From Family Findings
Appears on this web site by permission



From Family Findings
Vol. IV, No. 3, July 1972, p. 65
Copyright, Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society, 1972

1825 Corporation Laws of Jackson

Transcribed from microfilm, the JACKSON GAZETTE, Vol. I, No. 34, Saturday, January 22, 1825.


CORPORATION LAWS. Ordinances for the Government of the Town of Jackson, passed by the Board of Commissioners, at their Session on the 1st day of January, 1825.

ORDERED 1st. That each white poll, residing within the bounds of the Corporation oI' the town of Jackson, over the age of twenty-one, and under fifty years, pay one dollar as a poll tax for Corporation purposes.

2d. That each black poll, over the age of fifteen, and under fifty years, be taxed one dollar for the like purposes; and that the Town Constable proceed to collect the same as soon as practicable.

By Order of the Board.

S. D. HAYS, Ch'm.

Will. Harris, Sec'y
January 22, 1825.


From Family Findings
Vol. IV, No. 2, April 1972, pp. 73-74
Copyright, Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society, 1972

1825 Bye - Laws Of Jackson, Madison Co., Tenn.

Transcribed from microfilm of early Madison County, Tennessee, Newspapers, the JACKSON GAZETTE, #42, Vol. I, March 19, 1825, by Mary Ann (Mrs. L. R.) Mitchell, 72 Woodhaven Dr., Jackson, Tenn. 38301


BYE-LAWS, For the government of the town of Jackson; passed by the Board of Commissioners thereof, at their setting, on the 7th day of March, 1825.

1st.      Any person or persons found guilty of disorderly or riotous conduct within the limits of the corporation of said town, shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars.

2d.      Any person or persons putting, or attempting to put, any stud-horse or jack to a mare, or exhibiting the same to public view, in the Public Square, streets or alleys of the said town, shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay Five Dollars.

3d.      All pedlars and show-men, shall, before they proceed to sell or exhibit, (as the case may be,) pay Ten Dollars for a license to do so, which shall be good for one month; at the expiration of which term, said license must be renewed, at the rates of Ten Dollars per month, so long as they continue to sell or exhibit in the town of Jackson; And, on failure to procure said license as aforesaid, they and each of them shall forfeit and pay Twenty Dollars for each offence.

4th.      Any person or persons who shall run a horse race, or run a horse at full speed, within the incorporated limits of said town, shall forfeit and pay Twenty Dollars for each offence.

5th.      Any person or persons who shall shoot a gun or pistol, within the said town, shall forfeit and pay the sum of Two Dollars for each offence.

6th.      It shall hereafter be the duty of merchants, and every other person who may wish to wholesale or retail goods, wares or merchandize, within said town, to procure a license first, which shall be good and sufficient for the term or one year from and after the date thereof: Provided, nevertheless, That no merchant or other person shall be entitled to receive such license without previously paying into the hands of the proper officer, the sum of Twenty Dollars and Fifty Cents; and every merchant or other person, who shall violate this law shall forfeit and pay the sum of Twenty Dollars.

7th.      No person or persons shall retail spiritous liquors within said town, without first procuring a license from the Secretary, which said license shall be good and sufficient authority to such person or persons for the term of one year. Provided, nevertheless, that no person shall be entitled to receive said license without first paying Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents; and any person selling or retailing spiritous liquors, without a license, shall forfeit and pay Twenty Five Dollars.

8th.      Each Lot in the town of Jackson is hereby subjected to an annual tax of one half cent per centum ad valorem, agreeably to the present value thereof.

9th.      Any person or persons who shall be found guilty of playing at cards, dice, or any other game of hazard or address, for a valuable consideration, within the Corporation of the said town, shall forfeit and pay Ten Dollars for each offence.

10th.      Any inn or tavern keeper, or keeper of any ordinary, who shall suffer any game of hazard or address to be played in their house or hol.2aes, for a valuable consideration, shall forfeit and pay Twenty Five Dollars for each offence.

11th      It shall be the duty of the Town Constable from time to time to cause to be removed all nuisances from said town - the expense of which shall be charged to the person or persons who may have caused or ordered the same; and every person or persons so erecting or causing a nuisance in said town, shall forfeit and pay Five Dollars.

12th.      It shall be the duty of the Town Constable to preserve good order during public worship in said town, and to take notice of any person or persons who may disturb them so worshiping.

13th.      It shall be the duty of the Secretary of said Board of Commissioners to issue license to any person applying for the same: Provided, said person may be entitled to the same, by the authority of the foregoing Bye-Laws, and for every license so issued, the Secretary shall be entitled to receive the sum of Fifty Cents from the person applying.

14th.      Any slave, living within the corporated limits of said town, and hiring their time from their owner, said owner shall be subject to a fine of Ten Dollars per month for such slave. This and all other forfeitures arising by virtue of the Bye-Laws, made for the government of the town of Jackson, shall and may be recovered before any Justice of the Peace for the county of Madison, in the same manner that sums of money due on notes or obligations are now recovered before said Justices.

15th.      It shall be the duty of the Town Constable, and the Patrol of the town, when any servant or slave shall bring any article into said town for sale, without a written license from his or her master, mistress, or overseer, to take said articles from said servant or slave, until said license shall be procured, and for the second offence, the patrol or constable shall give said servant or slave ten lashes.

By Order of the Board, S. D. HAYS, Ch'n.
March 19 - 3t.


From Family Findings
Vol. V, No. 2, April 1973, pp. 67-69
Copyright, Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society, 1973

Transcribed from microfilm of early Madison County, Tennessee newspapers, the SOUTHERN STATESMAN, Vol. II, No. 47, December 22, 1832, by Mrs. L. R. Mitchell, 72 Woodhaven Drive, Jackson, Tennessee 38301



            STEPHEN SYPERT, JOSEPH S. DOUGLASS, GARRARD YOUNG, WILLIAM DUNCAN, T. G. NORVELL, JAMES H M'KNIGHT and BENJ. P. SEAWELL, having been duly sworn according to law, as Commissioners for the town of Jackson, met according to appointment, and proceeded to the election of Chairman and Recording Secretary. STEPHEN SYPIERT was elected chairman, and B. P. SEAWELL Secretary of said Board. The Board then proceeded to the election of a Town Constable for the ensuing 12 months. M. E. DEGROVE was unanimously elected.

            JAMES H. McKNIGHT was elected Treasurer for the ensuing year. Committees were then appointed.

            Committee on Finance. - W. DUNCAN, T. G. NORVELL, GARRARD YOUNG.

            On Streets. - JOSEPH S. DOUGLASS, JAMES H. McKNIGHT and BENJ. P. SEA~ELL.

            On Public Grounds. - W. DUNCAN, G. YOUNG and JAMES H. McKNIGHT.

            It was ordered by the Board, that the Town Constable shall settle with the Treasurer on the first Monday in each month.

            It was ordered by the Board, that the Town Constable shall be bound in the sum of two hundred dollars for the faithful performance of his duty.

            It was ordered by the Board, that the Treasurer shall be bound in the sum of one thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duty.

            The Board then adjourned to meet again on Monday night next, at 6 o'clock, at the court house.

Attest, S. SYP~T, Ch'm.
B. P. FEAWELL, Sectty.


The Board met according to adjournment; STEPHEN SYPERT, J. S. DOUGLASS, JAMES H. McKNIGHT, W. DUNCAN, T. G. NORVELL, GARRARD YOUNG and B. P. SEAWELL being present, and proceeded to business.

            COL. JOHN READ was appointed Attorney for the Corporation for the ensuing twelve months.

            Resolved, that the proceedings of each meeting of the Board, be published in the Southern Statesman.

            Resolved, that all persons who have heretofore done work on the Streets at their own expense, shall be requested to render an account of the same to the Board with a view that they may be compensated therefor.

            The following Committee was appointed to wait on the former Treasurer and Secretary for a settlement: JAMES H. M'KNIGHT, GARRARD YOUNG and JOSEPH S. DOUGLASS.

            BENJ. P. SEAWELL was directed to call on the former Secretary for the books and papers belonging to the corporation of Jackson.

            The following appointments were made:

            Resolved, That COL. JOHN READ, for his services as Attorney, including the filing of Bills, and suits in Court, his counsel given from time to time to the Board and Town Constable, etc., shall receive the stun of fifty dollars.

            Resolved, that the Recording Secretary shall receive thirty dollars for his services.

            Resolved, that the Town Constable ring or cause to be rung, the Court House Bell, at the following stated periods: that is to say, at ten o'clock in the evening from the first of October until the first of April, and at nine o'clock in the evening from that time until the first of October, and at day-break throughout the year and that he be allotted the sum of 25 dollars for so doing, out of any money belonging to said corporation, not otherwise appropriated.

            Resolved, that the Street Committee be empowered to employ hands, to contract for a cart and oxen, or horses, as to them my seem fit, and that they work the streets in the following order, viz: Beginning on Main street at the cross street east of Brown and Sypert's Tavern and the Public Square, and put the same in good repair. Thence to Lafayette street, and put that in like good condition. - From thence to Butler's street on the cross street east of the Square and Brown and Sypert's Tavern, and put it in like good order.


            Resolved, that there be appointed a patroll in the town of Jackson in the following order, to wit: Every male, subject to military duty, be enrolled and then divided into companies of six, and that the Chairman appoint a Captain to each company, whose duty it shall be, when ordered by the Chairman, to patroll the streets from ten o'clock at night until three in the morning, and alternately until the whole shall have served a tour, and thence in regular succession. Any person refusing to serve, shall be fined in the sum of one dollar, to be recovered before a Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction thereof.


From Family Findings
Vol. IV, No. 1, January 1972, p. 23
Copyright, Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society, 1971
Appears on this web site by permission

1833 Corporation Laws of Jackson

Transcribed from early Madison County, Tennessee, newspapers, the SOUTHERN STATESMAN, Vol. III, No. 4, March 16, 1833, by your Editor (Mrs L. R. Mitchell)


CORPORATION LAW: Be it enacted by the Board of Commissioners for the Corporation of the town of Jackson, THAT the TAXES for the present year, shall be as follows, to wit:

On each white poll, one dollar.
On each Town Lot, one dollar.
On each -free Black Poll, one dollar.
On each Slave over twelve years of age and under fifty, fifty cents.
On each four-wheel pleasure Carriage, one dollar.
On each two-wheel pleasure Carriage, fifty cents.

Sec. 2.    And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of said Board, to advertise a day, on which he will attend at the Court House in the town of Jackson, and receive a list of all taxable property in said Corporation. And any person failing or refusing to give in his, her or their property, shall be subject to pay double the rate of the taxes assessed.

S. SYPERT, Chairman.

B. P. SEAWELL, Secretary March 16, 1833 - tf.