By Jonathan K. T. Smith
Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 1996OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT DEATH RECORDS, 1908-1912
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As of April 28, 1909 all births and deaths occurring in the State of Tennessee were required to be reported on specially-printed forms, collected by the clerks of each school district in the counties, previous to each July, who on or before August 1st of each year passed these forms on the county court clerk who would transcribe the data into a book and forward the original forms to the State Board of Health. The information registered for deaths: the name, surname of the decedent, date of death, gender, color, whether married, single, age, place of death, place of birth, occupation, cause of death, name of attending physician (if any) and date of report. (ACTS OF TENNESSEE, 1909, Chapter 314, pages 1256-1259) This registration was repealed April 2, 1913 and a broader scheme of reporting vital statistics became law, effective as of January 1, 1914, requiring in addition to the same information heretofore collected the names of the decedents parents, their birth-places and information supplied by the attending physician The local authorities registered these reports with the Bureau of Vital Statistics, State Department of Health, periodically. (ACTS OF TENNESSEE, 1913, Chapter 30, pages 64-69) Therefore, there has been except for most of 1912 and all of 1913 a system of registration of vital statistics in Tennessee since 1909. In listing the deaths of persons who died, of age or over age 50 in Madison County, 1908-1912, the local number of each report is given but where it is deleted in the original form the much larger number stamped by the Bureau of Vital Statistics to each report is here furnished.
75. MALINDA BOLIN, black, died June 1, 1912, aged 59, Civil District 8, single; born Tennessee.
83. WILL DEBERRY, black, died September 10, 1911, aged 60 years, Civil Dist. 6, married; born in same district and county.
87. CHARLES SANDERS, black, died October 1911, aged 85, Civil Dist. 6, married; born in South Carolina.
94. JANE GILLESPIE, b, died April 11, 1912, aged 60 years, Civil Dist. 6, married; birthplace not given.
60020. Mrs. SUSAN MARTIN, white, died. November 21, 1909, Jackson, widow; born in Tennessee.
60040. ALFRED MOISE, white, died August 1, 1909, aged 74, Civil Dist. 10; married; born in same district and county.
60042. G. M. EPPERSON, white, died Feb. 28, 1910, aged 62 years, Madison Co., married; born in Madison County.
60045. ISAAC ROBERTSON, white, died August 25, 1909, aged 60 years, Madison Co., married; born in Mississippi.
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60049. MARIAR MERIWETHER, black, died December 15, 1911, aged 81 years, Huntersville, married; born on the Peques farm /Madison County!.
60052. SILAS COLE, black, died February 16, 1912, aged 74 years, on Cole farm, married; born in South Carolina.
107. MARY D. WHARTON, white, died July 6, 1912, aged 68 years, Civil Dist. 9, single; born Crockett Co., Tenn.
110. JANNIE PIPPIN, white, died September 7, 1911, aged 54, Madison Co., married; born Crockett Co., Tenn.
112. MARY JACKSON, black, died June 20, 1912, aged 70 years, Civil Dist. 9, married; born Crockett Co., Tenn.
115. Y. A. McLEMORE, white, died March 1912, aged 63 years, Civil Dist. 9, married; born Madison County.
120. GEORGE WITHERS, black, died March 13, 1912, 60 years old, Madison Co., married; born Madison County.
124. MILLIE GILL, black, died July 19, 1911, aged 70 years, Madison Co., single; born Civil Dist. 10, Madison County.
126. JUDIE SMITH, black, died March 24, 1912, aged 85 years, Civil Dist. 10, single; born Hardeman Co., Tenn.
130. WILLIAM SPITZER, white, died March 10, 1912, aged 63 years, Civil Dist. 10, married; born in Tennessee.
131. ELIZA WINBERRY, black, died November 27, 1911, aged 60 years, Civil Dist. 10, married; born Civil Dist. 10, Madison County.
136. Mrs. I. N. CROOM, white, died February 19, 1912, aged 72 years, Civil Dist. 11; born "they think" in Madison County.
139. Mrs. E. J. CAMPBELL, white, died June 9, 1912, aged 80 years, Civil Dist. 11, widow; born North Carolina.
140. LEONARD S. OSBOURNE, white, died April 17, 1912, aged 61 years, Civil Dist. 11, married; born Johnson Co., Tenn.
143. JANE AUTRY, black, died May 28, 1912, aged about 80 years, Civil Dist. 11, born Madison County.
144. WILLIAM M. HOPPER, white, died Dec. 6, 1911, aged 54 years, Civil Dist. 11, married; born in Civil Dist. 11, Madison County.
151. B. B. STILL, white, died December 17, 1911, aged 50 years, Jackson, married; born Decatur County, Tennessee.
154. SALLIE ROLLINS, white, died November 22, 1911, aged 83 years, Madison Co., widow; born Carroll Co., Tenn.
60125. B. MAYO, female black, died April 15, 1909, aged 70 years, Jackson, married; born in Tennessee.
60128. MOLLIE McCALLISTER, black, died March 30, 1909, aged 54 years, Madison Co., widow; born Spring Creek.
60131. ROXIE DIXON, female black, died July 15, 1908, aged about 60 years, Jackson, widow; born Jackson.
60135. A. D. BETHSHARES, white male, died July 25, 1908, aged about 70 years, Jackson, married; born "don't know. "
60136. Mrs. BOOKER H. INMAN, white, died May 29, 1909, aged 69 years, Jackson, married; born Marion Co., Kentucky.
60137. LOUIS BRIDGMAN, black, died December 20, 1908, aged 56 years, Jackson, married; born in Mississippi.
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60139. LOU NICHOLS, black female, died November 20, 1909, aged about 60 years, Jackson, widow; born in Mississippi.
60141. BECKIE BELL, black, died about May 25, 1909, aged about 58 years, Jackson, married; born in Mississippi.
60143. RUTHY A. TROTTER, black, died ----, 1908, aged 59 years, Jackson, married; born near Jackson.
60144. M. L. BANNERMAN, white female, died March 8, 1909, aged 60 years, Jackson, widow; born Gainesville, Alabama.
60153. WILLIAM COX, white, died June 11, 1909, aged 65 years, Jackson, married; born Hampton /Northampton ?/ Co., N.C.
60155. Mrs. J. P. SMALLWOOD, white, died July 13, 1908, aged 57 years, Jackson, born McNairy Co., Tenn.
60156. W. D. MARLIN, white, died July 10, 1908, aged 77 years, near Jackson, married; born Baltimore, Maryland.
60158. MAT MADISON, black, died October 15, 1908, aged 66 years, near Jackson, married; born near Spring Creek.
60171. Mrs. M. E. EDWARDS, white, died December 8, 1908, aged abt. 65 years, near Jackson, widow; born in Middle Tennessee.
60175. Mrs. HARRIET HATJGHTON, white, died August 4, 1910, aged 84 years, Spring Creek, widow; born South Carolina.
60177. C. P. DEJOURNETTE, white male, died January 16, 1911, aged 60 years, Spring Creek, married; born North Carolina.
60178. Mrs. C. P. DEJOURNETTE, white, died January 17, 1911, aged 58 years, Spring Creek, married; born Mississippi.
/C. P. DEJOURNETTE died from pneumonia and his wife from neuralgia of heart./
60188. W. P. COLE, white, died December 9, 1910, aged 73 years, Madison County, married; born Gibson Co., Tenn.
60191. MARY E. GOWAN, white, died March 1, 1911, aged 83 years, 7 months, Madison County, widow; born in Virginia.
60195. SUSAN MATHIS, white, died August 24, 1910, aged 82 years, Madison County, widow; born Murry /Maury/ Co., Tenn.
60197. C. T. TOWATER, white, died January 8, 1911, aged 66 years, Madison County, married; born Bedford Co., Tenn.
60201. LIZZIE SMITH, white, died December 21, 1909, aged 64 years, Medon, married; born Medon, Tenn.
60204. J. M. TEAGUE, male white, died March 19, 1910, aged 80 years, Medon, married; born in Middle Tennessee.
60205. LOTTIE NEWSOM, black, died March 10, 1910, aged 61 years, Medon, married; born "Rolly County, N.C."
60213. G. W. GIVENS, white male, died June 9, 1910, aged 65 years, Medon, married; born Medon, Tenn.
60214. ANN McGLOHN, white, died June 27, 1910, aged 90 years, Medon, married; born Charleston, N.C.
60218. KATE LONG, white, died October 14, 1909, aged 85 years, Medon, married; born East Tennessee.
60220. MINNIE REEVES, black, died June 19, 1910, aged 62 years, Medon, married; born Madison County.
60222. F. M. HALEY, white, died December 18, 1910, aged 52 years, Madison County, married; born Gibson Co., Tenn.
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60225. W. T. PEARCE, white, died April 23, 1911, aged 78 years, Civil Dist. 16, married; born N.C.
60234. JOE MULLINS, white, died January 15, 1911, aged 70 years, Civil Dist. 16, married; born in Tennessee.
60246. ROSE REED, black, died May 25, 1911, aged 78 years, Jackson, widow; born Virginia.
60249. Mrs. LAURA O. KIRBY, white, died October 13, 1910, aged 51 years, Jackson, married; born Decatur Co., Tenn.
60252. TOM SMITH, white, died August 15, 1910, aged 61 years, Jackson, widower; born in Tennessee.
60255. J. J. BRANCH, male white, died November 20, 1910, aged 68 years, Jackson, married; born Henderson Co., Tenn.
60263. POMPEY CHAPMAN, male black, died April 27, 1909, aged 95 years, on D. P. Transou's place, single; birthplace not given.
60267. MARIAH SPRINGFIELD, black, died June 1909, aged 68 years, Civil Dist. 5, single; born Virginia.
60269. LEATHY BOND, black female, died May 2, 1909, aged 80 years, Civil Dist. 5, widow; born N.C.
60270. LUCY FORREST, black, died May 12, 1909, aged 84 years, Civil Dist. 5, widow; born N.C.
60281. HENRY CLAY SCRUGGS, black, died July 2, 1911, aged 75 years, Madison Co., married; born in Mississippi.
60293. W. H. HARRISON, white, died April 27, 1909, aged 69 years, Medon, married; born Medon, Tenn.
60295. WILLIAM BROOKS, black, died October 20, 1908, aged 68 years, Medon, married; born "unknown."
60296. MARGARETT NEWTON, white, died April 12, 1909, aged 58 years, Madison Co., married; born Medon, Tenn.
60298. H. H. SWINK, white male, died April 3, 1909, aged 69 years, Medon, married; born Medon, Tenn.
60299. SALLIE SWINK, white, died March 12, 1909, aged 61 years, Medon, married; born Jackson, Tenn.
60300. W. H. BUTLER, white male, died May 12, 1909, aged 52 years, Medon; married; born Medon, Tenn.
60302. Mrs. F. J. SNIPES, white, died Jan. 22, 1911, aged 69 years, Denmark, married; born Tenn.
60310. NATH REID, black, died March 15, 1911, aged 65 years, Civil Dist. 19, married; born Madison County.
60311. S. B. F0RREST, white, died January 8, 1911, aged 88 years, Civil Dist. 19, married; born N.C.
60312. JO ANNA BROWN, black, died March l5, 1911, aged 60 years, Civil Dist. 19, married; born Little Rock, Arkansas.
60315. ALFRED LOVE, black, died August 1910, aged 68 years, Civil Dist. 19, married; born Madison County.
60318. M. PERSON, white male, died April 14, 1911, aged 50 years, Jackson, married; born Madison County.
60321. H. J. HOLT, male white, died December 13, 1910, aged 68 years, Jackson, married; born Limestone County, Alabama.
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60323. J. A. CROCKETT, white, died June 27, 1911, aged 53 years, Jackson, widower; born Baldwin, Miss.
60325. Miss ELLA HINMAN, white, died April 13, 1911, aged 55 years, Jackson, single; born Corinth, Miss.
60331. IKE SMALL, black, died August 15, 1910, aged 74 years, Jackson, married; born Tennessee.
60340. Mrs. CAROLINE BAKER, white, died September 15, 1910, aged 72 years, Jackson, widow; born in Germany.
60342. Z. HAAS, white, died October 15, 1910, aged 58 years, Jackson, married; born in Germany.
60346. J. P. PERSON, male white, died January 10, 1911, aged 76 years, Jackson, married; born South Carolina.
60347. KALIP A. MANLY, white, died August 20, 1910, aged 75 years, Jackson; born in Madison County.
60353. NICK FULLER, white, died March 16, 1911, aged 64 years, Spring Creek, married; born Madison County.
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