch until she reached age 21; trustee had wide powers of discretion in management of these bequests. To Dr. J. T. Jones, $250. "He has been very kind in visiting me and administering to me in my sickness." To James Elden Carthel 20 shares, face value $50 of stock of the So. Engine and Boiler Works and remainder of property to his daughter Mrs. Minnie Murdoch. James Elden Carthel, exec. Wits E. P. Williamson, P. H. Callahan.
CM 29-441
3. MARY WILDE, Jackson, Tenn. February 3, 1912 – February 28, 1914
Debts to be paid and a "suitable monument" to be placed at her grave. To her son, Willie Wilde, Jackson, a lot in Jackson; son C. F. Wilde, Jackson, lot in Jackson; son Albert Wilde, Jackson, lot 4 in block 9, Butler Division; son Willie Wilde lots 7-8, block 3 in J. B. Cook's plan on east side of Mobile Avenue; also to him a tract of land in CD l7; to son C. F. Wilde a lot in Jackson near the "colored Baptist church" and lot 2, block 19, Butler Division; she had deeded to her son, Albert Wilde, the P. Harris farm tract in CD 17; "balance" of estate divided among her children. Son C. F. Wilde, exec. Wits John L. Wisdom, John Wisdom.
CM 29-451
7. J. F. OUTLAN, May 28, 1913 – March 12, 1914
To wife Ema all personalty including his farm tools, home farm, life insurance. His farm "on the river", the March farm, to be sold and proceeds to be divided among his 6 children, E Deloach, Luther Outlan, Clevie Outlan, Arch Outlan, Marvin Outlan, Lyde McCutchen. Wife, Emma, exec. Wits R. L. Greer, L. D. Johnson.
CM 29-459
8-9. JULIUS A. JONES, October 17, 1913 – March 27, 1914
J. A. Jones of Jackson, testator, a carpenter by occupation. To son Jacob M. Jones and daughter Miss Calpurnia Jones equally his residence on the east side of Hays Ave. and all his personalty equally. To dau Mrs. Mayflower Major, son Chester Jones and grandson Leon Dudley Scott equally land he owned on Whitehall Street; to Jacob M. Jones “all my books and the bookcase.” Son, Jacob M. Jones, exec. Wits B. C. Simmons, J. L. Griffin, Mrs. Christina Griffin.
CM 29-465
10-11. FRANK P. LONG, June 19, 1905 – April 2, 1914
To his "heirs" his Benton Co., Miss. farm of two tracts, each 83 acres in 5 equal shares, viz to wife, Dora J. Long, dau. Mary E. Rollins, dau. Amelia F. Brown; dau. Ella G. Cloyse; son Rufus T. Long; wife's share to be hers for life then to his living heirs; his home on Highland Ave., Jackson, to wife Dora for life; personalty, Peoples Savings Bank stock; money in National Bank to be used to pay his debts and remainder div among his heirs. Son-in-law, Hugh W. Rollins and son Rufus T. Long, execs. Codicil dated July 13, 1910. Son-in-law, G. C. Cloyse also appointed an exec. Wits R. T. Chester and L. McCoy.
CM 29-467
(Page 2)
12-13. AMERICA EUBANK, September 26, 1913 – Apri1 3, 1914
She calls herself a spinster of Jackson, Tenn.; to "beloved sister" Mrs. Elizabeth E. Irby of Jackson all her furniture and $2000; "beloved niece" Mrs. Eugenia E. Rogers of Louisville, Ky. $3000; "beloved bro." Robert G. Eubank, Oakland, Calif. $300; "beloved nephew" Irby L. Grady, Jackson, $300; remainder of estate to be divided among her nephews, sons of Henry Eubank of Barren Co., Ky.; their names: Wilson R. Eubank, Garrett W. Eubank, Noble Eubank, all of Barren Co., Ky. and Waller P. Eubank, Savannah, Ga., Irby C. Eubank, Barren Co., Ky., Procter Eubank, Christian Co., Ky. Brother-in-law. Henry C. Irby, Jackson, exec. Wits Irby L. Grady, George A. Balch.
CM 29-468
13. SARAH WEATHERLY, Denmark, Tenn. April 10, 1913 – April 16, 1914
Entire est. to her bro. Col. M. Weatherly. "I want little sweet Elizabeth to have my watch and chain and my old album and my one hundred year old counterpanes"; 6 new quilts. Hrs of bro. Wash's $5 cash. Her real estate consisted of storehouse and lot in Jackson and farm one mile from town.
No exec named. Wits W. T. Duncan, W. L. Taylor.
CM 29-482
14-Mrs. BETHE TUCHFELD, February 1, 1913 – May 1, 1914
She was the wife of Moses Tuchfeld; gave him all her property and he to be exec. Wits W. H. Biggs, A. J. Biggs, Willie K. Biggs.
CM 29-492
15. Mrs. P. J. THOMPSON, Jackson, March 26, 1914 – May 11, 1914
To dau. Mrs. Hattie E. Thompson 2/3 of all property; dau. Mrs. Nannie T. Luster the remaining 1/3 of her property. Dau. Mrs. H. E. Thompson, exec. Wits Claire B. Newman, W. C. Blackmon.
CM 29-497
16. Mrs. LOU ROBINSON, April 9, 1914 – May 1, 1914
To Mary Diffee her property including all money held by J, N. Diamond, mules Kate and Joe and hogs; at Mary Diffee's demise, Jennie Pool, Fannie Deloach, Boon Rooks, Lillie Cox, Delia Pendergras, Walter Allison to have proceeds of sale of what was left. Fannie Deloach to have her bed and she and Jennie Pool to have her bedclothes; Delia Pendergras to have her dresser and red guilt; Lillie Cox to have her red quilt; Jennie Deloach to have the picture of her husband, Jack Robinson. No exec named. Wits C. A. Chaffee, James N. Diamond, Jr.
CM 29-497
17-18. H. F. SMITH, Jackson, May 27, 1911 – May 13, 1914
To wife, Margaret A. Smith his homeplace, 208 Johnson St., Jackson, gold watch, household furniture; at her demise this property went to his niece Annie Mae Russell; to wife rents of houses at 245 and 327 Gordon Street for 12 months, then these to be sold and proceeds to children of his bro. J. M. Smith; Thomas C. Smith, $75; John J. Smith, $100; Samuel Smith, $25; J. M.
Smith, Jr. To the children of J. M. Smith, his bro.: Laura Smith, $50; Mattie Smith, $25; Mamie Smith, $25; Florence M. Smith, $50. To W. C. Smith, his bro's. children: Leva McKnight, $150; Loua McKnight, $100; Ivy Lovelace, $100. To the children of his sister, Lou A. Bell: Irene McKnight, $150; Daisy James, $100; children of his sister, Lou A. Bell: Irene McKnight, $150; Daisy James, $100; Eunice McGraw, $100. To Joe Will Bell's heirs $100. To Egbert Bell $25; to sister M. E. Glass' heirs $300; to sister, Ida Chambers' heirs: Edna Stockton, $100; Annie Moore, $150; Douglas Chambers, $25; Ivy Chambers, $25. To sister Sarah Smith $250; to sister Susan Smith $100, to wife's niece, Mrs. Annie Mai Russell $200. Monument to be erected at his and wife's graves in Riverside Cemetery, Jackson; after his mother's demise a double monument was to be placed at her and her husband, Mortimer Smith's graves at Oak Grove. “The curbing and my father's grave to be put around my sister Nancy's grave and name put on same.” To First Baptist Church, Jackson, $100. Execs. to pay $25 to trustees of John Ingram Bivouac and his “sword, my pistol carried during the war and all my war records over to Jno. Ingram Bivouac.” to A. S. Russell $25 and farm tools.
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Nephew, John J. Smith, his father's tool chest as a family relic. W. A. Caldwell, A. S. Russell, execs. Wits J. W. Stovall, W. L. Bumpus, T. F. Taylor.
CM 29 - 499
19. W. G. LEWIS, Civil District 16, Madison Co., July 31, 1909 - May 21, 1914
To bros. Era Lewis, Ed E. Lewis, A. H. Lewis all property equally. Bro. A. H. Lewis, exec. Wits C. E. Pigford, A. P. Chalker.
CM 29 - 504
20. PHILLIP B. WILKERSON. June 20, 1911 - May 30, 1914
To wife, Mary Annie, his entire estate and she to be exec. Wits Robert W. Haynes, William W. Crane.
CM 29 - 511
21. FLORA C. ANDERSON, November 2, 1909 - June 6, 1914
She was the wife of Wyatt Anderson to whom all her property went including the J. B. Bradberry farm, 400 acres, CD 12; not to be sold or mortgaged but to her and Wyatt Andersen's children at his demise. No exec named. Wits J. D. Hunt, C. P. Dejournett.
CM 29 - 512
22. MUSA CELESTE CURLIN, Denmark, Tenn., May 24, 1914 - June 13, 1914
Wanted to be buried in Browns Creek Cemetery, north of her children and a tombstone like J. B. Curlin's placed at her grave. to nieces, Mollie and Pearl Barnes all her jewelry except a watch. Bro. H. L. West to have all rest of her property including insurance policies and at his demise the remainder was to be divided among her other heirs; he was to take care of their mother and at her demise was to put a tombstone at her grave "like our fathers." Bro. H. L. West, exec. Wits Dr. J. C. Norvell, H. L. Rice.
CM 29 - 516
23. ISAAC W. JONES, September 14, 1907 - June 27, 1914
To dau Lizzie Pearson for herself and her children all his estate free from control of her husband and she to be exec; this was not a "reflection" on his son - in - law, Seaborn Pearson but he was doing what he considered best for his dau and grandchildren. Wits William A. Caldwell, Thomas I. Taylor.
CM 29 - 521
24 - 27. Mrs. MATTIE E. DAY, Jackson, July 6, 1914 - July 15, 1914
Debts to be paid and a "suitable monument" to be placed at her grave. To J. W. Vanden and W. A. Caldwell as trustees for the benefit of her husband Joseph H. Day the Patton - Black lot and buildings, leased to Rose Furniture Co. until 1920; at husband's demise these properties went to
her bro. Robert L. Burgess, nephew Roy A. Rochelle, nieces Alline Day Rafalsky, Florence Day Scruggs. To bro. Robert L. Burgess her farm in CD 15 on which he lived and the house and lot, 7 or more acres across the road from where he lived and at his death these were to go to his widow but if she remarried her life interest would cease. If R. L. Burgess and wife left no children this property would go to her other living heirs. The Southern Hotel, Jackson, Baltimore St.: 2/5 to bro. R. L. Burgess; to nieces, Florence Day Scruggs and Alline Day Rafalsky 1/5 each and nephew, Roy S. Rochelle, 1/5 part but Mrs. Rafalsky and R. S. Rochelle were to pay her sister, Florence Day Scruggs $2500. To nephew, Roy S. Rochelle, the lot and building occupied by Robbins and Rochelle Co. and 5 shares in First National Bank; to bro. R. L. Burgess 5 shares of capital stock of First National Bank; to deacons of First Baptist Church, Jackson, $5000 for foreign missions and
$500 for church organ and $500 for maintenance of church; any remaining money to be divided niece - namesake, Martha Elizabeth Burgess to be given to her on coming of age. J. W. Vanden, W. A. Caldwell, execs. Wits O. W. Watkins, W. B. Lillard.
CM 29 - 530
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28. MARY D. LONG, March 3, 1914 - August 5, 1914
To "beloved husband" Brooks Long her new brick residence on Louise Avenue; dau. Elizabeth her Donovan Hotel, Humboldt, Tenn. and her 3 caret diamond ring. Son Donovan Long to have bankstock in Merchants State Bank, Humboldt and her interest in the farm in CD 3, the Donovan farm; remainder of estate divided among her children Elizabeth and Donovan. Sister, Elizabeth Donovan, exec. Wits Josie Donovan, F. X. Fratz.
CM 29 - 538
29-30. WILL H. JOHNSON, Jackson, May 26, 1914 - August 17, 1914
"Beloved wife" Willie E. Johnson his policies on Metropolitan Ins. Co., Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows; to Emma Long, $l50; to Celia Dupree, $150; to Bell Hendrix, $25; $1 each to James Williamson. Alford DeBerry, Joe DeBerry, Jr. and Bob Williamson. To Ben Luke his gold watch. To Willie Luke $200 cash and piano. To E. F. Martin, a featherbed, several books, his late wife's father's picture, 2 pictures of her mother and those of himself and his wife and black-checkered counterpane. His body was to be buried in Mt. Olive Cemetery and a monument was to be erected at his and wife's graves. House and lot to be sold and proceeds to Emma Long, Celia Dupree, Willie Luke, Mary DeBerry, Bell Hendrix. J. H. Trimble, exec. Wits William H. Wade, W. A. Bruce.
CM 29 - 541
31. TENNESSEE MILLS, September 25, 1914 - November 30, 1914
To Mrs. Sallie Johnson all her personalty and to Henry C. Johnson and son, Needam F. Johnson, went her real estate. Henry C. Johnson, exec. Wits A. S. Steadman, W. R. Milam, W. G. Neill. She signed with an "x".
CM 29 - 609
32. JOHN B. LAWRENCE, June 27, 1914 - January 2, 1915
To wife, Marie Parker Lawrence, entire estate and at her demise remaining property to his ward, Virgie McIver at age 21. Wife, exec. Wits A. H. Nelson, H. L. Trimble.
CM 29 - 621
33. WILLIAM THOMPSON, February 3, 1914 - January 13, 1915
To "beloved wife", Mary E. Thompson his entire estate and she to be exec. Wits A. W. Stovall, G. B. Millstead.
CM 29 - 627
34. J. R. GLENN, December 9, 1912 - January 21, 1915
To wife, Jennie M. Glenn his entire estate and no exec named. Wit Mrs. Anna P. Tomlin.
CM 29 - 630
35-37. J. J. THARP, May 10, 1909 - January 25, 1915
Sons Hardy B. and Julian Tharp, execs; from insurance and debts due him, proceeds to his heirs except for Milton Tharp whose interest would be held for him until age 21. Wits G. R. Gooch, W. L. Polk Codicil dated January 11, 1910. Dau Florence T. Edenton to have her share in full should her husband W. H. Edenton die. Same wits. Codicil dated June 17, 1914. Son Robert had died recently leaving a widow, Beulah and 6 children and they were to receive Robert's interest. His son's dau. Thelmer Alexander's interest to be hers apart from her husband's control. Wits A. V. Patton, W. E. Harrison.
CM 29 - 633
38. NEAL HOUSTON McHANEY, January 25, 1906 - January 30, 1915
To "beloved wife" Mary L. McHaney entire estate including interest in farm near Pinson, Tenn., left by his father; wife to take care of their dau. Martha Amelia McHaney and she to be exec. Signed in Helena, Ark. with an "x". Wits Edwin Sevens, Lena Seaman, C. J. Butricks.
CM 30 - 4
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39. THOMAS MURTAUGH, February 4, 1909 - March 2, 1915
To dau. Nannie Murtaugh his house and lot, Huntersville, Tenn., 2 acres; other children T. D. and M. F. Murtaugh, Ellen Bowling, May Sadler, Eunie Hopper being "reasonably well provided for" he excluded them from will. Dau. Nannie Murtaugh exec. Wits H. T. Crittenden, W. G. Cole.
CM 30 - 24
40. Miss MARY L. FUTRELL, Jackson, October 23, 1912 - Apri1 5, 1915
All personalty to be sold and ½ of proceeds to bro. J. G. Futrell and other ½ to children of deceased sister Martha Ann Outland, "the children of Bettie Outland Fullerton representing and taking her interest." Her land, 225 acres to J. G. Futrell and heirs of Martha Ann Outland. The several children of Arielle Warren were excluded from benefit of her estate.
No exec named. Wits W. D. Nelson, P. H. Callahan.
CM 30 - 51
41. W. M. BUNTIN, Jackson, March 28, 1914 - April 10, 1915
To "beloved wife" L. C. Buntin his entire estate and she to be exec. Wits G. Dempster, A. J. Alexander, J. F. Turner.
CM 30 - 58
42. JAMES F. STILL, Jackson, August 30, 1897 - Apri1 28, 1915
To wife, Fannie Harper Still, entire estate and she to be exec. Wits Robert W. Haynes, B. J. Howard.
CM 30 - 62
43. MARY SMITH, February 3, 1915 - May 1, 1915
Wanted John Henry Davis to take the child, Ballard Crugs "and raise him like you did your child"; $250 to be used for this child. Wits Narcis Davis, Maggie Glenn, Reoner Timberlake.
CM 30 - 64
44. JAMES Y. HARTLEY, December 23, 1914 - May 8, 1915
To bro. Ben H. Hartley and wife, Minnie entire estate; to son John F. Hartley $1 as he had already received "a very liberal share of my estate". Bro. Ben Hartley exec. If at demise of bro. Ben and wife, his sisters, Lizzie Floyd and Nancy Hartley were living they were to share “all that remains.”
Wits M. V. B. Exum. M. M. Duffey.
CM 30 - 68
45. BELLE GATES JONES, Jackson, January 31, 1900 - June 22, 1915
To husband, Dr. James T. Jones, entire estate and he to be exec. Wits W. A. Ingram, Mary B. Jones, Codicil dated June 10, 1904. All her interest in the Memphis Conference Female Institute property to be her husband's. Wits W. A. Ingram, Mrs. A. W. Jones.
CM 30 - 100
46. MARTHA FENNER SKENE, February 13, 1915 - June 21, 1915
To aunt, Miss Fannie Fenner her entire estate for life then to her nieces Virginia Fenner Cummins and Martha Frances Cummins. W. A. Caldwell, exec. Wits J. G. Carter, Florence F. Harris.
CM 30 - 105
47. PETER LESH, June 1, 1915 - July 14, 1915
To son, Frederick J. Lesh, Muncie, Ind., $15,000 of capital stock of Weis Lesh Mfg. Co., gold watch and chain. To son Henry H. Lesh, Jackson, $15,000 capital stock in same company, his gun and fishing tackle; dau. Edna Lesh, Jackson, $15,000 capital stock in same company and his diamond ring; to wife Barbara Lesh rest of estate. Sons Frederick J. and Henry H. Lesh, execs. Wits John P. Bullington, C. D. Moore
CM 30 - 121
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48. J. W. GRESHAM, December 15, 1908 - July 22, 1915
To wife, Kathlyn Grigler Gresham entire estate and she to be exec. Wits T. W. Pope, W. F. Arnold
CM 30 - 141
49-50. Mrs. MARY E. BOND, Jackson, June 15, 1914 - August 4, 1915
To children Sidney S. Bond, Martin C. Bond, Annie T. Snider, Mary E. Plant and grandson, Bond Anderson, son of Helen who married Hu C. Anderson, equally, all personalty and house and lot on Main Street. Wits F. T. Smith, Clyde Aycock.
CM 30 - 144
51. BARLOW BALLARD, January 31, 1910 - August 10, 1915
Debts to be paid and wanted a "suitable monument" at his grave; to son John Edwin Ballard entire estate; if he died without widow or children, estate to be divided according to laws of Tennessee. Bro. J. C. Ballard, exec. Wits C. G. Bond, C. G. Bond, Jr.
CM 30 - 152
52-54. EMMA CECELIA WEIS, Jackson. July 31, 1915 - August 15, 1915
To pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Jackson, $200 for masses for her soul's welfare. To son Joseph William Weis certain personalty including her second largest solitaire diamond ring. To son Jacob Louis Weis certain personalty including her third largest solitaire diamond ring; to
son Charles Edward Weis certain personalty including her largest solitaire diamond ring; son Walter Henry Weis certain personalty including her Princess diamond ring. To grandson Louis James Anderson several small personal items; to grandson, Peter Weis Anderson, several small items; to sons Joseph William, Jacob Louis, Walter Henry Weis all the parlor pictures and all silver marked "W" equally. Rest of estate, stock in Weis Lesh Mfg. Co. and residence on Chester Street: 4/5 to sons and 1/5 to grandsons. W. A. Caldwell, H. L. Bledsoe to be her trustees given to her grandsons. Son Joseph William Weis, exec. wits A. P. Chalker, C. E. Pigford.
CM 30 - 155
55-56. CHARLES HANEBUTH, SR., Jackson, August 4, 1915 - August 14, 1915
Son Charles Hanebuth, Jr. to be exec. Wife, Phillipena Hanebuth to have homeplace on Highland Ave. for life and at her demise to son Charles Hanebuth, Jr.; allowance to be provided for his wife from estate; on death of his son, the Miller property, Liberty St., Jackson was to go to his grandson, Charles Hanebuth, III. Wits W. G. Timberlake, T. B. Carroll.
CM 30 - 154
57. Miss ESTELLE WALKER, Jackson. March 31, 1915/April 1, 1915 - August 20, 1915
To "beloved sister" Miss Bettie Walker her entire estate and she to be exec. Wits R. S. Fletcher, Mrs. R. S. Fletcher.
CM 30 - 164
58. WILL BOLEN, August 28, 1915 - September 4, 1915
For "kind treatment and care" provided him by Emma McClellan since Feb. 9, 1915 he willed his insurance money and money in the Second National Bank, Jackson; rest of estate to sister Froney Weddle. R. M. Carroll, exec. He signed with an "x". Wits R . M. Carroll, W. T. Sheets, J. E. West
CM 30 - 178
59. WALTER E. FITE, Jackson, January 8, 1915 - September 9, 1915
to dau. Ione Fite Helmer 25 shares at $100 each share in the Central Lumber Co., Jackson; son Waldo Fite 25 shares in same; son Fred Fite 25 shares in same; "beloved wife" Fannie rest of estate and she to be exec. Wits C. E. Pigford, A. P. Chalker.
CM 30 - 183
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60. T. D. WINDROM, Jackson, February 3, 1914 - September 13, 1915
To "beloved wife" N. R. Windrom entire estate and if she remarried the estate was to be divided among her and sons Tom Windrom and Guy Windrom. Wife, exec. Wits B. B. Tolson, M. H. Tyler.
CM 30 - 186
61. J. A. RUSH, Jackson, October 23, 1913 - September 15, 1915
To son William H. Rush $50; son Lee Rush $5; rest of estate to "beloved dau." Laura Rush Briggs. Sister, Mary J. Wagner, exec. wits Frank Gausman, T. G. Hughes, C. C. McCall.
CM 30 - 187
62. RITTA MATILDA COX, March 1, 1909 - September 29, 1915
After her debts were paid proceeds of sale of 200 acres to be div. equally among Delia R. Derryberry, Ida L. Wiggins, Lydia W. Wiggins, Laura Ellen Laney and as son J. M. Cox had died his children, Willie, Laura and Hollis Cox to have his share; to dau. Delia R. Derryberry and son-in-law, R. H. Derryberry, and granddau. Callie Pearl Derryberry to have "my things I may hav_ in
the house." Wits J. A. Thompson, W. A. Caldwell.
CM 30 - 197
63. FRED C. HECK, Jackson, December 1, 1914 - October 6, 1915
Two sons to have this grave "marked." "Beloved wife" Mary Kelly Heck have all personalty except parlor furniture and piano and these went to his children Oswald, Emma and Fred D. Wife to have his residence at the corner of Main and Royal and an envelope with her name, bearing his
message to her, "for her good treatment to me"; envelopes to children with their names Oswald Heck, Emma Wilhelmina Heck Brown, Fred David Heck, messages thanking them for their kindnesses; to wife and children equally all money in Jackson banks. Son Christian Oswald Heck, exec. Wits W. F. Neill, J. W. Vanden.
CM 30 - 201
64. THOMAS C. DISMUKES, September 4, 1913 - October 6, 1915
To wife Manerva Dismukes his entire estate and at her demise estate to be divided equally among the heirs of his bro. W. A. Dismuke_, deceased. Wife, exec. Wits R. A. Mays, N. N. Robbins.
CM 30 - 202
65-67. ROBERT H. CARTMELL, SR., January. 9, 1914 - October 7, 1915
To grandson John W. Cartmell eastern part of farm he lived on, on Beech Bluff Road; to granddau. Mary Louise daughter of Harry M. Cartmell, wife of Herron Towns, a portion of his land; granddau. Mary Louise Towns portion a further portion of his estate. To granddau. Edith, daughter of Dr. R. H. Cartmell, a portion of land. To sons G. B. and R. H. Cartmell large portions of his land. to grandsons R. H. and Meares sons of Dr. R. H. Cartmell a portion of land; son G. B. Cartmell lot on Main St., Jackson; son Harry and wife and son Hu M. Cartmell land including his homestead. Sons Robert H., Harry M. and Gaston Cartmell, execs. Wits A. W. Stovall, W. D. Nelson. (These tracts of land were described particularly in each instance in surveyor's terms. )
CM 30 - 203
68. ROBERT GATES, March 4, 1914 - October 8, 1915
To wife, Caldeonia J. Gates entire estate and she to be exec. Wits T. B. Arnold, Paul Baldridge.
CM 30 - 204
69. SARAH ANNIE ELIZABETH WOOLEY, August 29, 1906 - October 9, 1915
To dau. Nancy wife of Arch Smith $l; to children and grandchildren all and each a 1/8 share of estate: Ellen wife of J. R. Curry; Louanna wife of Robert Whitesides; Emma wife of Walter Moore; Eutonia wife of Will Latham; Jennie wife of Tom Lyons; Sallie Burress dau. of Susie Wooley Burress; Eva dau. of Bettie Wooley; William H. Wooley. No exec named. Wits Robert A. Hurt, I. N. Nelson.
CM 30 - 205
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70-71. Mrs. K. E. M. STOVALL, September 2, 1914 - October 14, 1915
To be buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Jackson, with tombstone at her grave. Personalty to 3 children, Mrs. Gertrude Stovall Hays, Hal Stovall. Robert Stovall. Remainder of estate -1 share to Gertrude Stovall Hays; 1 share to Hal Stovall; 1 share to Robert Stovall; 1 share for son George Stovall if he were living, for whom she hadn't heard in 2 years. J. E. Edenton, exec. Wits W. H. Biggs, Roy B. Biggs. Codici1 dated September 8, 1915. Instead of ¼ of her estate to son Robert Stovall he was to receive $30 a month for life. Same wits.
CM 30 - 213
72. Mrs. MARY ALICE GASTON, June 13, 1906 - October 19, 1915
To husband Thomas C. Gaston entire estate and he to be exec. Wits W. H. Biggs, R. F. Spragins.
CM 30 - 215
73-74. Mrs. EMILY PERSON, August 30, 1909 - October 23, 1915
To dau. Hibernia Neil or her heirs 165 acres; dau. Lula Tyson 145 acres; dau. Lela G. Hicks 205 acres; dau. Anne Noel 166 acres; son B. A. Person 167 acres; giving to B. A. Person's children: Emma Murford, Walter G. Person, Lizzie Person, Ben Person, Elnora Person, at his death, his portion; wanted tombstone at grave of her son Rush Person if he predeceased her; wanted tombstone at graves of her and her husband. Wits Mrs. Lula F. Staley, J. T. Rushing. Also, "I give Lula the hundred $100.00 she owes me without interest."
CM 30 - 218
75. MARY G. JONES, Jackson, March 11, 1909 - December 31, 1915
To son Amos W. Jones $5; dau. Mary Bell Jones rest of estate. A. B. Jones, exec. and if he were not living, J. T. Jones. Wits Ena Williams, Ruth Shurman.
CM 30 - 259
76 - 77. HENRY BULLOCK, Jackson, November 11, 1915 - January 6, 1916
Wife Narcissus Jane, the storehouse on Lane Avenue and lots in Little Rock, Ark. Son George and granddau. (unnamed) to have coal shed on Lane Avenue and a lot in Little Rock. Dau. Gertrude a house and lot on Lane St., Jackson and a lot in Little Rock. Son Henry Bullock a storehouse on Lane Avenue. Life insurance to be divided equally among his widow and children. Wife, "administrix." Wits W. M. Womack, G. E. Mitchell.
CM 30 - 307
78. L. S. HAILEY, April 26, 1915 - January 6, 1916
To O. L. Hailey, J. F. Hailey, S. H. Hailey, Mrs. L. R. Phillips, Mrs. C. E. Doyle, T. L. Hilliard each $600; to Gaston L. Hailey $100; to Lonnie H. Doyle $100; to Luico S. Hailey $100. C. H. Hailey and O. L. Hailey, execs. wits Lotharis Hailey, W. T. Wiggins.
CM 30 - 265
79 - 80. PHIL GILLESPIE, September 28, 1915 - January 10, 1916
To wife, Mary Gillespie, household furnishings, several livestock, provisions for a year and life interest in their residence. To son Phil Gillespie, by his first wife, now divorced, 40 acres adjacent land left to present wife and at her death that 50 acres went to son James Gillespie, Jr. Neely T. Mays, exec. wits W. T. Rogers. M. H. Taylor
CM 30 - 269
81. H. H. MARKHAM, in form of a letter written September 29, 1915. Route 8, Humboldt. Tenn., to nephew, John Reid. "I send my love to you also make you heir to all I own." Probated February 11, 1916. John Reid, administrator.
CM 30 - 287
82. FOUNT CARTER, February 7, 1916 - February 24, 1916
To wife Bettie Carter entire estate and she to be exec. Signed with an "x". Wits L. D. Johnson, C. G. Montgomery, J. I. Sowell
CM 30 - 301
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83. W. T. ANDERSON, August 20, 1914 - February 25, 1916
To "beloved wife" Eliza Jane Anderson entire estate for life, then to children J. H. Anderson, Neil P. Anderson, Sarah Ellen Anderson, Martha Elizabeth Anderson. Dau. Jane wife of Joe Kendrick $100 after demise of his wife. Dau. Susan wife of William Parham $100 and dau. Mary Stacy Anderson $100 after demise of his wife. Sons James H. and Noel P. Anderson, execs.
Signed with an "x" Wits Hu C. Anderson, F. W. Adamson.
CM 30-302
84. ELIGAH BLACK, Spring Creek, Tenn., October 1, 1913 - March 7, 1916
To "beloved son" Fannie Black entire estate. J. D. Askew, exec. Wits D. W. Ward, J. A. Donnell. (19l0 Census: this son was Francis, aged 30 years)
CM 30-307
85. Mrs. L. C. MEALS, November 14, 1914 - March 11, 1916
To son S. E. Meals a house and lot on Hays Avenue and vacant lot next to it. To dau. Mrs. Lula W. Knowles house and lot on Elizabeth St. A house and lot on Jackson St. to be sold and proceeds divided equally between her son and dau. No exec named. Wits Mrs. W. H. Rust, Mrs. A. E. Mason.
CM 30-319
86. J. A. McCULLEY. Henderson, Chester Co., Tenn., March 9, 1914 - March 13, 1916
N. B. Hardeman to "take charge" of his estate to whom and his wife, Joe K. Hardeman, he left house in Henderson and 2 brick storehouses in the same town; a lot in Lucyville to Dorsey B. Hardeman. Wits J. A. Ward, J. W. Stewart.
CM 30-314
87. D. F. TEAGUE, Medon, Tenn., March 11, 1916 - March 17, 1916
To wife Pearl Teague entire estate for life and afterwards the D. H. Parker homestead to go to Clover Creek Baptist Church in Medon; other property left a wife's demise to his sisters, Mrs. Mary Starkie, Mrs. Lela Weatherly and bro. G. T. Teague. Wife, exec. Wits Dr. Jay G. Cottongin, J. C.
CM 30-321
88. Mrs. LIZZIE MULVOY, November 12, 1915 - March 27, 1916
She gave herself as a childless widow. To sister, Mrs. Mary V. McLean, widow, without children, entire estate and she to be exec. Wits W. A. Caldwell, C. M. Allen.
CM 30-334
89. SEABORN W. PEARSON, September 6, 1915 - March 29, 1916
To wife Lizzie Pearson all personalty; farm in CD 12 he bought from J. C. Pearson, about 150 acres, to wife for life and then at her demise or remarriage to his children Robert Pearson, Ruth Hutchison, Anna Pearson, Pauline Pearson, Mary Pearson. No exec named. Wits H. C. Pearson, M. B. Key, John L. Pearson.
CM 30-347
90-92. W. T. BLACKARD, November 25, 1911 - April 13, 1916
To "beloved wife" Emma Pauline Collins Blackard house and lot, 225 W. Baltimore, Jackson, known as the Sam C. Lancaster place; also 2 tenant houses, $3000 cash and furniture they bought in 1910. Son Wiley Wade Blackard a house and lot, 240 W. Baltimore St., Jackson and the Steelman place and several other lots in Jackson and bank shares. Son, William Raymond Blackard house and lot, 242 W. Baltimore St., Jackson, other lots and bank shares. To cousin, Miss Annie Spring $150 cash. To aunt. Mrs. L. B. Shelton $100; to sons several keepsakes. Bro., Rev. J. W. Blackard, exec. And he to be guardian of his sons; his wife had been "good to my children" and he wanted her to be consulted in their welfare. Wits Robert A. Hurt, W. G. Perry. Codicil dated May 19, 1915. The livery on College St. had been sold, his interest being $1500 which was to go to son Wiley W. Blackard; wanted money he had spent on Wade's education to be equalized with money given to Raymond; to James H. Price $100. Describing his sons, "for they are both nervous and need close and patient attention."
CM 30- 48
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93. W. H. LILES, June 29, 1914 - April 13, 1916
To "beloved wife" Susan Gertrude Liles, entire estate and she to be exec. Wits Dr. C. C. Wallace, M. L. Buchanan, Mrs. Mary Liles Slusser.
CM 30-348
94-95. Mrs. FANNIE E. HOPPER, February 6, 1912 - April 17, 1916
To dau. Mrs. Maggie Hopper Perkins $1000; to dau. Tulie Hopper house and lot in Jackson; to son, R. E. Hopper, Jr., a house and lot in Jackson and to this son and Tulie Hopper to share interest in another town lot and house. Dau., Tulie Hopper, exec. Wits A. V. Patton, I. B. Tigrett. Codicil dated February 6, 1912. Remainder of estate, after bequests filled, to go to her son and dau. Tulie Hopper. Same wits.
CM 30-352
96-97. Dr. E. D. BARNETT, Jackson, April 29, 1916 - May 10, 1916
To mother, Mrs. W. M. Payne, house and ground, 866 No. Royal St., Jackson, for life and at her demise to Katie L. Hurt to hold for his dau. Opal Ed Barnett until she came of age, then it was to be hers (Opal's); another lot, 860 No. Royal St., Jackson, to be held by his sister, Miss Jeanett Payne until Opal came of age then it was to be hers. His house and lot, 243 Hale St., Jackson, to bro. Emerson Barnett as well as part of another lot in town; his mother to be given $500 and bro. to have a brick two-story house built with proceeds of debts paid estate. Wits Aleane Nichols, Caroline D. Payne, Cora Greene.
CM 30-369
98. JACK PERRY, August 15, 1913 - February 11, 1916
To wife, Jennie Perry and nephew Lonnie Parker entire estate except $5 to his son Edward Berry. Nephew, Milton Willis, exec. Wits J. E. Sikes, J. C. Sikes. M. D. Willis.
CM 30-491
99. D. A MOUNT, November __, 1915 - May 31, 1916
To "beloved wife" Carrie Beare Mount, insurance policy and proceeds, $7000 and residence in Humboldt, Tenn., and remainder of estate as well and she to be exec. Wits J. A. Williamson. Miss M. McMurry.
CM 30-380
100. Mrs. SALLIE EDWARDS, September 6, 1913 - June 13, 1916
To son, J. C. Edwards desk her husband had used; dau. Mrs. Tedie Grant pictures of her aunt, “Mr. & Mrs. Bledsoe.” To each of grandchildren, George Tucker, Walter Tucker, Ashley Grant. Mrs. Mabel Jones, Rufus Smith, Julia Button $25. To great-grandchildren, Mamie Lee Smith, Walter Button, Mamie Jones, Annie Lee Jones, Pansey Tucker each $10. To Miss Gertie Cook bed and bedding and pictures of Rufus Smith and she and her husband. Her house and lot on Deaderick Ave., Jackson, to children Mrs. Lizzie Tucker Clark, Mrs. J. C. Edwards, Mrs. Tedie Grant, Mrs. Mamie Smith. Her husband, S. W. Edwards having a life interest in same. J. C. Edwards, exec. Wits J. A. Thompson, S. H. Neff.
CM 30-386
101. H. C. BARNES, April 24, 1915 - June 19, 1916
To the bodily heirs of Mattie McDougle, formerly Barnes $10; to Elijah Barnes $10; to Alfred Barnes $10; to Katie White, formerly Barnes $10; remainder of estate to wife, Mattie J. Barnes, for life and at her demise it went to their children, Mollie D. and Jessie B. Barnes. Wife, exec. Signed
with an "x". Wits J. B. Rowlett, D. G. Boyd.
CM 30-389
102-103. J. H. Hirsch, November 21, 1911 - July 5, 1916
Several properties to be sold, debts paid and proceeds of sale to wife, Rowena R. Hirsch. Dau. Mary wife of J. D. Hunt $1000 in McGee-Ross Hardware Co. stock; ½ interest in storehouse and lot at Liberty and College strs. in Jackson. To son Alfred B. Hirsch $1 and cancellation of debts he owed him. To son Herman H. Hirsch, $1000 in So. Engine and Boiler Works, Jackson, and ½ of storehouse at Liberty and College strs. Wife, his household
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furnishings, $1000 in bank stock, rents of certain town property. Wife, exec. wits W. T. Rogers, Paul Baldridge.
CM 30-402
104. Mrs. MARY J. WAGNER, Jackson, January 24, 1911 - July 5, 1916
To "beloved" dau. Mrs. Mary O. Gausman her residence and lot on No. Royal St., Jackson, with furnishings therein. To Gertrude Matthews Wagner wife of her son, James Wagner, dec. $5. Dau. Mary O. Gausman, exec. Wits John Magevney, L. O. Sweatman.
CM 30-403
105. PERRY C. CALLAHAN, Jackson, December 5, 1903 - July 11, 1916
To wife, K. P. Callahan and children Perry H. and Malcolm W. Callahan his entire estate equally. Wife, exec. Wits John P. Mallory, C. E. Pigford, Stoddert Caruthers.
CM 30-406
106-107. S. E. KIEROLF. July 20, 1915 - July 15, 1916
He was nearing his 82 year of age, W. D. Kierolf, his nephew and foster son, exec. Whatever he owned left equally to his children and grandchildren: W. D. Kierolf, son; Mrs. Katie J. Dodson, dau.; James Emanuel Klyce; Mrs. Grace W. Perry; Mrs. Mary Alsobrook; Miss Mary Kierolf; Frank Kierolf; Katherine Kierolf; the first three in this list being children of his dau. and last three being children of son, W. D. Kierolf. Dau. Mrs. R. D. Dodson owed him $189, so adjustment was made in his bequests at the wish of his wife who died June 22, 1915. Son W. D. Kierolf, exec. Wits G. C. Wilkerson, R. S. Fletcher.
CM 30-408
108. W. C. PYLES, Jackson, January 13, 1909 - July 24, 1916
To nephew, W. A. Pyles, Green Co., Ala., $100. To nephew, Walter G. Holmes, rest of his estate, including his interest in house and lot on Cumberland St., Jackson, which his sister, Laura C. Pyles willed to him and to his nephew, James A. Holmes, which place his father, Addison Pyles deeded to his dau. Laura. Walter G. Holmes, exec. Wits R. L. Balch. B. P. Cantrell, A. P. Kenzie.
CM 30-413
109. H. F. JETT, Jackson, May 25, 1916 - August 23, 1916
To wife, Elizabeth (Bettie) Jett, his entire estate and she to be exec. Wits A. P. Chalker, Susie Chalker.
CM 30-425
110. MATTIE J. ROBERTSON. July 10, 1916 - September 11, 1916
To bro., Jack Robertson $5; to sister, Margaret Robertson Churchman $5; to the children of his sister, Mary Cunningham $5; to Robert J. Nowell the remainder of her estate. John T. Nowell, exec. Wits W. L. Drake, C. L. Longmire.
CM 30-444
111. GUS BERDON, March 5, 1914 - October 7, 1916
To wife, Martha Berdon, entire estate and she to be exec. Wits W. J. Brooks, Charles J. Williams.
CM 30-461
112. G. R. GOOCH, October 22, 1913 - October 13, 1916
To "beloved wife" Raida Gooch entire estate and she to be exec. Wits W. E. Harris on, R. A. Bradford.
CM 30-467
113-114. Miss MAMIE GLEASON, April 24, 1916 - October 13, 1916
To Leroy and Coral Moyer 40 acres in St. Joe Co., Michigan and a house
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and lot in Three Rivers, Michigan. To her kindred: Charley Rogers $1; Will Rogers $l; Norman Rogers $l; Homer Rogers $l; Andrew Rogers $1; Mrs. Risby Vaneese $l; Birtha Moyer $l; Mrs. Maud King $1; Mrs. Elenor Schrader $l; heirs of Mrs. Laura Gleason $1 each. Wanted tombstone set at her grave. No exec named. Wits L. McCoy, M. G. Moore, John T. Tomlin.
CM 30-467
115. L. M. BARNETT, August 20, 1904 - October 26, 1916
For love and affection for R. R. Barnett and for his care of "myself" and to his mother, Neoma Barnett, left him the homeplace and at his death it was to go to Robert Lee Barnett, his son. Daus. M. E. Bond, Nancy M. Shears $10; to son, N. A. Barnett $5, who was a farmer in Madison County, who was designated exec. Wits R. B. McCutchen and ten other persons.
CM 30-478
116. MINERVA C. O'NEAL, August __, 1915 - December 7, 1916
To husband, H. D. O'Neal entire estate and at his demise to their son, J. M. O'Neal and if he died without children, estate should go to J.A. Rone. Husband, exec. Wits J. R. King, J. M. Mason.
CM 30-506
117. ADDIE WARD, Jackson, December 2, 1905-January 9, 1917
To Mrs. F, W. Boyle, New York City, entire estate and at her demise it would go to her dau. June Loraine Boyle. No exec named. Wits John P. Mallory, C. E. Pigford.
CM 30-531
118. WILLIAM BRADLEY COLE, March 12, 1914 - January 15, 1917
To son, Archie Clark Cole 280 shares of Southern Engine and Boiler Works, Jackson and rest of estate except $100 to Calvin Cole and $100 to Clark M. Cole. Written at Long Beach, Calif. Undated codicil. $500 to Miss Alice Parr, Calvin Cole being deceased; $100 to Archie Clark Cole who was to serve as estate "administrator."
CM 30-533
119. Mrs. SUE E. WOOLFOLK, January 22, 1915 - February 13, 1917
To son, William B. Woolfolk. her entire farm in CD 12 on which he lived; he was to pay from the estate $1125 to her dau. Mrs. Laura E. Eubanks; $1125 to her dau. Mrs. Lizzie Simpson (at the death of her son). William B. Woolfolk, exec. No provision was made for her dau. Mrs. Bertha Donnell as she and her husband, J. B. Donnell "have already entered into an agreement with the said William B. Woolfolk as to any share she might have been entitled to in my said estate." Wits Dudley H. Pearson, N. E. Pearson.
CM 30-551
120. J. G. FUTRELL, March 25, 1915 - February 21, 1917
To wife, Martha A. Futrell, all personalty including notes, cattle, hogs. To grandsons Clarence and C. P. sons of Jimmie A. Futrell, 4 lots in Medina, Tenn. Wife, exec. Wits R. J. Lewis, E. A. Rowlett.
CM 30-554
121. M. H. RANSON, Jackson, January 20, 1912 - February 26, 1917
To "faithful and beloved" wife Clara Ranson, entire estate and she to be exec. Wits C. Hanebuth, Jr., W. W. Tucker.
CM 30-554
122. J. D. MORGAN, March 10, 1913 - March 20, 1917
To wife, Addie Harris Morgan, entire estate and she to be exec. Wits P. C. Callahan, J. T. Tomlin.
CM 30-569
123. MARGARET JOHNSTON. March 15, 1916 - March 31, 1917
To sister, Lula Johnston entire estate and she to be exec. Wits A. A. Wilde, W. C. Johnston, G. P. Hart.
CM 30-578
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124. MARY WEATHERS, Uptonville, Tenn., August 1, 1916-April 6, 1917
To S. D. Hollomon entire ½ interest in house and lot in Uptonville, CD 4, Madison County and to him also personalty and money. J. H. Omar, exec. She signed with an "x." Wits J. L. Hollomon, C. T. Jones.
CM 30-582
125-126. W. A. ULRICH, Jackson, August 13, 1915 - Apri1 12, 1917
To Eva wife of A. Schefold life interest in 2 houses and lots in Jackson along with personalty and at her demise to her children. Eva Schefold, exec. Wits W. T. Rogers, J. T. McCutchen.
CM 30-587
127. HENRY C. IRBY, Jackson, July 29, 1901 - April 16, 1917
To "beloved wife" Elizabeth E. Irby entire estate and she to be exec. Wits J. A. Thompson, C. M. Thompson, A. M. Burnes.
CM 30-595
128. MARTHA S. THEUS, Jackson, August 28, 1899 - April 30, 1917
To husband. William R. Theus entire estate providing $500 be given to her sister, Frances S. Mallory along with furniture formerly their mother's. Wm. R. Theus, exec. Wits E. S. Mallory, J. P. Mallory.
CM 30-604
129. GEORGE W. KELLER, Jackson, May 22, 1914 - May 31, 1917
His farm in CD 15 to be sold and proceeds of $200 to sister, Mrs. Nancy Lambert and rest to bro., Dave Keller. To "beloved wife" Nannie Keller the house and lot on King St., Jackson, along with his personalty. Wits. John J. Carpenter, Jeff D. Shelton.
CM 30-627
130. LINA BOOMER, June 13, 1917 - June 29, 1917
An equal share of her estate to children Moses Boomer, Alice Banks, Steve Boomer, Harvy Boomer, Clumby Boomer, including the real estate at Spring Creek. No exec named. Wits W. M. Womack, G. E. Mitchell.
CM 31-17
131. Mrs. ALICE DEMPSTER, January 23, 1917 - July 3, l917
To dau. Mrs. Marguerite Dempster Richards house at Chester and Hays; furniture in her house at 707 E. Church St., Jackson. Son, John A. Dempster, the house at 707 E. Church St. Sons, Robert K. Dempster, Gilbert Dempster her interest in certain railroad stock. Son, Gilbert Dempster, exec. Wits Claire B. Newman and Robert Dempster.
CM 31-19
132. B. J. HOWARD, July 24, 1915 - July 14, 1917
To "beloved wife" Nina E. Howard entire estate and at her demise estate went to his "heirs at law." Wife, exec. Wits R. R. Sneed, Hu C. Anderson, Thomas McCorry.
CM 31-25
133. NANNIE WILLIAMS, Uptonville, Tenn., August 1, 1916 - August 11, 1917
To S. D. Hollomon entire ½ interest in house and lot in Uptonville, CD 4, Madison County; also her furniture and notes. J. H. Omar, exec. She signed with an "x." Wits J. L. Hollomon, C. T. Jones
CM 31-42
134. LILLIE STUBBLEFIELD, May 3, 1910-August 27, 1917
To husband, J. B. Stubblefield entire estate; no exec named. No wits.
CM 31-54
135-136. B. BENTHALL, March 30, 1917 - September 10, 1917
To sisters Miss Mary C. Benthall and Mrs. Emily Amis all personalty and 4/6 interest in 106 acres in CD 8; her interest in house and lot in Jackson and another lot and improvements on Wells St. At their deaths, estate was to go to Mary Lou wife of Demertrious Benthall and Helen wife of Jasper Trussell. Miss Mary C. Benthal and Mrs. Emily Amis execs. Wits J. A. Payne, H. N. Payne, Sam J. Creevy.
CM 31-62
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137. WILSON JONES, July 14, 1917 - September 15, l9l7
To "only son" Phillip Jones $100 cash and if he cannot be found the money to go to testator's sister, Lula Ella Neely, to whom the remainder of his estate went. He signed with an "x." Wits M. H. Taylor, S. E. McNatt, A. C. Cain.
CM 31-65
138. NOEL HOPPER, will not dated; probated October 27, 1917
To sons J.T. and Dennis Hopper the place where J.T. Hopper lived with J.T. having the western half upon which his house stood and Dennis the eastern half. Rest of estate to his "beloved wife" Minerva J. Hopper for her life then it was to be divided among his children with J.T. and Dennis Hopper being charged in the settlement for what they were being advanced. Wife, exec. Wits J.L. Foster, T.W. Pope.
CM 31-87
139. Mrs. MARTHA F. BERDON, will not dated; probated November 15, 1917
Charles J. Williams to be "administrator" of estate; her place on Campbell St., Jackson, to be sold and proceeds to pay her debts and bequests to Mary Frances Wooten Smith, to whom she gave her furniture except for a bed and pillows to Charles Williams; same to Mrs. W. W. Brooks. Wits Mrs. W. W. Brooks , Charles J. Williams, Josephine Wyatt (signed with an "x").
CM 31-98
140. Miss BETTIE BELL, Jackson, November 24, 1917 - December 11, 1917
To Irvin Davis son of C. N. Davis, for service rendered her, $50 to be given him at age 21. To Pearl wife of C. N. Davis, mahogany china closet. To H. C. and Donie Cole remainder of estate. H. Cole, exec. Wits J. H. Glisson, Dan Baker, Dr. R. S. Brown.
CM 31-105
141. J. V. VANN, will not dated; will probated December 5, 1917
Wife, C. K. Vann entire estate except his four children each to have $50. Wife, "administrator." Wits W. A. Ballew, J. E. Hicks.
142. D. H. JONES and wife, A. E. JONES, a joint will, November 16, 1914 - February 5,
Willed their souls "to our Heavenly Father." To son William O. Jones and wife, Mattie, 75 acre homeplace if they provided for them rest of their lives; if they refused the property would go to children Mary A. Sturdivant, William O. Jones, Hattie Malone, Lucy Harris, Vara Valentine. Their house and lot in Uptonville went to their 4 daughters. Dr. J. M. Curry, exec. Wits T. E. Overton, W. I. Dew. D. H. Jones died Sept. 1916; his wife died January 10, 1918.
CM 31-132
143. R. G. DAY, January 23, 1918 - February 16, 1918
All estate to grandson, Carter Day and sister, Mrs. N. J. Parham, equally. To dau. Mrs. Whitfield $5 cash she having been given a place to live in the past years. Mrs. N. J. Parham, exec. He signed with an "x." Wits J. L. Hollomon, J. N. Sturdivant.
CM 31-139
144. J. A. NOWELL, April 9, 1915 - February 19, 1918
Wanted his 4 children to divide estate equally among themselves. Cora Umpstead's share to her and her children and Donnie Oliver's share to her and her children. Son W. G. Nowell's estate had been divided among his 4 sisters. W. O. Grane "administrator." Wits J. A. Futrell, W. P. Cole.
CM 31-143
145. JAMES MURPHY, January 26, 1917 - February 23, 1918
To wife, unnamed, 3/4 of 168 1/3 acre in CD 17 and at her demise it went to W. F. Watlington but his wife, A. C. Murphy, to have support from it for life. Wits T. B. Carroll. Carl F. Ward, L. McCoy.
CM 31-144
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146. WILLIS JONES, June 22, 1914 - February 25, 1918
To "beloved wife" Hellen Jones, entire estate and at her demise est. to his dau. Mattie Jones, being all the land he owned in CD 3, Madison Co. Son, E. J. Jones, exec. Wits J. M. Curry, J. L. Siler.
CM 31-145
147. WILLIS MOORE, August 23, 1908 -March 12, 1918
To wife, Fannie C. Moore homeplace for life or widowhood, 157 acres, horse and buggy and at her demise the land to go to Gordon & Ouida /his children/. Dau. Ouida 80 acres; son M. G. Moore, 131 acres. After the death of his wife the entire 367 acres to be divided by a commission for Gordon and Ouida. Gordon Moore, exec. No wits.
CM 31-155
148-149. MARY A. HUGHES, January 27, 1917 - March 15, 1918
A widow, Jackson, Tenn. To dau. Mary Hughes Burrow wife of W. L. Burrow the house and lot on Nelson St., Jackson, also personalty and money; she to pay dau. Mrs. Elenore Gaffko $50 and $1 each to sons James Hughes, Edward Hughes. Dau Elenore Gaffko to have other personalty. Dau. Mary Stephen Burrow, exec. Wits Mrs. Percy Perry, Mrs. J. E. Buchart.
CM 31-160
150-151. SALLIE HART McNEELY, September 4, 1917 - March 27, 1918
Nephew, A. D. Muse and wife to have her parlor furniture and other personalty; to Lillie Hudson Temple, personalty; to Janie Temple Mercer personalty; to Hattie Temple personalty; to Nannie Mai Temple personalty; to heirs of her niece, Cora Hudson Hamilton; to Lizzie Hamilton, jewelry; to Mai Hamilton Brewer personalty; to Cornelia Hudson Hamilton $100 and personalty; to Elizabeth Collier Hamilton personalty; to Kathleen Hamilton personalty; to Willie Hudson Harris personalty; to Emma Hudson Pegues personalty; to Sarah Pegues Thompson personalty; to Evelyn Pegues personalty; to Eddine Hudson Young personalty; to Anne Hudson Buckley personalty; to Lelia Mason personalty; to Loraine Hamilton Smith personalty; to Bessie Hamilton Gillespie personalty; to Katie Hays Edenton personalty; to Jennie McNeely McHaney personalty; to Cornelia Myers Jackson personalty; to Marie Thomas Nelson personalty; to Lucy Nelson personalty. Sale of her diamond pin to go towards upkeep of her burial lot at Big Springs cemetery. Nephew, A. D. Muse, exec. Wits Mrs. Jim Mathis. Pat Wright, Mrs. Pat Wright.
CM 31-164
152. JACK PERRY, April 1, 1918 - April 6, 1918
To wife, Siler, personalty; remainder of estate to be divided equally among his children except dau. Elizabeth, sons Alonzo and George and grandson, Al Thorn because "of their conduct toward me in the past" and to them $5. I. H. Conner, exec. He signed with an "x." Wits L. C. Holt, Dr. J. D. Hopper.
CM 31-168
153. BURNEY E. DICKINSON, November 7, 1908 - April 8, 1918
To "beloved wife" Sadie E. Dickinson entire estate and she to be exec. Wits W. T. Blackard, W. G. Perry.
CM 31-170
154-155. Mrs. VALERIA M. EVANS, October 4, 1913 - August 12, 1918
To dau. Mary Walker Evans and house and lot, 141 Lee St., Jackson and house and lot on E. Baltimore St. also. To son, R. P. Evans $794. R. P. Evans, Mary Walker Evans, execs. Wits Mrs. Mary B. Clark, Mrs. Mary A. Wilson, Mrs. Elvira W. Price. Codicil dated April 12, 1916. Dau. Mary W. Evans willed $250 owed her by her son, Robert P. Evans. Wits G. C. Wilkerson, R. C. Smith
CM 31-243
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156. J. D. SMITH, will not dated; probated May 4, 1918
Wife, unnamed, entire estate; no exec named; no wits named.
CM 31-184
157. LOUISE PERRY, March 8, 1904 - May 6, 1918
To "beloved husband" James T. Perry entire estate until his death after which it would go to her niece, Willie Sue Perry. Husband and this niece, execs. Signed with an "x.” Wits C.G. Jewett, W.L. Staples.
CM 31-453
158. J. T. PERRY, March 8, 1904 - May 6, 1918
To "beloved wife" Louise entire estate and at her demise property would go to his niece, Willie Sue Perry. Wife and niece, execs. Wits C. G. Jewett, W. L. Staples.
CM 31-453.
159. RUFUS T. LONG, April 9, 1914 - May 16, 1918
$100 to each of two youngest children of his sister, Amelia F. Brown, who were Mamie Brown, Robert Brown. Rest of estate to Sarah Robbins and Hugh Robbins children of his sister, Mamie Robbins "now" living in Dallas, Texas. Hugh W. Robbins, exec. Wits Hu C. Anderson, T. B. Carroll.
CM 31-190
160. N. R. WARD, April 28, 1902 - May 31, 1918
To "beloved wife" Lucy Ward entire estate and she to be exec. Wits Harry Hodges, T. B. Ross.
CM 31-198
161-163. MARY LOUISE (Mrs. Wyatt A.) TAYLOR, Jackson, February 7, 1914 - July 17, 1918
To son Wyatt Alva Taylor, house and lot on Hays Ave. and other real property in Jackson. To dau. Mrs. Mary Emma Barton storehouse and lot on College St. and other real property in Jackson. To dau. Mrs. Minnie Lee Morris all real estate which her father, Wyatt A. Taylor willed to Mary Louise Taylor and other real property in Jackson. Other real properties left to these children individually and jointly in Jackson. Son Wyatt Alva Taylor and son-in-law, Tanfy G. Morris, execs. If either of execs died, son-in-law Eugene Barton to fill that role. Wits L. O. Sweatman, A. V. Patton, Eugene Magavney.
CM 31-224
164. MARY J. WILLIAMS, July 31, 1917 - August 5, 1918
Wanted tombstone like that at her husband's grave placed at her own grave. To "beloved stepdaughter" Mrs. C. W. Coleman all personalty. At her marriage she gave her adopted son, Jere Williams, the household items and other personalty that she wanted him to have. To this stepson a lot and house, 510 So. Royal St., Jackson, when her husband paid off the mortgage or pays $100 to this stepson. Mrs. C. W. Coleman and husband, execs. She signed with an "x.” Wits C. C. McMillan, J. A. Williamson.
CM 31-241
165. W. A. POPE, SR., January 19, 1914 - August 10, 1918
To brothers Westley Pope and Peter Pope each $100. To W. A. Pope, Jr. and B. L. Pope each $25. Remainder of estate to John H. Pope who was also to be the exec. He signed with an "x.” Wits J. M. Curry, E. O. Glenn.
CM 31-241
166. MARY THORNTON, September 8, 1916 - August 28, 1918
To dau. Fannie Dennis $5 and rest of estate to dau. Ella Sanders and she was to be exec. Wits A. E. Johnson, B. O. Snider.
167-168. CYNTHIA R. CAMPBELL, April 29, 1907 - August 29-30, 1918
To sisters Susan A. Campbell and Mary M. Campbell equally her estate. Sister, Susan A. Campbell, exec. Wits Alice B. Stockton, Louella McCoy. Codicil dated January 30, 1912. Campbell Scott to be exec in place of Susan A. Campbell. Codicil dated July 6, 1915. Caroline S. Currier, her niece, to serve
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as exec in place of Susan A. Campbell who had died and Scott Campbell. Wits Noell Wright, Tena Wright.
CM 31-250
169. WILLIAM E. DUNAWAY, February 25, 1916 - September 5, 1918
Oil paintings to his late -wife's sister, Mrs. . W. Woods White, Atlanta, Ga. and her brother, A. S. Harris, Glasgow, Ky.; to wife's niece, Lula D. Harris, knives; wife's cluster diamond to Lula White; other personalty to nieces Mrs. T. Anderson, Mrs. W. T. Anderson, Mrs. B. O. Sullivan, Mrs. W. H. Hawkins. The family portraits to be divided among nephews and nieces and watch and chain
to great nephew, William Anderson, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; wearing apparel to nephews, W. T. Anderson, Fulton, Ky. and E. S. Dunaway, Ozle, Texas. Requested nephews W. T. Anderson, F. E. Anderson, James A. Anderson, T. A. Anderson select administrator of his estate and his personalty was to be sold with the proceeds to go to W. T. Anderson, F. E. Anderson, M. D. Anderson, James A. Anderson, Mrs. Thomas A. Anderson, Mrs. W. M. Wren and great niece, Vivien Reid. Empson L. Dunaway, Monroe Dunaway, T. Dunaway, Mrs. Betsy /Ross/. T. A. Anderson, exec. No wits.
CM 31-274
170. M. H. SMITH, May 6, 1915 - October 9, 1918
To "beloved wife" Mamie M. Smith entire estate; no exec named. Wits J. M. Smith, J. D. Smith, J. T. Steed.
CM 31-288
171. S. D. HART, October 1, 1918/given as 1819!/ - October 21, 1918
To wife, Jennie, "control of my place as long as she lives" and at her demise it would go to John T. Motly. Ann, Nona Reid, Ouida Rice, Floid Lanay, Jessey Mance, Agnes Virginiar Hart, children of S. D. Hart equally except Harvey, Floid and Agnes who were to have $500 more than the others. Wife to have his insurance money. No exec named. Wits C. D. Warmoth, C. G. Jewet.
CM 31-294
172. JOHN DODDS, Medon, Tennessee, October 28, 1918 - November 16, 1918
Wanted B. A. Johnson to take charge of his estate and pay debts and see that his wife, Bettie Hall Dodds, got rest of estate. Signed with an "x." Wits Robert Mackay. Will Dodd.
CM 31-322
173. Mrs. SALLIE COLE, June 1, 1917 - December 21, 1918
To grandson, Walter Krapf the house and lot, 105 Monroe St., Jackson, but he wasn't to sell it within ten years of her demise; if he did the property would go instead to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Jackson. To dau. Mrs. Rosa Barker other lots in Jackson and her household furniture. Mrs. Rosa Barker, exec. Wits W. H. Fisher, T. W. Pope.
CM 31-331
174-176. S. P. MOORE, July 13, 1915 - December 27, 1918
To son, Will M. Moore 150 acres in CD 10; also 180 acres in same district. Son, Hal R. Moore, to hold this property in trust for Will M. Moore. To wife, Jennie Moore "balance" of estate and at her demise it to be divided among his children Will M. Moore, Milton B. Moore, Hal R. Moore. Sons, execs. wits Hu C. Anderson, Thomas McCorry, M. F. Outlan.
CM 31-331
177-178. THOMAS PAGE WILLIAMSON, wi11 not dated; probated December 28, 1918
To wife, Lucy Jane Williamson, 68 acre homeplace. Son, J. B. Williamson the land on north side of Brownsville-Poplar road; to dau. Emma Warren land south of this road. To son, George T. Williamson the Keltner place. To son, W. M. Williamson, the Paisley place; to son, Ernest Williams, the Pailey-Cole tracts; no exec named. No wits named.
CM 31-333
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179. CORNELIA T. HART, Jackson, December __, 1918 - January 9, 1919
The amount to be hers from the sale of lot in Louisiana formerly owned by her father, Washington Johnson, and willed to her and her mother Lizzie and Cornelia Triplett (will dated October 16, 1917) be paid to her husband, Robert Hart and her son, Robert Mason Hart and dau. Phyllis Hart, all equally. Proceeds of insurance policies to her husband and rest of her estate to him. Wits Mrs. Hattie Moore, Miss Elizabeth Brown.
CM 31-338
180. M. V. B. EXUM, June 18, 1905 - January 11, 1919
To wife, Sarah Exum, entire estate but if she remarried she would take a child's share and the estate would be divided among her and their children. Wife. exec. Wits L. L. Webb. J. L. Exum.
CM 31-339
181. J. R. KEY, August 16, 1918 - January 26, l919
To "beloved wife" Sallie C. Key entire estate for life and at her demise the estate would be divided among his children William M. Key, Jr., Martha Key Watson, James D. Key, Fred S. Key, Guy Key, Eugene Key, Mary Key. Wife, exec. Wits John L. Pearson, M. G. Moore.
CM 31-351
182-183. H. M. HOUSE, March 30, 1907 - January 30, 1919
To "beloved wife" Lorena J. House real estate in McLennon Co., Tex. ; also, house and lot, Jackson; all personalty. Wife, exec. Wits J. K. P. Caldwell, J. A. Newman. Codicil dated in 1909. Business-house and lot in Mart, Texas to be his wife's. Same wits.
CM 31-353
184. ELIZA B. WILLIAMS, December 15, 1917 - January 17, 1919
She was of Shelby Co., Tenn. To daus. Emma Campbell and Camille Sparks wife of S. L. Sparks her entire estate equally. S. L. Sparks, Memphis, exec. Wits John B. Dickinson, Eugene Early, Jr.
CM 31-354
185. EPHRAM EDWARDS, September 7, 1911 - March 5, 1919
Everything in estate after debts paid went to Mrs. Callie Day; reserved a "plot of around", the E. Edwards burying-ground for the Edwards family and friends. John A. Steadman, exec. Wits W. G. Perry, C. B. Ijams.
CM 31-373
186. RICHARD WALSH, June 23, 1914 - March 3, 1919
To Mrs. Frank Coffey, DeKalb Co., Tenn. certain furniture; to Helen wife of Charles Dooley, Brown Co., Ohio, who had been raised by testator and wife property in Maple Park, Kane Co., Illinois; called her "a most faithful daughter" asked her to apply $50 towards holding of masses in his name. Ira C. Belton, Aurora, Ill., exec. Wits F. M. Annis, Cornelia M. Belden.
CM 31-371
187. TITERS HENDRICKS was at my house, September 6, 1918 and he willed a parcel of land in city limits to Ellar Glenn and her children Vester Glenn and Charlie D. Glenn; to become the children's when they came of age. Probated March 11, 1919. (CM 31, page 383, this holographic will was admitted to probate on the testimony of H. M. Able, Charlie and Mattie Price; he died in
Madison Co., Tenn., January 26, 1919)
188. J. W. FORBIS, May 16, 1914 - March 1, 1919
To wife, Martha Forbis, entire income from his property. Son, E. C. Forbis to be paid for his help during Forbis' blindness. To Evelyn W. Robinson and Carl Ward, grandchildren, each $10 after his wife's demise. To sons E. C. and W. H. Forbis each $500. Rest of estate to his children E. C. and W. H. Forbis and Mrs. Eva Ward. Wits Sid S. Bond, William Mayo Bond.
CM 31-372
189. HARRIS MAY STEPHENS, Jackson, December 31, 1907 - March 1, 1919
To wife, Lydia D. Stephens his entire estate, knowing that she would take
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care of their children and she was to be exec. Wits Jesse J. Robins, E. Malmbarg.
CM 31-373
190. R. W. McCLELLAN, January 28, 1919 - Apri1 14, 1919
To wife, M. Elizabeth McClellan entire estate and she to be exec. Wits H. L. Jones, J. W. McClellan.
CM 31-398
191. BENNETT BYRUM, August 23, 1913 - Apri1 14, 1919
A "siterson" of Madison County, Tenn. willed entire estate to wife, Lucy Byrum, for life and at her demise to 3 youngest girls, Mattie, Lulla, Welmore to have what was left. Wits J. W. Emerson, W. J. Reynolds.
CM 31-399
192. SUSAN CANON, Jackson, November 4, 1914 - April 11, 1919
To children Moses Canon, Joseph Canon, Bettie Smith, Emmer Wilkens each a featherbed, 2 pillows and 1 bolster. House and lot, 142 Extension St. to be sold and proceeds go them equally. Emmer Wilkens to be sole beneficiary of her insurance policy. L. G. Murry, exec. Signed with an "x." Wits W. L. Lovett, E. L. Eastland.
CM 31-397
193-196. JAMES H. ALLEN, December 16, 1914 - April 29, 1919
States that he was born March 4, 1844. "My family is not a long life family so that at best I cannot expect to live much longer." His children had promised him to use ½ of property for charitable purposes. To his wife, Loraine Wisdom Allen, all his furniture and his watch; other personalty to be divided among his wife and children Sallie Ruby Sickel, Henry W. Allen, Hattie Ethel Grover, Presley R. Allen, Terry W. Allen. On September 1, 1914 he advanced to Sallie R. Sickel, Hattie E. Grover, Presley R. Allen $25, 000 and guaranteed advancement to son Henry W. Allen at $25,275.66 and to son, TerryW. Allen, $109,411.80. Some $167,420.56 had been charged against Henry W. Allen by Allen-West Commission Co.; if this amount not paid before testator's demise, this amount to be paid with interest from son's portion in his estate. Debts of sons Henry and Terry "incured contrary to my wishes and advice". His real estate to be left to St. Louis Union Trust Co. to hold in trust to meet estate obligations as per his will and as means of support for wife and children. Signed his will in St. Louis, Mo. Wits Thomas H. West, Jr., R. C. Wafer, John F. Shapley.
CM 31-410
197. R. G. McFARLAND, March 1, 1918 - May 3, 1919
To bro., L. C. McFarland ½ interest in A. H. Nelson farm in CDs 11 and 15; to bro., H. S. McFarland the other ½ interest. His parents, R. H. and E. L. McFarland, were to have life interest in this land for a means of livelihood. Wits W. E. McClamrock, Thomas E. Glass.
198-199. JACOB CUTWRIGHT, July 13, 1909 - May 12, 1919
Resident of CD 10, Madison County; called Jake Cutwright; advanced in years.
To grandson, Jim Thomas, son of dau. Susan, dec. $50 cash. To dau. Betsy Ann Hunt his 76 acre farm in CD 10 for life, then to her children, Lillian Hunt. Freelie Hunt, J. B. Hunt, Dovenda Hunt who lived with him. This dau. to have his personalty and she to be exec. Wits W. G. Timberlake, W. A. Caldwell, W. F. Neill.
CM 31-431
200. FANNIE WEDDLE, April 14, 1919 - May 12, 1919
Entire estate to go to adopted dau. Annie Bell Weddle. T. W. Pope, exec. Wits Fenner Heathcock. Mrs. Judson Kimbrough.
CM 31-418
201. Mrs. MARY B. CLARK, Jackson, April 15, 1916 - May 16, 1919
To bro., C. P. Black, 3 tenement houses in first ward, Jackson with rents
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going to bro., James M. Black, for life, then entirely to C. P. Black. To sister, Anna Belle Smith, personalty except old jewelry. To niece, Marjorie Turner, a brooch; to niece, Mary McKnight an amethyst ring; a garnet ring to her niece Neil Sparks; had given niece Mildred a bracelet and niece
Sara Margaret Black a bracelet; had given watch to nephew Jere Black when he graduated from high school. C. P. Black, exec. Wits Mary B. Clark, Elvira W. Price, Mary A. Wilson.
CM 31-421
202. J. H. SWEENEY, April 28, 1919 - May 26, 1919
Willed his estate equally among his nieces Sallie Sweeney, Florence Sweeney Bland, Nellie Sweeney, Irie Mai Sweeney, Leila Sweeney Bush, Lillian Sweeney, Laura Cobb, Mattie Cobb and nephews Raymond Sweeney, Floyd Sweeney and bro. Frank's son, name unknown to testator. James M. Raines, exec. Wits James M. Raines, Floyd Scott.
CM 31-438
203. ROBERT F. PHILLIPS, January 13, 1911 - July 21, 1919
To wife, Mollie Elizabeth Phillips, entire estate and she to be exec. Wits George Vandenbrook, W. W. Tucker.
CM 31-447
204. L. R. GOWAN, February 27, 1919 - July 21, 1919
To wife, Lillie May Gowan, his farm. To Charlie Gowan and Harris Gowan's "girl", Hellen Grace's heirs $5. His children by Lillie Gowan to have equal rights in farm as long as they stayed on it and after 21 they were to pay recent if they remained on the farm. Thomas Marvin Gowan, Ethel Gately, Mattie Joe Jones, Eunice Gowan to have equal share until L. R. Gowan, Jr. reached age 21. Wanted "piece" of his land, SE corner of same, sold, for a monument to be erected "for my family." L. R. Gowan, Jr. was to have his Bible and book case. L. O. Vickers, exec. Wits N. R. Roe, G. N. Vickers.
CM 31-447
205. EDWIN MAYS SEYMOUR, Jackson, October 5, 1915 - August 23, 1919
Entire estate to son Trezevant P. Seymour and he to be exec.; loan of $500 to son Willie T. Seymour, March 19, 1913 to be kept by him as his inheritance. Wits W. F. May, R. F. McAnally.
CM 31-460
206. W. H. WATKINS, March 1, 1902 - September 2, 1919
To wife, Lula Watkins, entire estate and she to be exec. Wits W. G. Timberlake, J. A. Thompson.
CM 31-465
207. ARCHIE CLARK COLE, Greenville, Miss., formerly of Jackson, Tenn., December
20, 1917 - October 17, 1919
To Jessie Dean Rose, Memphis, house and lot, 125 Stoddert St., Jackson and 280 stock shares in Southern Engine and Boiler Works, Jackson, totally $14, 000 and the rest of his estate as well and she to be exec. Wits O. M. Johnson, H. G. Bass.
CM 31-489
208. W. B. ELLIS, October 10, 1919 - October 21, 1919
To R. L. Ellis ½ interest in place on Long St. owned by Mrs. S. J. Higgerson and himself, equally; she to have option of buying his interest; wanted a tombstone at his grave. To Angus Johnson his double-barrel shotgun; horse and wagon to R. L. Ellis. John J. Carpenter, "administrator." Wits J. J. Carpenter, Charles J. Williams.
CM 31-490
209-210. MARY ANN ISBELL, March 31, 1919 - November 21, 1919
To "beloved granddaughter", Grace Louise Isbell entire estate and she to be exec. wits Mrs. D. L. Sturdivant, Mrs. D. H. Humphreys.
CM 31-511