From the Vertical Files, Tennessee Room, Jackson-Madison County Library
[Not attributed but typing is that of Jonathan K. T. Smith]
Located about 5½ miles northwest from present city limits of Jackson, Tennessee via the old Bells Highway and Adair Road. Cemetery situated on a wooded rise about .4 mile north from Adair Road at a point about .2 mile west from this road's junction with Midyett Road. Adjacent an abandoned black burial ground called the Epperson Cemetery. There is no longer a road to the cemetery; approach is by following west fence row and then diverting to the northeast to the cemetery. Besides the tombstone of Albert and Susan B. Perry, with footstones "A.P." and "S.B.P." marking their graves, there are several nearby sunken graves that are unmarked.
Document in vertical file has two polaroids, one of marker and one of cemetery, from which the following information was read:
[double marker]
Perry, Albert, Apr. 26, 1788-Apr. 9, 1835
Perry, Susan, June 8, 1795-Mar. 25, 1857