By Jonathan K. T. Smith
Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 1995(Page 27)
DEED BOOK TWENTY-FOUR1. WILLIAMINA STODDERT, "I this day reaffirm the deed I signed with my sisters H. C. & H. J. and my mother M. J. STODDERT and JAMES CARUTHERS" to GEORGE N. HARRIS for a lot and storehouse, occupied for many years by George N. Harris and now Brooks Wolsh & Co. (See Deed Book 20, pages 506-508.) Feb. 8, 1866. Reg March 7, 1866. Wit Jos. D. Mason.
JOHN S. HILL, Madison Co., Tenn. sold to WILLIAM C. KIZER of same place, for $2000, 2 tracts in village of Spring Creek: Lot 1. 2 2/3 acres "beginning at Jno. L. Moores (J. P. & G. W. Haughton) southwest corner on stage road and running with said road. . . ." Lot 2. "Beginning at R. H. Hill's north east corner on the stage road running N. E. with said road to my original S. E. corner thence with my original line to V. B. Woolfolk's S. E. line thence to Woolfolk's S. E. corner thence with Woolfolk's line west the width of an alley, formerly laid off in Rogers plan of subdivision to the C. P. Church base line, thence south the line of a corner sold by Jno. C. Rogers to the trustees of Madison College thence east to their corner, thence south with their S. E. line thence S. E. with R. N. Hill's line to the beginning." 5½ acres. March 3, 1866. Reg March 8, 1866. No wits.34-35.
ADDISON PYLES and CYRUS SIMMONDS, exec of WILLIAM B. MARSHALL's will, as such sold to BENJAMIN A. HAYS lot of 2 acres in Jackson for $1775. Mar. 30, 1865. Reg Mar. 20, 1866. Wits G. Adamson, R. A. Burns.44-45.
BIRD S. JONES for "love and affection" for his daughter, MARTHA E. WILLIAM~ gave her 47½ acres in Civil Dist. 9, Madison Co. Dec. 7, 1865. Reg March 27, 1866. Wits T. J. Montague, Arnold Jones.45-46.
BIRD S. JONES for "love and affection" to his daughter, AMANDA MONTAGUE gave her 52 acres in Civil Dist. 9, Madison Co. on the Memphis & Ohio Railroad. Dec. 7, 1865. Reg March 27, 1866. Wits W. S. Williams, Arnold Jones.46-47.
BIRD S. JONES for "love and affection" for his daughter, MARY E. JONES gave her 52 acres in Civil Dist. 9, Madison Co. Dec. 7, 1865. Reg March 27, 1866. Wits T. J. Montague, W. S. Williams.
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BIRD S. JONES for "love and affection" for his daughter, TENNESSEE ANN JONES gave her 52 acres in Civil Dist. 9, Madison Co. Dec. 7, 1865. Reg March 27, 1866.54.
JULIUS C. EDWARDS, exec of JOHN S. EDWARDS, dec. as such conveyed to S. W. EDWARDS, son of JOHN S. EDWARDS the 60 acre tract known as the Kenner tract. April 26, 1860. Reg April 4, 1866. No wits.55-56.
ALEXANDER FAULKNER, Lauderdale Co., Tenn. sold to LAFAYETTE FAULKNER, for $150, 168 acres in Civil Dist. 18, known as the John Faulkner land, being 1/9 interest "heired to me" by his dec brother, JOHN FAULKNER. Mar. 28, 1861. Reg April 4, 1866. Wits James Soward, M. M. Faulkner.56-57.
M. M. FAULKNER sold to JAMES LOWRY his 1/9 interest in the John Faulkner land, of which Faulkner he was an hr, for $175. Oct. 5, 1865. Reg April 4, 1866. Wits Joseph Emison, J. R. McDonald.57.
RICHARD H. WARD and wife, JANE ELINDER, formerly Faulkner, Dyer Co., Tenn., for $138, sold to JAMES LOWERY their 1/9 interest in the land of John Faulkner, "except the reversion in the widow's dower." She signed with an "x" mark. Nov. 1, 1862. Reg Apr. 4, 1866. Wits S. D. Whitten, J. P. Jones.58.
JOHN P. JONES and wife, TABITHA JONES, formerly Faulkner, Dyer Co., Tenn. sold, for $276, their 1/9 interest in John Faulkner's land. Nov. 3, 1862. Reg Apr. 4, 1866. Wits William Emison, James Emison.66.
JOSEPH C. STEWARD, Madison Co., for "love I entertain" for sister, Mrs. JULIA A. E. CROOM and her two sons LOUIS M. and JEFFERSON D. CROOM and any other children she may have while still the wife of JOSEPH CROOM, 140 acres in Civil Dist. 17, near Mt. Pinson. Apr. 9, 1866. Reg Apr. 10, 1866. No wits.76-77.
WILLIAM G. SMITH, Madison Co., Tenn. sold to HENRY KIRBY, for $3000, an estimated 600 acres "known as the place upon which I have resided for the last fifteen years and composed of seven different tracts of land." Dec. 21, 1865. Reg Apr. 16, 1866. No wits.79-80.
ABRAM JOHNSON, adm of ADDISON NANNEY's estate conveyed to HAYLEY SHAW, for $500 paid to Nanney in his life-time a clear deed for this 100 acres purchase. Apr. 3, 1866. Reg Apr. 17, 1866. No wits.87-88.
W. E. BUTLER for "love and affection" for his daughter-in-law, DELIA and $5 besides conveyed to WILLIAM O. BUTLER in trust for her a 600 acre tract in Surveyor's Dist. 10, Range 1, Section 8. No wits.88-89.
Marriage Contract. Whereas a marriage was to be shortly solemnized between WALTER E. PRESTON, Phillips Co., Ark. and FANNIE M. HAYS, Madison Co. he relinquished any claim he might have on her property. If she died without children, he would inherit her property. Mar. 10, 1858. Reg Apr. 19, 1866. Wits A. J. Hays, R. J. Hays /Madison Co. marriage record shows that Walter E. Preston was married to Fannie Middleton Hays, March 10, 1858/90-91.
RADFORD WITHERS, exec of ISABELLA C. McCLELLAN's will, held at bidding-sale for Lot 70, Jackson, ¼ of an acre, whereon she lived at the time of her death, for $4000 to DANIEL O. MARCH. Dec. 23, 1865. Reg Apr. 23, 1866. No wits.97.
WILLIAM S. CALLAWAY, exec of BERNARD MITCHELL'S will, sold to D. H. KING a lot on Market St. in Jackson for $846. Apr. 14, 1866. Reg Apr. 27, 1866. No wits.98.
SAMUEL CROMWELL sold to S. G. ANDERSON, for $2360, 236 acres in Civil Dist. 14, known "as the Fenner place", including and excluding the grave yard on said tract as now fenced in the same where the White family are buried." Apr. 27, 1866. Reg Apr. 27, 1866. No wits.
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99. R. H. AYERS, Madison Co., Tenn. "in consideration of the regard I have for the will and testament of my wife E. H. AYERS, decd. and for $900 sold to HIRAM JOHNSON in trust for M. M. AYERS, son of R. H. and E. H. Ayers, 215 acres, "reserving forty acres in my own right included within said lands on which the buildings, orchard & garden are located." Mar. 21, 1866. Reg Apr. 27, 1866. No wits.
JULIUS JOHNSON sold to R. F. JOHNSON the interest in property "I acquire by right of my wife" in the estate of LUCY M. FENNER, 225 acres and livestock and furniture, including "2 family portraits, 2 fancy pictures (gilt frame)" and a "miscellaneous library." This was a mortgage deed. If he paid his debts on or by August 15, 1867 this deed was to be void, otherwise property was to be sold by R. F. Johnson. Apr. 28, 1866. Reg Apr. 28, 1866.122-123.
TERSA SANDLING, Haywood Co., Tenn., for $138, sold to JAMES LOWERY her 1/9 interest in the property of John Faulkner, dec. Nov. 20, 1862. Reg May. 8, 1866. Wits Charles D. Edington, H. Medlin.132.
BENJAMIN DAVIDSON, Shelby Co., Tenn. for "love and affection" for Mrs. M. A. FLINN, wife of W. H. FLINN, furniture, including mahogany bedstead, mahogany washstand, mahogany bureau and glass. Sept. 12, 1864. Reg May 21, 1866. No wits.140-141.
Whereas JAMES S. LYON in his life-time purchased a tract of land on Sept. 18, 1855 with the understanding that it was for NANCY CRENSHAW and she took possession of same, Lyon's exec, MARTHA D. LYON made here a clear deed for this 75 acres. May 17, 1866. Reg June 2, 1866. No wits.148.
WILLIAM S. CALLAWAY, exec of BERNARD MITCHELL's will, conveyed to CHARLES A. STILL, for $3060, a lot in Jackson. Feb. 26, 1866. Reg June 8, 1866. No wits.152.
Whereas there was a marriage contract between S. W. PENN and his wife, by which if he survived her, he inherited her estate and if she survived him, she would release her interest in his estate. Now, he relinquished all his interest in her estate at her death. May 30, 1866. Reg June 11, 1866. No wits. /Penn's wife's name was not given in this document./167.
WILLIAM S. CALLAWAY, Jackson, Tenn. sold for $200 a lot on Shannon Street known as the brickyard lot, to JOHN T. BEVERAGE, SAMUEL LANCASTER, JOHN L. BROWN for the use of the AFRICAN or COLORED METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Jackson. June 16, 1866. Reg June 22, 1866.223-224.
JAMES A. HUNT and wife, SALLIE F. of Panola Co., Mississippi for $100 sold to E. S. MATHEWS, Madison Co., their 1/3 of 1/7 interest in 454 acres in Surveyor's Dist. 10, Civil Dist. 9, Madison Co. "after the termination of Avery Hunt's life estate therein said tract." Aug. 2, 1866. Reg Aug. 7, 1866. No wits.230-231.
JAMES C. BUTLER, adm of BURWELL BUTLER's estate relinquished interest to ROBERT W. ATKINSON for 35 acres in Madison Co. for $1.81. Signed James C. Butler, Lavina Butler, John C. Rogers. Apr. 24, 1850. Reg Aug. 18, 1866. Wits A. Williams, W. A. Williams, E. J. Williams.236-237.
Whereas DAVID WATFORD and LUCY M. FENNER were desirous of dividing land they owned jointly, 680 acres, Watford agreed to her having ½ of this tract "including all the improvements with the buildings of every description." Aug. 23, 1859. Reg Aug. 14, 1866. Wits W. M. Tidwell, Jas. A. Killern /Skillern?/245.
Whereas by will of LEWIS BOND there was given to MARTHA E. BOND during her widowhood "the use of so much of the lands given to the testator's sons, LEWIS & THOMAS as she may require for the employment of her /work/ force. And whereas in consequence of the emancipation of her slaves," it was evident that she might acquire "but a small portion of said land and she therefore thinks it may be in her interest & duty to dissent from said
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will and to claim her dower." In order that she not do so, LEWIS BOND conveyed to her 200 acres bequeathed to him, off the south end of the Kirkpatrick tract and the privilege of working 50 acres on the balance of his land "whenever she chooses to do so." Aug. 2, 1866. Reg Aug. 20, 1866. Wits Geo. M. Sykes, Wm. L. Bond.
MARTHA L. BUGG for "love" for her son, ANDREW M. BUGG gave him 26 shares of bankstock, each share worth $100, in the Union Bank of Tennessee. June 23, 1866. Reg Sept. 4, 1866. Wits R. M. Gowan, Geo. W. Mills.282-283.
AMANDA SELBY, THOMAS SELBY and SAMUEL F. McCOY, grdn of PERRY SELBY, a minor, Chilicothe, Ohio and FRANKLIN NOTES and wife, ELLEN, formerly Selby, Columbus, Ohio gave POA to JOHN SELBY to receive their portions in estate of ANDREW J. SELBY who died August 22, 1866 leaving property in Mobile, Ala. and who was a son of JOHN SELBY and a brother of said AMANDA, THOMAS and ELLEN NOTES, who were his only hrs. Aug. 30, 1866. Reg Sept. 7, 1866. Wits Milton L. Clark, Erskew Carson.291-292.
CALVIN P. THOMAS and wife, SUSAN J., formerly HANSBRO, for $1000, sold to HIRAM J. HANSBRO all their interest in estate of WILLIAM MARSHALL, dec, Madison Co. Said William B. Marshall had willed to the hrs of ELIZABETH HANSBRO, formerly Elizabeth Marshall, and the Thomases being "one" of the hrs sold their interest to said H. J. Hansbro. Sept. 11, 1866. Reg Sept. 13, 1866. Wits James B. Thomas, J. T. Jarred.293-294.
Whereas Mrs. F. A. COBB, on April 5, 1854, executed a deed of gift to her daughter, Mrs. M. A. CRITTENDEN, an undivided 1/3 of land she owned. Now Mrs. Mrs. CRITTENDEN relinquishes any claim in this gift, the home tract "on which we reside" 3 miles south of Denmark, 1420 acres and in lieu take the 920 acres purchased of her grandfather, JAMES MERIWETHER's estate, 5½ miles north of Denmark. Her husband, H. S. CRITTENDEN agreed to this transaction. Mar. 28, 1858. Reg Sept. 14, 1866. Wits Jos. S. Edwards, James Weatherly, J. J. C. Murdock, J. T. Stark.300-301.
Whereas MINERVA HARRIS, mother of JAMES W. HARRIS, ROBERT HARRIS, EMILY HARRIS had sold to ROBERT J. RUFFIN two lots in Denmark, for $800, these hrs made him a clear deed for same. June 20, 1866. Reg Sept. 17, 1866. No wits.305-306.
E. J. WILLIAMS sold to W. A. P. WILLIAMS for $1 and other considerations, claim in estate of father, AMOS WILLIAMS, dec., 150 acres and in all perishable property. Sept: 18, 1866. Reg Sept. 19, 1866. Wits James M. Woollard, B. F. Puckett.307.
WILLIAM S. CHERRY "on condition that my wife ELIZABETH CHERRY will come home to my house & live with me" conveyed all his growing crop, along with other personal property to her. Sept. 22, 1866. Reg Sept. 22, 1866. No wits.316-317.
WILLIAM G. SMITH, trustee of Dr. JOHN C. ROGERS, Madison Co., Tenn. sold to T. B. UTLEY, GREEN UTLEY and J. B. UTLEY a tract "near the town of Spring Creek, Tennessee and known as the Rogers home tract" on Lavenia road, 183, for $3100.05. Sept. 21, 1866 . Reg Sept . 28, 1866.344-345.
SAMUEL BURTON, adm of JAMES BURTON, dec. estate, who in his life-time gave a bond title to PARIS T. UTLEY, conveyed to WILLIAM W. WEATHERLY with a request that this land be made to Weatherly, so that the adm conveyed, for $2715, the 150 acres on Big Black Creek in Civil Dist. 3, Madison Co. involved. June 9, 1866. Reg Oct. 8, 1866. No wits.360-361.
ALVIS PERRY for "love" of his mother, ADELINE PERRY gave her 2 mules and a two-horse wagon, towards her support. Signed with an "x" mark. Oct. 1866. Reg Oct. 18, 1866. No wits.
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MARY ANN WADE, Madison Co., Tenn. as adm of JOHN C. WADE's estate, sold 640 acres which was acquired in 1849, to JAMES H. BAKER for $4500. Mention made of Denmark and Estanaula road. Execution date not given. Reg Oct. 20, 1866. No wits.369-370.
JOHN J. BOON, exec of FREDERICK MAYO's will, as such sold on Jan. 7, 1861 to JONATHAN TERRELL the dower of Mayo's wife as she was deceased, this being 20 acres in Civil Dist. 3, on Johnson's Creek, Madison County. July 21, 1864. Reg Oct. 23, 1866. No wits.380-381.
HENRY F. LOCKE, ANDREW L. BROWNand wife, ELIZABETH, M. M. JONES and wife, FRANCES A., MARY L. LOCKE, sold their interest in land inherited from R. J. LOCKE, dec to ISAAC M. JONES, for $450 and MARY J. LOCKE sold her dower interest, 68 acres, adjoining the town of Cotton Grove, for $200, to the same man. Feb. 20, 1866. Reg Oct. 29, 1866. Wits S. A. Mason, J. J. Mclntosh.381-382.
JOHN P. SIMMON and wife, MARTHA E., formerly LOCKE (sold to ISAAC JONES their interest in Locke land adjoining Cotton Grove for $150. Oct. 29, 1866. Reg Oct. 29, 1866. No wits.383-384.
LEWIS JONES sold his interest in the estate of his father, ELIJAH JONES, who died in April 1866, to RUBIN JONES for $500. Oct. 25, 1866. Reg Oct. 31, 1866. No wits.384-385.
JAMES G. REID, Madison Co., Tenn. sold to JOHN R. ALSTON, for $2500, 100 acres in Civil Dist. 3, Madison Co. in trust for the support of FRANCES A. MURCHISON and her children. Nov. 1, 1866. Reg Nov. 1, 1866. No wits.398-399.
STEPHEN BURRUS, JR., Yellowbushy Co., Mississippi sold to JOHN W. ROBINSON, for $900, 48 acres "it being a part of the land known as the Burrus land and my part on division." Jan. 18, 1866. Reg Nov. 7, 1866. Wits Tim P. Jones, John D. Bond.412-423.
JAMES R. MALONE, Madison Co., Tenn. for $5904.90 sold to CAROLINE W. MALONE, same county, as she had assumed his debt for $600 and costs, the tract "known as the Huntsman place, " 457 acres on the Jackson to Cotton Grove road. Nov. 16, 1866. Reg Nov. 19, 1866. No wits.417-418.
WILLIAM L. JACKSON sold to SARAH A. JACKSON his undivided ½ of tract of land in Civil Dist. 4, Madison Co. "being the same conveyed John Jackson to my father HENRY D. JACKSON." Nov. 21, 1866. Reg Nov. 21, 1866. No wits.427-428.
MARY O. BUTLER and THOMAS HENDERSON, New Orleans, Louisiana gave POA to WILLIAM E. BUTLER, JR. to sell all their Tennessee lands. Nov. 16, 1866. Reg Nov. 26, 1866. No wits.433-434.
MADISON VINSON, ELIZABETH VINSON, ALVIS F. VINSON and SAMANTHA VINSON, Madison Co., Tenn. sold to JAMES GLIDEWELL their undivided interest in 96 acres in Surveyor's Dist. 10, Range 2, Section 7. Signed, M. Vinson, Elizabeth Vinson (x mark), Jasper Umble (x mark), Elizabeth Umble (x mark), A. F. Vinson, Samantha Vinson (x mark). Oct. 7, 1865. Reg Nov. 30, 1866. Wits W. W. Glidewell, Frederic Anderson (x mark).449.
GEORGE HICKS for "love and affection" for his son, KENNETH G. HICKS gave him 202 acres in Madison Co. Nov. 5, 1866. Reg Dec. 6, 1866. No wits.449-450.
GEORGE HICKS for "love and affection" for his son, RANSOM B. HICKS gave him 200 acres in Madison Co. Dec. 5, 1866. Reg Dec. 6, 1866.458-459.
Whereas by death of ARCHIBALD REID and MARTHA A. REID, JOHN . and ELIZA F. BLACKMON received land in Civil Dist. 13, Madison Co. and sold same to JOHN M. REID. Jan. 3, 1861. Reg Dec. 8, 1866. No wits.
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MARY J. S. STODDERT for $7518.37 paid her by HARRIET C. STODDERT, $3097.77 paid her by MARY J. CARUTHERS and $7038.37 by WILLIAMINA STODDERT, sold the hotel called the Madison Hotel to Harriet C. and Williamina, with garden and stable with it; 15 acres on Royal St., excluding 5½ acres where "the new dwelling /was/ being built" and 10 acres to Harriet C. and Mary J. Dec. 8, 1866. Reg Dec. 18, 1866. No wits.471-472.
MARTHA J. S. SANDERS sold her dower in WILLIAM SANDERS' "old tract", on which she lived, to JOHN R. MAYFIELD, A. J. WILLIAMS AND AMANDA FLY for $555. March 3, 1866. Reg Dec. 18, 1866. Wits T. P. Allen, T. B. Barnett.479-480.
THADEUS H. BOYKIN sold to JAMES BOYKIN his undivided interest in the tract whereon his father, WILLIAM W. BOYKIN, dec had lived and also another tract called the Epps tract. Dec. 24, 1866. Reg Dec. 24, 1866. No wits.486.
WILLIAM R. HAMMOND, for $700 in gold, sold to MILES MORGAN HAMMOND his interest in the estate of his father, JAMES MADISON HAMMOND, dec. Dec. 26, 1866. Reg Dec. 26, 1866. No wits.500-50l.
Madison County Court, on August 8, 1866 received report showing that the clerk had sold, Aug. 1, 1866, the Utley land to THOMAS HILLARD for $323.75. This being 66¾ acres on the McLemoresville road. The court therefore vested interest to Hillard and divested from hrs of JOSEPH T. UTLEY. Reg Jan. 1, 1867.514.
HENRY J. PEARSON for "love and affection" for his daughter, NANCY E. PEARSON gave her a piano. July 28, 1866. Reg Jan. 8, 1867. Wits R. W. Sims, W. D. Williams.565-566.
Madison County Court heard cause, Nov. 7, 1866: WILLIAM LEWIS and MEREDITH P. LEWIS v J. G. FUTRELL and wife, MARTHA A. RICHARD LEWIS, dec., late of Madison Co. had left a will proven in Nov. 1865, leaving 310 acres to ANN LEWIS during widowhood or natural life, then to MEREDITH P. LEWIS and MARTHA A., who had married JAMES G. FUTRELL, and ANN allowed a division of land in her life-time so that 158 acres went to MEREDITH P. LEWIS and 158 acres to MARTHA A. FUTRELL, next to a 2 acre lot belonging to Antioch Church. Court confirmed this agreement among the Lewis hrs. Reg Jan. 26, 1867.566-567.
Whereas a marriage contract had been made, Feb. 18, 1860 between SAMUEL W. PENN and CLEMENTINE M. ALEXANDER, Marshall Co., Miss., by which she reserved the right to her own property. On Jan. 29, 1867, JAMES G. WOMACK, for $1000 had sold to her 9¾ acres in Denmark, beginning at a stake in the Estanaula road. This property by their contract was hers alone. Reg Jan. 29, 1867.573-574.
ARCHELAUS M. WHITE, Madison Co., Tenn. for "love" of his sons, HUGH L. WHITE and ALBERT C. WHITE gave them 217 acres valued at $3472. Jan. 26, 1867. Reg Feb. 21, 1867. No wits.601-602.
HRS of WILEY J. BOYD conveyed to W. M. BOYD their interest in the Phillips tract in Civil Dist. 13, Madison Co. Signed, MARGARET BOYD (x mark), SUSAN E. GRAY (x mark), WILLIAM SIDNEY GRAY (x mark), ROBERT ANN BOYD (x mark), MARY E. BOYD (x mark). Feb. 27, 1865. Reg Feb. 11, 1867. Wits Samuel Turner (x mark), Luther Turner (x mark), H. Bond.
CYRUS E. MATHIS and JANE W. MATHIS sold to ALEX THOMPSON, for $1000, 40 acres in Civil Dist. 16 willed to her by her (unnamed) father. Feb. 7, 1867. Reg Feb. 9, 1867. Wits J. R. Woolfolk, William Hopper. She signed with an "x" mark.
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Whereas JAMES WATT, dec., Madison Co., Tenn. left 40 acres to JANE W. MATHIS, and she had sold it to ALEX THOMPSON and used the proceeds to buy 100 acres in the estate of WHALEY CASH, dec; and whereas purchase had been made in name of her husband, CYRUS E. MATHIS, but should have been conveyed to and in her name. This deed clarified this error. Feb. 7, 1867. Reg Feb. 9, 1867.613-615.
Madison County Court. Cause heard April 4, 1866. ELI ELSTON, ALEXANDER GRAY and wife, ASA PATTERSON and wife, HENRY WOODARD and wife v JNO. D. E. ELSTON, DAVID ELSTON, PATRICK MOORE and children, WILLIAM WALLACE and wife, JANE and children. The 400 acres they had as hrs had been sold by the court to THOMAS J. STURDEVANT, 53 acres. Vested in Sturdevant; divested from the hrs by the court. Reg Feb. 22, 1867.619-626.
Madison County Court, January 5, 1860 had heard report in this case:
Lot 1, Meekins Williams, 42½ acres valued at $633
Lot 2, Berry Williams, 42½ acres valued at $400
Lot 3, Mathew Williams, 59½ acres valued at $684
Lot 4, Siddy Ann Williams, 43 acres valued at $450
Lot 5, Willeford Williams, 43 acres valued at $450
Lot 6, Newton Williams, 42 acres valued at $564
Lot 7, Elizabeth Ellington, 47½ acres valued at $500
Lot 8, Peter Williams, 41¼ acres valued at $700
Lot 9, James N., Meekins N., Almedia L. Jackson, children of LOUISA JANE JACKSON, dec., 40 acres.
Total value of land, $5490. The Negroes in the estate, valued at $11,500, with each share amounting to $1150, were divided also. Court agreed to this division dated Dec. 31, 1859, by the commissioners appointed to do so, i.e., Sugars McLemore, H. J. Pearson, A. G. McClellan. Reg Feb. 26, 1867.629-630.
Marriage Contract. Whereas a marriage was soon to take place between Dr. JOHN S. FENNER and S. VIRGINIA DAY, both of Madison Co., he relinquished claim on her property. Feb. 27, 1867. Reg Feb. 27, 1867. Wits J. B. Caruthers, R. H. Fenner /Madison Co. marriage record shows Dr. John S. Fenner married Virginia Day, February 27, 1867/633-634.
Agreement dated Feb. 26, 1867 between HARRIET E. McCLELLAN and MARY E. WORRILL. Whereas A. G. McCLELLAN in his will of May 6, 1866 gave a life-interest to Harriet E. and Mary E. Now, Mary E. for love of her mother, Harriet E. conveyed her half of all the property in the estate to her. Reg March 1, 1867. Wits John L. H. Tomlin, J. Q. A. McClellan.635.
As MARY E. WORRILL had conveyed to HARRIET E. McCLELLAN, the tract willed to them in the will of A. G. McCLELLAN, now Harriet conveyed to Mary E. "an undivided half of all the property of every kind, real and personal mentioned in said will of A. G. McClellan." Feb. 26, 1867. Reg Mar. 2, 1867. Wits John L. H. Tomlin, J. Q. A. McClellan.
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