(Southeast Section)The East and West sections are defined by the two loops of the access drive. There are a few burials outside the driveway loops, south of the East section.
Elder, April, Dec. 1, 1989-Sept. 2, 2003
Jackson, Louis L. "Pete," May 5, 1920-Mar. 21, 1903, military marker as footstone "PFC US Army World War II"
Kelley, Brends S., Jan. 4, 1950-____
Melton, Doris J., Aug. 3, 1934-____
Melton, Richard F., Nov. 5, 1926-Apr. 3, 2003Oakes, Jewel "Elaine," May 5, 1935-____
Oakes, Jewel "Tom," Sept. 27, 1931-Apr. 23, 2001, "Married Nov. 12, 1979"Stewart, Kay M., May 21, 1948-June 26, 2003, footstone with "Grammy"
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