By Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith
Copyright, Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith, 1995
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Madison County, Tennessee, County Court Minute Book One
page 31. JUNE 17, 1822. "On motion and petition of ROBERT H. DYER, It is ordered that ROBERT H. DYER have leave to keep an ordinary /tavern/ at his house in this county who thereupon entered into and acknowledged bond with Duncan Mclver, Joseph Linn, B. G. Stewart & Samuel Taylor his securities in the penalty and with the condition prescribed by law."
page 152. June 16, 1823. "On motion and petition filed, ordered that GABRIEL CHANDLER have leave to build a saw mill in the second range and 9 section of the ninth /surveyor's/ district on his own land on Young's Creek."
page 197. June 19, 1823. Ordered that MATHIAS DEBERRY who was this day appointed guardian of JAMES W. HALEY and WILLIAM P. HALEY minor orphans and to enter bond posted for $5000 "for the discharge of the duties as guardian towards said orphans."
Madison County, Tennessee, County Court Minute Book Two
page 1. November 8, 1825. "On motion of JAMES L. McDONALD guardian of the orphans of ROBERT MOORE deceased and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that there is not sufficient funds in the hands of said guardian to satisfy the debts owing by the estate it is ordered by the court that a negro man Abraham be set up and sold to satisfy the claims against the estate of said decedant."
page 2. November 8, 1825. "On motion and petition of THOMAS M. GILES in right of his wife MARY formerly MARY MOORE one of the heirs of ROBERT MOORE deceased and ARMSTEAD MOORE, WILLIAM MOORE, and ELIZABETH MOORE the minor children and heirs of the said ROBERT MOORE by their grdian. JAMES L. McDONALD & it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that they are the only heirs of the said ROBERT MOORE deceased except NICH. W. EASTLAND who claims in right of his wife FANNY formerly FANNY B. MOORE and one of the heirs of the said ROBERT who is notified of this application and consents to the same. It is ordered by the court that ABEL WILLIS, ROBERT H. HEBBITTS, DUNCAN McIVER, STEPHEN SYPERT and ANDREW L. MARTIN be appointed commissioners to divide and distribute amongst your petitioners and the said EASTLAND agreeably to the Acts of Assembly in such cases made and provided their respective shares of the following property it being the whole of the personal property belong /ing/ to the estate of the said ROBERT MOORE deceased, to wit, one boy, Daniel, one woman Hanna, girl Charlott, woman Roose & her children
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Isaac, Edmond, Nancy, Sucky & Thompson, and it is further ordered that the said McDONALD continue in the possession of said Negroes untill the heirs and profts arising therefrom shall be sufficient to satisfy said McDONALD for all lawful claims that may be adjudged in his favor as guardian for said heirs" for the various expenses which he might incur in the support and education of said children. Commissioners appointed to divide and distribute shares among heirs to make report to next court term how this division has been done, considering "the various ages and conditions of said heirs."
page 3. November 8, 1825. THOMAS W. GILES was appointed guardian of his wife, ANN G., orphan of ROBERT MOORE dec. and posted bond as such for $1400.
page 49. February 11, 1826. "On motion and petition filed ordered that JOHN W. LOVE have an order to build a mill on Cub Creek on part of a tract of land entered in the name of Mathew Johnson."
page 50. February 11, 1826. THOMAS REEVES was appointed guardian of ROBERT BLAN, orphan of WILLIAM BLAN, dec. Posted bond of $2000. Securities: John F. Brown, Hyram Harkins.
page 64. May 1, 1826. JOHN TIDWELL appointed constable in Capt. McLAWRIE's company. Page 81. Took oath as such, in court, May 5, 1826.
page 126. August 12, 1826. "During this session of the County Court of Madison County the following preamble and resolutions drafted by a committee appointed by the Court for that purpose were unanimously adopted by the Court /Justices being WILLIAM WILLIAMSON, JAMES GREER, JAMES L. McDONALD, DUNCAN McIVER, ROBERT LOWRY, RICHARD H. BURKS, JAMES McKNIGHT, MARTIN WIGGS, JEREMIAH T. RUST/ and Bar and a large number of the Citizens of Madison County. WHEREAS intelligence has been received of the decease of those distinguished men THOMAS JEFFERSON and JOHN ADAMS on a day calculated to awaken and call forth the noblest feelings of the human breast; on a day which every American so long as a ray of patriotism and love of liberty finds a resting place and a home in his heart will hail with gratitude and enthusiastic delight. And so long as these feelings are cherished and kept in rigorous life with the freedom and happiness we now enjoy continue to be our heritage, our birthright. But when in the full enjoyment and possession of all the privileges and bennefits which we are heirs to if we do not often recur to the memory and the lives of those illustrious men to whose exertions and sacrifices we are indebted to them all we would lose to ourselves and to all the high feelings which should belong to free men. In looking back to those stormy times which tried the souls of men, times in which a great political convulsion raised up and established a nation of free men, none save /except/ one only /George Washington?/ shone more conspicuously than these two great men whose loss we now deplore upon the sea of revolutionary storm and tempest. At a time when tyranny and superstition forged their heaviest claims to fetter the human mind and keep the great mass of people in a base state of vassalage and degradation a Jefferson and an Adams dared to think that by the law of nature and nature's God man of right should be independent & should be free! To these high aspirations and noble darings we are indebted for our present happiness and prosperity. We owe them much. They have our gratitude, our admiration and love. RESOLVED that we do in common with the great body of the American people feel with the deepest sorrow, the nation's bereavement in the death of these two illustrious patriots and able advocates of civil and religious liberty who by a remarkable coincidence have departed like twin spirits to that bourne from whence no one is permitted to return on the anniversary of a day consecrated by a nation's birth. RESOLVED that in respect for the memory of these great men we will wear crape on the left arm for thirty days."
/THOMAS JEFFERSON and JOHN ADAMS both died on July 4th 1826/
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page 127. November 6, 1826. "Administration of the estate of ELDRIDGE NEWSOM is this day granted to HERBERT NEWSOM whereupon came the said HERBERT and took the oath of an admr. and entered into a bond with Thomas Lofton, W. B. Lofton and Hazel Hewet his securities in the penalty of ten thousand dollars."
page 253. May 14, 1827. FRANCIS C. EDWARDS was appointed guardian to MARY ELIZABETH and NICHOLAS PRESSON orphan children of SAMUEL PRESSON dec. Posted bond for $500. Securities: Allen Deberry and Mathias Deberry.
page 399. February 11, 1828. WILLIAM DUNN "infant orphan" was bound as an apprentice to WILLIAM C. DEW for fourteen years from or after May 15, 1828 at which time he would have reached age 21 yrs; to learn the "art and mistery" of painting, windsor chair & carriage making." He was to be "instructed in reading, writing and arithmetic as far and through the rule of three" and at the end of his service he would be given "a good suit of clothes & twenty five dollars in money."
Madison County, Tennessee, County Court Minute Book Three
page 61. May 4, 1829. WILLIAM DRAPER surrendered guardianship of in heirs of JAMES PAYN_ dec and Roderick A. McIntosh was appointed to same. Names of PAYN children: CATHARINE, THOMAS, BLACKWELL, MARTHA EDNEY, HARDAWAY, PERMELIA. Posted bond for $250, each child. Securities: James L. McDonald, James H. Rogers, John Houston.
page 61. May 4, 1829. BALAM NEWSOM came into court and recorded his /live/stock mark, being a crop in the left ear and slit in the right. HERBERT NEWSOM came into court and recorded his /live/stock mark, being a crop and slit in the right ear and two slits in the left ear.
page 81. May 6, 1829. "The division of the negroes belong/ing/ to the estate of TEMPERANCE PULLIAM dec was this day returned into court by the commissioners appointed at a former term of court which is in words and figures following, to wit. Persuent to an order of the worshipful court of pleas and quarter sessions of Madison County we have proceeded to divide & allot to THOMAS, THEOPHILUS & ROBERT PULLIAM heirs of the said TEMPERANCE PULLIAM decd. the following negroes, to wit, Dolly, Ann & child, Rachel & Solomon, to THEOPHILUS PULLIAM. Nancy and child Richard, Grace and Harriet to THOS. PULLIAM; and Adam, Jinny and Mary to ROBERT PULLIAM & we do further agree that THOMAS PULLIAM should pay to THEOPHILUS PULLIAM the sum of twenty five dollars adjudged difference of value in the two respected lots. This the sixth of December 1828. A. L. Martin, J. Read."
page 168. May 3, 1830. A bill of sale from JACOB FISHER to his son JOHN H. FISHER and dau POLLY E. FISHER "for certain negroes" was produced in court; it was ordered certified for registration.
page 246. February 7, 1831. JOHN FLY was appointed guardian of JAMES L. TYSON and SARAH ANN TYSON minor hrs of JACOB TYSON, dec. Posted bond of $1500. Security: M. Deberry.
page 246. JAMES PAYNE, orphan, aged 15, with consent of his former master, Solomon Duty, was now apprenticed to John Huston until he reached the age of 21 yrs. Huston promised to feed and clothe JAMES and to see to it that he had "twelve months schoolling, six months of which is to be given him in the first year of his servitude and the remaining six months in the last year." At termination of service he would also receive $50 worth of clothing. February 7, 1831.
page 247. February 7, 1831. JEREMIAH DRAKE, orphan, about sixteen yrs old with consent of his former master, Martin Cartmell, was now apprenticed to
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WILLIAM L. WILLIAMSON until he reached the age of 21 yrs. He was to be furnished with good and lodging learn the tailer's trade. Security: Samuel Dickins.
page 249. February 7, 1831. "On motion and petition of ELIZABETH CARUTHERS, MARY M. CARUTHERS, JAMES M. CARUTHERS, SARAH H. CARUTHERS, SUSAN J. CARUTHERS and ROBERT N. CARUTHERS by their guardian, ELIZABETH CARUTHERS, Abraham Loony & said ELIZABETH CARUTHERS for partition and division of a tract of land containing eight hundred & twenty acres granted by the State of Tennessee to ROBERT CARUTHERS, Junr. and said Abraham Loony (as equally interested) by Grant No. 660 lying in the 10th surveyor's district, range two and sections ten and eleven; the said ELIZABETH CARUTHERS relinquishes her right of dower in and to the said lands. It is ordered by the court that James Brown, Robert Lowry, John C. Gillespie, Thomas Childress and Allen Hicks be appointed to divide, allot and set apart equally, considering quantity and quality, between the heirs and representatives of the said ROBERT CARUTHERS, Junr. and the said one moiety to said /CARUTHERS/ and the other to said Abraham Loony and partition and division so made return to the next term of this court."
page 319. November 7, 1831. JOHN R. McCARROLL appointed guardian of JAMES L. and SARAH ANN TYSON, replacing JOHN FLY. Posted bond for $3000. Securities: Philip Alston, James A. McCarroll.
page 280. May 3, 1831. Petition of BIRD B. DRAKE for the emancipation "of his slave SARAH a woman it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that she is a person of sober, steady and industrious habits" and she was so emancipated. Two-thirds of magistrates voted in favor of this emancipation. Drake posted bond of $1000 in the case with securities: Joseph H. Talbot, E. D. Fenner, A. Patton, William Stoddert.
Madison County, Tennessee, County Court Minute Book Four
page 37. November 4, 1833. CHARLES STATEM, an orphan, 7 yrs old was "put under the care and management" of JACOB ANDERSON for 14 yrs until CHARLES reached the age of 21 yrs. STATEM to have had 18 months schooling "in a good English school" and at end of service he would be given a suit of homespun clothes.
page 53. February 3, 1834. PHILIP ALSTON was appointed guardian of THOMAS, MARY ANNE, ELIZA JANE, OPHELIA and GEORGE WAYLOR, minor orphans of GEORGE W. TAYLOR. Posted bond for $14,000. Securities: John R. Alston, James Alston.
page 93. February 8, 1834. "This day came, into open court JAMES ELROD, BERNARD MITCHELL and JOHN H. RAWLINGS, whereupon they preferred /presented/ their petition praying that a certain negro slave named QUAKER for reasons set forth in said petition might be emancipated and forever set free. Whereupon the court having duly considered of the matters in said petition set forth, and it appearing to the court from the evidence exhibited that the facts stated in said petition are true and that said QUAKER contracted for his freedom previous to the 16th December 1832, and the chairman having reported on said petition that according thereto would be consistent with the interest and policy of the state and the said JAMES ELROD, BERNARD MITCHELL and JOHN H. RAWLINGS having entered into bond and security according to law in the sum of five hundred dollars, conditioned that said QUAKER shall not become chargeable to the county or in case he should pay all damages incident thereto. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that said QUAKER be forever set free and emancipated."
page 123. May 8, 1834. Commissioners David Jarret, Francis Meriwether, Jethro B. Fort, George W. Meriwether and James Meriwether, appointed to divide the 2000 acre tract of the late JAMES BYERS among his "several heirs" presented their report which was accepted and approved by the court. FOR A DRAWING OF THE DIVISIONAL PARTS, SEE THE NEXT PAGE:
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Lot 1, 240 acres, to ROBERT BYERS |
page 172. November 3, 1834. WILLIAM DOAK was appointed guardian of RACHEL ANN E. DICKSON, ROBERT DICKSON and JOSEPH M. DICKSON, minor children of ROBERT DICKSON, deceased. Posted bond for $6000. Securities: James L. McDonald, Duncan McCollum.
page 192. November 5, 1834. JAMES DILLARD was charged with having "begotten a child upon the body of NANCY HOPPER, single woman" and Dillard, with his security, JOHN DILLARD, posted bond $200 "to support and maintain" said child /unnamed/.
page 305. November 2, 1835. JOHN CROOM, orphan, aged about 13 yrs was put under the "care and direction" of WYATT MOORING until he reached the age of 21 yrs. To be trained in "art and mystery" of farming; be given a good education and at end of his service /apprenticeship/ 'be given a suit of clothes, a horse, saddle, bridle worth $75. Securities: B. G. ~tewart, John Tidwell.
page 321. November 6, 1835. KITTURY BETTS, widow of WILLIAM BETTS who died on or about September 7, 1835, leaving a tract of about 300 acres in Madison and Haywood counties; she applied to have commissioners set off her dower from this tract and report made next term of court.
page 324. November 9, 1835. CULLIN CROOM, orphan, aged about 6 yrs was bound to WILLIAM MOORE until he reached the age of 21 yrs; was to be given a good "English" education and at termination of service to be given a suit of clothes, a horse, saddle, bridle. Securities: W. Mooring, John Simmons. CULLIN was to learn the trade of tanning.
page 471. March 7, 1837. JOHN SPENCER applied successfully to the court to be appointed guardian of GARRETT GREER, minor heir of VINCENT GREER, dec, who produced a certified copy of his appointment as such by the court in Washington County, Arkansas.
page 481. June 5, 1837. THOMAS P. ANDREWS was appointed guardian of POLETHA, ELIZABETH, VAN BUREN and WILLIAM, minor hrs of OBEDIAH MAY "who is now in jail." Security: Isaiah Tidwell. Posted bond for $300.
page 484. July 3, 1837. Petition of DICY SCOTT "for her freedom to be established
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& made a matter of record. " Nicholas Perry, Nathaniel Gooden and William Gooden "swore and deposed" that DICY was reputed to have been a free woman in North Carolina "and that her freedom was not questioned there," and that she had moved to Tennessee with the Goodens in 1831. Nicholas Perry deposed that he knew her parents, they having been "free persons of color" in North Carolina. Petition was approved by court for recording.
page 492. September 4, 1837. SAMUEL LANCASTER GANNAWAY and JAMES WALKER GANNAWAY by assent of their mother, MARY B. GANNAWAY, were apprenticed to GEORGE JENKINS until they reached age 21 yrs or until March 10, 1843 for SAMUEL L. when he would attain age 21; or until February 25, 1845 for JAMES W. when he would attain age 21. They were to learn the trade of "currying " and to have a suit of clothes and $25 when they terminated their apprenticeship.
page 510. February 5, 1838. JAMES PINCKNEY WRIGHT with consent of his mother, SERRY WRIGHT was apprenticed to Stark & Magivney for five years to learn the trade of tailering; he to have 8 months of schooling and at end of service be given a good suit of clothes.
page 525. April 2, 1838. THOMAS PATTON "a native of Scotland" came into court and declared his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States. "Came in" PERTHSHIRE, January 1, 1800; landed in U.S. from a ship called "Philadelphia", Captain J. Smith, having emigrated from England where he had lived for a time. He wanted a license to operate an ordinary /tavern/ but magistrates denied him this privilege, claiming it was against laws of land.
535. July 2, 1838. The Sheriff of Madison County was ordered to take "possession" of three children of WILLIAM ALEXANDER "but now under the management of ORVEL GARROT their step father. . . . dispose of them as he may think to the advantage of said children" and report to next court. /Apparently he made such a disposition but there appears not to be a record in next term of court about same./
page 553. November 5, 1838. CULLIN CROOM with consent of his mother, SILVA CROOM ancf ALEXANDER CROOM, to whom he had been bound at the December 1837 term of court, came into court and was bound to DAVID DAVIS to learn farming. Davis agreed to have CULLIN taught to read and write and at the end of his service, 13 yrs hence, to furnish him with a suit of clothes, a fur hat, boots, horse, saddle and bridle.
page 584. May 6, 1839. ALEXANDER GREER was granted letters of administration on the estate of DUNCAN McIVER.
page 606. October 7, 1839. REBECCA F. MERIWETHER, widow of WILLIAM H. MERIWETHER, and JAMES MERIWEHTER, father of WILLIAM H. MERIWETHER, dec. came into court to request appointment of DAVID MERIWETHER as administrator of W. H. Meriwether's estate, which was granted, with him posting bond for $16,000. His securities: Philip Alston, Micajah L. Purnell.
Madison County, Tennessee, County Court Minute Book Five
page 22. January 5, 1841. WILLIAM HILLSMAN, "a negro man of colour" petitioned court that he was freed by his late master, JOHN HILLSMAN, Knox County, Tenn. prior to 1831. Court approved his petition that he be acknowledged as a free man of color entitled to certificate showing same.
page 48. May 4, 1841. SOLOMON WHITTENDON was charged with being the "reputed father" of Louvisey Manor's child, said child having been born in McNairy Co., Tenn. where it and its mother had resided the past two yrs; court declared that it did not have jurisdiction, therefore, in the case.
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page 53. June 7, 1841. ELIZABETH CANADA, freewoman of color and daughter of JAMES LARY, furnished evidence to court, a record of her family's record as free persons of color, established by record in Bedford Co., Tenn., April 1820, when it was recorded that JAMES LOWRY and wife, SARAH, the "former a person of color", he about 5'8" and she about 5'6", aged 40-50 yrs and their children: LEAH about 5'4" about 28 yrs old; CALY about 5'8" and about 25 yrs old; ELIZABETH /evidently the ELIZABETH CANADA of 1841/ about 4'4" about 15 yrs old; JANE about 3'6" about 12 yrs old; AUGUSTUS, a grandson of JAMES and SARAH.
page 111. April 1842. Petition of JOSHUA CAMPBRIDGE, free man of color, that he came into Tennessee in 1804 and wanted to be allowed to remain in Madison County, Tenn. which was so granted with his securities being John Irvin and James King.
page 181. February 6, 1843. SUGARS McLEMORE was appointed guardian of ROBERT N., ABRAHAM P., DANIEL J., MEMUCAN H., MARY E., LEAH ANN, MARGARET B., his children "by" his first wife, BARTHENEA ANN G., granddau of DANIEL PERKINS, late of Williamson County, Tennessee. He applied successfully for "special guardianship" of these children so that he might claim for them a negro left to BARTHENEA ANN G. McLEMORE by said Daniel Perkins. Posted bond for $1000. Securities: Micajah Midyett and Young A. McLemore.
page 221. November 6, 1843. Petition of ROBERT TAYLOR, JR. that he contracted with WILLIAM B. WILLIAMS, for MARIAH, a woman "of yellow complexion" in 1829, for her freedom and she had paid Taylor his purchase money and he agreed to her emancipation in fact. The court ordered her thus "liberated" with permission to remain in Madison County, Tenn. Robert Taylor, Jr. posted bond for $500.
page 237. January 1, 1844. KENNETH GARRETT was appointed guardian of MARY ANN J., HENRIETTA Y., KENNETH F. and WILLIAM H., minor orphans of JOHN W. GARRETT, late of Washington County, North Carolina. He posted bond for $10,000. Securities: William H. Long, Montgomery B. Stewart.
page 238. January 1, 1844. AUGUSTUS C. DOWNING, minor orphan of SARAH DOWNING, dec, Green Co., North Carolina, was over age 14, came into court and Aaron Tison was appointed his guardian for which he posted bond for $4000. Securities: William Croom, Alfred D. Garrott, Abraham March.
241. January 1, 1844. Petition of WILLIAM BIRDSONG, a citizen of Madison County, setting forth that he had made a contract with "a certain negro woman of a bright complexion by the name of HANNAH that he would free her and her children and offspring in the year 1824. "The court agreed to grant them freedom with their compliance with the 1841-1842 state legislation regarding free Negroes. HANNAH was about 41 yrs old; her children: GASTEN 22 yrs old; GRANDISON 20 yrs old; PERRY __ yrs old; CAROLINE __ yrs old. Her securities were William Birdsong, Joseph F. Cloud. Posted bond for $2000.
246. January 1, 1844. MEAKINS WILLIAMS, husband of the late ALMEDA WILLIAMS, formerly ALMEDA MOSS applied for letters of administration "in his marital rights to enable him to receive all the personal property of his said deceased wife not reduced to his possession in her lifetime." Granted.
258-266. Men elected early in March 1844 to serve as constables in the various civil districts of Madison County, to serve for two years. All took their oaths of office on March 4 except SKILLERN on March 5: 258-295: JOHN R. JELKS, C.D. 9; 259. NELSON CHILDRESS, C.D. 12; 259. WILLIAM W. FREELING, C.D. 2; 259-260. JAMES THOMPSON, C.D. 6; 260. JAMES A. SWEENY, C.D. 11; 260. SYDNEY GRAY, C.D. 4; 260-261. ANDREW CAIN, C.D. 1; 261. STEPHEN MOORE, C.D. 10; 261. JAMES YARBROUGH, C.D. 3; 261-262. JAMES CHAMBERS, C.D. 7; 262. FELIX R. HARDGRAVE, C.D. 13; 262. HENRY A. WELCH, C.D. 16; 263. WILLIAM CARRINGTON, C.D. 8; 263. SAMTJEL L. ANDERSON,
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C.D. 15; 263. JOSEPH C. SHARP, C.D. 15; 264. PHILMORE W. WHITWORTH, C.D. 14; 264. NOFLEET H. WARD, C.D. 17; 266. ISAAC C. A. SKILLERN, C.D. 5.
266. March 5, 1844. NATHAN A. WHITTENTON, administrator of RICHARD WHITTENTON'S estate submitted report of sale of property which was ordered to be recorded.
268. March 6, 1844. WILLIAM M. DUNAWAY was appointed administrator of EMELINE and MARTHA SMITHWICK, both dec. His security was Thomas Blair.
281. May 6, 1844. WILLIAM H. MAY appointed administrator of JOHN C. MAY, dec. Posted bond for $500. Security: Philip Alston.
295. July 1, 1844. JESSE C. ELSTON guardian of ELIZABETH and NELSON UPTON came into court and renewed his bond as guardian for $600.
310. July 5, 1844. WILLIAM FUSSELL guardian of FRANCES BOREN came into court and renewed his bond as guardian for $800.
315. July 6, 1844. EATON BOND guardian for SUSAN P., HELLEN and SARAH D. JEFFREYS came into court and renewed bond as guardian for $9000. Securities: Joab Wilson, Isaac C. A. Skillern.
324. September 2, 1844. An affidavit presented to court alleging that SAMUEL A. SMITH was "the reputed father" of a child by ELIZABETH ALLEN "a single woman"; in court he "did not deny the charge" and agreed to pay ELIZABETH $40 cash for the first year; $30 cash for the second year; $20 cash for the third year. Posted bond for $180. Securities: Doctor C. Harris, James W. Harris, Anderson Edwards, James B. Woods.
325. September 2, 1844. Papers presented in court alleging that JOHN MILLER was "the reputed father" of a child by TEMPY ANN FULLER. He took oath that he was not the father of this child; the issue to be tried at next term of court, Oct. 1844. Posted bond for his appearance $200. Securities: William White, James McCarver and Pleasant Miller. Page 336. October 8, 1844. This case of bastardy came before the court. There was a "compromise" whereby MILLER agreed to pay TEMPY ANN $40 first year; $30 second year; $20 the third year. Posted bond for $180. Securities: Pleasant Miller, William White.
327. October 9, 1844. WILLIAM PASSMORE granted letters of administration on the estate of WILLIAM KENDRICK, dec. Posted bond for $600. Security: Jane Kendrick.
344. December 2, 1844. JOHN M. FENNER, husband of the late MIRIAM FENNER, formerly MIRIAM WILLIAMS of Madison County, applied for letters of administration "in his marital rights to enable him to receive all the personal property of his said deceased wife not reduced to possession in her lifetime." Posted bond for $500. Security: Joseph Fogg. Granted such letters of adm.
357. January 6, 1845. JAMES RONE appointed guardian of THOMAS and SARAH B. VINCENT, minors, orphans of THOMAS VINCENT, dec. Posted bond for $700. Securities: Asa Woodard, John Mooring.
373. February 4, 1845. JOSIAH D. DYSON one of the administrators of AQUILLA DYSON returned account of sale of personal property to court which was received and ordered to be recorded.
380. March 3, 1845. NEAL H. CARRINGTON was apprenticed to ROBERT ANDERSON for 4 yrs to learn the "trade and mystery of tanner"; agreed to give him 6 months of schooling and at end of service a good suit of clothes. Securities G. I. Christian, David Hampton.
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385-386. JAMES L. McDONALD, Sheriff and Tax Collector of Madison County submitted a list of the property charged twice and polls insolvent or removed from Madison County for the year 1844. Each of persons listed had been charged with 62½ cents for a total of $92.25 of such uncollected monies.
Civil District One Civil District Two Civil District Three Civil District Four Civil District Five |
Civil District Six Civil District Seven Civil District Eight Civil District Nine Civil District Ten Civil District Eleven Civil District Twelve |
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JOSEPH REEVES decd. Civil District Thirteen Civil District Fourteen |
Civil District Fifteen Civil District Sixteen Civil District Seventeen |
This kind of information is sometimes helpful to genealogists, especially when such a definite "close" date of removal from a specific place, in this instance, Madison County, can be helpful. Insolvencies involved persons who were unable to meet their financial obligations, even poll taxes which all adult men were required to pay at this period, unless excused because of age or insolvency.
403. June 3, 1845. JAMES F. BOREN appointed guardian of FRANCES M. BOREN, a minor. Posted bond for $800. Securities: James Fussell, Garret Edwards.
434. November 4, 1845. "On motion of JAMES D. McCLELLAN on behalf of JOHN L. H. TOMLIN, gentleman, who intends to apply for a license to practice as an attorney at law in the State of Tennessee and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that he is twenty one years of age and that he is a person of honesty, probity and good demeanor. It is therefore ordered by the court that a certificate of character issue to the said TOMLIN."
434. November 4, 1845. A similar certificate of character was issued by the court to BENJAMIN F. O. STILWELL, who planned to apply for a license to practice law.
437. December 1, 1845. JOHN W. McELWEE appointed guardian of SAMUEL L. and SARAH A. McELWEE. Posted bond for $3000. Securities: Joseph Scott, Samuel Kirkpatrick.
439. December 2, 1845. STEPHEN MILLER guardian of SINTHY ANN GARLAND, now wife of T. N. RHODES submitted report of effects of his ward which was received and ordered recorded.
443. January 5, 1846. Court approved petition of SUGARS McLEMORE that he be permitted to establish a public ferry over the south fork of the Forked Deer River at the Poplar Corner Landing "in place of the old bridge which has been down for several years. " Toll fees approved:
wagon, carriage 50 cents
carryall, cart 25 cents
man and horse 10 cents
footman 5 cents
horse, lead 5 cents
horses in droves and cattle, each 3 cents
hogs and sheep 1 cent each
447. January 5, 1846. DAVID SHROPSHIRE submitted resignation as Justice of the Peace /member of the county court/ for Civil District 15; accepted and fact ordered to be recorded.
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465. March 2, 1846. NATHAN A. WHITTENTON appointed guardian of JAMES H. WHITTENTON and DILLANEY WHITTENTON, minors, orphans of RICHARD WHITTENTON. Posted bond for $100. Security: James Vaulx.
470. March 3, 1846. Mrs. SARAH K. BARR presented in writing to the court the request that SAMUEL LANCASTER be appointed guardian of minors, orphans of JAMES ELROD: AUSTIN, SAMUEL, JAMES, MARY ELIZA and SARAH JANE ELROD. Approved. Lancaster posted bond for $40,000. Securities: Andrew Guthrie, George A. Connally.
559. January 5, 1847. WILLIAM R. HOWLETT tendered his resignation as guardian of SUSAN A. CARADINE. ANDREW CARADINE was appointed guardian in his place for his wife SUSAN A. CARADINE, formerly SUSAN A. HOWLETT. Posted bond for $2400. Securities: William R. Howlett, Richard J. Haynes.
561. February 1, 1847. ROBERT DAVIE appointed guardian of JANE P. SARAH A., EMMA H., LOUISA C. and JAMES A. L. DAVIE minors. /He was being appointed guardian of his own children, indicating they had property coming to them from some relative(s), perhaps through their mother./ Approved. Posted bond for $5000. Securities: William A. Davie, Quinton N. Davie, William Howard.
565. February 1, 1847. MORRIS ARTISTE, a free man of color came into court with his securities Y. M. Davie and Quinton N. Davie, posted bond for $500, declaring his intention to "keep the peace and behave in a becoming manner to all free white persons and not become a burden to the county of Madison."
589. June 8, 1847. RICHARD B. VANDERFORD, 11 yr old orphan was apprenticed to WILLIAM C. MURCHISON to learn the trade of tanner and currier; serve until he came of age. Murchison posted bond for $500. Security: Leonard C. Smith. Murchison agreed to give Richard "comfortable support" and 18 months of schooling.
632. December 6, 1847. Ordered by the court that JOHN MOORING, STEPHEN B. BARNETT and Colonel JOHN EXUM be appointed to set apart one year's provision for the widow of Captain WILLIAM ANDERSON, dec.
674. March 7, 1848. Petition of CASA ANN NUCKLES, freewoman of color, stating that she came to Madison County about 1826 and had lived there ever since. As she appeared to be a person of industrious habits and good moral character the court permitted her to remain in Madison County. She posted bond for $500. Securities: John R. McClanahan, S. A. Lyon.
675. March 7, 1848. PATSY NUCKLES, freewoman of color came into court and stated that she had been a resident of Madison County since about 1826. As she was a person of industrious habits and good moral character or so appearing to the court she and her children were permitted to remain in Madison Co. Names of her children: DANIEL, FRANKY, ALEY, JAMES, WILLIAM, PETER and CATHERINE. She posted bond for $3500. Securities: Edmund A. Freeman, Harris Andrews.
Madison County, Tennessee, County Court Minute Book Six
43. May 7, 1849. PRINCE SANDERLIN, free man of color, acknowledged indebtness to amount of $500 which was to levied on his goods and chattels but to be voided if he would keep the peace and behave towards white persons and not become a charge upon Madison County for three yrs from this date."
89. December 3, 1849. BURWELL BUTLER appointed administrator of ADAM HUNTSMAN's estate. Posted bond for $5000. Securities: James S. Lyon, Wyatt Mooring, William Croom. He entered his "suggestion" to the court that HUNTSMAN's estate was insolvent. Court ordered notice of insolvency be published for three weeks in the WEST TENNESSEE WHIG; creditors to file claims against this estate. Butler ordered to prepare a "perfect schedule" of the "available funds" and effects of estate, including real estate.
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212-214. November 5, 1850. ROBERT B. HURT, administrator of MATTHIAS DEBERRY, Junior; ANN DEBERRY, widow; ELIZABETH D. DEBERRY and ANN M. DEBERRY, daughters of the deceased, petitioned court by their daughters' guardian Martin Cartmell that MATTHIAS DEBERRY, Junior had died in Madison County in April 1850 leaving these dependents; leaving also 607 acres of land known as the Cross tract on the road from Jackson to Denmark, being about two miles from Denmark. Dr. John Ingram, James B. Neely and Philip Alston deposed that the whole tract should be sold and one third of proceeds go to widow or one third of land purchased with money in the sale. Absalem Deberry was appointed to sell the land at public sale on the premises.
304-305. March 4, 1851. ABSALEM DEBERRY sold this land to JAMES W. WOMACK, Dec. 14, 1850 for $11.50 an acre but the court allowed two larger bidders, W. B. MANLEY and J. L. TAYLOR to have the land. The widow, ANN DEBERRY declared she would be willing to take the interest on 1/2 of the purchase money for life in lieu of a dower.
224. December 2, 1850. ABSALEM DEBERRY appointed guardian of Mrs. ANN DEBERRY, minor, wife of late MATTHIAS DEBERRY, Junior and her two minor children ELIZABETH and ANN M. DEBERRY. Posted bond for $30,000. Securities: Robert B. Hurt, Martin Cartmell.
452. February 3, 1852. In a petition to the court to sell the slaves of the late MARGARET YORK, Madison Co., it is stated that she died in December 1849. /Mortality Schedule, 1850 Census, Madison Co., Tenn., page 50, shows that MARGARET YORK, age 58, native of South Carolina, died of unknown cause in Madison Co. in December 1849./ Her heirs were her brothers and sisters: JOHN BLAIR, THOMAS BLAIR, ABIGAIL BLAIR, ELIZABETH POWERS and JANE BEVELL and the children of her dec brother WILLIAM BLAIR and dec sister MARY POWERS.
544-545. September 7, 1852. JAMES MERIWETHER died in this county leaving a large personal estate. Widow, MARTHA and children THOMAS M., FRANCES A. COBB, FRANCIS A., SARAH E. MERIWETHER. Thomas M. and Francis A. Meriwether were appointed administrators of his estate and Andrew Guthrie was appointed guardian of SARAH E. MERIWETHER, minor. Decedent's land ordered sold and his widow was willing to accept what would be "fair and just" from money realized in the sale. Excepted from the sale of land was the "family graveyard."
567. November 1, 1852. NANCY HUNT, free Negro girl, then years old last July, without a father was apprenticed to CYRUS JOHNSON for remainder of her minority; he was to train her as "a good house & field servant"; to furnish her with clothing and food and at end of service give her a good suit, a horse, saddle, bridle worth $75. Securities: Stephen Moore, William Duffy. Same man took as an apprentice GILBERT HUNT, 8 yr old free child of color, birthday last April; to teach him the "art of farming." Food, clothing to be given him and at end of service he would be given a suit of clothes, a horse, saddle, bridle worth $75.
Madison County, Tennessee, County Court Minute Book Seven
62. April 6, 1853. In a petition to the court to sell the lands of the late JOHN BLAIR it is recorded that his widow, MARTHA BLAIR, died in 1852.
103. October 3, 1853. JOHN R. JELKS resigned as sheriff of Madison County.
104. October 3, 1853. Court approved payment of $10 to SAMUEL PATTERSON for taking care of and burying a person by name of CLOUD, a pauper; $7 to WILLIAM D. WILSON for making a coffin for WILSON MACUS; $5 to same for making a coffin for an Irishman, a pauper who died at Abner Taylor's.
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124. November 8, 1853. In a petition to the court for dower for MARY, widow of HUGH BARNETT it is recorded that he died September 3, 1853.
128. November 8, 1853. In a petition to court to sell slaves of the late WILLIAM L. GRAVES it is recorded that he died September 1, 1853.
135. December 5, 1853. SARAH ANN HUNTINGTON, born June 16, 1838; WILLIAM HUNTINGTON, born October 30, 1844; WILLIS S. HUNTINGTON, born July 11, 1846; FRANCIS V. HUNTINGTON, "a girl", born October 5, 1850, "free children of color, " Madison Co., Tenn. were in "destitute condition" and the court apprenticed them to THOMAS H. RICE for the time left in their minority to learn "farming" and to be "house servants", that he would maintain them well, to "take care of their morals" and give the males at end of service a suit of clothes, horse; females at end of service good suit of clothes and each $50.
135. December 5, 1853. MILDRED HUNTINGTON, born January 10, 1840; LEWIS C. HUNTINGTON, born October 11, 1848, free persons of color, of destitute conditions, orphans, were apprenticed to Thomas Lackey. Security: J. B. Compton.
/The September 7, 1850 entry, U.S. Census, Haywood County, Civil District 7, page 13, lists: WILLIS HUNTINGTON, age 62, born N.C.; ELIZABETH HUNTINGTON, age 40, born Virginia; SARAH A. HUNTINGTON, age 12, born Tenn.; WILLIAM HUNTINGTON, age 6, born Tenn.; WILLIS HUNTINGTON, age 5, born Tenn.; LEWIS HUNTINGTON, age 2, born Tenn.; MARIAH JONES, age 18, born Tenn. All mulattoes. Next door in the household of C. O. CLARK was MILDRED HUNTINGTON, age 10, born Tennessee.
The 1840 U.S. Census, Madison Co., Tenn., page 87, lists WILLIS HUNTINGDON as a free person of color; a male between ages 36-55 in household; three females under age ten in the household; one female between ages 24-36 in the household.
Mr. Robert D. Taylor, Jr., librarian, Tennessee Room, Jackson-Madison County Library, found in Madison County Will Book 6, page 168, an inventory of personalty for WILLIS HUNTINGTON dated December 1, 1855, delivered by James T. Wilson. It showed a little money in the estate. He had perhaps died recently and his wife apparently predeceased him as Lewis C. and Mildred Huntington were listed as orphans in the court action apprenticing them to Thomas Lackey. Willis Huntington could already have been deceased in late 1853 when his apparent children were bound-out, but an inventory of his personalty was tardy in being presented to court./
138. December 6, 1853. In a petition to sell slaves of the late CHARLES A. BOND it is recorded that he died July 7, 1853.
143. December 6, 1853. In a petition to sell land of WILLIAM L. GRAVES it is recorded that he died in September 1853.
158. January 2, 1854. In a petition for dower from the land of JOHN JARRETT it is recorded that he died in September 1853.
161. January 3, 1854. RICHARD BLOUNT MILLER, executor of PLEASANT M. MILLER; JOEL H. DYER and wife SUSAN L. DYER; WILLIAM H. STEPHENS and wife BARBARA; MARTHA G. MILLER; JAMES K. STEPHENS and wife MARY LOUISA; SARAH ELIZA MILLER and BLOUNT MILLER, represented by their mother, ELIZA A. MILLER; PLEASANT M. McCLUNG; EDMUND W. UPSHAW and wife MARY LOUISA; EDMUND G. BRADFORD and DORTHULA O. BRADFORD, the last a minor represented by her father ALEXANDER B. BRADFORD. In a petition to sell slaves for division of estate of ALBERT S. MILLER who died in California in December 1852. On January 3, 1854 it appeared to the court that RICHARD BLOUNT MILLER and his late brother, ALBERT S. MILLER had owned an "undivided interest" in several negroes, who were ordered to be sold and proceeds divided: 1/2 to RICHARD B. MILLER and 1/2 to other heirs of ALBERT S. MILLER. Negroes were HANNAH about 50 yrs old; CHARITY about 47/48 yrs old "subject to fits"; SARAH about 35 yrs old, blind and somewhat lame; JORDAN about 20 yrs old; JUNE, a man, about
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56/57 yrs old; Jack about 26 yrs old; Napoleon who had been hired out for the year 1854. RICHARD B. MILLER, MARTHA G. MILLER, SUSAN L. DYER, BARBARA STEPHENS were brother and sisters of ALBERT S. MILLER. PLEASANT M. McCLUNG was a nephew, child of his sister MALVINA McCLUNG. MARY LOUISA STEPHENS, SARAH ELIZABETH MILLER, BLOUNT MILLER were children of WILLIAM B. MILLER, dec, brother of ALBERT S. MILLER. MARY L. UPSHAW, E. G. BRADFORD and DORTHULA O. BRADFORD were children of DORTHULA BRADFORD, dec sister of ALBERT S. MILLER.
183. February 6, 1854. KINCHEN HATHAWAY was appointed guardian of ROBERT W. COZART and JOSHUA COZART, GILBERT COZART, HENDRSON COZART, NEWTON COZART, JASPER COZART, minor heirs of DAVIS COZART, dec. Posted bond for $600. Securities: W. H. Jelks, Robert W. Sims.
188. February 7, 1854. In petition for dower from real estate of HENRY DARR it is recorded that he died January 11, 1854, leaving a wife CATHARINE and children JOHN, LEVI, GEORGE, DAVID, HENRY, JR., ELIZABETH, wife of SAMUEL LEWIS and grandchildren JAMES A., MARTHA J., SAMUEL C., HENRY CLAY, children of HENRY DARR's dec. son ALEXANDER DARR.
227. March 7, 1854. In petition to divide the slaves of JOHN FLY it is recorded that he died February 17, 1854.
253. April 5, 1854. In petition to sell a slave of JOHN WATT, SR. it is recorded it is recorded that he died January 14, 1852.
290. June 8, 1854. In a petition to sell land of RICHARD ELLINGTON it is recorded that he died December 22, 1853.
295. July 5, 1854. In a petition to sell lands of WILLIAM W. McKNIGHT it is recorded that he died June 1853.
297. July 5, 1854. In a petition to sell slaves of ELIZABETH JONES it is recorded that she died May 13, 1854. ROBERT G. JONES appointed administrator of her estate.
325. October 3, 1854. In a petition to sell land of JORDAN WILLIAMS it is recorded that he died in April 1854.
467. December 2, 1855. In a petition to divide the slaves of LITTLEBERRY CREWS it is recorded that he died October 1, 1855.
469. December 4, 1855. In a petition for dower from land of JAMES VINCENT it is recorded that he died in August 1855.
469. December 4, 1855. In a petition for dower from land of PELEG BAYLEY it is recorded that he died April 8, 1855.
485. January 9, 1856. In a petition to sell land of JESSE C. ELSTON it is recorded that he died January 28, 1855.
510. February 5, 1856. In a petition to sell slaves of TABITHA DAVIE it is recorded that she died in the fall of 1855.
563. April 8, 1856. In a petition to assign dower from land of HENRY S. PARKER it is recorded that he died April 1855.
643. September 1, 1856. In a petition of O. K. WILLIAMSON to act in the estate of GEORGE WILLIAMSON, SR. it is recorded that the latter man died July 31, 1856.
660. October 7, 1856. In a petition for dower from land of ACHIBALD THOMPSON it is recorded that he died September 1856.
674. November 6, 1856. In petition for division of land and slaves of JOHN H. DAY it is recorded that he died August 15, 1856, leaving children WILLIAM A. DAY, MARTHA FORD, O. T. McREE, SARAH C. LAVELLETTE, MALVINA H. WATKINS, E. H. DAY,
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and SUSAN V. DAY. /Madison Co., Tenn. marriage records: MARTHA A. DAY was married to ROBERT A. FORD, January 25, 1850; SALLIE CORNELIA DAY was married to ALBERT TALMEDGE LOVALLETTE, October 9, 1855; MALVINA H. DAY was married to HENRY C. WATKINS, November 5, 1845; OLIVIA DAY was married to JAMES H. McREE, October 10, 1842./
712. January 6, 1857. In a petition for dower from lands of JAMES L. WALKER it is recorded that he died April 1856.
719. January 8, 1857. In a petition to sell slaves of JOHN GATELY it is recorded that he died April 2, 1852.
732. January 10, 1857. In a petition to sell land and slaves of JOHN NELSON, SR. it is recorded that he died August 2, 1856.
766. March 2, 1857. In a petition to appoint administrator for estate of CELAH TINER it is recorded that he died in Haywood Co., Tenn., January 14, 1857.
768. March 3, 1857. In a petition to set aside the probate of THOMAS SANDERS it is recorded that he died December 9, 1838.
Madison County, Tennessee, County Court Minute Book Eight
6. April 7, 1857. In petition to sell slaves of ELIZABETH GILL it is recorded that she died in July 1856.
7-8. April 7, 1857. BEVERLY J. GREGORY, JOHN THOMAS GREGORY, RICHARD VAUGHTER (or VAWTER) and wife MARTHA ANN, formerly GREGORY; SIDNEYHAM C. GREGORY, ELVIRA F. GREGORY and HARRIET J. GREGORY, the last three being minors represented by their guardian BEVERLY J. GREGORY, all of Madison County except the VAUGHTERS who lived in Haywood County, Tennessee. They were the only children of ELIZABETH W. GREGORY, dec., wife of WILLIAM GREGORY and they were through her, their mother, the grandchildren of WILLIAM FENDLEY, dec., Chesterfield Co., Va. who died in 1854 leaving 20 slaves to ELIZABETH FENDLEY GREGORY and she died in Madison County in 1855. Commissioners were appointed to divide these slaves among these heirs. /The date of death for WILLIAM FENDLEY is evidently in error because there was an official copy of his will, from Chesterfield Co., Va., in which he mentioned his daughter, ELIZABETH W. GREGORY, and he died in 1833. Why this will was among the loose wills of Madison County was not apparent to the present writer when he first saw the WILLIAM FENDLEY will, but it is reproduced on page 57 of his publication LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT ABSTRACTS, MADISON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, 1821-1854, published in 1995./
25-27. May 6, 1857. Division of slaves of ELIZABETH W. GREGORY among her children, given in the entry just above.
9. April 8, 1857. In petition for administrator, estate of JOSIAH CLANTON it is recorded that he died March 23, 1857.
60. September 7, 1857. In petition of SOPHRONIA A. DAVIE to be appointed administratrix of estate of A. FRANKLIN DAVIE it is recorded that he died in 1857.
66. September 8, 1857. In petition to set off a dower from land of LITTLEBERRY COBB it is recorded that he died in 1852.
76. October 5, 1857. In petition for administrator, estate of ALLEN HILL it is recorded that he died August 20, 1857.
79. October 6, 1857. In petition to divide slaves of SARAH D. McCOLLUM it is recorded that she died May 23, 1857.
95. November 4, 1857. In petition of dower from estate of VALENTINE VANTREESE it is recorded that he died in Hardeman County, Tenn. in 1852.
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104. December 5, 1857. In petition for administration on estate of ISABELLA C. McCLELLAN it is recorded that she died October 23, 1857. She left an estate with assets of about $75,000.
108. December 7, 1857. In petition for administrator, estate of WILLIAM WALSTON it is recorded that he died in November 1857.
110. December 7, 1857. In petition for dower from estate of JOSIAH CLANTON it is recorded that he died in March 1857.
134. January 4, 1858. Court agreed to pay $10 to JOSEPH ALLISON for making coffin for ELIZABETH BASFORD, pauper. Page 117. April 5, 1858. FELIX G. GIBBS was paid $5.80 for burial clothing for her.
135. January 4, 1858. Court approved payment of $5 to J. W. ARNOLD for making coffin for MARGARET WILLIAMS; $5 to R. W. HOWELL for making coffin for R. W. HOWELL and $5 for making coffin for an IRISH PAUPER.
139. January 5, 1858. In petition to divide slaves of HARDY MAYO it is recorded that he died in 1855.
155. February 2, 1858. In petition for division of slaves of ALLEN HILL it is recorded that he died in September 1857.
157. February 2, 1858. In petition for administrator, estate of WILLIAM HARALD it is recorded that he died in January 1858.
173. March 1, 1858. In petition for administrator, extate of WILLIAM H. ELLINGTON it is recorded that he died February 2, 1858.
177. March 3, 1858. In petition to sell slaves of FREDERICK MAYO it is recorded that he died in May 1856.
209. April 6, 1858. In petition of JOHN McFARLAND it is recorded that his wife, HARRIET B. McFARLAND, formerly SHAPARD, died in Smith Co., Tenn. and for him to make a claim of her interest in estate of her deceased brother, JOHN M. SHAPARD, he would need to be appointed administrator of her estate which was granted to him.
237. June 7, 1858. RUFUS M. MASON was appointed administrator of BERRY WEIR's estate. Posted bond for $5000. Securities: James Weir, Stephen Burrus, John A. Tomlinson.
239. June 7, 1858. EMILY F. McIVER, a minor, requested that NICHOLAS L. MIDYETT be appointed her guardian. She was entitled to share of estate of her mother, MATILDA McIVER's estate. He posted bond for $430. Securities: Julius C. Edwards, Joseph Marlow.
251. July 5, 1858. Court approved payment of $4 to C. C. CLEMENT for making a coffin for JOHN WEBB, pauper; $6.75 to CULLEN W. JACKSON for making coffin and furnishing burial clothes for MRS. THOMPSON, pauper.
275. September 7, 1855. In probate of JOHN EXUM's will it is recorded that he died June 26, 1858.
284. September 9, 1858. POLLY GLASS had died in Texas; left $430 in Madison Co., in hands of clerk and master. JOHN L. H. TOMLIN appointed special administrator for her estate. Posted bond for $900. Security: Benjamin R. Campbell.
310. November 1, 1858. THOMAS LONG died in 1853 leaving children DEMETRIUS, LUCRETIA T. and MARGARET JANE who had since married JOHN L. JOHNSON; he left 3 slaves and two tracts of land for his heirs.
311. November 2, 1858. In petition for administrator, estate of TURNER DELOACH it is recorded that he died in October 1858.
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323. December 6, 1858. In petition for administrator, estate of THOMPSON CARTER it is stated that he died in May 1857. In his will he left property to NANCY W. CARTER who died November 12, 1858.
334. December 7, 1858. In petition for division of slaves of ALEXANDER GREER it is recorded that he died in September 1858.
339. December 8, 1858. In petition to divide slaves of CLEM P. FITZ it is recorded that he died in January 1858.
345. January 3, 1859. Court approved payment $5 to J. W. PURNELL for making coffin for WILLIAM STEWART, a pauper.
348. January 3, 1859. Petition for administrator, estate of W. C. HOLLEWAY it is recorded that he died in December 1858.
389. February 7, 1859. In petition for administrator, estate of WILY J. BOYD it is recorded that he died January 27, 1859.
426. March 7, 1859. In petition for administrator, estate of CAMILLUS P. GREER it is recorded that he died February 7, 1859. JOHN A. GREER and B. R. PERSON were appointed administrators.
427. March 7, 1859. In petition for administrator, estate of JAMES T. GREER it is recorded that he died February 14, 1859. JOHN A. GREER and B. R. PERSON were appointed administrators.
435. March 8, 1859. Petition for special administrator for estate of STEPHEN R. HARRIS who died October 1, 1855 in Harrison Co., Texas and he had property in the estate of WILIE HARRIS, dec. in Madison Co. and John L. H. Tomlin was appointed special administrator. Posted bond for $1250. Sec: Benj. R. Campbell.
447. April 5, 1859. In last will of SAMUEL EPPERSON, who died in October 1856, $1500 was left to AVERY HUNT in trust for MARY A. EDWARDS to invest in purchase of a house for her.
468. May 2, 1859. In petition for administrator, estate of LUCY DUNCAN it is recorded that she died in March 1859.
480. June 6, 1859. In petition for administrator, estate of GEORGE E. MILLER it is recorded that he died February 3, 1859.
526. September 5, 1859. In petition for guardian of children of PAULINA UTLEY it is recorded that she died August 23, 1859; children JOHN WILLIAM, ELEANORA FRANCES, WILLLIAM, MILLARD FILLMORE AND MARY L. C. UTLEY.
543. October 3, 1859. Court approved payment of $28.07 to Pettigrew & Gray for burial coffins and clothing for JESSE M. HANNA and two daughters. $100 to William M. Reeves for expenses, services of himself and guard to take TERRELL WHITE, a pauper, to hospital for insane.
543. October 3, 1859. In petition for administrator, estate of DAVID MERIWETHER it is recorded that he died September 20, 1859.
562. November 7, 1859. In petition for administrator, estate of PARMENEAS HOWARD it is recorded that he died October 31, 1859.
563. November 7, 1859. In petition for administrator, estate of MARY SANDERS it is recorded that she died October 3, 1859.
563. November 7, 1859. In petition for administrator, estate of PETER E. ROSS it is recorded that he died in October 1859.
564. November 7, 1859. In petition for administrator, estate of JOSEPH R. MOORE it is recorded that he died February 5, 1857.
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565. November 7, 1859. In petition for administrator, estate of JOSEPH R. PEARSON it is recorded that he died in October 1859. Minute Book 9, page 11, it is recorded Pearson had a wife, MARTHA and children JAMES, ROBERT, NATHANIEL, JOHN, JOSEPH, ROSE, MARGARET, SALLIE, SUSAN.
575. November 9, 1859. WILLIAM J. SPENCER' s daughter (unnamed) married FREDERICK KLINK about seven years ago and they had children WILLIAM F., about 6 yrs old; TENNESSEE A., about 4 yrs old; MARTHA, about 3 yrs old; JAMES HENRY KLINK, about 2 yrs old. Their mother died in July 1859 and had since lived in the household of William J. Spencer, their grandfather; "that their father has abandoned them and is not likely to be any assistance to them." Spencer had the children apprenticed to him.
601. December 7, 1859. In petition for division of slaves of MALINDA DYSON it is recorded that she died in September 1859, leaving 27 slaves.
610. January 2, 1860. Court approved payment $10 to Byrd & Smith for making coffins for J. D. APPLETON's wife and child.
Madison County, Tennessee, County Court Minute Book Nine
1. January 5, 1860. In petition for division of slaves of JAMES C. WHARTON it is recorded that he died in September 1857.
20. February 6, 1860. In petition for administrator, estate of GEORGE R. CONNALLY it is recorded that he died in January 1860. Page 644, his death date is given more precisely, January 25, 1860.
30. February 7, 1860. In petition for dower from land of JOSEPH FOGG it is recorded that he died in May 1859, leaving about 1450 acres of land.
40. February 8, 1860. In petition for administrator, estate of ALEXANDER TURNER it is recorded that he died January 30, 1860.
72. March 5, 1860. In petition for administrator, estate of MARY N. TAYLOR it is recorded that she died in May 1859.
112. April 3, 1860. Court approved payment to Jos. T. Thompson for coffins, $5 each for KEMP BAKER and WASH SULLIVAN. To C. B. Docker for coffins for EZEKIAL MOORE, JAMES BEDWELL, SIMEON SULLIVAN, REBECCA MOORE, SAMUEL HARRIS; $5 for each.
117. April 3, 1860. In petition for administrator, estate of EZEKIAL FITZHUGH it is recorded that he died March 31, 1860.
141. May 7, 1860. In petition for administrator, estate of JAMES O. K. WILLIAMSON it is recorded that he died March 20, 1860.
142. May 7, 1860. In petition for guardian for JOHN FITZHUGH, 13 yr old son of ARAMINTA FITZHUGH who had died March 30, 1860.
146. May 7, 1860. Will proven for ANTHONY WILLIAMSON who died March 21, 1860.
184. July 2, 1860. Court approved payment to William R. Collins for coffin and shroud for JAMES L. TARBUTTON, $8.02. To R. J. Lake for coffin for __ BOSWELL, $5.
218. September 4, 1860. In petition for administrator, estate of ALEXANDER A. LACKIE (LACKEY) it is recorded that he died July 20, 1860.
222. September 4, 1860. In petition for sale of land and slaves of ROBERT McMILLAN it is recorded that he died in February 1860.
236. October 2, 1860. HANCE BOND, SR. died June 25, 1860 leaving widow CATHARINE and grandchildren HANCE BOND, JR., DAWSON BOND, KATIE BET BOND, children of his dec daughter, HANNAH, wife of WHITMELL T. BOND.
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291. December 4, 1860. In petition for administrator, estate of ROBERT P. DUNNAWAY it is recorded that he died December 2, 1860.
316. January 9, 1861. In petition for administrator, estate of MARTH A. TOMLIN it is recorded that she died October 15, 1860, leaving husband, JAMES W. TOMLIN.
325. January 9, 1861. In petition for sell land of SARAH STEWART it is recorded that she died in June 1858.
343. January 12, 1861. In petition for administrator, estate of JOHN H. DOLLAR it is recorded that he died December 20, 1860.
362. February 4, 1861. In petition for administrator, estate of WILLIAM J. BURNS it is recorded that he died December 22, 1859.
364. February 4, 1861. JEREMIAH T. HAUGHTON died on or about July 14, 1859, leaving widow, MARTHA.
419. March 4, 1861. In petition for administrator, estate of JOSHUA COZART it is recorded that he died January 12, 1861.
470. May 6, 1861. In petition for administrator, estate of CHARLES L. WOOD it is recorded that he died February 20, 1861.
566. October 7, 1861. Court approved payment of $5 to McAlexander and Hadaway for coffin for ROBERT WHITESIDES, a pauper; $5 to W. M. Carter for coffin for GILBERT HOPKINS, pauper.
568. October 7, 1861. In petition for administrator, estate of JULIUS C. EDWARDS it is recorded that he died September 14, 1861.
615. January 6, 1862. In petition for administrator, estate of ISAAC GLENN it is recorded that he died November 15, 1860.
629. January 9, 1862. In petition for administrator, estate of JOHN BROWDER it is recorded that he died January 4, 1862.
632. January 9, 1862. A year's provision set aside for Cornelia, widow of JOEL MAYO who died December 10, 1861.
653. February 4, 1862. In petition for administrator, estate of THOMAS N. HART it is recorded that he died January 30, 1862.
663. February 5, 1862. GEORGE W. TAYLOR died January 25, 1862, leaving an estate worth $10,000. Hervey Brown appointed administrator.
667. March 3, 1862. In petition for administrator, estate of DAVID P. BARNETT it is recorded that he died February 22, 1862.
666. March 3, 1862. In petition for administrator, estate of E. H. FAULKNER it is recorded that he died January 20, 1862.
690. April 7, 1862. In petition for administrator, estate of JOHN C. WILSON it is recorded that he died February 13, 1862.
728. June 3, 1862. In petition for administrator, estate of ISAAC M. JACKSON it is recorded that he died April 8, 1862.
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