By Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith
COPYRIGHT, Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith, 1995
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l-3. ROBERT DOAK, Surveyor's District 10, State of Tennessee. Beloved wife, PATSEY DOAK, 130 acres in Wilson Co., Tenn. on east fork of Spring Creek and 30 acres adjoining same for life or widowhood. Negro woman, Sarah, household and kitchen furniture, bridle, saddle also to her. Son, ALANSON FIELDING DOAK, negro boy Henry; a dark gray horse colt. Dau, MINERVA MILTON DOAK, negro girl Dicy. Dau, DORINDA HARRIET DOAK negro girl Esther. Dau, MARTHA ANN DOAK negro girl Nelly. Dau, PRUDENCE RODDY DOAK negro girl Phillis. Son, ROBERT STEWART DOAK negro boy Andy. At death or remarriage of his widow, Patsey, the 130 acres in Wilson Co., Tenn. to go to his sons Alanson and Robert. The negro woman, Sarah, to be divided among his several hrs. Lands west of Tenn. River to be sold to pay his debts and provide means for educating his "hrs. " Execs Adam R. Alexander, Patsey Doak, wife. Oct. 16, 1821. Wits Thomas Shannon, Robert H. Wynne.
4-5. Inventory and sale of Doak's personalty, March 1822. 26-27. Commissioners' report on Doak's estate, March 1824.
MCCM 1, page 6. Will probated December 18, 1821.
3-4. Nuncupative (verbal) will of LEWIS JONES, heard in Madison Co., Tenn. Witnesses who heard him execute his will to them were ELIJAH JONES, BENJAMIN JONES, AGNESS JONES, which occurred 9 days before he died on October 23, 1821. Sworn before the court by witnesses, October 30, 1821. Wanted perishable property sold and the lease /of land/ "on which he lived" and his ferry flat and land due him from Polk and Porter and the negro woman, Judah, to be sold for the support of his family. Monies derived were to be used "to purchase a suitable place for the family to live on at or near where he formerly lived last before he moved to the place whereon he died and to bring up his children in a proper manner." Negro man, Arthur, to remain "with & work" for the benefit of his family and at his wife's death or remarriage he would go to his son, JEFFERSON JONES. Wanted his two sisters-in-law then living with his family to continue "as members of his family." Some proper disposition was to be made for ISAAC HUGGINS "as it is not my will that he remain in my family after my decease."
6-7. Inventory of Jones' personalty, not dated. 11. Sale of Jones'personalty, 1821. 17. Additional inventory of Jones'personalty, September 19, 1822.
MCCM 1, page 5. Will probated December 18, 1821.
12. GEORGE TAYLOR, Madison Co., Tenn. Wife, HANNAH TAYLOR 1/6 of his personalty with other shares going to his five children FRANCIS, POLLY, HANNAH, SAMUEL, ELIZABETH. Signed will with an "x" mark. November 21, 1821. No exec named. Wits Robert Lowther, George W. Taylor.
MCCM 1, page 96. Will probated December 17, 1822.
22. WILLIAM Q. HALL, Madison Co., Tenn. Beloved granddaus BETSEY HALL, dau of JOHN HALL; BETSEY HALL, dau of DAVID HALL; BETSEY HALL, dau of WILLIAM MABEN HALL, dec the proceeds from sale of his cattle and bay horse, equally among them. Beloved granddau POLLY McCOY his "big Bible." Beloved grandson WILLIAM HALL, son of JAMES HALL the "prise of a bay mare and two heifers", held in trust for him by E. B. McCoy. His exec was to collect the $40.62½ he loaned Henry Mccoy and divide proceeds among his "before
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named" granddaus. "It is my wish that I be decently buried." Exec E. B. McCoy. October 18, 1822. Wits Cyrus Sharp, Asahel Dickson, John Templeton, Daniel Eastwood, E. B. McCoy.
23. Inventory of Hall's personalty, not dated but 1823.
MCCM 1, page 129. Will probated March 21, 1823.
24. JAMES HILL, Madison Co., Tenn. Wife, REBECCA and children SALLY and RICHARD HILL "share and share alike" in the division of his real and personal estate. His beloved friend and brother, WILLIAM HILL and JAMES CHISM to be execs. July 25, 1823. Wits Robert Bradford, James Robertson.
24-25. Inventory and sale of Hill's personalty, no date.
MCCM 1, page 229. Will probated September 18, 1823.
41-42. THOMAS PULLEN, Rutherford Co., Tenn. Beloved wife, AMELIA PULLEN, negro Tom and his wife, Ann; negro man Kinchen and his wife, Barn; negro Nice; negro woman Cherry and 4 children Jack, Rhoda, Prince, Madison; negroes Fannie, Charity and Mariah; two featherbeds and furniture; a cow and calf; riding gigg; 2 horses; 10 head of hogs. Eldest son, JOHN W. PULLEN negroes Esther and Lewis which he already had in his possession. Second son, JOSIAH PULLEN negro boy, Esquire and negro girl Dicy "when called for"; also a horse and featherbed and furniture. Dau, ELIZABETH PULLEN, negro girl Fanny and boy, Prince, a featherbed and furniture, a sorrel mare and a woman's saddle. Son, JAMES F. PULLEN negro boy Jack and negro girl Roda, a sorrel mare, saddle and bridle, featherbed and furniture. Youngest dau, AMELIA PULLEN negro girl Charity and negro boy Madison, a bay colt, saddle, featherbed and furniture "when called for." At his wife's death each of his children JOSIAH, ELIZABETH, JAMES T. and AMELIA PULLEN were each to receive $500. At wife's death residue of estate to be divided among his children. Execs Amelia Pullen, wife; Josiah Pullen, son. August 4, 1820. Probated in Rutherford Co., Tenn. June 1821. Wits Isam Forney, Isaiah Watkins (signed with x mark), Peter warren.
MCCM 1, p 420, will recorded in Madison Co. Dec. 28, 1824.
43. Inventory of Pullen's personalty, December 1824.
46. THOMAS BYRN, Madison Co., Tenn., in a low state of health, but of sound mind. Eldest dau, HARRIET SWAN a white heifer. Dau, CLARINDA SWAN a "brindled cow." Wife, NANCY BYRN rest of personal estate for her life or widowhood. At her death, estate to be divided among his children RANSOM H. BYRN, OSSARIAH BYRN, JAMES BYRN, HANDY BYRN, MATILDA BYRN, CITIZEN BYRN. If his dau MARY lived single until the death or remarriage of her mother, she would be included in division with other 6 children; if not, she would receive a featherbed and cow. Execs Ransom H. Byrn, William Draper. February 9, 1825. Wits Shadrach Mosely, Benjamin Draper, Joseph Eddins.
MCCM 1, page 512. Will probated May 2, 1825.
49. MATHEW HARRIS, Madison Co., Tenn. Beloved wife, MIRINA HARRIS to have 1/3 part of his "whole estate" during her widowhood and rest to be divided equally among his father, mother, brothers and sisters "share and share alike." Execs WILLIAM HARRIS, his father "as my only executor." Sept. 29, 1825. Wits Elizabeth K. Burks, Eli P. Burks, R. H. Burks.
MCCM 2, page 49. Will probated February 11, 1826.
50. THOMAS WILLIAMSON, Madison Co., Tenn. Beloved wife, MARY ANN WILLIAMSON negro girl Lucy for life and then Lucy would go to his son, JAMES WILLIAMSON. To wife, also, household, kitchen furniture, cattle except 10 head which belonged to his son JOSEPH N. WILLIAMSON, a "sufficiency" of the crop, horses except a brown mare and colt to his grandson THOMAS, son of JOSEPH
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N. WILLIAMSON. Two-thirds of hogs to his wife and rest to son JOSEPH N. WILLIAMSON. His part of the mill and 5 acres on which it stood (other 2/3 of mill belonged to James Williamson and James Manier) and 33½ acre tract to wife MARY ANN and at her death to his grandsons THOMAS THORNTON and SAMUEL B. WILLIAMSON, son of his son GEORGE WILLIAMSON. Son, JAMES WILLIAMSON negro boy Will which he could have immediately after his father's death if he paid a debt of about $400 due Hugh Wood and also to son JAMES WILLIAMSON part of the lease from the crop south of "my" springs and a lot in Brownsville, Tenn. Execs James Williamson, son; William H. Moore. September 5, 1825. Wits Thomas Bone, David Lane, Thomas Stallings (signed with an x).
95. Commissioners' report, settlement with execs of Williamson's will, submitted by Theo Sanders, Washington Eddins, Green Hill, meeting in Denmark April 22, 1828, who presented a voucher of $720.63 3/4.
MCCM 1, page 562. Will probated November 7, 1825.
60. JAMES M. McELWEE, Madison Co., Tenn. To JAMES, DANIEL and SARAH ANN PRATHER equal parts of his "undivided estate" for use and benefit of ELIZABETH HAYS and at her death to be divided among themselves. To bodily hrs of PATSY GRISBY, NANCY SWAN, SALLY McELWEE, POLLY McELWEE an "equal part of my /left blank/." WILLIAM McELWEE $100 and wanted him to retain Orange /a slave?/ "by paying over the balance that he may be valued at to the above named heirs." Knowing that JANE BROWN and her hrs and JOHN McELWEE and his hrs "are well provided for" he simply willed them "my love and best wishes." NANCY SWAN to have $40 more than other legatees except WILLIAM McELWEE "who has one hundred dollars more than the balance." Signed with an "x" mark. No exec named. August 21, 1826. Wits R. H. Wynne, Stephen Sypert.
105. Inventory of McElwee's property not dated.
MCCM 2, page 171. Will probated February 5, 1827.
66-67. WILLIAM MATLOCK. Wanted wagon and farming tools, two yearlings sold to pay his debts. "I want my children carried to Missouri State, Washington County." Children MATILDA, ISHAM and WILLIAM to have the bedding and clothing, rifle gun equally among them. Beloved dau MATILDA to have his black horse. Beloved son WILLIAM to have his young gray mare. His children were to have an equal part in a note on Francis B. McCoy due Dec. 25, 1826 and a debt owed by John Mooring of $4. Corn to be sold and lease for one year to be sold for "ready cash" for his children. "I want Jonathan Walsh to attend to the business and be agent for me and my children till William Stewart of the State of Missouri and County of Washington can come and take the charge of my affairs and lastly I want William Stewart of Washington County State of Missouri to take my three children to wit MATILDA, ISHAM and WILLIAM and raise them for me and treat them well is my last request." Signed with an "x" mark. October 19, 1825. Wits Richard Coop, Henry Bell, Jesse Needham.
MCCM 1, page 562. Will probated November 7, 1825.
73-75. JAMES COCKRILL, Madison Co., Tenn. Beloved wife, MALINDA COCKRILL for her natural life negroes Sam, Mary and her child, Amanda; Amanda (name listed twice), Mariah, Gilbert, Harris, a bay mare called Fidel, lady's saddle and bridle, set of farming tools, two cows and calves, a bedstead and furniture, 2000 labs of pork and 50 barrels of corn, present crop. After debts paid, the residue of his estate to be sold and divided equally among the children of his first wife WILLIAM G., EDWARD J., MARY A. E., LOUISA C. MARK B. ROBERT G. J., MARTHA M. A., JOHN R. and STERLING R. COCKRILL. After death of his present wife their children SARAH Y., JULIA ANN COCKRILL and the
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child she was believed to be carrying were to inherit her portion. Execs John Cockrill, Sr. and Mark R. Cockrill, his brother. August 27, 1826. Codicil August 27, 1826. "That all my estate both real and personal be sold upon such terms or on such credit at the discretion of my executors and the proceeds arising from the sale be equally divided between the children by my first wife share and share alike." Signed with an "x" mark. Wits R. H. Burks, William EwingEdley Ewing, James Freeman.
75. Inventory of Cockrill's property, including 535 acres and 17 negroes, no date. 225-226. Executor's report, 1831.
MCCM 2, page 128. Will probated November 6, 1826.
76-79. RICHARD FENNER, Madison Co., Tenn. Whole of estate to be kept intact for support of family and education of his beloved children. Wife to receive a child's part of his negroes to dispose of as she saw fit. At her death or remarriage his estate was to be divided equally among his beloved children "share and share alike," except that dau MARTHA M. COOR PENDER was to have 5 shillings current money and an equal part of his negroes, including the 4 already in her possession and 100 acres of land including the improvements" whereon Doctor P. Coor Pender now lives" in trust for her by his execs, not subject to the debts of her husband. Dau, ANN M. K. HENDERSON an equal share of his negroes including the 4 she already had, Cherry, Bob, Maria and Squire. That other children as they came of age or married to have 3 to 4 negroes. Education to be paid for children JOHN McKINNIE FENNER, ERASMUS DARWIN FENNER, JAMES PONTON FENNER, JULIANA K. FENNER and if JOHN M. FENNER chose not to continue his education he was to have one grown negro man more than the other children. Lands in middle Tenn. to be sold. Heirs of Dr. RICHARD H. FENNER 5 shillings each "because I had given to their father at my departure from North Carolina his portion and as much as he asked for." To grandchildren EDWIN JOHNSON, JULIUS JOHNSON, MARY ANNE JOHNSON, children of his dec dau MARY G. JOHNSON each a negro. "I request my beloved wife and children to rest assured that I die grateful for the interest they have always appeared to take in my happiness and I pray God to protect them." Execs Thomas Henderson, friend and son-in-law; Robert and John McKinnie Fenner, sons. May 27, 1826. Wits John F. Brown, John M. Welch. Codicil, March 27, 1827. The 100 acres he had given to dau, ANN M. K. HENDERSON to be taken from 726 acre tract purchased from Col. THOMAS HENDERSON and an equal share of perishable property or stock & also an equal share of negroes to dau MARTHA MATILDA COOR PENDER but in neither case before the final division of his estate. If son, JOHN M. FENNER chose not to continue his education, then after death or remarriage of his mother he was to have the plantation "whereon I now life," 228 acres with equal share of his personal and perishable estate but not an extra negro. Execs to be guardians of his JOHNSON grandchildren and if their father, JOHN M. JOHNSON "should attempt and succeed in taking the guardianship out of their hands" the negroes and other allowances to them would be nil, considering "myself absolved from any promise I may have made their mother during her life time, by the officious interferance of their father"; never-the-less they would be assured each a negro when they came of age or married. Wits E. Jones, J. P. Fenner, Abner Jones.
80-82. Inventory of Dr. Fenner's property, including Tenn. lands and 470 acres in Franklin Co., N.C., 48 slaves, 14 horses, 55 head of cattle, Feb. 1829.
Will Book 2, pages 188-191. Robert Fenner's report on Dr. Richard H. Fenner's property to his children RICHARD J. FENNER, CATHARINE R. FENNER, and STEPHEN OUTERERIDGE FENNER noting interest in tract in Franklin Co., N.C. "in which their step-father HENRY N. JASPER has a life interest. "Land to be sold for them and each to have a negro. 1836.
MCCM 3, page 249. Will probated February 7, 1831.
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82-84. JOHN HARDGROVE, Madison Co., Tenn. Wife to have tract "that I now live on" except 150 acres at the SW corner; kitchen, household furniture, livestock, farming implements, 6 negroes James, Lewis, Sally his wife, Jane, George and his wife Felty. Son FRANCIS C. HARDGROVE 150 acres in NW corner of above-named tract and negro boy Green when he reached age 21. Dau, LAVINA BUTLER and son-in-law, BURWELL BUTLER a negro girl Charlotte. Son, FELIX R. HARDGROVE 4 negroes Carter, Fredrick, Charles, William. Dau, NANCY W. HARDGROVE 4 negroes Dinah (Jane's dau), Burwell, Mathew and Jane's youngest dau. Dau, AMANDA HARDGROVE 4 negroes Dinah, Harriet, Emily and Hiram. Son, SKELTON HARDOROVE the negro boys Henry and Stephen and the first 3 live-born children by negro women given to his wife. All negroes to be kept "on my farm at present" and wife to deliver to their children 2 negroes as they came of age or married or at her death. If wife remarried his land would be set off to her as law directed and rest of it divided equally among his children. His share of his own father's estate to be applied to payment of his debts and balance divided among his children. He had executed his will while "at the house of my brother JAMES HARDGROVE" in Williamson Co., Tenn. Oct. 11, 1828. Execs Polly Hardgrove, wife; son-in-law, Burwell Butler and trusty friend, John Barnett.
84-85. Inventory of Hardgrove's estate, Feb. 1829, including 490 acres, 24 slaves.
218. Property of Hardgrove sold, Feb. 21, 1828.
233-234. Sale of negroes in the estate of SKELTON HARDGROVE, dec., December 18, 1830: Stephen, 7-8 yrs old, bought by Burwell Butler for $250; Henry, 8-9 yrs old, bought by Burwell Butler for $282; Mariah, 18-19 yrs old, bought by Burwell Butler for $90; Franklin, 5-6 mos old, bought by Francis Hardgrove for $50. Total of negro sale, $672.
234-235. Sale-inventory of John Hardgrove's property sold August 18, 1829, submitted to court, May 3, 1831.
307. Report of Thomas Loftin, adm of Susanna Hardgrove who was adm of SKELTON HARDGROVE, dec. 1833.
481-482. Division of John Hardgrove's land, December 13, 1832. Francis Hardgrove, 115 acres; Amanda Hardgrove, 41 acres; Nancy W. Hardgrove, 40 acres; Felix R. Hardgrove, 40 acres; Francis C. Hardgrove, 60 acres. 141 acres to his widow, now remarried and named MARY FREEMAN. 491-492. Report on estate of Skelton Hardgrove, November 10, 1834.
Will Book 2
106-109. Burwell Butler's report on Skelton Hardgrove's property, May 1836.
213-215. Burwell Butler's report on Skelton Hardgrove's property, Jan. 11, 1837.
263. Division of negroes in Skelton Hardgrove's estate December 30, 1837.
267-268. Settlement report, Skelton Hardgrove's estate, February 5, 1828.
MCCM 2, page 543. John Hardgrove's will probated November 3, 1828.
85-86. WILLIAM H. SMITH. Nuncupative (verbal) will. On December 18, 1828 at the late dwelling of WILLIAM H. SMITH, dec, before his death he executed his "verbal will", asking that it be written down by Adam Huntsman, Esq. That, he wanted lands and negroes to be kept for use of his wife and children, including house lots in Sparta, White Co. /Tenn./ and Jacksonboro Campbell /County, Tenn.?/. Store and blacksmith shop be kept up and a carding machine to be set up and a 1/5 part of proceeds to go to JOHN H. SMITH "who is to carry on the business." Signed, J. H. Smith, Harriet L. Smith, R. Dickson.
MCCM 3, page 3. Will probated November 4, 1828.
87-88. ANDREW HAMILTON, Roan(e) Co., Tenn. "being old & infirm in body" wished to be buried in a "Christian and decent manner trusting to find a restored /what?/ again at the resurrection of the just. "Beloved wife, SALLY all his estate except for $5 each to his nephews, JESSE HAMILTON's son ANDREW; WILLIAM HAMILTON's son ANDREW "to be paid in purchasing books for them." No exec named. March 19, 1826. Wit George Dickey.
88. Inventory of Hamilton's property, Feb. 49, 1829.
MCCM 2, page 543. Will probated November 3, 1828.
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89. NATHAN VERSER, Madison Co., Tenn. Wife, NANCY VERSER two negroes Hanna and Dicy, two featherbeds and furniture for life or widowhood and after her death, this property to his son, DANIEL VERSER and 3 other negroes besides Dick, Bob, Isham. Dau MARTHA HASKINS a negro man Peter. Son, WILLIAM VERSER negro girl Mary. The "whole rest and residue" of his estate after payment of his debts, to son, SAMUEL VERSER. Exec Daniel Verser, son. October 16, 1827. Wits John Roberson, B. Robertson.
197. List of Verser's property, not dated.
MCCM 2, page 463. Will probated August 4, 1828.
96-97. MARGARET GIVENS, Madison Co., Tenn. If she died before her son SAMUEL W. GIVENS with whom I now live" that he prepare her funeral and burial "rights" /rites/ as he deemed proper. To him negro woman Edde, negro man Jacob. Granddau REBECCA GIVENS, dau of Samuel W. Givens her bed and furniture and negroes Sally and Charity daus of her negro woman Edde. Grandson SAMUEL DAVIDSON GIVENS, son of Samuel W. Givens, negro Riley Hawkins, son of negro woman Edde. Grandson WILLIAM LARSON GIVENS negro girl Maria, dau of negro woman Edde. Son, WILLIAM GIVENS negro boy Andrew Jackson and at his death said negro would go to his son, EDWARD LUCKY GIVENS. Sons JAMES GIVENS, JOHN GIVENS, WILLIAM GIVENS the value of Cyntha, her negro woman but that James would keep her and pay 2/3 of her value to the other two sons. Granddau MARGARET REBECCA GIVENS, dau of her son JAMES A. GIVENS, negro Ivy Arnold, son of negro Cyntha, a bed and furniture. Dau REBECCA MILLER her side saddle and all her clothing. Son, SAMUEL W. GIVENS rest of her property and he to be sole executor. She signed with an "x" mark. November 23, 1826. Wits Robert Clanton, William M. Luton. At bottom of will, "It is my desire that those whom I have left my young negroes that they have them taught to read & be instructed in the scriptures."
MCCM 2, page 308. Will probated November 5, 1827.
97-98. ROBERT BRYAN. "Being sick and weak of body." Dearly and beloved sister in law, JEMIMAH BRYAN sorrel mare colt. Little nephew, JOHN M. BRYAN a mare, new gun barrel lock bullet moles /molds/ but these were to be sold and the proceeds given to him at age 21. Occupant claim in Madison Co., Tenn. bought from Caleb Swindle to JAMES ANDERSON to dispose of as he saw fit. Execs John L. McDavitt, Jacob Miller. Signed with an "x" mark. May 16, 1827. Wits Nancy Owens (x mark), Jamimah Dick (x mark).
MCCM 2, page 307. Will probated November 5, 1827.
99. R. H. DYER. Son JOEL H. DYER to be his exec and transact business in his name and he was to sell as much of "my" land that would clear his debts; "keeping all my personal property such as negroes and the like for the use and benefit of my family, my wife SUSAN DYER to share alike." May 10, 1826. Wits William B. Miller, Will Harris.
99. Sale of Dyer's property including what was bought by his wife, Susan.
100. Inventory of Dyer's personalty including negroes and their ages: Jacob about 33; Matt 31; Peter 35; Jefferson 19; Washington 21; Rufus 14; Munroe 12; Judy about 37; Caroline about 10; Calofornia 8; Jane 4, submitted by Joel Henry Dyer, exec, no date.
188-189. Annual settlement of Dyer's estate, including boarding of 6 children in 1827 ($300) and education ($52): DRUSILLA C. DYER, JOEL S. DYER, CHARLES C. DYER, JAMES M. DYER, CORNELIA J. DYER, SARAH ANN DYER.
MCCM 2, page 89. Will probated August 7, 1826.
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l00. ROBERT DUNCAN. Nuncupative (verbal will) will. On October 24, 1838, eight days before he died Duncan requested that "I" make his mare fat and offer her back to W. Fulbright and if he didn't want the mare to sell it and buy land with proceeds; wanted "me" to live on land "where he now lives," to sell part of cattle and hogs to pay his debts. Signed by MAHALY DUNCAN (undoubtedly the "I" and "me" mentioned) along with Gabriel Cook and Joshua Adkins. Sworn in court, October 31, 1828.
101. Inventory of Duncan's property including 65 acres and 100 acres reserve, a few livestock and a few articles of furniture no date.
101-102. JARRETT M. JELKS, Madison Co, Tenn. that his contract with William Spencer for a "negro fellow Tom" to be completed. Wife all his estate for her life time or widowhood. If she remarried division of estate to be made among her and their children. Exec John Jelks, brother. December 1, 1826. Wits E. L. Holland, John McClellan.
102-103. Inventory of Jelks'property, May 5, 1828 including negroes Sam, Peggy, Liddy, Matilda, Henry, Mask, George, Micajah.
390-392. Report of John Jelks on estate of J. M. Jelks, February 4, 1830.
MCCM 2, page 347. Will probated February 4, 1828. See page 16, this publication.
104-105. Repetition of will of JAMES M. McELWEE given on page 60.
105-106. WILLIAM WEBB, Madison Co., Tenn. Dau PEGGY two beds and furniture, his "big cow" and yearling, all household-kitchen furniture. Sons ROBERT, JOHN, HENLY equally all his title to land on which he lived. Grandson ROBERT WEBB "that lives with me my colt." Grandson PARKER WEBB "that lives with Allen Dawkins" his heifer. ALLEN DAWKINS his unmarked red heifer. Rest to his children. Execs Robert Webb, Henly Webb, sons. Signed with an "x" mark. January 12, 1827.
106. Sale of Webb's property, 1827.
MCCM 2, page 199. Will probated February 10, 1827.
159. JOHN BRYAN "being sick." Execs to sell his 10 acre survey in Madison Co., Tenn., Surveyor's Dist. 10, Range 2, Section 6 and make a deed in his name to purchaser; also sell his wagon, rifle gun and use proceeds to clean and fence the place "where I now live" for his wife during her widowhood, until son JOHN W. BRYAN came of age. Beloved wife, JEMIMAH BRYAN household furniture. Estate to be sold when his son came of age and proceeds to be divided equally between his son and Jemimah, his wife, with her part kept in trust for her by his execs and 20 acres besides. Execs Jacob Miller, John L. McDonald. May 6, 1826. Wits George Williamson, Thomas Adkins.
160. Inventory of John Bryan's property, Feb. 2, 1829.
MCCM 2, page 308. Will probated November 5, 1827.
182-183. MARY ANN McLEAN, Jackson, Madison Co., Tenn. Sister, ISABELLA McLEAN all her property and she to be sole executrix. March 11, 1829. Wits Jos. H. Talbot, Rob. Hughes, Aletha Sanders.
183. Schedule of McLean's negroes submitted by Isabella McLean, May 6, 1829: (with ages and values) James about 35, $500; Tunstall about 20, $500; Dennis about 20, $450; Lewis, about 17, $450; Clary about 36, $300; Duley (girl) about 12, $250; Lucinda 8, $250; Emily 6, $200; Andrew Jackson 5, $150; James 1, $100.
MCCM 3, page 402. Will probated August 6, 1832.
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186-187. JOSEPH JOHN NICHOLSON, Madison Co., Tenn. He had been in business "in the grocery line on a capital of the said Wm. Armour & Henry Lake amounting to nine hundred dollars which sum with one half of all the profits arising in trade they the said Armour and Lake will pay to themselves first after settling all debts owed by me as grocer and after settling all debts due by me to all mankind" the balance to be paid to his single sister NANCY NICHOLSON. Execs William Armour, Henry Lake. April 21, 1827. Wits George M. Smith, George Cromwell. Codicil, July 11, 1829. "Whereas my nephew THOMAS J. BRIDGES has won my affection by his attention to me" he willed him "means coming to me through my business" with Armour and Lake for his use for 5 yrs and then the property would go to his sister NANCY. Wits G. Snider, John E. Craig, James H. McKnight.
MCCM 3, page 115. Will probated August 5, 1829.
197-199. JEREMIAH HARRIS, Madison Co., Tenn. "very poorly in body." Deeds of gift already made to his sons JAMES HARRIS, JEREMIAH HARRIS, DANIEL HARRIS "remain as they are." Beloved wife MARTHA HARRIS a horse of her choice, farming tools, some livestock. Sons Jeremiah and Daniel also to have a bed and furniture each, some livestock. At wife's death her property to be sold and proceed divided equally among his sons and his wife's dau LETTY DANIEL. Son JAMES HARRIS a bed and furniture, some livestock and household utensils. Dau MARY HARRIS 1/3 of his pewter and Queensware and $30. Sons THOMAS HARRIS, DAVID HARRIS, ANDREW HARRIS, WILLIAM HARRIS, JESSE HARRIS each $1.50. Rest of property sold and after services of sons JAMES, JEREMIAH and DANIEL paid for, the rest held in trust for sons JEREMIAH and DANIEL. Execs Fredrick Miller, Jacob Ury. No execution date. Signed with an "x" mark. Wits George Williamson, Jesse C. Elston. Postscript. It was his will that his wife MARTHA HARRIS have use of "the plantation where I now live to raise and support my two sons Jeremiah and Daniel Harris during her widowhood or until they come of age." Same wits.
MCCM 3, page 99. Will probated August 3, 1829.
205-207. WILLIAM JUSTICEm Madison Co., Tenn. "infirm in body." Son JOHN JUSTICE $1 as he had already been given his share of estate. Beloved Dau ELIZABETH UTLY a negro girl Caroline now in her possession. Exec to sell his tract on McAdoo's Creek, Montgomery County /Tenn./and 100 acres in Dyer County. Residue of estate to be kept for benefit of his beloved wife MARY JUSTICE during her widowhood and for education and support of his children "living now," MARTHA, POLLY, JAMES GRAY, ANNA LACEY, WILLIAM EATON, ALLEN A., NANCY JUSTICE; wife to give each child personalty at age 21 or marriage. If wife remarried she was to have a child's part of estate for life and then at general division of his estate or her death "all my estate" in hands of execs were to go to his 4 sons. At death or remarriage of wife, his negroes would be divided among his 4 daus. Exec William Atchison, "my friend". September 5, 1829. Wits Edmd. Jones, Obediah Hardin. Codicil September 5, 1829 in which he made some realignments in bequests to his children; calling ELIZABETH UTLEY "Betsey" UTLEY. Same wits.
Will Book 2, 192-193. Settlement of Justice's estate. December 26, 1836.
MCCM 3, page 124. Will probated November 2, 1829.
208-209. WILLIAM DUTY, Madison Co., Tenn. Beloved wife, RACHAEL negroes Joe, Charles, Jack and girl Clarisy; household furniture, livestock and his half of spinning machines some of his cleared land for her life and then to his children "now living, viz SOLOMON DUTY, HIRAM DUTY, MARY LAUDERDALE, ELIZABETH ROGERS and NICEY B. SMITH." Son SOLOMON to have remainder of cleared land until death of William Duty's wife and his land would go to sons Solomon and Hiram. Three daus each $300. To children of his dau
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ANN (FANNY B. EASTLAND, MARY G. GILES, WILLIAM L. MOORE, RACHAEL ELIZABETH MOORE, JOHN McDANIEL, JAMES MARIAN McDANIEL, TABITHA A. McDANIEL, THOMAS D. MCDANIEL) each $6. Son SOLOMON to have shop tools, his silver watch. Son HIRAM to have his rifle gun. Property in Cairo, Sumner Co. /Tenn./ to be sold and proceeds added to balance of his "negro property & perishable property" to be divided equally among his children. Execs Solomon Duty, James F. Lauderdale, Sumner Co. July 15, 1830. Wits Robert Dickson, Joseph Lynn, Alexander Greer.
213-215. Division of slaves of William Duty among his legatees, Nov. 10, 1830.
Will Book 2, 9-14. Sale of Duty's property and settlement report, Nov. 13, 1830.
MCCM 3, page 207. Will probated November 1, 1830.
222. ELIJAH BIGELOW, Madison Co., Tenn. Beloved wife, MARIAH O. BIGELOW. Having confidence in her that she "will attend to the raising and education of my infant children" he gave her all his property and she was to be sole executor. August 27, 1830. Wits J. Caruthers, Geo. Snider, Martin Cartmell.
222-223. Inventory of Bigelow's property not dated, included such items as silver tablespoons, glass lamps, a French grammar book, Paley's Philosophy, 4 common Bibles.
MCCM 3, page 217. Will probated November 1, 1830.
223-224. JOHN F. BROWN. Wife, MARGARET lots 3, 68, 104 in Jackson, Tenn. "always reserving a sufficiency in the interest of the said lots for the education of my children." If personal property insufficient to pay his debts, his tract near Forked Deer River where the turnpike crossed the river, to be sold for that purpose. Execs James S. Lyon, Dr. James M. Brown. April 28, 1830. Wits Jacob Perkins, Benjamin P. Seawell.
223. Year's support from estate of J. F. Brown for his widow, MARGARET, Nov. 5, 1830.
MCCM 3, page 188. Will probated May 5, 1830.
224-CHARLES BROWN, Madison Co., Tenn. Brothers, BENJAMIN BROWN, EPHRAIM BROWN, SAMUEL BROWN and nephew ARTHUR BROWN all property he was entitled to by death of his father, consisting of land in Williamson Co and $600 or $700 held by his guardian James Greer, Williamson Co., Tenn., to his brothers and nephew equally. No exec named. July l5, 1830. Signed with an "x" mark. Wits Thomas Harton, John Tidwell. Probated August 1830.
228. WILLIAM R. DUFF, Madison Co., Tenn. Wanted ROBERT DUFF to be his exec to settle his business; go to Rutherford Co., Tenn. and get 2 notes given to him by his brother JOHN DUFF, each of $200 value; also $100 in hands of his sister JANE PORTERFIELD, CHARLES PORTERFIELD and ALEXANDER McDANIEL. ROBERT DUFF to be paid $75 for his traveling expenses. Sister JANE PORTERFIELD and sister MARY McDANIEL the balance of his estate and to his cousin JAMES DUFF, son of ROBERT DUFF, his clothing. October 14, 1830. Wits Nathan Williamson, Abner Echols (x mark).
MCCM 3, page 248. Will probated February 7, 1831.
279-280. RICHARD TOMLINSON, Madison Co., Tenn. Estate to be used for support and education of his children until the eldest reached age 21, then property was to be "valued" and each child receive an equal portion of same. Son RICHARD the land he lived on. Sons WILLIAM and JOHN W. lands to be apportioned to them. Daus JULIANN and MARY JANE equal portions with other children. If son JAMES G. didn't receive bequest from his grandfather Noles' estate in North Carolina he was to have equal portion with his
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other children. Requested that his sister MARY KENDAL "take charge of my daughters." JAMES KENDAL to live in the house where he -Tomlinson- lived and to take care of his estate. Execs James Kendal, James Tomlinson, James Greer. June 15, 1831. Wits Samuel Lancaster, Overton Mallory.
359. Sale of part of Tomlinson's personalty, May 1833.
366-367. Inventory of Tomlinson's property, Feb. 2, 1832, including slaves.
366-367. Division of Tomlinson's estate, no date.
497. Report on estate of Tomlinson's estate, including 520 acres. 1834.
Will Book 2, 15-19. Sale and hire of Tomlinson's property, May 7, 1835.
54-57. Settlement report of Tomlinson's property by Samuel Lancaster, Feb. 1836.
200-205. Settlment of Tomlinson's estate among his hrs, January 3, 1837.
332-335. Settlement report of Tomlinson's estate, July 7, 1838.
MCCM 3, page 336. Will probated November 11, 1831.
280-281. Repetition of will of WILLIAM WEBB on pages 105-106.
311-312. ADDISON BOYD, Madison Co., Tenn. Wife, ELIZABETH ANN BOYD all his negroes that he received from her through marriage and at her death or remarriage same property would go to his dau MARTHA FRANCES ELIZABETH BOYD and if she died before age 21, it would go to his brother CHARLES H. BOYD and if he died without bodily hrs it would go to another brother WILLIAM B. BOYD. Balance of property to dau. Exec Charles H. Boyd, Brownsville, Haywood Co., Tenn. October 1831. Wits James Boyd, J. H. Nixon,G. T. Hotenmanty.
317-319. Sale of Boyd's property, Feb. 21, 1832, which included 17 negroes.
322. Year's support from Boyd's estate for his widow, ELIZABETH, Feb. 21, 1832.
334. Division of Boyd's slaves. Feb 4, 1832.
MCCM 3, page 342. Will probated February 6, 1832.
320-321. MELCHESIDECK BRIM COOKE, Madison Co., Tenn. Edmond Jones, friend, got all his property in trust for Cooke's wife, LUCY ANN COOKE and son, DAVID SACKVILLE COOKE and requested Jones to be his son's guardian. Exec to make fee simple deed to Hugh Carey when he finished paying for Cooke's lot in Lexington, Tenn. May 10, 1831. Wits M. Christian, Benjamin Williams, Rebecca Kellingsworth.
352. Inventory of Cooke's property; he had owned considerable property, Nov. 1832.
MCCM 3, page 375. Will probated May 8, 1832.
328-329. ROBERT OBARR, Madison Co., Tenn. Wife MARY $1 and no more as she had "deserted my bed and board" previous to the illness he was experiencing. Balance of property to daus POLLY HACKS, CLARY McFARLIN, wife of JAMES McFARLIN; CANDIS, wife of WILLIAM GUIN; MAHATOTH, wife of WILLIAM JARRETT. Execs, his sons-in-law. February 27, 1832. Wits James G. Mays, Benjamin Mays, John Turner.
329-330. Sale of Obarr's property, March 19, 1832.
MCCM 3, page 369. Will probated May 7, 1832.
335. ALEXANDER BRADEN, Madison Co., Tenn. Wife, MARGARET, plantation of 170 acres he lived on and furniture, farming tools and slaves Nathan, Coffee, Sil, Candis, for life and then to son HARVEY BRADEN this tract of land. Balance of property to be divided equally among his 4 daus; son-in-law, JAMES WYLIE a negro FLOWERY. Son JAMES BRADEN 2 notes of $100 each. Son ALEXANDER BRADEN tract he lived on and negro Silas. The tract his dau PEGGY lived on, to her these 35 acres and negro woman Sindy and her 2 children. Dau
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NANCY BRADEN 45 acres and a negro girl SING, a bed and furniture, a horse and other livestock. Dau ELIZA D. ANDERSON 35 acres and a negro man ZACK. Dau TERRISA A. LOVE 35 acres and negro Allan. Son HARVEY C. BRADEN a negro boy Benn, a saddle and other livestock. Blacksmith tools, his wagon were to be sold and proceeds divided among his sons after the death of his wife. Signed with an "x" mark. Execs Margaret Braden, wife; Harvey Braden, son. January 24, 1832. Wits John Wharton, Thomas Doak.
MCCM 3, page 405. Will probated August 6, 1832.
347. Administrator's report, Est. of SUSAN MURRELL, Feb. 6, 1833. MCCM 3, page 334, shows ALLEN DEBERRY appointed adm. of this est., Nov. 11, 1831. /This lady lies in a grave marked with a tombstone bearing only her name, no dates in the Deberry Cemetery at Rose Hill in Madison Co. She was the mother of MATHIAS DEBERRY and others./
362-363. JOHN WRIGHT, Madison Co., Tenn. Loving wife MARY negroes Will and Mary, use of plantation, 100 acres, on which he lived and 40 acres in what was called Hickory Flat, 10 acres on which a blacksmith shop was sited; 25 acres consisting of a peach orchard on the east side of Meridian Creek; furniture, livestock. Dau SARAH A. WRIGHT to be supported from estate until she was 18 yrs old. Sons NEWTON BARTON WRIGHT, WILLIAM H. WRIGHT, JOHN WILEY WRIGHT, FRANCIS WRIGHT, SAMUEL B. WRIGHT received slaves. Son JAMES L. WRIGHT a negro boy Jupiter. Grandsons MARQUIS LAFAYETTE MITCHELL, JOHN WASHINGTON MITCHELL each a horse worth $80 when reach age 21. Execs W. A. Wright, James L. Wright. April 4, 1833.
409-410. Sale of Wright's property, November 26, 1833. Filed with county court, Feb. 3, 1834.
Will recorded May 28, 1833.
395-396. JOHN DILLARD, Madison Co., Tenn. Beloved wife LUCRETIA DILLARD, tract of land he lived on, negro man Prince, 2 cows and calves, furniture, farming tools, livestock. Granddau NANCY HOPPER "provided she lives with me as long as I live" a cow calf and furniture that her grandmother would give her. Exec Isaac Dillard, son. May 20, 1829. Wits Samuel Lancaster, Thomas C. Lancaster, John Lynch.
402-405. List of Dillard's property and property sale, Sept. 10, 1833.
MCCM 4, page 38. Will probated August 9, 1833.
396-397. BENJAMIN BREWER, Madison Co., Tenn. Granddaus, children of REBECCA ROGERS, 1/5 of his estate. Hrs of his son, BUCKNER BREWER (BENJAMIN BREWER, WINIFORD BREWER, JOHN BREWER, WILLIAM BREWER) remainder of his estate. Estate to be kept together until grandson BENJAMIN BREWER came of age. Execs Benjamin Brewer, James F. Roberson. June 24, 1832. Wits Elisha Dismukes, James McCanley.
MCCM 4, page 38. Will probated November 5, 1833.
397. WILLIAM HAMMOND, Madison Co., Tenn. All his estate to all his children equally. Son JOHN HAMMOND to have use of wagon as long as he -William- lived. To WILLIAM HAMMOND 106 3/4 acres and all his mechanical and farming tools. No exec named. October 22, 1832. Wits A. Sydney, Frederick B. Miller who signed with an "F" mark; John Hammond.
MCCM 4, page 38. Will probated November 5, 1833.
417-418. Whereas REUBEN MAY, late of Madison Co., Tenn. departed this life October 25, 1833 and delivered his verbal will leaving personalty to his wife, ELIZABETH MAY; HANNAH CROWDER, POLLY MAY, BETSY MAY, each a bed and furniture. Signed, Robert May, Benjamin May, James Metts (?).
MCCM 4, page 89. Will accepted for probate, February 8, 1834.
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418-420. JOHN BOREN, Madison Co., Tenn. Having given to his children of his marriage more property than he then had, he willed to hrs of BASSEL BOREN $1, hrs of SUSANNAH McINTOSH $1, hrs of HORACE BOREN $1, hrs of J. BOREN $1. Son JAMES BOREN cow and calf. Slave Eastery would be retained until son JAMES F. BOREN came of age. Son FRANCIS M. BOREN. Sale of negro, proceeds divided equally among JAMES F. BOREN, ELIZA MASSIE, CASANDRA and SEALY ANN BOREN. No exec named. November 29, 1833. Wits Samuel Lancaster, Elijah Barker, Thomas C. Lancaster. Codicil, November 30, 1833. Wished his personalty willed to dau ELIZA MASSIE to be charged against her as a part of her legacy in division of his estate. Wit Thomas C. Lancaster.
Will Book 2, 44-47. Settlement report, Boren's property, Feb. 1836. 49-50. Another settlement report, Boren's property, Dec. 4, 1835.
MCCM 4, page 53. Will probated February 3, 1834.
420-421. WILLIAM STEWART, SR. Tract of land, 205 acres, Hickman Co. /Tenn./ to be sold and proceeds divided: $100 to dau MARY, wife of JOSIAH HANNA; $40 to children of his son ELIJAH STEWART, dec; balance of money divided between sons BARTHOLOMEW G. and ANDREW STEWART. Dau NANCY, wife of JESSE M. HANNA 20 acre tract they lived on in Madison County, Tenn. Execs B. G. Stewart, Andrew Stewart, sons. October 23, 1832. Wits Edwin H. Childress, James Fussell. Codicil, December 9, 1832. All money he left to be divided equally among children B. G., ANDREW, POLLY /Mary/ HANNA, NANCY HANNA. Signed with an "x" mark. Same wits.
422. Execs report on Stewart's estate, May 1834.
MCCM 4, page 53. Will probated February 3, 1834.
428-430. JANE HAYS, Madison Co., Tenn. Tract, 450 acres +/-, that she lived on "in and about the gin erected by my son SAMUEL" to be sold by execs as they saw fit. Son SAMUEL to have ground on which his gin stood and use of land around it. A fine gold watch to each of her daus REBECCA and PATSEY and dau-in-law, LYDIA. Residue of money from sale of her land to daus NARCISSA and ELIZABETH and son SAMUEL. Elizabeth's part to be held in trust for her by William E. Butler. Old negro WINNEY to son SAMUEL and he to take care of her. Household, kitchen furniture to dau NARCISSA and son SAMUEL except one bed to dau ELIZABETH. Exec Samuel Hays, son. November 7, 1833. Wits J. R. Rawlings, R. W. Crockett, Samuel L. Anderson.
Will Book 2, 199-200. Settlement report, Jane Hays estate, November 30, 1836.
MCCM 4, page 122. Will probated May 8, 1834.
430-433. NICHOLAS PERRY, Madison Co., Tenn. Dau WINEFORD PERRY a negro girl Martha, a bed and furniture, saddle and bridle. Dau TABITHA PERRY a negro girl MARY, a bed and furniture, saddle and bridle. Dau ELIZABETH PERRY a negro girl SARAH, bed, furniture, saddle and bridle. Dau MARY PERRY $1 and no more. Son NICHOLAS PERRY 2 slaves Rufus and Hester. Beloved wife ELIZABET PERRY all estate and at her death or remarriage, property sold and proceeds divided among: NAZARETH PERRY, son, $200; ELIZABETH WINNEFORD PERRY, WILLIAM SHARUCK PERRY, children of his son, WILLIAM PERRY, dec $150 each. Grandson CRUDUP PERRY $100. Children JOHN, NATHANIEL, EDWARD, NICHOLAS, TABITHA, WINNEFORD, ELIZABETH all shared in estate. Exec Nicholas Perry. June 20, 1833. Signed with an "x" mark. Wits Edmund Scarborough, John J. Carrington.
467-468. Inventory of Perry's property, August 4, 1834.
MCCM 4, page 98. Will probated May 5, 1834.
442. JOHN OLIVER, Madison Co., Tenn. His entire property to be divided among his eight children. HARMON THOMPSON had already received a cow and calf and
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that counted in his part of the estate. Execs William Oliver, James Oliver. March 11, 1834. Wits Edward Robinson, Orten W. Morrison, Wm. B. Senter.
463-465. Inventory of Oliver's property, no date.
MCCM 4, page 98. Will probated May 5, 1834.
444-446. GEORGE TODD, Madison Co., Tenn. Son-in-law, RODERICK McIVER and wife, SUSAN negroes Peter, Nancy, Chaney, now in their possession. Dau ELIZABETH HUNTSMAN negroes Henry, Hannah, Mary and Lucy held in trust for her by Roderick McIver. Dau SALLY McNEIL negroes Oliver, Big Isham, Little Phillis, Bale. Dau MARY ANN TODD all land he had in Madison Co., Tenn. and negroes John, Ben, Jim, Little Isham, Big Phillis, Matilda, Harriett, Isaac.; also to her his cotton gin, threshing machine and ½ of livestock, tools in blacksmith's shop, ½ plantation tools and other personalty. After debts paid and cost of settling estate considered, remainder of estate divided equally among his daus SUSAN, ELIZABETH, SALLY. Exec Roderick McIver. October 26, 1833. Wits M. Deberry, Gabriel Anderson.
461-463. Inventory of Todd's property, a very detailed account. June 9, 1834.
502-503. Sale of Todd's personalty, January 26, 1835.
MCCM 4, page 113. Will probated May 6, 1834.
446-448. JOHN B. BROWN, Madison Co., Tenn. Dau ABIGAIL MORGAIN ECKOLS several negroes. Proceeds of a bond he had against Kenneth Garrett for $534 due Jan. 7, 1834 to be for ABIGAIL too. Dau LUCY KIRK SEWELL and husband, BENJAMIN P. SEWELL a house-lot in Jackson and several negroes and at death of her parents, LUISA MILDRED SEWELL would inherit their portion of estate. Grandchildren JOHN LUCIAN BROWN, SUSAN ANN BROWN, children of dec son, JOHN F. BROWN, negroes. Their mother, MARGARET BROWN to have use of said negroes as long as she remained a widow or until she gave them to these children. Execs Richard A. Eckols, Benjamin P. Sewell, Mathias Deberry. October 31, 1833. Wits Thomas Beverage (x mark), James Kizer, H. H. Seawell.
For some reason his will was probated twice:
MCCM 4, page 100. Will probated May 5, 1834.
MCCM 4, page 132. Will probated May 12, 1834.
458-460. WILLIAM BUTLER, Madison Co., Tenn. Dau EDITH BUTLER part of tract he lived on, including houses, lots, barns, stables and a negro woman Dorcas, all household furniture with exception of 2 beds and a large kettle. Sons WILLIAM and ELISHA the balance of his 200 acres and 35 acres adjoining the same. Dau SALLY CLICK a negro woman Fanny and $300 in current money. Son HENRY BUTLER a negro man Prince and interest in his mill and the 3 acres it stood on. Son THOMAS BUTLER a note and accounts he held against him and $270 cash. Son CHARLES BUTLER a receipt for $200 he had already given him. Son JOHN BUTLER negro boy Hampton, exec holding same in trust for him for 7 yrs. Son DAVID BUTLER negro man Anderson. Dau MARY CHANDLER $4 as she had already been given property. Execs Henry Marsh, William Hudson. July 11, 1832. Wits Hartwell Pate, Andrew Butler.
MCCM 4, page 32. Will probated August 10, 1833.
470-472. GREEN HILL, Madison Co., Tenn. Execs to sell 200 acres rented to Francis Meriwether, reserving ½ acre "to include the burying ground" which ½ acre he gave to his son-in-law, JETHRO B. FORT. Beloved wife, MATILDA "the partner of my joys and sorrows for a number of years" several negroes and household furniture now in possession of JETHRO B. FORT. Son, JOSEPH HILL several negroes. Grandson JOSEPH GREEN HILL a negro boy Isham but Matilda Hill would have benefit of his services for life. Dau MARY ANN JENKINS and her children negroes. Dau SARAH FORT negroes. Exec Jethro B. Fort, son-in-law and James Meriwether, friend. No execution date. Wit John T. Transou.
MCCM 4, page 162. Will probated August 8, 1834.
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483. WILLIAM G. MORRIS, Madison Co., Tenn. Children MAHALY RUSHIN, ELIZABETH GATEWOOD, NANCY MORRIS, ANNA MORRIS, MARY MORRIS "to enjoy all my estate." JAMES MORRIS' hrs, ALEXANDER MORRIS' Hrs, JOHN MORRIS' hrs, SARAH PERKINS' hrs, GEORGE MORRIS portions of estate. Exec Allen W. Hix. No exec date. Wits John Welch, Jr., William S. H. Sanders.
MCCM 4, page 175. Will probated November 4, 1834.
488-490. Dr. JOHN F. WARD. Daus MARGARET and LAURA negroes, including some in North Carolina and they received residue of his estate, except a receipt he held against his father, JAMES WARD of North Carolina to dau MARGARET BEARD only. JAMES FREEMAN, Madison Co., Tenn. to purchase a tract of land not costing more than $2000 and deed it to his two daughters. MARGARET to have set of silver spoons and all jewelry that was her mother's, then in possession of James Norflett, Edgecombe Co., N.C. LAURA was to have all her mother's jewelry then in possession of his father, JAMES WARD in N.C. Exec James Ward, Bute Co., N.C., his father and James Norflett, Edgecombe Co., N.C. Executed at Estanaula, October 8, 1833. Codicil, Oct. 21, 1834. His boy /slave/ Silas "to have one day in the week of his time only during the period he is hired out." WILLIAM SPIVEY, grandfather of his dau LAURA gave her a child's portion of his estate, what would have been her mother, SELINA's. At his death, Major JAMES FREEMAN of Madison Co., Tenn. was to take charge of his estate. Codicil, Nov. 14, 1833. His slave, Reuben to be given $25 for services he rendered on the farm for "the present year."
548-552. Inventory of Dr. Ward's estate, including $200 found in his trunk.
MCCM 4, page 169. Will probated November 3, 1834.
534-535. WILLIAM DENT, Madison Co., Tenn. Will executed at Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 25, 1833. Son JOHN W. DENT 202½ acres in Houston Co., Ga., located on Indian Creek. To JAMES M. SKILLERN the storehouse and lot in Madisonville, Madison Co., Tenn. for his benefit by paying his exec $100. To HEPSABY GARTMAN "the woman who has lived with me as my wife for some years" and mother of his children FRANCES LOUISA DENT, MARTHA ELIZABETH DENT, NANCY REBECCA DENT, $l000, a bed and furniture. Hepsaby and children of his first marriage residue of his estate, except for dau POLLY CAROLINE MAY as she already had 3 negroes from him; these to be charged against her in settlement of estate, $800 worth. Named as his "administrator", Major Middleton Bradford, Madison Co., Tenn.
535-537. Division of negroes in Dent's estate, including a receipt from William Dent, Lexington Dist., S.C., March 5, 1827, for negro girl, Killian about 10 yrs old.
MCCM 4, page 29. Will probated August 9, 1833.
553. MARY MOORE, Madison Co., Tenn. Beloved dau KEZIA M. MOORE a negro Charlota and her son, Silas; all her money, furniture, horse and gigg and this dau to be sole executrix. February 22, 1834. Wits J. P. Haughton, A. Patton.
MCCM 4, page 214. Will probated February 3, 1835.
569-571. JAMES SANDERSON, Alexandria, Dist. of Columbia, merchant but "now" of Murfreesborough, Rutherford Co., Tenn. All real estate to be sold to pay debts and rest to his sisters JANE GREENWELL and MARY PARKER SANDERSON and GEORGE CLEMENTSON, all living in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, equally. Exec Colin Auld, friend. July 10, 1829. Will probated in Alexandria, D.C., June 24, 1833.
MCCM 4, page 251. Will also recorded in Madison Co., Tenn. May 6, 1835.
571-573. THOMAS BONNER, Madison Co., Tenn. Oldest son ALEXANDER BONNER $5. Dau JANE G. PALMER $150. Dau DRUSILLA HEARN a negro boy Bannor. Son JOHN H. BONNER negro man Simon. That "my three young /est children?/ to wit
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GEORGE S. BONNER, WILLIAM L. BONNER arid MARY E. W. HILL; and to LUCY ANN GREEN tvo little daus ELIZABETH and MARGARET at age 20 or marriage each $150. Admonishes three youngest children to assist their mother, MARY. Execs George L. Bonner, William L. Bonner, George W. Hill. April 9, 1835. Signed with an "x" mark. Wits Isham V. Harris, John A. Williamson.
MCCM 4, page 252. Will probated May 7, 1835.
576. ALBERT PERRY. Wife SUSAN B. PERRY land whereon he lived, negroes and personalty until January 1, 1836 when negroes and livestock to be sold and balance of proceeds kept in trust for his children as they came of age. Exec John McClellan, James R. Glenn. April 9, 1835. Wits V. S. Vann, B. M. Perry.
MCCM 4, page 246. Will probated May 5, 1835.
/This couple are buried in graves, marked with one large tombstone, bearing both their names in the Epperson Cemetery about 5½ miles northwest from the city limits of Jackson, Tennessee via the Old Bells Highway and Adair Road. The inscription: ALBERT PERRY, born Apr. 26, 1788, died Apr. 9, 1835. SUSAN B. PERRY, born June 8, 1795, died Mar. 25, 1857. Awaiting the Resurrection./
576-577. JOHN MOORE, Madison Co., Tenn. Exec to sell out of estate what he needed to, to pay his debts. Wife MARTHA to enjoy rest of estate for life and then it was to be divided among his surviving children. Exec James Freeman. March 7, 1834. Wits Archibald Simmons, Edwin C. Stephens.
MCCM 4, page 246. Will probated May 5, 1835.
Referring from will of JARRETT M. JELKS, abstracted on page 8:
JOHN LEMUEL JELKS, M.D. — Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and of several other important professional bodies, John Lemuel Jelks is one of the most distinguished of American gastrointestinal surgeons. Through his years of successful practice. and his several contributions to surgical procedure and literature he has achieved a reputation which is international in its extent. TENNESSEE, A HISTORY, 1673-1932, American Historical Society, New York, 1933, volume 3, pages 31-32. A portion of Dr. John L. Jelks' sketch is deleted here. |
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