By Jonathan K. T. Smith
Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 1995
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CYRUS BREVARD, ALFRED A. BREVARD, exec of John Brevard, late of Smith Co., Tenn., by virtue of a POA from the Circuit Court of Smith Co., Oct. 1828, ordered for registration sale of 1624 acres "on the south fork of the Forked Deer River" in SD 10, R 1, Ss 8-9, Madison Co., for $1624, bought by ALEXANDER PATTON and RANSOM H. BYRN, Madison Co. A residue of Grant 23588 for 2560 acres some of which had already been sold. June 9, 1834. Reg Oct. 9, 1834. Wits John Read, Clement R. Jameson, John Ridens.
LEWIS NEEDHAM and JOHN THOMPSON, the latter a son-in-law of Needham, and SINA SIMPSON, wife of John Simpson and daughter of Lewis Needham, in a transaction in which for "natural 10ve and affection" Needham deeded 100 acres to Thompson and Sina Simpson. SD 9, R 1, S 10. Feb. 1, 1832. Reg Oct. 18, 1834. No wits.
Whereas by will of ALEXANDER PORTER, dec. $3000 was bequeathed to his daughter, JANE ELIZA CAMPBELL and her children to be vested in "negro slaves" James A. Porter, exec purchased four negroes from John W. Campbell and John C. McLemore for $1640 on Sept. 20, 1833 for this purpose. Their names:Moses, about 33 yrs. old; Hany, about 22 yrs old; John, about 22 yrs old; Alfred, about 13 yrs old. Alexander Allison of Nashville, Tenn. . was named as trustee for Jane Eliza and her children for this property. Sept. 21, 1833.
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Whereas by will of ALEXANDER PORTER, dec. $3000 was bequeathed to his daughter, Jane Eliza Campbell and her children to be vested in "negro slaves" James A. Porter, exec purchased a slave, Martha, about 15 yrs old from John W. Campbell for this purpose, for $360, on Feb. 3, 1834. Recorded date of May 1, 1834. No wits.
Whereas by will of ALEXANDER PORTER, dec. $3000 was bequeathed to his daughter, JANE ELIZA CAMPBELL and her children to be vested in "negro slaves" James A. Porter, exec two slaves from Eli Anderson and Samuel L. Anderson, for $1000 for this purpose. Their names:Ned, 27 yrs old and his wife, Rebecca, 28 yrs old. Oct. 28, 1833. Date of document Nov. 8, 1833. No wits.
By his will GEORGE TODD, dec left property to ELIZABETH HUNTSMAN and her children. Roderick McIver, exec on his belief and that of Adam Huntsman, the "father of said children that /the/ wish and intention of the said George Todd can be more beneficially carried into operation by vesting the said bequest to Elizabeth Huntsman and her children in Negro property by conveyance to Roderick McIver in trust for the purpose and the said Adam Huntsman being willing in order to raise money to pay his debts to sell Patsey, a girl about thirteen years old" for $300; Rose, a girl, 8 or 9 yrs old for $200; Mariah, a girl about 5 yrs old for $150. McIver agreed to pay out of Todd's estate $650 towards purchase of these slaves, paying Huntsman's debts, particularly one he owed the Bank of the United States, $643. 40. McIver was to hold these slaves for Elizabeth Huntsman and her children in trust. Nov. 1, 1834. Reg Nov. 7, 1834. No wits
KEZIA MOORE, formerly of Madison Co., Tenn., now of Shelby Co., Tenn. having confidence "in the ability and faithfulness" of her brother-in- law, CHARLES STEWART, Memphis, Tenn., gave him a POA to transact business for her in Madison Co. and elsewhere. Nov. 10, 1834. Reg Nov. 11, 1834. Wits P. S. Gains, W. J. Frazer.
ELISHA BUTLER and MICHAEL CLICK, Rowan Co., N.C. gave POA to JOHN H. FREELING, Madison Co., Tenn. to recover from Thomas Allison, adm of estate of William Butler, dec., late of Madison Co., money due them. Elisha signed with an "x" mark. Oct. 18, 1834. Reg Nov. 27, 1834. Wits H. G. Parker, W. Wilson, Wm. W. Freeling.
Indenture dated Dec. 8, 1832 between AGNES JONES, Haywood Co., Tenn. and Edward West of same, that whereas she was "about to unite herself by marrying to one JAMES H. CLARK" of Tipton Co., Tenn. To secure her interest in lands, slaves, money that she carried into the marriage, including 1/3 part of 80 acres in Limestone Co., Ala., a negro boy, Edmund about 10 yrs old and $1000 in notes and money, she and Clark agreed that Edward West was to serve as her trustee on this property. If she wishes to sell any or all of the property subsequently she could do so. She could dispose of her said property as she wished. Dec. 8, 1832. Reg. Dec. 1, 1834. Wits R. H. Jones, Jno. Postlewait.
DANIEL JOHNSON, ALEXANDER JOHNSON, JOHN JOHNSON, DUNCAN JOHNSON, JAMES KINNEY and wife, CATHERINE; TRISTRAM PATTON and wife, CHRISTIAN; ALCEY PACE and wife, POLLY; ISAAC NEAL and wife, SARAH; MALCOLM A. JOHNSON; all hrs of Dunkin Johnson, dec. deeded 96½ acres "on the waters of the south fork of the Forked Deer River", SD 10, R 2, S 8, to CHRISTOPHER HUTCHINGS for $300. Wits R. C. Hodge, Saml. McClanahan, George Neal, J. Hartmel (?), Wm. D. Johnson, Alexander Johnson (for Daniel Johnson), F. C. Edwards. June 10, 1834. Reg Dec. 22, 1834. All the women grantors signed the deed with their "x" marks.
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FRANCIS HARDGROVE sold, for $14 from BURWELL BUTLER, an undivided tract of 114 acres, SD 9, R 2, S 10, part of 640 grant to John Hardgrove, his interest in the widow's dower, "which tract of land before named I am intitled to one fifth part after the death of my mother Polly Hardgrove, now Polly Freeman," and he relinquishes his claim now to Burwell Butler. Oct. 8, 1834. Reg Jan. 30, 1835. Wits Wm. R. Buchanen, Wm. B. S. Hall.
FRANCIS C. HARDGROVE, Madison Co., Tenn. sold to BURWELL BUTLER, Madison Co., Tenn. 60 acres for $300, part of 640 acres granted to John Hard- grove in SD 9, R 2, S 10 and "all my undivided interest that I have in" an undivided tract of land purchased by his grandfather, Francis Hardgrove from John Brown. Land on the Forked Deer River in Haywood Co., Tenn. Aug. 28, 1834. Reg Jan. 21, 1835. Wits Wm. R. Buchanon, Wm. B. S. Hall.
Indenture dated January 19, 1835 between SOLOMON DUTY, Fayette Co., Tenn. and COLLIN PERSON, Madison Co., Tenn. for $800, his right to a tract of land on Trace Creek "adjoining with the Cotton Grove tract." Also lands belonging to hrs of Dr. Robert Dickson, dec. and Fleming Willis, left in the will of his father, William Duty to him and his brother, HIRAM DUTY to be equally divided between them at the death of their mother, Rachel Duty. Person to have "all the land west of the publick road leading from Cotton Grove to Spring Creek until you come to a cross fence near the machion /mansion/ house." Reg Jan. 26, 1835. Wits Jos. R. Darnall, Benj. Person.
JOHN McCLELLAN for "natural love and affection" for his son, JAMES D. McCLELLAN deeded him Lot 70 in Jackson, Tenn. Nov. 12, 1832. Reg Jan. 29, 1835. Wits R. H. Byrn, S. C. McClellan.
PHILIP ALSTON, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" and $50 besides deeded to his son, PHILIP ALSTON "the tract of land whereon I now reside containing about five hundred acres." Johnson Creek mentioned in the deed. Jan. 10, 1835. Reg Feb. 8, 1835. No wits.
PHILIP ALSTON, Madison Co., Tenn. for "love and affection" for his son, WILLIAM ALSTON deeded him slaves, Alfred about 17 yrs old and Albert about 4 yrs old; and the "small boy" Jack. Jan. 18, 1835. Reg Feb. 8, 1835. No wits.
PHILIP ALSTON, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his daughter, EMILY JOHNSTON and $50 besides from James Johnston, deeded to them slaves Susey about 15 yrs old and Visee about 8 yrs old. Dec. 18, 1834. Reg Feb. 8, 1835. No wits.
PHILIP ALSTON, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his daughter, ANN E. PIGUES /PEGUES/ and $20 besides a slave, Margret about 5 yrs old. Jan. 10, 1835. Reg Feb. 8, 1835, No wits.
PHILIP ALSTON, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his daughter, LOUISA ALSTON and $20 besides, deeded her slaves Lyda about 12 yrs old, Milla about 7 yrs old; Julius about 3 yrs old.
PHILIP ALSTON, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his daughter, MARY ALSTON, and $50 besides, deeded her slaves: Dealy, Mary, Ralph and Jurden. Jan. 10, 1835. Reg Feb. 8, 1835. No wits.
PHILIP ALSTON, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his son, PHILIP ALSTON and $50 besides, deeded him slaves, Ned, Clary and her sons George and Andrew; Ottoway. Jan. 20, 1835. Reg Feb. 8, 1835. No wits.
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ALEXANDER CLAIBORN and wife, ELIZABETH, formerly wife of Adison Boyd, dec relinquished any claim on the latter's estate as CHARLES BOYD has deeded them several slaves, including also the interest they held in the portion left to Martha Frances Boyd, dec. daughter of Adison Boyd. Jan. 14, 1835. Reg Feb 9, 1835. No wits.
DAVID WRENN, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for "my beloved grandson, DAVID JACKSON GARRETT" deeded him a negro man, Henry, a bed, bedstead and furniture. No date of transaction but deed was reg Feb. 14, 1835. Wits Wm. N. Morgan, Jo W. Nanny.
DAVID WRENN, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for "my beloved granddaughter, TENNESSEE PARLEE ROBISON" deeded her a negro girl, Louisa, bed and furniture and a side saddle. "Dec. 12, 1834. Reg Feb. 14, 1835 . Wits Wm. N. Morgan, J. W. Nanny.
SAMUEL RHEA for "full consideration to him in hand paid" by NICHOLAS FAIN and wife, ELIZABETH, WM. K. McALESTER, WILLIAM GAMMON, RICHARD FAIN and ABRAHAM GAMMON, 151 acres, SD 9, R _ S 10 in Andlers Anderson's estate. Jan. 22, 1835. Reg April 26, 1835. Wits Robt. P. Rhea, Jas. R. Anderson.
Indenture and Partition between THOMAS F. SANDERS, LEONDAS SANDERS, FRANCIS SANDERS and ELIZABETH SANDERS, the last 3 persons being minors but acting through their guardian, Thomas F. Sanders; ROBERT H. LAKE and wife, MARY M.; all hrs of Francis Sanders, dec. R. H. Lake had purchased the undivided interest of WILLIAM SANDERS another heir. He quit claimed his wife's interest and that of William Sanders to the other heirs. Jan. 28, 1835. Reg May 20, 1835.
COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF JACKSON, TENNESSEE conveyed to the hrs of WILLIAM BRADEN, Madison Co., Tenn. Lots 63 and 88 in Jackson as the late William Braden had paid $300 for them in his life-time. These heirs: James Braden, Harry C. Braden, Alexander C. Braden, Margarett Douglass, Eliza Anderson, Nancy Fondsworth, Terresa Love and by right of their mother, Mary Wyly: Terresa H. Wyly, Alexander Wyly, Margarett Wyly, Thomas Wyly. Oct. 10, 1834. Reg July 28, 1835. Wits M. Deberry, Wm. Armour.
Indenture dated Aug. 15, 1835 between MARY NEWSOM, Madison Co., Tenn. who plans to marry JESSE TAYLOR, Henderson Co., Tenn. In order to secure the possessions she is to carry into the marriage and property Taylor owned in Brazoria, Texas and the Austin Colony in Texas that he agreed she would have a life-interest in, placed these properties for Mary Newsom in trust with Dawson D. Bennett and Christopher H. Williams. She could sell subsequently any of her own property but the property conveyed by Jesse Taylor to her, at her death, would go to the children "then surviving, as well as those he now has as those he may have by the said Mary, share and share alike." Aug. 15, 1835. Reg Aug. 19, 1835. Wits W. C. Hutchison, John May, Nancy G. Bennett, Elizabeth Hutchison.
WILLIAM BETTS, Madison Co., Tenn. for "love and affection" for his daughter, PATSEY COMPTON and $1 paid by John Compton, deeded at his death 300 acres, including the farm he then lived on. Aug. 15, 1835. Reg Sept. 14, 1835. Wits S. E. Shoemaker, James Whiteside (who signed with an "x").
WILLIAM BETTS, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his daughter, PATSEY COMPTON and $1 paid by John Compton, deeded her at his death, the negro girl, Sall. Aug. 15, 1835. Reg Sept. 14, 1835. Wits S. E. Shoemaker, James Whiteside (who signed with an "x").
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RICHARD LEE HOGG, Smith Co., Tenn. was intitled through his wife, ELIZABETH HOGG, along with HARRET HARTON, JOHN HARTON, SARAH HARTON, hrs of Daniel Harton, late of Madison Co. to several slaves. Hogg was formerly guardian of these Harton hrs but now divests all interest in estate to their present guardian, John P. Harton. May 14, 1835. Reg Sept. 22, 1835. Wits Alex. B. Bradford, Jno. Johnson.
PHILIP I. READ, Madison Co., Tenn. for a "consideration of a valuable consideration" quit-claimed an interest to his brother, EDWARD J. READ, all interest in the estate of their father, Philip Read, formerly of Nelson Co., Ky. Sept. 10, 1835. Reg Oct. 15, 1835. No wits.
COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF JACKSON, TENNESSEE to the hrs of WILLIAM BRADEN Lot 96 in Jackson as he had paid $80 for it in his life-time. These heirs:James Braden, Harry C. Braden, Alexander G. Braden, Margarett Douglass, Eliza Anderson, Nancy Fondsworth, Terresa Love and by the right of their mother, Mary (Molly) Wyly, Terresa H. Wyly, Alexander Wyly, Margarett Wyly, Thomas Wyly. Sept. 29, 1835. Reg Oct. 19, 1835.
CHRISTOPHER HUTCHINGS, Madison Co., Tenn. "for divers good causes & considerations" conveyed to John H. Rawlings Lot 59 in Jackson, a slave named Mary, in trust for the "use and benefit" of Mrs. ELIZABETH POSEY, wife of Paros T. Posey, Madison Co., Ala., formerly Elizabeth Hutchings, for her life-time, then to her daughters, Mary C. and Elizabeth Hutchings. May 22, 1835. Reg Oct. 27, 1835.
EVERARD M. EGGLESTON, Powhatan Co., Va. is to marry HARRIETT C. BAUGH, widow of William Baugh, Louisa Co., Va. In an indenture dated Oct. 3, 1832 it was agreed that her "considerable" property, mostly slaves, was to be held in trust for her by FRANCIS L. CAMPBELL. She was to have control of her property and at her death it would go to her husband. No wits but the indenture was witnessed before two Justices of the Peace in Louisa Co., Va. Oct. 3, 1833. Reg Nov. 2, 1835.
WILLIAM WHITE, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for son-in-law, JOHN S. ROBBINS deeded him several slaves. June 25, 1835. Reg Nov. 4, 1835. Wits Frederick Hooker, James G. Hooker (signed with an"x").
JOSEPH GOLIGHTLY, Madison Co., Tenn. gave POA to SHANDS GOLIGHTLY, Madison Co., Tenn. to receive for him any monies "due me from my fathers estate in the County of Hickman, "Tenn. Signed with an "x. "Nov. 3, 1835. Reg Nov. 9, 1835. No wits.
ENOCH W. TERRY and WILLIAM JOHNSON for "love and affection" for Mildred Ann Jones, David Ward Jones, Virginia Frances Jones, children of William N. Jones, deeded them a negro girl, Delsey. Nov. 2, 1835. Reg Nov. 20, 1835. Wits Alexander Terry, M. Terry.
JOSEPH J. FREEMAN, guardian of the hrs of Mathew Due, dec, Wilson Co., Tenn. gave POA to JAMES D. McCLELLAN to take possession of house and lot 75 in Jackson, make repairs to same and get possession of same property on Jan. 1, 1836. Dec. 9, 1835. Reg Dec. 9, 1835. No wits.
GEORGE E. BADGER, Raleigh, N.C. Whereas Col. Wm. Polk of Wake Co., N.C. now dec. by deed July 29, 1833 gave to Badger and his wife, Mary M., a 500 acre tract in Obion Co., Tenn. and on Aug. 28, 1833 another tract of 601 acres on Rutherford Creek in Maury Co., Tenn. and as Mary B. Badger, a daughter of Wm. Polk, died March 1, 1835, Badger was entitled to other properties by right of his wife in the Polk estate. Thomas D. Devereaux had been appointed to handle the business regarding two tracts deeded the Badgers but he was released and Badger appointed Leonidas and Lucius J. Polk to represent him in property he was due. March 17, 1835. Reg Dec. 12, 1835. Wits E. B. Freeman, Will H. Haywood, Jr.
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SHEPHERD RUSHING, DIXON RUSHING, BARTLETT MELTON, Sumpter Co., Ala. gave POA to GROFTEN GATEWOOD "to go to the county of Madison in the State of Tennessee" to take charge of any interest there they had from the estate of the late William Morris, by right of their wives: Shepherd Rushing and wife, Mahala; Dixon Rushing and wife, Nancy; Bartlett Melton and wife, Mary; daughters of Wm. Morris. Oct. 30, 1835. Reg. Dec. 14, 1835. No wits.
HEZEKIAH G. SPRUILL, Tyrrel Co., N.C. gave POA to JORDEN J. PHELPS, Washington, N.C. to settle the part of the estate of STARKEY GARRETT, Madison Co., Tenn. belonging to him by right of his wife, Ann L. Spruill, sister of Starkey Garrett. Oct. 18, 1835. Reg. Dec. 14, 1835. Wits Wm. Mann, Silas Davenport.
The Braden heirs mentioned on pages 229-230, 202, sold their Lots 96, 88, 63 in Jackson to Alexander Patton and William Taylor, Dec. 1, 1835.
WILLIAM JONES for the "natural love and affection" for his son, BIRD JONES, deeded a slave, Gabrel, 30 yrs old, livestock, household and kitchen furniture to him. April 15, 1833. Reg Jan. 8, 1836. Wits R. C. Hodge, L. Mackenzie.
CHARLES READY, Rutherford Co., Tenn. in his own behalf and as one of the hrs of Robert Nelson, dec. and representing George Gillespie and wife, Allen; Green K. Cesna, Philip H. Nelson, Joseph S. Chism and wife, Catharine; James R. Garrett and wife, Jane H.; Samuel L. Nelson, Archibald D. Nelson, Charles B. Nelson, Joseph C. Strong, sold 500 acres in SD 10, R 3, S 7, Madison Co. to ARCHIBALD A. McKOY. Oct. 28, 1832. Reg Jan. 11, 1836. Wits John Ingram, Milton Brown.
JAMES C. MOOR_ and MARTHA, his wife, sold 628 acres to WILLIAM P. PURDY as hrs of Elizabeth Purdy, formerly Philips, dec. Dec. 24, 1835. Reg Feb. 5, 1836. Wits M. G. Reevs, J. H. Sumner.
DUNCAN JOHNSON and SARAH NEAL, formerly Johnson, both of Wilson Co., Tenn. sold for $70, 100 acres in Madison Co. as legatees of Duncan Johnson. Oct. 20, 1835. Reg Feb. 9, 1836. Wits James Buchanon, D. A. McEacher.
Same parties, as on pages 426-427, sold acreage in Madison Co. to JOHN JOHNSON, Oct. 20, 1835. Reg Feb. 10, 1836.
DANIEL JOHNSON, ALEXANDER JOHNSON, MALCOM JOHNSON, A. M. N. JOHNSON, JAMES KINNEY and wife, CATHARINE; TRISTRAM PATTON and wife, CHRISTIAN; ALSEY PACE and wife, POLLY; hrs of Duncan Johnson sold to JOHN JOHNSON 100 acres in SD 10, R 2, S 10 for $300. Jan. 30, 1836. Reg. Feb. 10, 1836. No wits.
MARTHA ANN WHITFIELD, Williamson Co., Tenn. gave POA to WEST T. JOHNSON, Madison to act in her name as guardian of H. W. WHITFIELD, dec. about anything due his estate. Feb. 19, 1836. Reg March 10, 1836. No wits.
HENRY READ, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to BURWELL BUTLER, acting exec of John Hardgrove, dec., Madison Co., a slave girl, Juda about 30 yrs old, which Butler bought for Polly Freernan, widow of John Hardgrove, in lieu of a slave, Lewis, which the Madison Co. Court ordered sold, and at her death, Juda would descend to the heirs of John Hardgrove, dec. Feb. 5, 1836. Reg March 11, 1836.
THOMAS SANDERSON, Amherst Co., Va. for "natural love and affection" for his daughter, NANCY CAMPBELL, a slave, Martha and a bay horse, held in trust for her by Wrn. H. Knight. Oct. 26, 1832. Reg March 14, 1836. No wits.
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461. ATLAS JONES deeded to his granddaughter, REBECCA ANN FENNER, a negro girl, Nelly about 1 month old, child of Rose, sometimes called Rosetta. March 28, 1836. Reg March 28, 1836. No wits.
Received from JOHN S. ROBBINS, adm of William White, dec estate, "our share" of same, including 150 acres, furniture, two slaves. Signed WILLIAM and SELETHA ROBBINS, both of whom signed with "x's". May 30, 1836. Reg June 1, 1836.
Will of NICHOLAS WILBURN, Williarnson Co., Tenn. executed by him and probated Jan. 1836 in Williamson Co., registered in Madison Co. June 7, 1836. Named his wife, Sarah. Children: F. G. Wilburn, Mary, wife of Theodorick Carter; Milly Milburn; Nancy Wilburn; Daniel Wilburn; Elizabeth Wilburn; land and slaves. Son, F. G. Wilburn and Robert Daves execs. Wits T. J. White, Robert Daves.
ROBERT and SUSAN BROWN, his wife, sold their interest she had in the estate of James Brown (her father), the land Brown's widow lived on, for $100 to James R. Brown and James Henderson. June 25, 1836. Reg June 27, 1836.
MARGARETT G. NEEL, Mecklenburg Co., N.C. conveyed to THOMAS G. NEEL and SAMUEL J. NEEL, of Fayette Co., Tenn., "hars" of said Margarett, 200 acres in Madison Co., part of 2000 acres granted to Robert Erwin, "laid off to said Margarett as part of the land willed to her by her late father Thos. Green, decd. Also, 481 acre tract in Giles Co., Tenn., also from her father. Another tract, in Haywood Co., Tenn. 400 acres granted to Thomas Green out of a total of 2000 acres, "and deeded to Margarett Neel and Samuel N. by the late Thos. Green." Sept. 2, 1835. Reg July 7, 1836. Wits H. H. Neel, A. G. Neel.
JOHN R. NEWSOM, WILLIAM MAY and wife, NANCY, formerly Newsom, dau. of Eldridge Newsom, both legatees of said Newsom of Madison Co., Tenn., for $800 sold 166 2/3 acres to JAMES NEWSOM, 150 acres of which "is an equal south part of a tract of land of four hundred and fifty acres conveyed . . . to Eldridge Newsom and John Spencer" out of a 750 acres from a 6075 acre grant to J. H. Eaton originally. Spencer "released" his interest in the tract to Eldrige Newsom, Feb. 6, 1826. Dec. 23, 1833. Reg July 20, 1836. Wits J. F. Cloud, Harbert Newsom.
HENRY S. SIMONTON, Tuscaloosa Co., Ala. gave POA to JOSEPH C. SIMONTON, same place "to sell and dispose" of any and all land or claim he had in Tenn. June 18, 1831. Reg July 23, 1836. No wits.
VANNENSALER CHISM, Madison Co. sold to NANCY CHISM, of same, for $150, land on Johnson's Creek in Madison Co., /SD 10/ R 2, Sec 7, "being his undivided share of 134¼ acre tract of land deeded by Jno. Chism to the said V. Chism, Nancy Chism, E. P. Chism & William Chism, heirs of William Chism, decd. " May 23, 1836. Reg July 23, 1836. Wits Laben Dodson, William Dillingham, William Dickins.
NANCY CHISM, Madison Co., Tenn. deeded land on Johnson's Creek in Madison Co. for the "natural love and affection" she had for her son, WILLIAM CHISM; an undivided share of 134¼ acres deeded to heirs of William Chism. She signed with an "x" mark. July 23, 1836. Reg July 23, 1836. No wits.
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GREER and ARCHIBALD WHYTE, guardian for MARGARET JANE WHYTE; all of Mecklenburg Co., N.C. Gave POA to ALEXANDER GREER, Madison Co., to sell 345 acres in Giles Co., Tenn. and 640 acres in Madison Co., Tenn., noted in the division of lands of the late Thomas Greer "amongst his heirs, " which lands were Lot 3 assigned to "our late sister Catharine M. Greer. " Feb. 18, 1836. Reg. Aug. 8, 1836. Wits James A. Greer, Alexander Greer.
Received from SARAH BROWN, distributive share of $482 and release Cullen Lane and Joseph S. Douglass as security of Jesse B. Henderson and Sarah Brown, execs of James Brown's estate. Signed, JAMES HENDERSON, JAMES R. BROWN, JOHN O. BROWN, ELIZABETH HENDERSON, MARTHA D. BROWN, ELIZA HENDERSON. May 21, 1836. Reg Aug. 11, 1836. No wits.
45-46. KINCHEN GARLAND sold for $258 360 acres to WASHINGTON PRICE, "all the interest of William H. Burton, one of the legatees of John M. Brassfield in right of his wife, all the interest of Robert R. Fleming who sold to William H. Burton and all the interest of Robert Brassfield who are lawful heirs of said John M. Brassfield, dec. which lands William H. Burton sold to me." /K. Garland/ Nov. 12, 1831. Reg Aug. 17, 1836. Wits Battle Robertson, Lemuel Aldredge.
JOHN S. ROBBINS, exec of William White, dec., Madison Co., Tenn. to WILLIAM ROBBINS, of same, for $1, a half of 300 acres in the name of White. June 8, 1836. Reg Aug. 30, 1836. No wits.
WILLIAM E. BUTLER declared that whereas Mrs. Jane Hays, dec. had conveyed to him as trustee for Mrs. ELIZABETH CHESTER and children, slaves and "whereas from the nature of my own business I find that I cannot in person attend to the management of said negroes and being desirous /for/ them /to be/as useful & profitable to the said Elizabeth & her children I appoint Robert I. Chester to take charge & management of the said negroes" and he is not to take them out of Madison Co. without Butler's knowledge and that Chester would "settle" annually with Butler as to how he has hired and profited from these slaves. May 3, 1836. Reg Sept. 13, 1836. No wits.
JOHN OLIVER, Madison Co., Tenn. bound $500 over to JAMES OLIVER, "the condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the said John Oliver owing to the same unhapy /sic/ difference between my wife & myself and under the necessity of placing my two little girls under the care & protection of James Oliver", and for the purpose of supporting the children, Mary Jane and Catharine Oliver, deed to him James Oliver cows and calves, 20 hogs, beds, farming tools, kitchen furniture, two slaves which he is to sell and apply the proceeds towards the benefit of his two said daughters. Sept. 20, 1836. Reg Sept. 21, 1836. Wits Henry McCuslin, William Oliver.
GREEN HILL, dec., husband of MATILDA HILL died testate leaving his widow negroes Brandon and wife, Pheby and their two children, Brandon and Warren; York, Angey, Eliza and other property and as the dec. Hill died owing about $2300 or $2400, and as Matilda was "aged and infirm" and she wished to keep the negroes for her life-time she agreed with her son-inlaw, JETHRO B. FORT that he would pay off indebtedness and at her death the negroes and other property would be his. July 7, 18__Reg Oct. 5, 1836. Wits J. W. Fort, J. B. Robinson.
LEWIS T. EDDINS and wife, ELIZABETH EDDINS, Fayette Co., Tenn. for $1472 from HUGH R. LACY, sold him an undivided interest in 4 tracts of land "which descended to the said Hugh R. Lacy and Elizabeth Eddins, the wife of Lewis T. Eddins . . . from the death of their farther Thomas Lacy deceased and Stephen Lacy decd." Tracts (1) 262 acres; (2) 27 acres; (3) 48 acres;
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(4)14 2/3 acres in Madison Co., Tenn. Sept. 20, 1836. Reg Oct. 6, 1836. No wits.
JO W. BROOKS, F. N. BROOKS, by Jo W. Brooks, guardian; MICAJAH MIDYETT and HENRY H. HORN, Madison Co., Tenn. gave POA to Benj. S. Brooks to transact business for them in Tennessee and North Carolina "to wind up & settle the estate of Jacob Brooks & to dispose of the property left to Sally Brooks, wife of said Joseph Brooks, dec. during her natural life & at her death to /be/ equally divided /among/ above named heirs and legatees of said Jacob, decd. " Oct. 24, 1836. Reg Aug. 24, 1836. Wits Sugars McLemore, John McClellan.
ANDREW DONNELL, Gilford /Guilford/ Co., N.C. by his attorney JOHN DONNELL of Wilson Co., Tenn. sold for $620 to JAMES WILLEY, 360 acres in SD 10, Rs 2-3, S 8 "on the waters of the Forked Deer river." Oct. 30, 1830. Reg Nov. 1, 1836. Wits Alexander B. Wells, Alexander J. Braden.
Whereas WILLIAM BETTS died on or about Sept. 7, 1835, without a will and as he was possessed of "considerable property" and his widow, Catharine Betts was appointed adm of estate, "we", THOMAS BETTS and Harriett Lucas, formerly Betts, 2 of the heirs of William Betts gave POA to Samuel D. Betts to secure their "proportionate part" of William Betts' estate. Reg Nov. 18, 1836. Wits Felix Compton, Andrew Castleman.
SAMUEL D. BETTS, Weakley Co., Tenn. gave POA to "my worthy friend Henry S. Bass" of Madison Co., Tenn. to act for him for his "proportionate part" of the estate of his father, William Betts, late of Madison County, from the exec Kitury Betts. Nov. 18, 1836. Reg Nov. 18, 1836. No wits.
In May 1836 the County Court of Moore Co., N.C. appointed HUGH MOFFITT, esquire, William M. Givins and Alfred Burrow commissioners to value the real and personal estate devised by Nicholas Nail to his grandson, JAMES G. TOMLINSON, which valuation "is to be made as at the time the said James G. Tomlinson took the possession of said property which was in January 1834 and that they report said valuation to the next term of this court." Slaves: Will, valued at $500. John, valued at $500. Winey arid child, Scintha, $400 or $1400 in all in slave property. J. G. Tomlinson ordered to pay $100 to other legatees to make the parties shares equal. With the land he got, valued at $500 and "sundry articles", worth $50, his (J. G. T.) portion amounted to $1850. Filed in Moore Co., N.C. Court, Oct. 14, 1836. Reg Nov. 28, 1836. No wits.
ROBERT C. FOSTER, exec of Anthony Foster, Madison Co., Tenn. sold 170 acres for $500 to "Betsey Gray one of the legatees of said Anthony." Land in SD 10, R 2, Ss 9-10. July 15, 1829. Reg Dec. 7, 1836. No wits.
JOSHUA PRUETT, Smith Co., Tenn. gave POA to JESSE SHAW, Madison Co. to sell! dispose 5 tracts of land that "I have the management of as guardian for Sam, Martha Ann Oneal and myself", some of it on Spencer Creek in SD 9, R 3, S 9. Oct. 30, 1834. Reg Dec. 9, 1836. Wits John S. Page, Henry Jayler.
SARAH BROWN, JAMES R. HENDERSON, ELIZABETH HENDERSON, JAMES BROWN, JOHN O. BROWN, MARTHA D. BROWN, ISAIAH TIDWELL, NANCY TIDWELL, ELIZA HENDERSON, heirs of James Brown, dec. all of Madison Co., Tenn. for $1284 sold to JOHN C. AUTRY, west 1/2 (98 acres) of 196 acres. Aug. 3, 1836. Reg Dec. 14, 1836. Wits William Hopper, Wiley Kirby, Aa /Aaron/ Tison, Hosea M. Ragan.
JAMES HENDERSON, Madison Co., Tenn. sold to JOHN C. AUTRY, for $98, being the lot of land of Robert Brown and wife, Susan, it being their legacy from James Brown, dec., their part of 98 acres. Oct. 13, 1836. Reg Dec. 14, 1836. Wits A. /Aaron/ Tison, William Hopper.
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JOHN HOWARD, Haywood Co., Tenn. sold for $400 "in hand paid" to him by Jane SKILLERN, adm of William Skillern, 100 acres in Madison Co. Sept. 13, 1836. Reg Dec. 24, 1836. Wits John B. Robinson, Phineas Thomas.
SHEPHERD RUSHING, GRAFTON GATWOOD, ELIJAH D. RUSHING and BARTLETT MELTON, Sumpter Co., Ala. gave POA to CORNELIUS WHITE, Perry Co., Tenn. to secure what they were due in Tennessee left to their wives, MAHALA RUSHING, wife of Shepherd Rushing; NANCY, wife of Elijah D. Rushing; MARY, wife of Bartlett Melton; ELIZABETH, wife of Grafton Gatwood, from their father, William G. Morris of Tennessee. A document registered Jan. 1, 1837. No wits.
CLEMENT L. WATSON, Anson Co., N.C. gave POA to CORNELIUS WHITE, Perry Co., Tenn. to secure what was due his wife, FRANCES, from the estate of her father, William G. Morris . Nov. 7, 1836. Reg Jan. 1, 1837. Wit Jno. A. McKee.
HUGH SWEENY sold to ALFRED D. GARRETT all the interest he had in the estate of John Harwood, dec, Davidson Co., Tenn., including 9 negroes, now in possession of Rebecka Harwood of Madison Co., Tenn. April 3, 1835. Reg Jan. 1, 1837. No wits.
RICHARD TOMLINSON, Madison Co., Tenn. sold to JOHN LYNCH, for $300, a "certain tract" in Madison Co. conveyed by Joseph Hudson to Richard Tomlinson, Sr., May 19, 1827 and by him conveyed to his son, Richard Tomlinson, the grantor in this deed.
WILLIAM SANDERS, Madison Co., Tenn. sold to ROBERT H. LAKE, for $300, all his interest "in law or equity", as one of the heirs of Francis Sanders, dec 640 acres, conveyed to F. Sanders by Samuel Dickins, about 5½ miles north east of Jackson, to west of the road from Jackson to Huntingdon, so not to interfere with the dower lands of Aletha Sanders, widow of Francis Sanders and mother of William Sanders. Dec. 16, 1833. Reg Jan. 18, 1837. Wits Jos. H. Talbot, M. Autry.
FAYETTE H. NOWELL deeded in trust to CHISWELL DABNEY and WILLIAM W. NOWELL, for NANCY C. NOWELL, wife of said Fayette certain slaves (Gabriel, Nancy, Fanny, Polly, Easter), plantation tools and other property, and an undivided interest in the estate of his deceased father, William Nowell, late of the town of Lynchburg, Va. Nancy C. Nowell was formerly Nancy C. Roane. Endorsed in Campbell Co., Va. and admitted to record also in Amherst Co., Va., July 15, 1833. Document dated Oct. 30, 1832 and registered in Madison Co., Tenn., Feb. 11, 1839.
JOHN HARWOOD deeded to ALFRED D. GARRETT all the interest he had in the estate of John Harwood, dec. in Madison Co., including 7 negroes then in the possession of Rebecca Harwood of this county. Nov. 19, 1835. Reg Feb. 13, 1837. Wit William Wrenn.
COMMISSIONERS appointed to divide the proportionate parts of the hrs of KINCHEN WEBB, dec. Lot 1, Jabis Webb, 20 7/8 acres. Lot 2, James B. Webb, 20 7/8 acres. Lot 3, Henry Webb, 22 acres. Lot 4, July B., wife of William Day. Lot 5, John Webb, 21 acres. Lot 6, Thomas H. Webb, 21 acres. Lot 7, Wm. Webb, 21 acres. Lot 8, Charles Webb, 21 acres. Land in Madison Co., Tenn. Feb. 24, 1837. Reg March 11, 1837.
In Iredell Co., N.C. THOMAS BYERS of "Macklinburgh" Co., N.C. for "various good considerations" gave POA to "my friend Major Benjamin Tyson of Haywood Co. "Tenn. to sell land in Madison Co., Tenn., about 120 acres, his part as a legatee of James Byers, dec. Jan. 17, 1837. Reg April 21, 1837. Wits J. M. Connel, W. L. Davidson.
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BENJAMIN TYSON, agent for THOMAS BYERS, Mecklenburg Co., N.C. sold to SAMUEL KIRKPATRICK, for $450, 120 acres being the portion allotted to Thomas Byers as a legatee of James Byers, dec. March 22, 1837. Reg April 22, 1837.
About 18 months ago, JOHN TIDWELL, Madison Co., Tenn. gave his grandson, JOHN MADISON TIDWELL, son of James Tidwell, Gibson Co., Tenn., from "love and affection" for bim, a sorrel filly named Polly Powell; now he is making this deed to confirm the gift for this filly about 4 yrs old. April 24, 1837. Reg April 25, 1837.
WILLIAM and MARY JANE STODDERT, HENRY D. MASON, JOSEPH D. MASON, FRANCES W. DANCY and wife, REBECCA E. DANCY sold 3 acres adjoining town of Jackson to JOHN G. CHALMERS for $600. Jan. 19, 1837. Reg May 8, 1837. Wit JaS. D. McClellan.
Partition of lands in Humphries /Humphreys/ and Stewart Co., Tenn. was made among the hrs of Daniel Mason, late of Humphries County, by agreement but no deed or deeds of partition were made and executed by and between them. This is to authorise William Stoddert and Jas. D. McClellan of Madison Co., in our behalf, to execute such partition deeds. Signed, F. W. DANCY, R. E. DANCY, H. D. MASON. The Dancys swore to this agreement in Green Co., Ala., May 17, 1837. Date of document: May 17, 1837. Reg June 20, 1837.
JAMES R. S. WALKER has married MARGARETT, daughter of JAMES TOMLINSON and as the Walkers were "on the eve of his departure with his family for the Republic of Texas," and Tomlinson wanting to provide for this daughter he deeded for her exclusive use a negro woman, Susan. Aug. 10, 1837. Reg Aug. 30, 1837.
Received of HUGH R. LACY, adm of Thomas and Stephen Lacy, $644.12½, Sept. 7, 1837, THOMAS LACY. From same received $644.12½, Dec. 31, 1836, JESSE LACY. From same received $644.12½, Aug. 3, 1833, Lewis T. and Elizabeth Eddins. From same received $638.18¾, Oct. 31, 1835, Laben and Margarett Dodson. Reg Sept. 22, 1837.
In his life-time, SAMUEL TOMLIN had sold to OSBON H. BOYKIN, part of 831½ acre tract, SD 10, R 3, S 10, for $797.50. The Chancery Court of Madison Co., Tenn. confirmed (Jan. 17, 1837) Boykin's title to him, vested in him and divested out of Tomlin's hrs who were John Tomlin, Samuel Tomlin, Sarah Tomlin, Georgearetta Gooly, Almina Tomlin, by John Tomlin, their guardian. Reg Sept. 23, 1837.
JONAS CLARK deeded in trust through JOHN H. DAY, a negro, Isaac, about 29 yrs old for the "support and education" of his children, John Clark and Laura Cornelia Clark; same to be divided between them when John reaches age of 21. Sept. 23, 1837. Reg Sept. 25, 1837. No wits.
SAMUEL BELL and wife, CAROLINE (Louisville, Ky.), sold to MORRIS THOMAS and PATRICK MAXY, land, "being all that farm . . . called Cotton Grove whereon Robt. Fenner formerly resided." HUGH BELL joined in this deed as he had sold his interest in this tract (that sold for $5000) to Samuel Bell. The lease heretofore made with Benj. Person for some or all of this tract was assigned to Thomas and Maxy. July 26, 1837. Reg Sept. 25, 1837.
MARY NEWSOM, Williamson Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for her son, JAMES NEWSOM, of same place, all her dower in Madison Co., Tenn., 500 acres "which tract her late husband Eldridge Newsom decd" owned and which she held as dower. July 28, 1837. Reg. Sept. 30, 1837. Wits John L. McEwing, R. C. McEwing.
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WILLIE FUTRELL, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his grandchildren, MARY ANN LANGFORD, JAMES E. LANGFORD, JESSE A. LANGFORD, MARTHA ELIZA LANGFORD, JANE M. W. LANGFORD, gave them a negro woman and two children. If any of these grandchildren should die, his/her or their part would go to the surviving siblings. Oct. 10, 1837. Reg Oct. 10, 1837. No wits.
JOHN W. SANDERS and wife, CYNTHA H. (formerly Pillow), sold 382¾ acres in SD 10, R 3, S 8, Madison Co. for $1913.75 to J. B. PENDERGRAST and REUBEN BURROW; being "that /which/ was assigned to the said John W. Sanders & his wife Cyntha H. Sanders by the Chancery court at Columbia in the division of the real estate of Gideon Pillow decd. amongst his heirs. " Sept. 29, 1837. Reg Nov. 8, 1837. No wits.
Received of ALFRED SHARP, adm of ABRAHAM W. CANNON, dec. for John M. Cannon, James P. Cannon, Abraham W. Cannon, hrs of Abraham Cannon, by their guardian, EDWIN SHARP, $192.08, May 2, 1837. Received from same, to EDWIN SHARP, $30, Nov. 5, 1837. Reg Nov. 21, 1837.
ROBERT DONOLDSON, Sr., Wilson Co., Tenn. "fare advanced in life and deprived of old age" (what did he mean, exactly, one wonders?), gave to his son, HUMPHREY DONOLDSON POA to sell 133 acres he had entered in Madison Co. on July 11, 1821. June 27, 1837. Reg. Dec. 8, 1837. No wits.
Received of RANSOM H. BYRN, adm of Daniel Harkins, $177.47, "which I am entitled to as one of the legatees . . ." JAMES SEALS. Dec. 14, 1837. Reg. Dec. 14, 1837.
JOHN MOORE, Madison Co., Tenn. f or "love and affection" for his daughters, ELIZABETH ELENOR MOORE and SALLY ANN MOORE, a negro girl, Abigal and 1/2 of her increase. John Moore signed this deed with an "x" mark. Dec. 15, 1837. Reg Dec. 26, 1837. Wits William Faulkner, J. Faulker (who signed with an "x" mark).
JOHN MOORE, Madison Co., Tenn. for "love and affection" for his son, RALEIGH MOORE, deeded him a negro, Rose and Lewis, a bed and bedstead, farming tools, and all the land he had bought from Ransom Burns /Byrns/. Dec. l5, 1837. Reg Dec. 27, 1837. Wits William Faulkner, J. Faulkner (who signed with an "x" mark).
SAMUEL W. GIVINS, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his daughter, PHEBE ELIZA, wife of George Brown, conveyed to SAMUEL D. GIVINS in trust for her, a negro girl, Milly about 11 yrs old. If Phebe Eliza dies without children, this slave reverts to S. W. Givins. Jan. 13, 1830. Reg Jan. 14, 1838.
FELIX R. HARDGROVE, Madison Co, Tenn. sold 40 acres and also 1/4 part of his mother, Polly Hardgrove, now Polly Freeman's dower, 114 acres, to BURWELL BUTLER, for $300. Jan. 22, 1838. Reg Jan. 23, 1838. Wits Jas. M. McRee, W. D. Hardgrove.
JOHN WOOLFOLK, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his son-in-law, FELIX R. HARDGROVE deeded him two negroes, Pheby about 26 yrs old and Ann Eliza about 3 yrs old. Jan. 24, 1838. Reg Feb. 13, 1838. Wits Isham V. Harris, G. W. Hill.
ADAM R. ALEXANDER, Shelby Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his son and sons-in-law, JAMES H. ALEXANDER, GREEN PRYOR, both of Hardeman Co., Tenn. and NICHOLAS P. STONE, Madison Co., Tenn., 750 acres on the south side of the Forked Deer River. Feb. 12, 1838. Reg Feb. 20, 1838. Wits Jno. H. Bell, Samuel W. Cowele.
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FREDERICK W. HUGHLING /Huling/, Washington Co., Miss. gave POA to "my unkle," James Huling to receive money from persons who have purchased of me or my agent, Daniel Cherry, any part of 640 acres in the northwest corner of Madison Co., Tenn. Dec. 27, 1837. Reg March 18, 1838. No wits.
KITURY BETTS sold her dower in 100 acres of land, for $300, to JOHN COMPTON, said land confirmed to her by decree of the Supreme Court of Tennessee. March 24, 1838. Reg March 27, 1838. No wits.
COLIN AULD, Alexandria, D.C. gave POA to JAMES CARUTHERS to sell land, 3 tracts, which had belonged to James Sanderson. Aug. 12, 1834. Reg April 4, 1838.
WILLIAM N. SPENCE, JOHN McLANE and wife, SARAH; JOSEPH HAMILTON and wife, HANNAH; RICHARD BOYCE and wife, ANN; all of Columbiana Co., Ohio sold to MANNON SPENCE, for $1544.44, 1/7 part of lands inherited from JOSEPH SPENCE, Rutherford Co., Tenn. One tract, in Rutherford Co., 300 acres, another one there, 234 acres and 3 lots in Murfreesborough, Tenn.; 799 acres, SD 10, R 2, S 10, in Madison Co., Tenn. Dec. 14, 1832. Reg April 11, 1838. Wits G. W. McCabe, Charles D. Coffin.
O. B.* SPENCE, Davidson Co., Tenn. sold as an heir at law of Joseph Spence, two tracts, 300 acres, 234 acres, Rutherford Co. and 3 lots in Murfreesborough, Tenn. and 799 acres in Madison Co., Tenn., to MANNON SPENCE; his part of same acreages. Nov. 3, 1835. Reg April 11, 1838. [*This name would appear to be BRENT.]
JOHN KIRK and wife, MARY S., Maury Co, Tenn., E. P. SHALL and wife, ANN B., all of Davidson Co., Tenn. sold to Mannon Spence their interest in a 799 acre tract of land in Madison Co., Tenn., as hrs of Joseph Spence, for $914. July 14, 1836. Reg April 11, 1838. No wits.
JOHN GORDON, f or "love and affection" for LEMUEL CHERRY, WILLIAM CHERRY, LIDIA J. CHERRY, ARABELLA CHERRY, JOHN T. CHERRY, transfers to them a tract formerly owned by Willis Cherry; 100 acres. April 10, 1838. Reg May 8, 1838. Wits James Tidwell, Barnabas Edwards, Singleton James Henderson. Gordon signed the deed with an "x" mark.
JOHN GORDON, for "love and affection" for WILLIAM J. CHERRY, LIDIA J. CHERRY, ARABELLA CHERRY, JOHN CHERRY, transfers to them a negro, Harriet and her three children and 1/6 part of negro man, Handy. April 10, 1837. Reg May 8, 1838. Wits James Tidwell, Singleton James Henderson, Barnabas Edwards.
Will of THOMAS HENDERSON, Rockingham Co., N.C., executed Nov. 8, 1821; sworn in Rockingham Co., June 11, 1838. Wits Jno. J. Wright, M. Henderson, T. Searcy. Sell lands in Rockingham Co. and elsewhere to pay debts. Negroes Annetta and Nanny to his daughter, JANE KENDRICK. Son, Alexander, what he had already advanced to him. Had given dau., Polly Lacy a negro Lucy. Son, Thomas and expenses for "schooling" of Nathan and Fanny. Rest of estate divided among his children Samuel, Alexander, Thomas, Nathaniel, Polly Lacy. Sons Samuel and Alexander and Thomas and nephew, Thomas Searcy, execs.
WILLIAM DUNGAN, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his son and daughter, Allen and Parthena Dungan, deeded them a 30 acre tract on Beech Creek, Madison Co. Jan. 11, 1838. Reg Aug. 8, 1838. Wits Noel Jackson, John S. Curry.
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JOHN EDDINS, Marshall Co., Miss. gave POA to his son, William Eddins, of same place, to sell 190 acres in Madison Co., Tenn. Aug. 29, 1838. Reg -Sept. 4, 1838. /186-187, William Eddins, in this capacity sold 190 acres to Thomas Reed, September 1838/
LYDIA EDWARDS deeded to "beloved grandson, "Gabriel Edwards a bed and bedstead; grandson, William Edwards, $1; granddaughter, Sally Price, $1; granddaughter, Sally Caneege, $1. She signed with an "x" mark. Sept. 15, 1838. Reg Nov. 7, 1838. Wits Jos. P. Watkins, John S. Watkins.
JOSEPH GILLESPIE, Duplin Co., N.C. for "natural love and affection" for his grandchildren, JOSEPH, CATHARINE, JAMES, ZARDOCK, RIGGS, children of Win. D. Gillespie of Henderson Co., Tenn. negroes Junius, Clary, Anthony and Sam. Oct. 17, 1836. Reg Nov. 13, 1838. Wit James Carroll.
"We, " hrs of JOHN BELL, dec. (REBECCA BELL, A. ALEXANDER, REUBEN BURROW) in making a distribution of estate, the men, Alexander and Burrow, to receive $1000 from it; Rebecca negroes, farming tools, livestock; anything left over after these distributive portions, to be divided equally among these hrs. Nov. 22, 1836. Reg Nov. 21, 1838.
Whereas HUGH SHURRER, Union Co., S.C. in his last will bequeathed to LYDIA BLAIR a negro Lucinda for life and at her death, to be divided among the legal hrs of said Lydia. Henry Blair, Madison Co., one of these legal hrs for $400 paid by James York, Madison Co., sold all interest he had in this bequest. Dec. 25, 1838. Reg Dec. 26, 1838. Henry Blair signed deed with an "x" mark.
WILLIAM GOODRICH, Madison Co., Tenn. "for love and affection" for his daughter, SARAH GOODRICH, deeded her a spinning machine. Dec. 25, 1838. Reg Dec. 26, 1838. No wits.
WILLIAM H. SANDERS, Green Co., Ala. and MARY SANDERS, Madison Co., Tenn. sold to JOSEPH F. CLOUD, for $400, an undivided interest in 203 1/8 acres and a 30 acre occupant claim adjoining it, willed to William S. H. Sanders and John M. Sanders by Thomas Sanders, dec, which was recorded Jan. 26, 1839. Reg Jan. 28, 1839. Wits J. L. Sanders, George Morphis (his "x" mark).
JOHN McINTOSH, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his five sons, WILLIAM, JOHN, MURDOCK M., ELIAS and JAMES, deeded them slaves. Nov. 25, 1838. Reg Feb. 6, 1839. No wits.
WILLIAM DICKINS, Madison Co., Tenn. for $10 paid by JOSEPH H. TALBOT, conveyed in trust to him for his daughter, ANN P. DICKINS, who had married JAMES L. TALBOT, 671 acres in SD 10, R 2, S 10, several slaves and personal property. The Talbot couple could have the property, some or all of it, sold for their benefit or give it to their children after their deaths. March 13, 1839. Reg March 13, 1839. Wits Robert Davie, Wm. Armour.
Will of MARGARET DICKSON, executed Jan. 11, 1836; proven April 1839. Reg April 6, 1839. Sons JOSEPH D., JAMES W., WILLIAM W. Daughters ELIZA L., MARY H. DRYDEN, MARSARET M. GILES, JANE MADDING. Lists ISABELLA, SOPHIA, CAROLINE, without defining relationship.
JOSEPH PHILIPS, Madison Co., Tenn. to ELISHA WILLIAMS in right of his wife, MARY, heir of PHILIP PHELPS; JOHN W. CHILDRESS, SARAH W. CHILDRESS, formerly Williams; JOSEPH J. P. WILLIAMS, ELISHA WILLIAMS, JR. and HENRY J. WILLIAMS, legal hrs of Mary Williams, dec.; their interests in large land holdings, 6948 acres in the Western District of Tennessee. May 2, 1839. Reg May 8, 1839.
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CHARLES READY, Sr. for "love and affection" for daughter, NANCY HASKELL, now deceased, gives in trust to his grandson, WILLIAM T. HASKELL, for himself and other children of Nancy Haskell, 6 slaves. Other grandchildren being MARY ANN, wife of William N. Porter; CAROLINE HASKELL; MARTHA LUCINDA HASKELL; MARIA JANE HASKELL, ELLEN NANCY HASKELL. To have said negroes in trust until the youngest child is 18 yrs old and then divide slaves among them. May 22, 1839. Reg May 23, 1839. Wits Milton Brown, Joshua Haskell.
SARAH P. HARTON for "love and affection" for her mother, JUDITH W. HARTON, deeded her 4 negroes Ann, Candis, Mary, Nathan. July 8, 1839. Reg July 10, 1839. Wits John W. Hockaday, Temperance Shaw.
WILLIAM CONNER, appointed by Supreme Court at Nashville, Tenn. to divide lands in the Western District of Tennessee among the hrs of MARTIN ARMSTRONG, dec. 500 acres, Haywood Co.; 160 acres, Hardeman Co.; 250, 400, 160 acres in Madison Co. and parceled out locators' interest from these tracts as well. Oct. 12, 1838. Reg Sept. 10, 1839.
JUDAH MURRELL, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for her sisters LEANA L. NOLEN, LOUISA S. MURRELL, her interest in the estate of Zilpah Murrell, dec. March 20, 1838. Reg Sept. 18, 1839. Wits Seth Cason, William M. Graves. She signed deed with an "x" mark.
Will of JOHN PHILIPS, executed Oct. 19, 1836. Reg Sept. 20, 1839. Wanted real and personal estate sold and proceeds to pay debts. "I will and bequeath to my best friend and uncle Joseph Philips the one half of my estate"; to "beloved cousin", William P. Purdy, $250. Exec to purchase a negro or negroes for his "kind uncle, James Neely and my "beloved aunt," Ellenor Neely, for life and then to the children of said James and Ellenor Neely. Uncle, Joseph Philips, exec Wits John Howell, A. N. T___. Also recorded in Henderson Co., Tenn. Book /will book?/ A, pages 53-54.
CALVIN HENDERSON, Madison Co., Tenn. deeded in trust to SAMUEL McCLANAHAN, his books, furniture in his office and his interest in the estate of his grandfather, Richard Fenner, both real and personal, to be sold if he failed to meet his debt obligations. Sept. 25, 1839. Reg Sept. 25, 1839. No wits.
Received of STEPHEN MASSEY, guardian of minor hrs of Levi Branch, $91 for his, HARDY GADEN's "proportionate part" in right of his wife, ELIZA GADEN, formerly Branch. Sept. 30, 1838. Reg Oct. 2, 1839. No wits.
GEORGE BOWERS, Fayette Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for his sister, MARIA, wife of James Fleming, to Bartholomew Bowers in trust for her, 144 acres in Madison Co., SD 10, R 2, S 10. Nov. 25, 1834. Reg Oct. 11, 1839. Wits John Clifton, Alexander S. Bowers.
JOHN ELLIOTT, exec of William Elliott, dec., Rutherford Co., Tenn. confirmed deed for 27½ acres in Madison Co., SD 9, R 1, S 9, that said William Elliott had sold to MATHIAS DEBERRY in his life-time. May 3, 1839. Reg Nov. 16, 1839. No wits.
ANDREW GUTHRIE, clerk of Circuit Court, Madison Co., Tenn., in acting on order of this court, Dec. 1837, confirmed that HENRY LAKE adm of Robert H. Lake, sold his real and personal property to pay debts and a tract of 106½ acres had been laid off for MARY M. LAKE, widow. Confirmed in Aug. 1839 to her. Reg Dec. 12, 1839.
NEWMAN HAYNES for $1200 paid by David Chalmers and William F. Henderson, deeds in trust for MARY W. CHALMERS, wife of John G. Chalmers, 5 slaves for her natural life-time. Dec. 21, 1839. Reg Dec. 23, 1839. Wit C. Henderson.
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ROBERT J. ALEXANDER, exec of AMZE W. ALEXANDER, dec., Mecklenburg Co., N.C., sold 320 acres on Cypress Creek, Madison Co., Tenn. for $210, to HEZEKIAH H. ROSS. Dec. 24, 1839. Reg Dec. 27, 1839. Signed Robert J. Alexander by his agent, J. Greer. No wits.
Indenture dated Dec. 16, 1839. WILLIAM DICKINS, Madison Co., Tenn. for $10 and in trust to Joseph H. Talbot, for his daughter, ANN P. DICKINS, wife of James L. Talbot, a negro boy, Reuben. To sell the slave for benefit of Talbot couple or keep for their children. Reg Jan. 17, 1840. Wits M. B. Stewart, James Hughs.
ANN QUARLES, Jackson Co., Tenn. in a gift to her granddaughter, ANN HUNTSMAN, slaves, Ellen about 5 yrs old, Bob, a boy. Oct. 18, 1836. Reg Jan. 21, 1840. She signed deed with her "x" mark. Wits Wm. Snodgrass, A. Huntsman, W. Haws.
Whereas ANN HARRISON, wife of John P. Harrison, Madison Co., Tenn. having property separate from her husband, by virtue of the will of Susan F. Graham, Prince William Co., Va., by selling a negro boy she had inherited, she spent the proceeds therefrom on 40 acres from THOMAS CAMPBELL, some $300. She chose Alexander A. Campbell, Jackson, Tenn. to serve as temporary trustee for this conveyance, and Thomas Campbell had bound himself to pay $600 to this trustee, if he did not turn over this property to Ann Harrison on or before Jan. 1, 1840. Dec. 5, 1839. Reg Feb. 15, 1840. No wits.
DAVID REID and AMBROSE REID gave POA to WILLIAM MURCHISON of Moore Co., N.C. to sell/dispose of "any part or parcel of the property which is due owing or coming to us from the estate of her decd. father, David Reid." ____ 18, 1839. Reg. Nov. 4, 1840. Wit D. Murchison.
JOHN MURCHISON, Madison Co., Tenn. for "natural love and affection" for "my beloved sister, " SIBBELLA JOHNSON, deeded her a negro girl, Fanny, about 7 yrs old; HANNAH MURCHISON and SAMUEL T. HAWLY, Cumberland Co., N.C. to serve as Sibbella's trustees, to see that the girl was kept for the benefit of Sibbella. Fanny could be sold if Sibbella and her husband, Charles L. Johnson, considered it to their benefit, otherwise Fanny would descend to their children. March 10, 1840. Reg March 10, 1840. No wits.
Indenture, Jan. 15, 1826, between WILLIAM T. HUGHLETT, Overton Co., Tenn. who conveyed 150 acres near Mt. Pinson to DANIEL ROSS, who had paid his son, RICHARD HUGHLETT, $500. Transaction signed by William T. Hughlett through his attorney, Adam Huntsman. Reg March 12, 1840.
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