Parkway Memorial Gardens is a modern cemetery (established 1986) on Paul Coffman Drive in East Jackson. The cemetery is owned by Bledsoe Funeral Home. All markers are bronze type designed to be flush to the ground. Except for a few of the earliest, each marker is mounted on a granite base. One thing noticeable is that the cemetery seems to have been resurveyed and realigned about 1988. Markers placed in the cemetery 1986-1988 have a slightly different alignment from the majority of markers placed in later years. This cemetery may have the highest percentage of graves with permanent markers of any major black cemetery in Madison County. Still, as many as a quarter of all burials lack permanent markers.

            David Donahue recorded this cemetery on December 27, 2003 based on earlier work by Jonathan K. T. Smith. Mr. Smith's 1995 record for this cemetery appears in his Tombstone Inscriptions from Black Cemeteries in Madison County, Tennessee and a 2000 update appears in his Tombstone Inscriptions from Black Cemeteries in Madison County, Tennessee, Volume 2. These works are referred to collectively as Smith in the notes below.

            The list of markers below was compared to a list of interments August 1986-May 1990 which appeared in an advertisement for the cemetery in The Jackson Sun, May 27, 1990. Of 148 interments during this period, 27 (18 percent) were unmarked at the end of 2003. The interment date from the list is included below for individuals whose permanent markers list only death years.

            Only two sections of the cemetery are in use — a large area within the driveway loop and an area west of the driveway loop. There is an isolated row of infant graves in the southwest and a pile of unplaced marble military markers by the west fence.


Loop Section

Adams, Herbert Hoover, July 9, 1931-July 18, 1999, military marker "US Army Korea"

Addison Hervey, d. Oct. 31, 1993, Age 11 Mos. 28 Days, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Anderson, Addie, d. June 3, 1998, temporary marker, 3 feet north of military marker for Jessie Lee Anderson

Anderson, Betty Mae, Mar. 1, 1905-Nov. 8, 1991, "We love you mother dear"

Anderson, Bobby Terrell, Mar. 19, 1972-Dec. 20, 1990

Anderson, Fannie V., 1916-1989 [interred Sept. 20, 1989]

Anderson, Hattie H., Aug. 28, 1906-Dec. 25, 1989, "Mother" [Mrs. Hattie Harriet Anderson in interment list]

Anderson, James L., 1933-1995
Anderson, Violar B., 1934-____, also temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw, Mar. 20, 1934-Oct. 31, 2003

Anderson, Jessie Lee, May 23, 1952- July 21, 1995, military marker "Tsgt US Air Force Vietnam Persian Gulf"

Anderson, John Wesley, Aug. 28, 1915-Feb. 3, 1988, temporary marker [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Anderson, Johnnie B., 1922-1987, military marker "US Army" [interred Oct. 31, 1987]
Anderson, Lottie B., 1923-____

Anderson, Lessie [see Glenn, Lessie Anderson]

Askew, Erica J., Mrs., June 6, 1926-May 5, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet north of marker for Jack Nichols

Bailey, Harold Wayne, Dec. 12, 1954-Sept. 16, 2002, military marker "US Army"

Bailey, Ludie, June 15, 1914-Aug. 16, 1990

Bailey, Robert, Sr., Sept. 18, 1945-Dec. 27, 2000, military marker "US Army Vietnam"

Bailey, Shirley Ruth, June 25, 1950-Jan. 4, 2002

Barham, Freddie, Dec. 1, 1922-Nov. 30, 1997

Barnes, Chester J., Jan. 8, 1910-Jan. 15, 1991, military marker "Cpl US Army World War II"

Bates, Lillian Elnore [see Douglas, Lillian Elnora Bates]

Bates, Moriarco M. "Yogi B.," Oct. 30, 1977-Sept. 29, 2001

Baylock, Nellie, 1907-____, also temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, Feb. 15, 1907-Nov. 10, 1999 [shares double marker with Nancy Jane Rooks]

Beasley, Levi, d. Sept. 26, 1988, Age 49, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995; interred Oct. 1, 1988]

Beauregard, Barry Lee, 1959-1996

Bell, Elmer Eugene (Jamel), Dec. 26, 1950-May 25, 2000 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Bell, Lillian Coleman, Jan. 23, 1921-July 7, 1994

Berry, Johnnie Chatman, Feb. 16, 1919-Sept. 7, 2001

Biggs, L. S., Rev., d. Nov. 3, 1987, Age 87, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995; listed as Rev. L. S. Briggs in interment list]

Bills, Kitty M., Sept. 23, 1901-Oct. 8, 1993

Bingham, Clifford, Jr., Jan. 11, 1954-July 1, 1991, military marker "L Cpl US Marine Corps"

Bingham, Kennith Jerome, Nov. 29, 1948-Aug. 2, 1995

Bingham, Knowles S., 1905-1992

Bishop, Alma Jean, Aug. 2, 1944-May 25, 1997, "Beloved wife" [only name on double marker; recent burial at other position but no temporary marker present]

Black, Ella V., Jan. 3, 1926-Apr. 7, 1995

Blackmon, Abril, Apr. 3, 1902-Nov. 21, 1997 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Blackmon, Henry, Jr., May 17, 1924-Feb. 23, 2000 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Blackmon, Henry, Sr., Sept. 15, 1903-Oct. 18, 1987

Blair, Alicia [see Williams, Alicia Blair]

Blalark, Lee Douglas (L.D.), Feb. 29, 1916-June 29, 1999, "Pastor"

Blalark, Mary Alice, Aug. 20, 1904-May 3, 1997

Bledsoe, George A., Jan. 4, 1873-Jan. 3, 1957 [interred Aug. 30, 1988]
Bledsoe, Lonie, Feb. 4, 1878-Sept. 13, 1956 [interred Aug. 30, 1988]

Bledsoe, Helen I., 1921-____
Bledsoe, Charles L., 1908-1978 [interred Nov. 21, 1986]

Boals, Willie Lee, 1921-1990, military marker "US Army" [interred Mar. 10, 1990]

Bond, Frances M., 1919-1987 [interred Sept. 5, 1987]

Bonds, Walter Lee, Sr., June 12, 1934-____
Bonds, Lila Mae, May 5, 1937-____

Bonds, Yolanda Faye, Oct. 17, 1961-Jan. 27, 2002, "Loving mother"

Bowers, Lula S., Mar. 16, 1908-July 17, 1999

Bowman, Jeanetta G., 1924-1989 [interred Jan. 6, 1989]

Boyd, Will, Oct. 25, 1908-Sept. 12, 1988

Brandy, Jeffery Charles, May 8, 1964-Dec. 19, 1999

Brandy, Willie C., 1935-____; also temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, Mr. Willie C. (Tag) Brandy, Apr. 25, 1935-Aug. 16, 2003
Brandy, Louise, 1938-2000 

Bray, Emma Jean [see Miller, Emma Jean]

Bray, William, d. June 19, 1994, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Briggs, L. S. [see Biggs, L. S.]

Briley, Alvin, Nov. 11, 1928-____
Briley, Jestin, Dec. 22, 1934-____

Britt, Lucille [see Tomlinson, Lucille Britt]

Brooks, Benjamin, Nov. 25, 1926-Sept. 18, 2001, military marker "PFC US Army Air Forces World War II"

Brooks, Calvin, June 30, 1924-Nov. 11, 2002

Brooks, Effie S., 1904-1989 [interred June 14, 1989]

Brooks, Jessie Lee, 1929-1991

Brooks, John Wesley, Sept. 28, 1926-Feb. 18, 1997, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Brooks, Ora [see Davis, Ora Brooks]

Brooks, Robert L., Nov. 2, 1945-Feb. 26, 1997

Brooks, Walter, Jr., July 29, 1933-Feb. 4, 1998 [Masonic symbol]
Brooks, Alice M., Oct. 23, 1935-____ [Eastern Star symbol]

Brooks, Zharis Cenise, Dec. 3, 2002-Dec. 3, 2002, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 7 feet south of marker for Charles Daniel Day

Brown, Albert R., Sr., June 23, 1922-Apr. 3, 1997, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Brown, Beverly J., 1940-1992 [as reported on temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, recorded by Smith in 1995: Mrs. Beverly Jean Brown, Feb. 12, 12-1940-Oct. 1, 1992]

Brown, Bruce Edward, US Marine Corps, Feb. 17, 1962-July 24, 1990

Brown, Christopher C., July 26, 1949-Oct. 4, 2002

Brown, Ernestine, Jan. 12, 1926-Sept. 4, 1994

Brown, Fannie Lee Hunt, June 2, 1908-Apr. 28, 1992

Brown, Georgia M., Mar. 15, 1895-Jan. 10, 1992

Brown, Hollis, Jan. 8, 1922-Aug. 13, 1994, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"
Brown, Hannah, Dec. 20, 1926-____, "Beloved wife"

Brown, Lewis V., 1947-1989, military marker "Pvt US Marine Corps Vietnam" [interred Jan. 17, 1989]

Brown, Mattie J., Oct. 11, 1907-Jan. 25, 1993

Brown, Robert, Mar. 12, 1912-Mar. 5, 1990, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995; interred Mar. 7, 1990]

Brown, Rosie D., Oct. 27, 1918-Sept. 20, 2002

Brown, T. Willie, Jan. 11, 1915-Sept. 2, 2003, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"

Bundy, Norma Edwards, Aug. 9, 1938-____, "Beloved wife"
Bundy, Joe Louis, Apr. 26, 1936-Sept. 11, 1995, military marker "TSgt US Air Force"

Burris, Theo, Sr., d. Sept. 17, 1993, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, 1 foot north of military marker for Theodore Burris, Jr.

Burris, Theodore, Jr., Aug. 29, 1939-Jan. 29, 1990, military marker "Pvt US Army"

Bush, Lillian Frances, August 12, 1941-July 23, 1991

Butler, Alesceo M., 1969-1998, "Beloved son"

Butler, Jonas D., Apr. 2, 1916-May 6, 2002, military marker "US Army World War II"
Butler, Hattie P., 1925-1997, "Beloved wife"

Carlington, Minnie [see Sims, Minnie Carlington]

Carroll, James H., July 2, 1914-Mar. 14, 1995, Beloved husband, father and grandfather

Carroll, Renzie, June 8, 1917-Mar. 20, 1992

Carter, Marcus, Mar. 12, 1928-Feb. 19, 1994

Carter, Terry T., 1972-1996, "Moose"

Carver, Gary, Jr., June 14, 1945-Sept. 3, 2003, military marker "SP4 US Army Vietnam"

Chaney, Willie Cassie, Feb. 7, 1944-May 14, 1987

Chatman, Icy Dee, May 19, 1927-Nov. 2, 1987

Chatman, Johnnie [see Berry, Johnnie Chatman]

Cherry, Janet F. [see Ellison, Janet F. Cherry]

Clark, Charles Wesley, Mar. 28, 1924-June 14, 1999 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possible read from a temporary marker]

Clark, Charlie Sumnell, 1904-____ [Masonic symbol]; also temporary marker, Ford Funeral Home, d. Aug. 30, 2001
Clark, Ruby, 1908-1993 [Eastern Star symbol]

Clark, James Alvin, Oct. 6, 1928-Oct. 26, 1991, military marker "Cpl, US Army Korea"
Clark, Joan W., 1930-____, "Beloved wife"

Clark, John Lewis, 1950-____

Clark, John Lewis, Jr., July 22, 1928-July 14, 1992, military marker "US Army Korea"
Clark, Connie Lois, Jan. 10, 1930-____, "Beloved wife"

Clay, Troy Elizabeth, Mrs., Aug. 18, 1909-Sept. 30, 2002, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 5 feet north of marker for Jeanette G. Brown

Cockrell, Marquis, d. Oct. 1990, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Cole, Annie Davis, Feb. 15, 1929-____

Cole, Cecil L., Nov. 22, 1944-Sept. 8, 1995, military marker "Sgt US Army Vietnam"

Cole, James Ezell, 1933-1988, military marker "US Army Korea" [interred June 18, 1988]

Cole, Maggie, Mar. 22, 1900-June 21, 1997 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000]

Cole, Rufus Fred, July 3, 1918-Nov. 27, 1991, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"
Cole, Lillie Belle, Aug. 6, 1921-July 23, 1997, "Beloved wife"

Coleman, Lillian [see Bell, Lillian Coleman]

Comer, John L., 1934-____
Comer, Beulah M., 1934-____ [flowers on this marker in December 2003]

Copeland, Elijah, 1913-1989 [interred Aug. 26, 1989]
Copeland, Emma Louise, 1924-____

Cox, Delphi Lorraine, Dec. 4, 1957-June 3, 1990, "Love mother Theresa Cox Blalark, father, family and friends"

Crittendon, Willie Mae [see Merriweather, Willie Mae Crittendon]

Cross, Gregory, Jr., d. Nov. 16, 1990, temporary marker, Mercer Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Cross, Marvin, d. Mar. 1, 2003, temporary marker, mercer Brothers F.H., 4 feet north of marker for Mattie J. Brown

Culps, Christopher Lee, Mar. 13, 1966-Mar. 20, 1996

Culps, L. F., 1921-1987, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II" [interred Dec. 20, 1987]

Culps, Steven A., Apr. 21, 1959-Aug. 26, 1997

Curry, Ersula, Nov. 1907-Sept. 1991

Curry, Ruth Meyer, 1941-____, "Beloved mother" [only name on double marker]

Curry, William D., July 21, 1923-Feb. 20, 2003, military marker "US Navy World War II"

Curtain, Charlie, Jan. 31, 1955-____

Davis, Annie [see Cole, Annie Davis]

Davis, Carolyn Y., 1951-____

Davis, Edgar L., 1919-1987, military marker "Sgt US Army World War II" [interred Jan. 3, 1988]

Davis, Marie S., 1903-1995

Davis, Ora Brooks, May 10, 1908-Jan. 13, 1995, "Aunt"

Davis, Reginald "Reggie", Jr., May 30, 1973-May 3, 1993

Day, Charles Daniel, May 28, 1951-Apr. 15, 1998

Day, Geroy, Dec. 14, 1926-Apr. 2, 1999, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Delap, Veola Bell, 1906-1997

Demoss, Darius, Sept. 14, 2002, "Our baby"

Dethrow, Mattie Lou [see Murray, Mattie Lou Dethrow]

Donaldson, Louise, Oct. 29, 1912-May 2, 2000

Dornell, L. D., Sr., Sept. 25, 1917-June, 21, 1997, military marker "Pvt US Air Force World War II"

Dornell, Minnie, Apr. 30, 1920-May 14, 1987 [adjacent to military marker for L. D. Dornell, Sr.]

Dotson, Lucinda Eliza, Mrs., d. Feb. 15, 1987, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Douglas, Lillian Elnora Bates, 1922-1998

Drains, Herman, Sr., July 31, 1943-June 17, 2002

Duckworth, Hazel, Mrs., Aug. 1, 1919-July 21, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet north of marker for Raphel (R.S.) Neely

Duffey, Shirley [see Stewart, Shirley Duffey Randolph]

Echols, Alfred L., 1948-1994 [from temporary marker, Mercer Funeral Home, recorded by Smith in 1995: d. Nov. 5, 1994]
Echols, Delois J., 1948-____

Eddings, Mona Yuvette, May 11, 1971-Feb. 5, 1999

Edwards, Jessie, Jan. 1, 1914-Nov. 14, 1997, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, 2 feet north of double marker for Norma Edwards and Joe Louis Bundy

Edwards, Norma [see Bundy, Norma edwards]

Ellison, Janet F. Cherry, Mar. 28, 1956-Dec. 26, 1998 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2003, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Ellison, Lovern, July 30, 1942-Oct. 14, 1993
Ellison, Evelyn S., Mar. 31, 1942-____

Exum, S. T. Charles, Sept. 24, 1942-Nov. 17, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet south of double marker for Leon and Lorraine May Gill

Exum, Walter, Sr., Nov. 26, 1910-July 5, 1991, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"
Exum, Mary C. D., Mar. 18, 1917-____, "Beloved wife"

Finger, Beverly Sue, Nov. 28, 1951-Nov. 13, 1996

Finger, James Jerome, Aug. 29, 1961-May 30, 1994, military marker "Sgt US Army Persian Gulf"

Finger, James W., Feb. 14, 1924-____
Finger, Jeanette L., Nov. 6, 1930-____

Floyd, Blanch L., Mrs., Dec. 9, 1916-May 1, 1994, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Floyd, Irine Hall, Dec. 24, 1913-Dec. 9, 1996 [adjacent to military marker for Velmer B. Floyd]

Floyd, Velmer B., Jan. 12, 1919-July 6, 1998, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Forbis, Tommy Lee, Sept. 2, 1939-Jan. 5, 1989

Forrest, Frankie, 1909-1992

Forrest, Quinton, Nov. 25, 1905-Mar. 4, 1987 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Franklin, Alvin C., Dec. 8, 1904-July 31, 2002
Franklin, Lizzie M., June 8, 1918-____

Frazier, Samuel, 1942-1987 [Samuel Lee Frazier, interred May 20, 1987]

Freeman, Amos E., Rev., 1916-1996
Freeman, Ruby M., Mrs., 1919-____

Freeman, George Edward, Sr., Jan. 19, 1951-July 27, 1998, military marker "US Navy"

Freeman, Leroy E., Oct. 16, 1921-Aug. 14, 1996
Freeman, Louise C., Apr. 28, 1925-____

Frierson, John C., 1915-1987 [interred Feb. 9, 1987]
Frierson, Gladys O., 1929-____

Fuller, Desmond, July 25, 1976-July 7, 1988, "Jurmone"

Fuller, Gereline H., Nov. 30, 1949-____, "Beloved wife" [only name on double marker]

Fuller, Manley J., Mar. 24, 1918-Feb. 26, 1999, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"

Fuller, Neverta Womack, June 12, 1920-June 2, 1987 [adjacent to military marker for Manley J. Fuller]

Gates, Charles M., Dec. 23, 1924-July 15, 1994, military marker "Stda1 US Marine Corps World War II"

Gibbs, Carey, 1907-1999

Gibbs, Roy, Oct. 12, 1912-May 17, 1987, military marker "Tec 4 US Army World War II"

Gibson, Gregory L., June 12, 1951-July 12, 2001, military marker "US Navy Vietnam"

Gibson, Willie O., 1900-1987 [Mr. Willie Gibson, interred Nov. 28, 1987]

Gill, Leon, Jan. 24, 1935-May 2, 1993, military marker "Pvt US Army Korea"
Gill, Lorraine May, May 13, 1934-____, "Beloved wife"

Gilliard, Robert, Apr. 25, 1907-June 4, 1990, military marker "US Army World War II"

Glenn, Carrie M., 1939-1994 [only name on double marker]

Glenn, Lessie Anderson, Sept. 2, 1892-Sept. 9, 1986

Glenn, Shudranika, d. Nov. 24, 1994, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Glenn, Winston, Nov. 21, 1935-Oct. 5, 1994, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Godwin, Jessie Lee, Sept. 27, 1925-Dec. 25, 1996, military marker "US Navy"

Godwin, Linda A. Ligon, January 26, 1952-____, Beloved wife and mother [only name on double marker]

Golden, Mattie Bell, Mar. 18, 1925-July 8, 1993

Goodman, Frances P., no dates, Beloved wife and mother [only name on double marker]

Graham, Arnessa, 1925-1992

Grant, Hannah Net, Mrs., July 19, 1907-July 13, 1991, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Graves, Louise, d. June 25, 1994, temporary marker, Mercer Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Gray, Joyce A., 1947-1998

Gray, Raymond C., Aug. 7, 1968-July 11, 1991

Green, Earlie B., Sept. 9, 1936-Oct. 23, 1987, "We love you mom dear"

Green, Jerry W., Oct. 13, 1954-July 27, 1997

Greer, Augusta L., June 2, 1902-Dec. 21, 1986

Gresham, Viola, Oct. 10, 1911-Nov. 10, 1988 [Mrs. Viola Parks Gresham in interment list]

Grimes, Hubert H., Jr., 1936-1993

Guthrie, Ralph C., 1903-____

Hadley, William H., 1907-1987 [interred Mar. 13, 1987]
Hadley, Willie B., 1908-1987 [Mrs. Willie B. Hadley, interred June 21, 1987]

Hall, Irine [see Floyd, Irine Hall]

Hall, O. T., Daddy, July 15, 1901-Jan. 25, 1990

Hall, Odell, 1942-1989 [Mr. Odell Hall, interred June 8, 1989]

Hammond, Davis H., Jr., 1989-1994 [from temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home, recorded by Smith in 1995: David Harold Hammond, Jr., d. Nov. 20, 1994, Age 5]

Hampton, Eddie Lee, Apr. 2, 1926-Feb. 16, 1996, military marker "Sgt US Army"

Harris, Betty J., Nov. 21, 1940-June 28, 2001

Harris, Ernestine, Oct. 11, 1925-May 12, 1987

Harris, James, Sr., Apr. 27, 1924-Apr. 7, 2000, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"

Harris, Thressa, 1912-1986 [interred Oct. 4, 1986]

Harris, Wilbert A., Sr., Mar. 13, 1955-Aug. 30, 2002, military marker "AB US Air Force Vietnam"

Harrison, ______, d. Sept. 12, 1988, "Stillborn baby girl," temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995; from interment list: Mrs. Sheila Harrison (baby), interred Sept. 16, 1988]

Harrison, Alex, Sep. 8, 1919-Nov. 17, 1990, military marker "Tec5 US Army World War II"

Harrison, Ethel, 1919-____ [adjacent to military marker for Alex Harrison]

Hart, Willie, July 28, 1918-May 17, 1997

Hayes, Hazel L., Sept. 4, 1915-Jan. 13, 2000 [adjacent to marker for Robert (Twitt) Hayes]

Hayes, Robert (Twitt), July 29, 1914-Dec. 23, 1995

Hayes, Willie Leon, July 18, 1955-May 16, 1997

Haynes, Donnell, Jr., Aug. 8, 1964-Dec. 17, 2001

Haynes, Donnell, Sr., Jan. 10, 1939-Nov. 2, 1991, military marker "AB US Air Force"

Haynes, Dorothy Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1933-Jan. 1, 1999 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possible read from a temporary marker]

Henning, Mary Pearl, Mrs., Oct. 14, 1915-Dec. 26, 1999, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw, 2 feet south of marker for Jerry Neal, Jr.

Hennings, Cisco [see McCorry, Cisco]

Hill, Gladys Marie, Mrs., June 31, 1917-Oct. 18, 1994, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Hodges, Marie, Sept. 12, 1912-____, also temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, d. May 7, 1999

Hogan, Clara J., 1898-1996

Hogsett, Lola Mai, 1918-1988 [interred Oct. 14, 1988]

Holland, Shula Mae, June 25, 1918-May 25, 2000

Holmes, Esther D., Mrs., Mar. 20, 1910-May 21, 2000 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Holmes, Garfield, July 9, 1918-Mar. 17, 2002, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 7 feet north of marker for Sylvestia Bishop Smith

Horton, Cornelius, Aug. 17, 1925-Sept. 18, 1991, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Howse, Katie Lee, Feb. 10, 1906-Aug. 4, 1989

Hoyle, Ella M. May, Aug. 27, 1929-May 12, 2000 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Hoyle, James Lee "Precious," Sept. 14, 1931-Feb. 26, 1993, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by smith in 1995]

Hudson, Arnelia Arnetta, Mrs., Apr. 17, 1912-Dec. 11, 1998, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 1 foot north of marker for Womack A. Johnson, Jr.

Hudson, Oceola, Mr., May 7, 1908-Feb. 20, 1998, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 4 feet north of marker for Womack A. Johnson, Jr.

Hulsey, Lugesta, 1901-1990, "So dearly loved by your children"

Hunt, Alex, Jr., July 6, 1930-Feb. 6, 1994
Hunt, Lenora Dotris Wilson, Sept. 25, 1932-Sept. 3, 1988

Hunt, Antuan, Aug. 21, 1976-June 21, 1996, military marker "US Navy"

Hunt, David Lamar, Oct. 9, 1950-Nov. 21, 1990, military marker "Cpl US Marine Corps Vietnam"

Hunt, Fannie Lee [see Brown, Fannie Lee Hunt]

Hunt, James Edward, Aug. 14, 1949-May 5, 1991, military marker "SP4 US Army Vietnam"

Hunt, Mary Louise, Rev. Mrs., Dec. 9, 1924-Nov. 16, 1991, "Beloved wife and mother" "Founder United Kingdom Church"

Hunt, Oleather, Dec. 8, 1933-Feb. 28, 2003, "beloved wife" [only name on double marker]

Hunt, Paul H., Feb. 25, 1954-Feb. 18, 1995, military marker "US Navy"

Huntspoon, Gene W., Mr., July 25, 1935-Oct. 8, 2003, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw, 6 feet north of marker for Gussie Maxwell

Huntspoon, Loraine, d. Mar. 5, 2003, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers F.H., 2 feet north of marker for Mattie J. Brown

Hurt, Joseph S., 1939-____

Isabell, Charlie Mac, June 16, 1916-Jan. 7, 1996, military marker "US Army World War II"

Jackson, Mary A., 1942-____ [marker has flowers in December 2003]

Jacox, Leola "Doanie," 1950-1999, "Beloved mother" "Tracy Derrick Austin Fakesha Ladarius Dorian"

Jacox, Tracy Devor, Dec. 21, 1967-Sept. 19, 1996

James, Walter Lee, Mar. 5, 1942-Jan. 11, 2000

Jenkins, Tina Angelina, Dec. 1, 1963-Jan. 8, 2000

Johnson, John Walter, July 15, 1923-Apr. 7, 1991, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"

Johnson, Viola Powell, July 12, 1910-May 21, 1990

Johnson, Walter J., Jr. , Mar. 27, 1921-Apr. 28, 1998, military marker "S Sgt US Army World War II"
Johnson, Estella H., Dec. 25, 1940-____

Johnson, Womack A., Jr., Oct. 7, 1932-Aug. 5, 2000, military marker "US Air Force Korea"

Jones, Annette A., 1921-2000
Jones, Gus, 1912-1978 [interred Jan. 26, 1987]

Jones, Barry Lynn, June 27, 1964-Nov. 30, 1994

Jones, Bobby J., Apr. 14, 1946-Nov. 22, 1996

Jones, Collins, July 16, 1923-Apr. 21, 1994
Jones, Katie C., Jan. 27, 1927-June 9, 1998

Jones, Corlois A., Feb. 25, 1948-Oct. 1, 1972

Jones, Jack, Oct. 10, 1911-Mar. 7, 1968 [interred Nov. 20, 1989]
Jones, Abbie L., Mar. 20, 1916-Nov. 14, 1989

Jones, James H., 1904-1990 [H. stands for Henry according to temporary marker, Thomas Funeral Home, recorded by Smith in 1995]

Jones, Jordan Lashon, May 5, 1994-June 8, 1994, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Jones, Lee, Jan. 9, 1922-June 17, 1989

Jones, Mattie Mae, 1930-1987 [interred Jan. 5, 1987]

Jones, Michael Dean, Sept. 9, 1955-Nov. 22, 1999 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Jones, Nelia B., Nov. 22, 1932-Feb. 13, 1991, "beloved mother"

Jones, Susie, Mrs., Nov. 14, 1922-June 16, 2000 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Jones, Willie Edward, June 28, 1953-Oct. 28, 1991, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Jordan, Mary L., 1936-1992

Jordan, Stephen, Jr., Dec. 11, 2001-May 5, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 3 feet north of marker for Jack Nichols

Kelly, Mozell, Aug. 26, 1926-Nov. 10, 1996

Key, Katherine [see Moody, Katherine Key]

Key, Norise F., 1936-____
Key, Mary L., 1943-____

King, Ernest J., Sr., Jan. 21, 1933-May 19, 1999

Lake, Mary O., Sept. 4, 1925-Apr. 30, 1998, In Loving Memory

Lane, Henry, 1912-____
Lane, Nellie B., 1911-1990 [interred Mar. 3, 1990]

Ligon, Linda A. [see Godwin, Linda A. Ligon]

Linear, Mary Lou, Jan. 11, 1924-Mar. 27, 1990

Long, Joann White, Mrs., Sept. 25, 1958-Dec. 18, 2002, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 5 feet south of double marker for Leon and Lorraine May Gill

Long, Walter Lee, 1956-2001

Love, Beto Fitzgerald, Oct. 24, 1964-July 13, 1999 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2003, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Love, Brent Howard, Jan. 24, 1953-Nov. 27, 2001

Love, Brent Laron (Ron), 1975-1995

Love, Lonnell, Aug. 25, 1952-Feb. 4, 1988 [Mr. Lonnell Love in interment list]

Love, Terrence Montrell, Nov. 3, 1983-Jan. 16, 1995

Lyons, Katie, 1895-1990 [interred Feb. 15, 1990]

Lyons, Tavares "T.V.," 1976-2001

Macklin, Mamie [see Malone, Mamie Macklin]

Malone, Mamie Macklin, Aug. 25, 1912-Oct. 8, 1988

Manning, Justine, Sept. 6, 1927-Feb. 15, 1992

Martin, Hazel, Aug. 7, 1909-Oct. 7, 1995, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Martin, Lewis, Apr. 29, 1910-Feb. 17, 1999
Martin, Martha Q., June 28, 1916-____

Mason, Alice H., 1903-1993

Mason, Rufus, Apr. 27, 1924-Oct. 26, 1998

Massey, Jesse L., 1916-____
Massey, Maggie R., 1920-____

Mattison, Charles E., June 21, 1927-Oct. 28, 1992, military marker "Sgt US Army Korea"
Mattison, Ann E., Mar. 7, 1932-____

Maxwell, Gussie, Apr. 15, 1935-Aug. 30, 1997

Maxwell, Mamie, Mrs., d. Aug. 27, 1993, Age 60, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Maxwell, Tom, Sr., May 6, 1923-May 17, 1998, "Preacher"

May, Charles Daniel, May 28, 1951-Apr. 15, 19981999 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2003, possibly read from a temporary marker]

May, Jimmie Lee, Feb. 25, 1933-Apr. 26, 1998

May, Lorraine [see Gill, Lorraine May]

Mays, Lonnie M., 1940-1994

McBride, Grace P., June 7, 1919-July 9, 1988

McCorry, Aldeoria, June 30, 1918-Oct. 19, 1996
McCorry, Mary E., Aug. 24, 1930-____

McCorry, Cisco, May 12, 1884-Jan. 28, 1995 [age 111; Smith noted that she was Mrs. Cisco (Hennings) McCorry and that she achieved one of the longest recorded lifespans of a Madison Countian]

McCorry, Everlener W., Aug. 11, 1918-____

McCorry, Phillip Edward, Mar. 8, 1959-Feb. 10, 1991, So Dearly Loved

McCorry, William Edward, Jan. 30, 1911-July 31, 1986, military marker "PFC US Army World War II" [this was the first burial in Parkway Memorial Gardens]

McCully, Rudolph V., 1932-____
McCully, Flossie N., 1933-____

McDarnell, Margaret, 1945-1990, "Loving daughter sister and mother" [from temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home, reported by Smith in 1995: d. July 1, 1990]

McDarnell, Willard, 1927-1992

McDoile, Elizabeth, 1930-____

McGoughy, Thomas E., Sept. 5, 1929-May 10, 1993
McGoughy, Estelle, June 22, 1930-____

McKinney, Elvester R., 1902-____

McKinney, Leroy, 1915-____, military marker as footstone "SSgt US Army World War II"; dates on military market Oct. 12, 1915-June 18, 2001
McKinney, Betty Jean, 1928-____

McKissack, Wm. E. II, Dr., 1922-____
McKissack, Rosetta, 1925-____

McLemore, Barkin Wesley, Jan. 26, 1926-Jan. 21, 1992, military marker "Sgt US Army World War II"

Mercer, Charles Ira, Dec. 25, 1947-Dec. 7, 1998, military marker "SP5 US Army"

Merriweather, Booker T., Oct. 21, 1923-____
Merriweather, Francis I., Oct. 30, 1921-____ [flowers on marker in December 2003]

Merriweather, Kizzie G., Nov. 16, 1905-Oct. 5, 1989

Merriweather, Willie Mae Crittendon, Sept. 20, 1930-Feb. 4, 1995

Meyer, Ruth [see Curry, Ruth Meyer]

Miller, Abner Columbus, Feb. 10, 1922-Mar. 16, 1994, military marker "US Army World War II"
Miller, Winnie N., May 19, 1922-Dec. 21, 1966, "Beloved wife"

Miller, Emma Jean, June 13, 1925-Sept. 14, 1994 [from temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home, recorded by Smith in 1995: Mrs. Emma Jean Bray Miller]

Miller, Jimmy D., 1941-1986 [Jimmy David Miller, interred Dec. 6, 1986]

Miller, Willie Henry, Apr. 1, 1919-July 7, 1992

Moody, Katherine Key, Mar. 11, 1917-Sept. 23, 1988, "Mother"
Moody, Walter, June 1, 1958-July 31, 1987, "Son"

Moore, Betty, Sept. 16, 1949-Mar. 23, 1988

Moore, Howard D., Aug. 25, 1921-Jan. 14, 1995, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Moore, Milton, Oct. 17, 1909-Feb. 19, 1988, military marker "S2 Navy, World War II"

Moore, Sherick Cartez, July 25, 1977-May 18, 1996

Moore, Willie Louis, Sr., June 10, 1923-July 4, 2002
Moore, Clara B., May 16, 1925-Feb. 17, 1992

Morgan, Ester W., Apr. 20, 1916-____

Morris, Charlotte Marie, 1966-1988 [from temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, reported by Smith in 1995: Miss Charlotte Morris, May 25, 1966-June 16, 1988; interred June 22, 1988]

Morris, John Wesley, Jr., Dec. 26, 1943-Mar. 8, 1992, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Morris, Kathleen B., May 11, 1928-Oct. 21, 1994

Morris, Robert James, Sr., July 5, 1930-Jan. 26, 1995, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Morris, Sallie L., Aug. 20, 1917-____ [flowers on marker in December 2003]

Morris, Tommie Lee, Jan. 21, 1928-Aug. 8, 1999, "Beloved mother"

Morrow, Eric T., July 12, 1970-Apr. 7, 1990

Morrow, John W., Dec. 1918-____
Morrow, Willie Mae, Dec. 1917-Sept. 1994

Morrow, Leon, Feb. 25, 1914-Jan. 2, 1999 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Mosley, Hattie [see Nelson, Hattie Mosley]

Moton, Pearl Ella, July 26, 1919-____ [adjacent to military marker for Willie B. Moton]

Moton, Willie B., Jan. 4, 1918-Apr. 28, 1994, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"

Murphy, Mary, Mrs., July 14, 1945-Oct. 5, 1992, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Murray, Basil A., July 20, 1921-July 16, 1999

Murray, Mattie Lou Dethrow, Mrs., d. Oct. 7, 1994, Age 48, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Myers, Susie M., Sept. 23, 1912-Dec. 23, 1986

Neal, ______, July 14, 1996, "Baby girl" [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Neal, Dave, Jr., Nov. 6, 1925-____
Neal, Nanetta L., Sept. 12, 1927-____

Neal, Jerry, Jr., Jan. 8, 1933-Jun. 27, 1993, military marker as footstone "US Army"

Neely, Raphel (R.S.), Rev., 1933-1992

Neely, William J., 1912-1999 [from temporary marker reported by Smith in 2000: Dec. 21, 1912-Jan. 25, 1999]
Neely, Annie B., 1920-1987 [interred Feb. 10, 1987]

Nelson, Hattie Mosley, Sept. 12, 1933-Mar. 13, 2002, "Loving mother, dedicated nurse"

Nelson, J. E., July 30, 1924-Feb. 7, 1999 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Nelson, Joe, May 17, 1924-Aug. 7, 1995, military marker "Pvt US Army"

Newbill, Donovon Deshawn, Feb. 16, 1992-Feb. 16, 1992, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home Marker [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Newble, Elsie Rhodes, Dec. 24, 1925-Oct. 13, 1994

Newsom, Kathleen, June 10, 1929-Jan. 1, 1998

Nichols, Jack, 1955-1990, "Your wife, Ashley and Daniel"

Northern, Eugene, 1908-1992
Northern, Robbie, 1908-1990 [Mrs. Robbie Lee Northern, interred Mar. 31, 1990]

Office, Gennell B., 1934-____, "beloved wife" [only name on double marker]

Overton, Parthenia, 1927-1998

Owens, Beatrice Earl, 1912-____

Owens, Billy Gene, Dec. 8, 1939-Mar. 16, 1991, military marker "US Army"

Owens, Earl, 1920-1989 [interred Mar. 1, 1989]
Owens, Earlene, 1925-1994

Owens, Evelyn Marie, Mrs., d. Oct. 11, 1991, Age 48, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Owens, Rory M., Jan. 3, 1964-May 12, 1996

Parham, Belle G., June 28, 1892-Mar. 1, 1991

Parks, Viola [see Gresham, Viola]

Parrish, John Henry, Jr., June 9, 1940-Mar. 5, 1993

Pearson, Atrice A., d. June 11, 199?, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Pearson, Murray Bond, May 23, 1947-Nov. 13, 1995

Pearson, Waymon, Mar. 27, 1915-Feb. 2, 1995

Perkins, Acie, Feb. 25, 1910-Dec. 1, 1988, "Dad"
Perkins, Rubertha, Sept. 21, 1910-Jan. 11, 1990, "Mom"

Perkins, Constance Poe, Jan. 29, 1942-Sept. 9, 1996

Perkins, Ezell, Mar. 10, 1941-Mar. 17, 1992, military marker "MSG US Army Vietnam"

Perkins, Mary, July 1, 1926-July 13, 1991, ". . . your children"

Perkins, Willie, Oct. 4, 1916-Jan. 23, 1992, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"
Perkins, Mary Lee, Apr. 10, 1909-Aug. 23, 1997, "Beloved wife"

Perry, Darryl L., Nov. 11, 1965-____

Perry, James E., 1936-____
Perry, Pauline S., 1941-1998

Perry, James F., June 1, 1964-____

Perry, Lillie Mae, 1923-1993

Perry, Willie C., June 6, 1923-Mar. 11, 2000
Perry, Bettie M., Feb. 24, 1923-Apr. 5, 1999

Peterson, Bobetta [see Turner, Bobetta Peterson]

Pippins, Jerry McDonald, 1942-1995

Pirtle, Bernard, 1951-____
Pirtle, Bessie V., 1922-1996

Pirtle, Wilma Louise, Mrs., May 15, 1922-Oct. 27, 1997 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Pledge, Raphael, Apr. 14, 1960-January 27, 1991, "Your loving wife and children"

Poe, Constance [see Perkins, Constance Poe]

Posey, Richard B., Aug. 31, 1976-June 6, 1994

Powell, Viola [see Johnson, Viola Powell]

Price, Cora Mae, 1922-1988 [interred May 11, 1988]

Price, Emmett C., Aug. 31, 1922-July 28, 2001, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 3 feet south of military marker for John T. Price

Price, John T., Sep. 9, 1918-Sep. 24, 1992, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"

Puch, John, May 13, 1952-July 2, 1992 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Ragland, Felicia L., 1972-1995

Ragland, Kenneth J., Aug. 28, 1961-July 9, 1997

Ragland, Nadine Steele, May 14, 1930-May 29, 1992
Ragland, O. T., July 27, 1926-Oct. 8, 1992, military marker "Pvt US Army"

Randolph, Betty K., 1903-____ [in 2000, Smith listed death date as 1995, possible read from a temporary marker]

Randolph, Ernestine "Tina," July 8, 1962-Aug. 28, 1989

Randolph, Shirley [see Stewart, Shirley Duffey Randolph]

Rayner, Daniel, 1942-1993

Reed, Emma Lou, Mrs., Oct. 21, 1915-July 13, 1991, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Reed, John Neil, Sr., June 6, 1932-Dec. 14, 1994, military marker, "Cpl US Army Korea"

Reed, Minor, Jan. 21, 1925-Apr. 9, 2002, military marker "US Army World War II"

Reeves, Ezzel [see Rodgers, Ezzel Reeves]

Reid, Lola, 1905-1991 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Revels, Curtis, 1909-____
Revels, Manila R., 1913-____

Rhodes, Elsie [see Newble, Elsie Rhodes]

Richardson, Mattie "Na Na," 1904-1995

Robertson, James, May 6, 1920-Nov. 23, 1990
Robertson, Hattie Pearl, Apr. 29, 1926-Jan. 20, 1992

Robertson, Nell Marie, May 20, 1944-Dec. 19, 1996

Robinson, Johnnie N., July 27, 1929-Nov. 28, 1997, military marker "Pvt US Army Korea"

Robinson, Verna Lee, January 17, 1917-July 19, 1993, military marker "US Army World War II"

Robinson, Walter Lee, Sept. 26, 1944-Mar. 16, 2002

Roby, Pearlie Mae, Feb. 16, 1914-Oct. 22, 1989, "We loved you mom dear"

Rodgers, Robert Andrew, July 26, 1947-Sept. 3, 1994, military marker "Pvt US Army"

Rodgers, Robert James, 1925-1991, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"
Rodgers, Ezzel Reeves, Feb. 6, 1925-____, "Beloved wife and mother"

Rogers, Frederick I., Apr. 15, 1953-May 18, 1987

Rogers, Robertson A., d. Sept. 3, 1994, Age 47, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Rooks, Nancy Jane, 1920-1985 [shares double maker with Nellie Baylock; interred Mar. 27, 1987]

Ross, Cedric, Jan. 2, 1978-Aug. 30, 1996

Ross, Karen Y., Dec. 22, 1965-June 9, 1995

Ross, Mary Helen, Sept. 13, 1939-____, "Mother"

Ross, Sesi Lee, Mr., Apr. 5, 1951-June 12, 2000, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet south of military marker for Walter Lee Ross

Ross, Walter Lee, Sr., Sep. 6, 1920-Jan. 26, 1991, military marker "US Army World War II"

Rupert, Annie M., 1909-1987 [interred Dec. 26, 1987]

Rutherford, Nat A., 1908-____ [flowers and ground disturbance suggest he is buried here]
Rutherford, Clara, 1913-____

Sanders, Jacob Ransom, Dec. 31, 1966-Mar. 6, 1989

Savage, Eddie B., Aug. 26, 1933-Nov. 9, 1995, military marker "Sp4 US Army"

Scales, Carolyn Ann Steele, Dec. 12, 1951-Nov. 16, 1996

Scott, Booker T. Scott, US Army World War II, Apr. 12, 1912-Sep. 4, 1991

Sheffield, Jimmy Ray "Tap," May 22, 1976-Oct. 29, 1994

Sherman, Jessie Mae, July 6, 1900-June 21, 1987 [Eastern Star symbol]

Sherman, William, Jan. 2, 1907-Sept. 12, 1993, military marker "S2 US Army World War II"

Shipp, Thomas, 1922-1988 [interred July 23, 1988]
Shipp, Opal, 1923-____

Short, Gladys, Mrs., 10-27-1904-4-1-1994, Bledsoe Funeral Home Marker

Shumpert, Lillie Mae, June 18, 1919-Sept. 26, 1998 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Sims, Minnie Carlington, Oct. 1, 1917-Jan. 27, 1996

Sisk, Ethel, Nov. 11, 1906-____

Slaughter, Thomas F., Jr., Apr. 19, 1912-May 20, 1994 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in1995]

Smith, Annie Mae, d. Oct 24, 1993, temporary marker, Mercer Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Smith, Katherine, Mrs., Sept. 15, 1912-June 29, 2001, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet north of marker for Katie Tate

Smith, Lila Lee, Nov. 15, 1906-Jan. 24, 1995

Smith, Sylvester Bishop, 1905-1995

Smith, Virgie, Mar. 15, 1914-Jan. 25, 1999 [death date plate is loose], also temporary marker, Beldsoe Funeral Home, Mrs. Virgie Nancy Smith

Smith, Wardell, 1910-1991, military marker "PFC US Army"
Smith, Dezzie Bell, Mar. 27, 1913-Mar. 30, 1991, "Beloved wife"

Smith, Willie Mary, Apr. 18, 1929-Jan. 25, 2001

Snowden, James, May 2, 199_ [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Spann, Otha Earl "Sonny," Sept. 6, 1935-May 4, 1997

Spann, Velma J., 1957-1993

Springfield, William Dave "Pee Wee," March 30, 1938-March 16, 1994, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Stanback, Osker L., June 30, 1912-Nov. 5, 1996, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"

Starks, Turner, 1920-1989 [interred Sept. 30, 1989]
Starks, Betty Joe, 1942-1988 [interred July 29, 1988]

Steele, Carolyn Ann [see Scales, Carolyn Ann Steele]

Steele, Jimmie Cedell, 1927-1987, military marker "PFC US Army World War II" [interred Jan. 3, 1988]

Steele, Nadine [see Ragland, Nadine Steele]

Stewart, Beatrice, Jan. 15, 1904-Jan. 12, 1988 [Annie Beatrice Stewart in interment list]

Stewart, Lucy D. [see Young, Lucy D. Stewart]

Stewart, Shirley Duffey Randolph, Jan. 2, 1950-Feb. 2, 1993

Stewart, Sylvester, 1908-1987 [interred Oct. 14, 1987]
Stewart, Viola D., 1910-1990

Stewart, William Henry, Oct. 14, 1914-Mar. 23, 1997, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Stinson, Regina P., 1962-1993, temporary marker, Poston Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Stitts, Ida Lee, 1925-1989 [interred Mar. 23, 1989]

Strayhorn, Luther W., Nov. 23, 1923-Sept. 14, 2000, military marker "Tec 5 US Army Air Forces World War II"
Strayhorn, Helen L., Jan. 21, 1933-Feb. 24, 1992, "Beloved wife and mother"

Strayhorn, Luther, Jr., 1953-1986 [interred Dec. 7, 1986]

Swink, Amos A., Jr., Jan. 18, 1936-Nov. 10, 1986

Talley, Charlene Telena, Nov. 24, 1976-Aug. 9, 1990, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Tanner, Willie, d. Mar. 20, 1994, temporary marker, Mercer Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Tate, Katie, June 15, 1908-Mar. 25, 1999

Taylor, Myrtle G., 1913-1992, "Mother"

Thaxter, Guy Bruce, 1969-1994 [shares double marker with John Lewis Clark (b. 1950); on temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home, recorded by Smith in 1995: d. Dec. 26, 1994, Age 25]

Thomas, Hattie, 1926-1995 [adjacent to marker for William Henry Thomas]

Thomas, Lerry E., Aug. 23, 1941-June 6, 1995, military marker "SN US Navy"
Thomas, Emma L., 1947-____

Thomas, William Henry, 1921-1989 [interred Dec. 5, 1988]

Thomas, William, 1912-1987
Thomas, Mard, 1915-1994; from temporary marker, Mercer Funeral Home, recorded by Smith in 1995: d. Feb. 15, 1994]

Thompson, Hassie Mae, May 3, 1924-June 8, 1998 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Thompson, Walter Clay, 1907-1995

Tolivar, Annie Mae Turner, May 26, 1926-September 4, 1988

Toliver, J. D., Mr., May 10, 1920-Feb. 17, 1998, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet north of double marker for Turner and Betty Joe Starks

Tomlinson, Lucille Britt, Mrs., Mar. 12, 1912-Dec. 19, 1990

Traylor, Patrick, Feb. 17, 1955-Nov. 4, 1990

Traylor, Vickie V., 1959-2000, "A devoted and loving mother" [adjacent to marker for Patrick E. Traylor]

Tucker, James H., Dec. 27, 1938-Aug. 10, 2000
Tucker, Geneva B., Apr. 27, 1940-____

Turner, Bobetta Peterson, Nov. 27, 1934-Jan. 3, 1998

Tynes, Melvia M., Mar. 11, 1912-May 7, 1993

Tyson, Ben F., 1931-1988, military marker "US Army" [interred Feb. 16, 1988]

Tyson, J. K. Daniel, May 24, 1909-Nov. 21, 1987, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"

Tyson, Stephen Warren, 1967-1988, military marker "Cpl US Marine Corps" [interred Apr. 26, 1988]

Tyson, Wince Lee, Mar. 14, 1933-Nov. 6, 1995, military marker "SFC US Army Vietnam"

Utley, Robert H., Dec. 30, 1936-June 1, 1994

Walker, Celia Mae, 1939-1987 [interred Jan. 2, 1988]
Walker, Lizzie O., Oct. 1, 1898-Apr. 3, 2001

Walker, James Edward, 1932-____
Walker, Rachel A., 1949-____

Walker, Modeaner, d. Nov. 14, 1992, temporary marker, Mercer Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Wallace, Ruth V., 1900-1987 [interred Feb. 11, 1987]

Ward, Curtis, Sep. 16, 1920-Ju1. 9, 1990, military marker "Sgt US Army World War II"

Ward, Inez, d. Jan. 10, 2001, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, 2 feet north of military marker for Curtis Ward

Watkins, Frank Gregory, Dec. 25, 1957-Apr. 9, 1988, "Our son and brother"

Watkins, Mary N., Mrs., July 18, 1923-Oct. 6, 1994, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Webster, Randy Lamar, Apr. 13, 1979-Feb. 18, 1998

Weddle, William O., Sr., 1941-____
Weddle, Pauline, 1938-1995

West, Ellis, Jr., May 23, 1930-May 12, 1993, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

White, Ella Mae, Oct. 11, 1932-Jan. 5, 1998 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

White, Garfield, Apr. 6, 1930-____

White, Joann [see Long, Joann White]

Wiggens, Katie Elenora, June 30, 1924-____, "Loving mother"

Wilbourn, Franklin Lee, Apr. 8, 1946-July 26, 1987, "From your mother and sisters"

Wilkes, Onedia Alston, Mrs., d. June 7, 1989, Age 58, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995; interred June 10, 1989]

Williams, Alexander, Jan. 7, 1942-Oct 3, 1996

Williams, Alicia Blair, Nov. 5, 1989-Feb. 1, 1989

Williams, Benjamin M., Aug. 9, 1949-Mar. 3, 1997, military marker "Sgt US Marine Corps Vietnam"

Williams, Bettie, 1898-1992

Williams, Charles 3rd, Aug. 9, 1947-Sept. 23, 1994, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Williams, Charles E., Jr., Jan. 27, 1927-Sep. 8, 1986, military marker "Stm1 US Army World War II"

Williams, Christina D., Dec. 7, 1988-Mar. 17, 1989

Williams, Curtis, Mar. 18, 1914-Mar. 16, 1997, military marker "PFC US Army" [only name on a double marker]

Williams, Guydell, Jan. 22, 1971-Mar. 22, 1989

Williams, Jettie B., 1915-1995
Williams, Maggie P., 1917-____

Williams, Johnnie G., 1929-1993

Williams, Willie Grace, Aug. 24, 1924-Jan. 21, 2000, "Beloved wife" [only name on a double marker]

Williamson, Freddie B., 1932-1996, "Beloved wife" [adjacent to military marker for Glenzie Williamson]

Williamson, Glenzie, Oct. 23, 1918-Oct. 3, 1995, military marker "Pvt US Army"

Willingham, Willie James, 1953-1988 [interred June 6, 1988]
Willingham, Minnie Lou, 1946-____

Wilson, Annie C., July 6, 1909-August 1, 1991

Wilson, Lenora Dotris [see Hunt, Lenora Dotris Wilson]

Winchester, Fannie T., Nov. 6, 1904-May 6, 1994

Winston, Harry Lee, 1931-1989 [interred Dec. 5, 1989]

Winston, Lucy Mae, Oct. 30, 1925-Mar. 17, 1996, "Beloved wife and mother"

Wisdom, Roy Lee, Oct. 5, 1928-Apr. 11, 2001, military marker "PFC US Army"

Wise, Leslie Renee, d. Sept. 11, 1990, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Witherspoon, Elmyra A., 1900-1993

Witherspoon, Wilma Jean, Dec. 25, 1932-July 27, 1995

Womack, Charlie C., July 14, 1924-Sept. 9, 1998
Womack, Christine R., Feb. 2, 1933-____

Womack, Nerverta [see Fuller, Neverta Womack]

Womack, Oliver, 1918-2000
Womack, Clardell, 1920-____

Womack, Varnell, 1941-____
Womack, Patsy E., 1941-____

Woodard, Obilue (O.B.), May 19, 1907-Jan. 23, 2003, temporary marker, Cosmopolitan Funeral Services, 4 feet north of double marker for Willie C. and Bertha M. Perry

Woods, Derrick Lynn, Nov. 24, 1970-July 22, 1993

Woods, Frances Jean, May 21, 1939-Apr. 6, 1992

Woodson, Edward, June 8, 1925-June 1, 1994, military marker "Cpl US Army World War II"

Worthington-Armstrong, Carmen R., Feb. 8, 1946-July 12, 1999, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet south of marker for Ella V. Black

Yancey, Robert James, June 16, 1947-Nov. 5, 1997

Yarbrough, Alice, Feb. 15, 1909-Aug. 23, 1995

Yarbrough, Charlie, Jr., Aug. 15, 1932-Jan. 2, 1999

Yarbrough, Doris N., 1932-____

Yarbrough, Elnora L., 1932-____
Yarbrough, Eugene, 1933-1986, "Married 5-30-53" [interred Sept. 11, 1986]

Yarbrough, Erris, 1913-1991
Yarbrough, Sadie L., 1908-1988 [interred Feb. 5, 1988]

Yarbrough, Fred, Sr., Apr. 13, 1911-Mar. 16, 1993, military marker "US Army World War II"

Yarbrough, Hill, 1922-1991; from temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, reported by Smith in 1995: May 2, 1922-Apr. 14, 1991
Yarbrough, Ludie, 1924-____

Young, Fred D., Apr. 3, 1934-Oct. 14, 1998, military marker "EM3 US Navy"

Young, Lucy D. Stewart, 1923-2001



___D __ncan, ____-2003, temporary marker, Arrington, 2 feet south of marker for Barry Lee Beauregard


West Section

Adams, Ricky D., Dec. 18, 1962-____

Alexander, Patricia A. Bolds, Mrs., Dec. 2, 1967-Dec. 16, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 3 feet north of double marker for Lemon Nelson and Lue Jennie Bolds

Allen, Edward, May 19, 1912-Apr. 5, 2000
Allen, Manola, Oct. 23, 1916-____

Anderson, A. V., 1909-____
Anderson, Annie, 1917-1994 [from temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home, reported by Smith in 1995: Mrs. Annie B. Anderson, d. Aug. 9, 1994, Age 67]

Anderson, Gregory Pierre, Jan. 4, 1986-Jan. 20, 1997

Anderson, Jesse Clifton, June 4, 1947-June 2, 2000 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Anderson, John Fount, Feb. 12, 1932-June 19, 1998, military marker "Cpl, US Army"
Anderson, Rose P., Apr. 13, 1951-____, "Beloved wife"

Arnold, May Bell, Mrs., Nov. 28, 1909-Dec. 11, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 8 feet west of marker for Erick L. Wood

Ballard, Franklin L., Aug. 28, 1934-Jun. 30, 1988, military marker "Sgt US Army" [Frank Ballard, Sr., interred July 3, 1988]

Ballard, Magnolia, Aug. 25, 1911-Dec. 6, 1991

Banks, Lila B., 1908-1998

Barnett, James Willie, Mar. 25, 1925-Sep. 5, 1992, military marker "Stm2 US Navy World War II"

Batchelor, Sam, July 17, 1907-Sept. 23, 2002

Bates, Oscar Lee, July 19, 1922-Dec. 4, 2003, loose paper sheet out of temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home

Bates, Steve, Sept. 7, 1953-Jan. 8, 1999, military marker "Pvt US Marine Corps Vietnam"

Beard, Artimba [see Sanders, Artimba Ingram Beard]

Beard, Lou Anner, July 6, 1902-Aug. 19, 1994, "Sis Sain"

Beard, Thomas (Sonny) H., Apr. 23, 1945-Aug. 15, 1995

Bills, Lillie, d. feb. 24, 2001, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, 2 feet north of marker for Murray L. Haynes

Bishop, Kerry (X) Jones, 1968-1993

Bledsoe, Charles G., Nov. 6, 1938-May 23, 2002, military marker "PFC US Army Vietnam"

Bledsoe, Nettie Claudine, Jan. 21, 1917-Oct. 14, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 3 feet north of military marker for William Luther Bledsoe

Bledsoe, William Luther, 1918-1998, military marker "PFC US Army World War II" [interred Oct. 27, 1988]

Bledsoe, Willie G., June 30, 1926-____
Bledsoe, Lee Vern, June 23, 1928-____

Bolds, Lemon Nelson, June 1, 1910-Mar. 6, 2002

Bolds, Lue Jennie, Dec. 28, 1922-Aug. 30, 2001

Bolds, Patricia A. [see Alexander, Patricia A. Bolds]

Bond, Carrie, Jr., Mr., Dec. 14, 1935-Sept. 9, 2001, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw, 4 yards south of marker for Samuel Wadlington

Bond, George Emmitt, Oct. 20, 1923-Dec. 2, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet north of marker for James H. Duckworth

Bond, JoAnn Griffield Womack, Mrs., June 20, 1945-July 25, 2001, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw, 3 yards south of marker for Samuel Wadlington (very difficult to read; information is best guess)

Bond, Maurice Antonio II, July 14, 2000 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Boone, Jim Allen, Mar. 4, 1909-____

Bowen, Bessemer W., Mar. 31, 1900-May 8, 2001

Boyd, Ruby Lee, 1915-1994 [from temporary marker reported by Smith in 1995: Mrs. Ruby Lee Boyd, Apr. 21, 1915-Oct. 18, 1994]

Brooks, Betty Jean, Jan. 12, 1947-July 2, 2002, "#1 mom wife-grandmother"

Brooks, Genita Ann, 1965-1998, "We miss you mom"

Brooks, Pansy, Sept. 18, 1934-June 7, 1999

Brown, Beatrice, Mrs., May 31, 1910-Apr. 16, 1991, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Brown, Beverly G., Oct. 9, 1945-Feb. 9, 1993

Brown, Cora [see Farmer, Cora Brown]

Brown, Crease Mae, Sept. 7, 1942-July 19, 1996

Brown, Lewis V., 1947-1989, military marker "Pvt US Marine Corps Vietnam" [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Brown, Lonell, Jan. 24, 1941-June 10, 2002, military marker "US Army"

Brown, Marvin Lee, May 13, 1942-Oct. 1, 1996, military marker "SP5 US Army Vietnam"

Brown, William Henry, Dec. 21, 1899-Sept. 1, 1991
Brown, Mary Ruby, Mar. 20, 1907-Nov. 11, 1996

Bruce, Sadie M. [see Jones, Sadie M. Brice]

Bryant, Louise Cole, Feb. 13, 1912-Dec. 10, 1975

Buchanan, Harold, 1946-1989, military marker "Pvt US Army" [interred Dec. 10, 1989]

Buchanan, James L., 1920-1990, military marker "US Navy"

Buchanan, Joe Henry, Apr. 22, 1953-Jan. 21, 1991, military marker "PFC US Army"

Bundy, Lorine Mason, May 20, 1939-Apr. 10, 2000

Burkley, Rose (Shine), 1906-1997, temporary marker, Cosmopolitan Funeral Services, 5 feet north of marker for Eric Bernard Cole

Byrd, Edward H., 1910-1989 [interred Dec. 9, 1989]
Byrd, Edna Roebuck, 1918-____

Carr, Reuben L., 1913-____
Carr, Nellie H., 1913-____, also temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, Oct. 9, 1913-Aug. 18, 1999

Carter, Beatrice [see Cullum, Beatrice C.]

Chandler, Charlie, Oct. 12, 1917-Sept. 22, 1996, military marker " PFC US Army World War II"

Chandler, Sisue B., Sept. 11, 1911-Nov. 16, 2000

Chatman, Robert E., Aug. 23, 1914-Jan. 8, 2000
Chatman, Mabel J., Oct. 18, 1916-____

Cheairs, Fannie E., 1922-2003

Cheatham, Clyde H., Jr., June 24, 1966-Apr. 5, 1995, military marker "AN US Navy"

Cherry, James W., June 15, 1925-May 29, 1990
Cherry, Forestine L., Sept. 2, 1924-Dec. 8, 1994

Cheshire, Glean Jean (Yack), Aug. 14, 1951-Apr. 8, 1997

Clark, Charles Wesley, May 28, 1924-June 14, 1999

Clark, Mae Julia, Apr. 4, 1944-Feb. 4, 2003 [shares double marker with Willie M. Thompson]

Clark, R. T., June 30, 1914-Oct. 27, 1999

Clark, Willie Gene, Nov. 9, 1945-Sept. 19, 1999

Cobb, Eddie Mae, Oct. 14, 1933-Apr. 1, 1998

Cole, Dantavious L., Feb. 25, 1987-July 16, 1999

Cole, Eric Bernard, July 9, 1984-June 25, 2001

Cole, Jean P., Feb. 12, 1948-Oct. 24, 1994

Cole, Joseph, Feb. 27, 1917-Jan. 30, 1997, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Cole, Louise [see Bryant, Louise Cole]

Cole, Patricia Ann Johnson, 1959-1990

Cole, Virgie, Apr. 29, 1937-Dec. 10, 1998

Collier, Genetta Alice, Dec. 29, 1923-Aug. 18, 2000

Collins, Edna L., 1921-____ [flowers on marker in December 2003]

Cox, Alberta Moore, Oct. 15, 1908-____ [flowers on marker in December 2003]

Cox, Deborah D., June 19, 1966-Oct. 30, 1989

Cox, Dianna, Mar. 16, 1949-Mar. 10, 1991

Cox, Joe Lee, Apr. 6, 1957-Dec. 25, 1995 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Croom, Courtney R., 1986-1990 [interred Apr. 26, 1990]

Cullins, Bivens A. [see Golden, Bivens A. Cullins]

Cullins, Cecillie, Mrs., Feb. 16, 1925-Apr. 2, 1990, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995; interred Apr. 6, 1990]

Cullins, Mollye Kate, Mrs., Mar. 27, 1954-Sept. 17, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 3 yards north of marker for Robert L. White, Sr.

Cullum, Beatrice C., 1917-1990 [Mrs. Beatrice Carter Cullum, interred May 26, 1990]

Cunningham, James M., Sr., Rev., Feb. 14, 1917-December 13, 1992

Davis, Linda F., Nov. 14, 1955-May 6, 2003

Davis, Mamie H., Aug. 28, 1903-May 12, 1991

Davis, Ransom Lee, Mr., Sept. 8, 1940-July 15, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 yards south of marker for Della M. Person

Delk, Coolidge, Nov. 16, 1924-Mar. 24, 1991, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"

Douglass, Earlene M., Apr. 18, 1929-Jan. 12, 2002, "Beloved wife" [only name on double marker]

Douglass, Marion A., 1923-1996 [Masonic symbol]
Douglass, Jeanette N., 1915-2001

Douglass, Rodney D., 1959-1994

Ducksworth, James H., 1920-1987 [interred Jan. 6, 1988]

Dyson, Clark Dennis, Nov. 7, 1950-July 16, 2000

Farmer, Cora Brown, 1926-1994, "In memory of our dear mother"

Flippin, Christopher A., Nov. 6, 1980-July 27, 1996

Fly, Bernie Lee, Aug. 6, 1923-May 28, 2000, military marker "US Army"

Fowler, Ethel, Jan. 26, 1919-Oct. 13, 1993

Fowler, Eva Mae [see Wilkins, Eva Mae Fowler]

Fowler, Fred, d. Sept. 19, 2003, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, 2 feet north of marker for Eva Mae Fowler Wilkins

Gaither, Shirley M., 1938-199 8

Gantt, Ruth A., 1906-____

Givens, Addie Mae, June 9, 1918-____

Givens, Ollie Mae, May 30, 1920-Apr. 7, 2002

Givens, Robert, 1919-1995
Givens, Melvon E., 1925-____

Golden, Bivens A. Cullins, Aug. 17, 1950-July 3, 1995

Gray, Alice Mae, Mrs., Aug. 25, 1923-Oct. 6, 1992, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Gray, Herschel Herman, Apr. 15, 1927-Oct. 15, 1995, military marker "US Army"

Gray, Marvin, Mar. 7, 1922-June 6, 1998 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Green, Elizabeth Petties, 1927-1996, "In loving memory of our mother, Carolyn, Canoria, Poulette, Gloria, Ronald and Carnnell"

Griffield, JoAnn [see Bond, JoAnn Griffield Womack]

Haltom, Katie Bell, Mrs., Jan. 26, 1913-May 10, 2001, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet north of marker for R. T. Clark

Hamer, Dovie, Dec. 17, 1923-Mar. 13, 1991, "With love Clyde Hamer"

Harris, Gracie, Mrs., Sept. 20, 1901-July 22, 1992, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Harris, James A., Sr., Dec. 24, 1917-Jun. 6, 1987, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II" [James Arthur Harris, Jr., interred June 14, 1989]

Harris, Jessie Mae, Mrs., Jan. 9, 1916-May 16, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet north of marker for Beatrice Glenn Herron

Harris, Lillie M., d. July 9, 1993, temporary marker, Mercer Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Harvey, Lee, Sr., Sep. 15, 1911-Feb. 12, 1993, military marker "Pvt US Army"

Haynes, Albert, Apr. 10, 1907-Dec. 16, 1993 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995, probably read from a temporary marker]

Haynes, Ivory, Sr., Mar. 7, 1912-Feb. 24, 2000

Haynes, Michael, Mar. 31, 1960-Dec. 24, 1993, military marker "DT3 US Navy"

Haynes, Murray L, July 31, 1962-Jan. 10, 2003

Herron, Beatrice Glenn, Apr. 16, 1930-Apr. 4, 1999

Hicks, Clark J., 1926-1993

Hicks, Leon, Feb. 28, 1937-Oct. 12, 2000

Hill, Nelson Junior, 1938-2000

Hillard, Adrienne D., Feb. 21, 1973-Aug. 16, 2003, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw, 2 yards south of marker for Rose Lee Williams

Holder, Willie Dee, Nov. 30, 1940-June 10, 2003, military marker "PFC US Army Vietnam"

Hollis, Leon, 1932-____
Hollis, Juanita G., 1932-1997

Holt, Lovie Lee, Sept. 10, 1911-Aug. 9, 2000

Hoyle, Mary Louise, Dec. 24, 1924-Jan. 28, 1993

Hoyle, William Maurice, June 8, 1928-Aug. 15, 2000

Hunt, Willie Mae, Nov. 18, 1916-Jan. 6, 2000, "Mother, we love you"

Hurd, Erica R., 1978-1994

Hurd, Ericka Rebecca, d. Sept. 17, 1994, Age 15, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Hurst, Buford, 1913-1989, military marker "PFC US Army" [interred Oct. 22, 1989]

Hutch, Joe, Jr., Jan. 15, 1928-Dec. 17, 1989, military marker "Pvt US Army Korea"

Hutcherson, Lee Henry, Jun. 21, 1929-Jan. 1, 1990, military marker "PFC US Army Korea"

Hutson, Copeland E., May 18, 1923-Mar. 6, 2002, military marker "Sgt US Air Force World War II Korea Bronze Star Medal"

Ingram, Artimba [see Sanders, Artimba Ingram Beard]

Jackson, Ned, 1908-____
Jackson, Gladys H., 1908-____

Johnson, Ida Mae, Mrs., Mar. 30, 1906-Aug. 28, 1991, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Johnson, James R., Sept. 2, 1939-Nov. 18, 1996
Johnson, Sallie M., Sept. 21, 1943-____

Johnson, Mattie S., July 19, 1937-Sept. 3, 1999

Johnson, Patricia Ann [see Cole, Patricia Ann Johnson]

Johnson, Steve William, Jan. 18, 1908-Mar. 27, 2000

Jones, Catherine, May 9, 1917-____

Jones, Ellis Glenn, May 30, 1962-July 25, 2003, military marker RM3 US Coast Guard"

Jones, James, d. July 20, 1999, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, , 5 yards south of double marker for Robert and Melvon E. Govens

Jones, Lorene, Aug. 24, 1947-Feb. 5, 2003

Jones, Sadie M. Bruce, Feb. 23, 1937-Dec. 17, 2001

Lacey, Silas, Dec. 29, 1945-Aug. 1, 2001
Lacey, Lorise V., Nov. 18, 1951-____

Lee, Sylvia Ann, Our Mother, Mar. 11, 1952-Oct. 10, 1999 (Photo)

Logan, Daisy Mae, July 17, 1938-Nov. 7, 1999 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possible read from a temporary marker]

Long, Frances Anthony, Mrs., Sept. 30, 1941-Mar. 6, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 8 feet west of double marker for Thomas W. and Gloria Ann Owens

Long, Manuel, Aug. 10, 1929-Oct 12, 1993, military marker "SP3 US Army Korea"

Long, Sylvia Simmons, Jan. 1, 1964-Sept. 22, 1999 [was Sylvia C. Long on temporary marker recorded by Smith in 2000]

Love, Aggie N., 1928-____

Lovell, Ira Lee, Jan. 2, 1920-Sept 30, 1999
Lovell, Freddie M., 1933-____

Malundy, Sallie P., 1922-1987 [interred Dec. 22, 1987]

Manning, Lucille Y., Aug. 25, 1926-____, "Beloved wife"
Manning, Leland Alfred, Jr., May 24, 1923-Sept. 4, 1998, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Marshall, Sue Eller, Jan. 12, 1902-Jan. 5, 2004, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw, 6 feet north of marker for Eddie Mae Cobb

Martin, Juanita, d. Mar. 6, 2003, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers F.H., 2 feet north of marker for Clyde H. Cheatham, Jr.

Mason, Lorine [see Bundy, Lorine Mason]

McCain, Eva, Jan. 12, 1900-____

McClatchen, Betty, Mar. 31, 1916-Jan. 11, 2001

McClatcher, Wendy Delores, Dec. 5, 1966-Sept. 21, 2003, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw, 1 yard south of marker for Della M. Person

McDougal, John C., Aug. 7, 1929-____
McDougal, Ellen M., Nov. 21, 1935-May 29, 1995

McDougle, Emily D., Sept. 17, 1952-June 24, 2000 [was Emily Diane McDougle on temporary marker recorded by Smith in 2000]

McKinnie, Ocie, d. July 26, 2003, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, 2 feet south of marker for Lue Anner Beard]

McNeal, Annis B., June 30, 1936-Sept. 1, 1996

McNeal, Cynthia, Mar. 19, 1916-Aug. 16, 2002

McPherson, J. R., Mr., Aug. 4, 1951-Apr. 3, 2002, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet south of marker for Lila B. Banks

Medcalf, Phyllis A., Oct. 28, 1949-Oct. 6, 2002

Merriweather, Napoleon, Sr., 1924-2001
Merriweather, Dixie A., 1949-____

Merriweather, Zella Mae, Mrs., Aug. 22, 1943-Feb. 23, 1994, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Merriwether, Roderick D., 1966-1988, military marker "SP4 US Army" [interred May 3, 1988]

Merry, Bessie Alberta, July 28, 1917-Aug. 6, 1995, "Beloved mother"

Merry, Roderick Joel, Sr., Nov. 17, 1948-Sept. 28, 2000, "PFC US Army Vietnam"

Mewberry, Marlin, Oct. 15, 1909-Jan. 12, 1993, military marker "BM2 US Navy World War II"

Miller, Alfred Hamlett, Dec. 30, 1936-Apr. 8, 1989, military marker "PFC US Army Vietnam"

Minor, Florene H., 1930-1997

Mitchell, Henrietta Kathleen, Jan. 12, 1963-Aug. 4, 1993, "Our loving daughter and sister"

Mitchell, Mattie Evans, Apr. 25, 1923-Oct. 11, 1998 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possible read from a temporary marker

Mitchell, Tony Richard, 1941-1988 [interred Dec. 7, 1988]

Moore, Alberta [see Cox, Alberta Moore]

Moore, Jesse Henry, Sr., Dec. 6, 1926-Jan. 2, 1995, military marker "ST1 US Navy World War II"

Moore, Juanita, Nov. 1, 1923-Feb. 12, 1991

Morgan, Lamburth, Mr., Aug. 2, 1925-Apr. 3, 2001

Morris, Charles, Sept. 23, 1950-Apr. 16, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 2 feet south of marker for Willie Mae Anderson Pearson

Morrow, Linda Diane, November 13, 1952-Sept. 22, 1993

Moten, Harold, Sr., Apr. 11, 1926-July 20, 2000, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"
Moten, Eular V., Oct. 27, 1922-Feb. 7, 1994, "Beloved wife-mother"

Murphy, William T., 1943-1999

Newberry, Mary S., 1913-2001 [adjacent to military marker for Marlin Mewberry]

Newbill, Linda H., Oct. 26, 1950-May 6, 1994

Owens, Thomas W., Sr., May 20, 1947-Mar. 5, 2003, military marker "MSgt US Air Force Vietnam"
Owens, Gloria Ann, July 22, 1948-____

Parker, Christine, June 10, 1947-July 29, 1997 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possible read from a temporary marker]

Parker, Josephine, Dec. 22, 1910-May 18, 1993

Parks, John, 1948-2000
Parks, Dorothy J., 1948-____

Pearson, Willie Mae Anderson, Oct. 3, 1921-Jan. 7, 1997, "A loving mother and grandmother"

Perkins, Jessie J., Feb. 9, 1925-Apr. 1, 2001, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Perry, Daisy M., June 10, 1914-Mar. 29, 1999

Perry, Rachel, Mrs., July 10, 1935-Dec. 29, 1999

Perry, Usher W., 1922-2000 [Usher Woodrow Perry on temporary marker reported by Smith in 2000]
Perry, Ezell C. C., 1926-____

Person, Anthony Dwayne, Feb. 6, 1961-Apr. 11, 1991, military marker "HN US Navy"

Person, Della M., Mar. 12, 1914-____

Person, Dorothene, 1933-1992

Person, Gloria, d. Dec. 18, 2000, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, 2 feet north of military marker for Vernon James Person

Person, Vernon James, Mar. 3, 1971-May 3, 1997, military marker "Sgt US Army"

Pettis, Elizabeth [see Green, Elizabeth Pettis]

Pillow, Bonita, July 13, 1940-Aug. 11, 1999

Pillow, Frederick R., June 26, 1964-Mar. 13, 2002

Pirtle, Paul W., July 23, 1918-Aug. 10, 1996, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"
Pirtle, Delores K., Jan. 24, 1936-____, "Beloved wife"

Ragland, Calvin Louis, Nov. 26, 1979-Apr. 24, 2000 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker]

Ragland, Charles Edward, July 12, 1964-Sept. 17, 1994, temporary marker [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Ragland, Tommy W., 1905-1994 [as reported by Smith in 1995 from a Stephenson-Shaw temporary marker: Tommy Washington Ragland, d. Oct. 3, 1993, Age 89]

Reed, William F., Apr. 3, 1933-Jan. 26, 2000

Reeves, Lonnie, June 25, 1933-July 31, 1995, Military marker "US Air Force"
Reeves, Vera E., August 2, 1937-____

Richmond, Amber, d. July 20, 1999, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, 10 feet south of double marker for Robert and Melvon E. Givens]

Richmond, David Stephen, d. July 20, 1999, temporary marker, 4 yards south of double marker for Robert and Melvon E. Givens]

Ricks, Annie Mae, Apr. 9, 1924-May 10, 1987 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Robertson, Audfrey G., July 25, 1948-Nov. 19, 2001

Robertson, Audrey Guy, July 25, 1948-Nov. 19, 2001, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw, 2 feet north of marker for Ivory Haynes, Sr.

Robertson, Henry I., Mar. 2, 1913-Mar. 6, 2001, military marker "Pvt US Army World War II"

Robinson, Delittla, Mrs., May 16, 1925-Feb. 6, 1992, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Robinson, Verna Charles, Sr., Apr. 25, 1949-Aug. 14, 2001, "Peewee" "Daddy, we love you"

Robinson, Zelma, July 22, 1923-Jan. 19, 1994, military marker "US Army World War II"

Roebuck, Edna [see Byrd, Edna Roebuck]

Roebuck, Taylor, 1916-____
Roebuck, Geneva, 1927-1992

Rogers, Jim E., 1910-1994 [death date reported by Smith as Jan. 3, 1994, read from a temporary marker]

Rogers, Mattie Samuels, 1926-2000 [adjacent to marker for Jim E. Rogers]

Rogers, Richard LaCardo, Aug. 1, 1976-July 18, 1999

Russell, Frank, III, 1967-1994

Sain, Hattie [see Utley, Hattie Sain]

Sain, Lou Anner [see Beard, Lou Anner]

Sain, Tennie [see Swift, Tennie Sain]

Samuels, Mattie [see Rogers, Mattie Samuels]

Sanders, Artimba Ingram Beard, dates scrambled, temporary marker, 2 feet north of marker for Bessie Alberta Merry [not reported by Smith]

Scott, Irene L., May 27, 1942-Oct. 20, 2000

Seats, Brenda, July 15, 1951-Dec. 30, 1998

Senter, Lillian G., Apr. 23, 1913-Dec. 18, 1992

Shaw, Willie, Sr., d. Feb. 12, 2002, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, 5 yards south of marker for Beatrice Glenn Herron

Shelton, Kevin Leon, Apr. 8, 1960-Dec. 28, 1998

Simmons, D. W. Dimpson, Rev., 1915-1995
Simmons, Allean W., 1937-____

Simmons, Sylvia [see Long, Sylvia Simmons]

Smith, Chauncy T., Oct. 3, 1975-____

Smith, Gerry "Red," Sept. 28, 1964-May 17, 1992, "Love wife, children & family"

Smith, Jacquelyn A., Oct. 9, 1947-____

Smith, Joe, Sr., July 28, 1920-Jan. 10, 2002, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"

Smith, John A., Oct. 6, 1931-Mar. 30, 1999, military marker "US Army" [only name on double marker; listed as Rev. John Alvin Smith on temporary marker recorded by Smith in 2000]

Smith, Nancy, Mrs., Aug. 1, 1947-Sept. 2, 1994, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Spencer, Eddie, Sept 11, 1920-Aug. 30, 1995
Spencer, Canary, Aug. 2, 1920-____

Stackens, James P., 1958-1992

Stokes, Sharon, Mar. 7, 1961-July 29, 1997

Stone, Herman J., Dec. 12, 1919-Nov. 20, 1999, military marker, "SSgt, US Army World War II"; carved on granite base "President of Lane College 1970-1986"
Stone, Mary F., Sept. 18, 1921-Dec. 7, 2000, "Beloved wife"

Strayhorn, Mattie Mae, July 10, 1909-Mar. 7, 2000

Swift, Tennie Sain, Aug. 17, 1922-____

Tanner, George, Jan. 24, 1941-Sept. 25, 1999, military marker "SK2 US Navy Vietnam"

Tate, James Edward, Jr., Sept. 25, 1960-Mar. 16, 1991

Tate, Walter, 1902-____

Taylor, James D., Jr., Sept. 13, 1960-Aug. 16, 1995, military marker "US Army"

Taylor, John L., Sr., Jan. 6, 1925-____
Taylor, Rosie M., May 1, 1925-Dec. 1, 2001

Thomas, Gabby Lee, Jr., Feb. 1, 1977-Jan. 2, 2000 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possible read from a temporary marker]

Thomas, Robert "Chinaman" Jr., July 23, 1923-Feb. 16, 2002, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 3 feet south of marker for Marvin Lee Brown

Thompson, Willie M., Mar. 6, 1942-____ [shares double marker with Mae Julie Clark]

Tyson, G. W., Feb. 28, 1919-Aug. 14, 2000
Tyson, Lucy Mae, Mar. 18, 1924-Nov. 24, 1996

Utley, James H., Aug 17, 1925-Apr. 14, 1998, military marker "PFC US Army"
Utley, Hattie Sain, May 16, 1924-____, "Beloved wife"

Wadlington, Samuel, July 7, 1938-Nov. 17, 1998

Walker, Bernice [see Williams, Bernice Walker]

Warlick, Rufus Howard, d. Oct. 12, 1994, Age 74 years, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw Funeral Home, 7 yards south-southwest of marker for Alberta Moore Cox

Warren, Catherine M., Nov. 21, 1905-____

Watson, Mary L., July 25, 1958-Jan. 2, 1996, "Beloved wife and mother"

Wells, Hollie C., May 16, 1914-Jan. 21, 2000

West, Odessa, May 21, 1937-Apr. 25, 1999, "Your loving children"

White, Felix German, Sr., Apr. 16, 1944-Sept. 22, 1999, "Our Beloved Daddy Cedric Latina Marcus"

White, Robert L., Sr., 1940-1992

White, Roberta R., Jan. 18, 1912-Sept. 12, 1998, "8 Children: Bessie Robert Lawrence Felix Mack Leona Charles Arthur"

Wilkins, Eva Mae Fowler, Jan. 12, 1937-Dec. 2, 1990

Williams, Annie M., 1954-1995

Williams, Bernice Walker, Dec. 3, 1919-Dec. 3, 2002

Williams, Carmelia, Ms., Nov. 23, 1957-Dec. 19, 1999 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possible read from a temporary marker]

Williams, Essi___, d. May 20, 2001, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers, 6 feet south of marker for Christopher A. Flippin

Williams, Joseph W., Feb. 28, 1913-Mar. 1, 2003

Williams, Melvin, June 26, 1956-Mar. 5, 1995 1999 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possible read from a temporary marker]

Williams, Rena Bell, Nov. 13, 1909-May 1, 1999

Williams, Rose Lee, 1930-2001

Williamson, Elmer N., May 6, 1923-Sept. 21, 2003, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 1 foot north of marker for Sadie M. Bruce Jones

Williamson, Solomon, Sr., Dec. 25, 1916-June 22, 2002, military marker "Sgt US Army World War II"

Willis, Eva Dell, Mrs., Aug. 28, 1924-Oct. 29, 2000, temporary marker, 1 foot south of marker for Jean P. Cole

Willis, Gwendolyn, d. Apr. 16, 1993, temporary marker, Mercer Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Wilson, Thelma L., d. Jan. 25, 2003, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers F.H., 3 feet south of marker for Lovie Lee Holt

Wisdom, Robert Kelly, Nov. 14, 1911-Dec. 24, 1992, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Womack, JoAnn [see Bond, JoAnn Griffield Womack]

Wood, Erick L., Apr. 5, 1972-Oct. 20, 1998

Woodson, John Thomas, Feb. 12, 1917-Feb. 15, 1992

Wooley, Blanche, 1924-1997

Wortham, James Kenneth, July 3, 1967-Aug. 14, 2001, loose out-of-place temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home

Wyatt, Edna, Mrs., Dec. 28, 1906-Nov. 10, 1993, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]

Yarbrough, Celester, Mar. 30, 1939-____
Yarbrough, Lucille, July 22, 1932-May. 9, 2003

Yarbrough, Louise P., May 26, 1934-Apr. 1, 2000 [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possible read from a temporary marker]



Infant Row (Southwest)

Anderson, A'Carra T., May 27, 1999

Cobb, Jerod II, Apr. 4, 2000, "Stillborn" [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 2000, possibly read from a temporary marker; follows Baby Girl Wiley entry in Smith record]

Dixon, Jasmine M., May 26, 2000-June 21, 2000 [on temporary marker reported by Smith in 2000 she was Jasmine Marie Dixon]

Hill, Ka'Diesha L., Sept. 30, 2000

Knight, Jasmine Tionne, Sept. 27, 1997-Sept. 18, 1998, "With Love, Eric, Jackie, Eric, Jr."

Maholmes, Teisa Tatianna, June 26, 1999, temporary marker, Bledsoe Funeral Home, 4 yards south of marker for Jasmine Tionne Knight

Mathis, Baby Boy, d. May 28, 2003, temporary marker, Mercer Brothers F.H., 2 yards south of marker for A'Carra T. Anderson]

Vann, Marquis Tyree Fason, Mr., June 29, 2000-July 16, 2002, temporary marker, Stephenson-Shaw, probably out of place, found between marker for Jasmine M. Dixon and marker for Ka'Diesha L. Hill

Weedle, Donatarius B., Master, June 12, 2002-June 12, 2002, temporary marker, Styephenson-Shaw, 5 feet south of marker for A'Carra T. Anderson]

Wiley, Baby Girl, Sept. 21, 1999, temporary marker, Mercer, 5 yards south of marker for Jasmine Tionne Knight


Unplaced Military Markers

            Parkway Memorial Gardens requires bronze markers lying flush to the ground. Five inappropriate upright marble military markers delivered to the cemetery are stacked one atop the other against the west fence of the cemetery. Only the top marker is readable as they are too heavy for one person to move.

Hale, Collier, Apr. 13, 1916-June 2, 1990, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"



In 1995 Smith reported the following memorial marker which I could not find in 2003.

In memory of
Stinson, George, 1875-1946
Stinson, George D., 1900-1900
Stinson, Jo Anna, 1901-1906
Stinson, Dorcas Elizabeth, 1877-1986
Molloy, Essie Lee, 1903-1963
Evans, Geneva, 1898-1977; "By Etta B. Stinson"


Additional Interments August 1986-May 1990

Briggs, Lillian, Mrs., interred May 23, 1988

Brown, Carl, interred July 11, 1987

Carter, Elizabeth, Mrs., interred Mar. 1, 1989

Chambers, Beatrice, Mrs., interred Nov. 18, 1989

Dethrow, Albert, interred Aug. 30, 1989

Dodson, Bernice, Miss, interred Oct. 7, 1986

Epperson, Willie B., Rev., interred Nov. 12, 1988

Hall, Dezeree, Mrs., interred Apr. 11, 1990

Henning, Lorenzo, interred July 11, 1987

Hunt, Mildred Ezell, Mrs., interred Aug. 7, 1988

Johnson, Mary Lee, Mrs., interred Feb. 13, 1990

Lyons, John, interred Sept. 1, 1987

McVeigh, Lee Hollaway, Mrs., interred May 26, 1989

Morrow, Theodore, interred Jan. 22, 1988

Perrne, Emmett, Sr., interred Oct. 30, 1987

Reed, Leo, interred Sept. 15, 1986

Smith, Nancy, Mrs., interred Aug. 5, 1989

Thomas, George, interred July 20, 1987

Thomas, William, interred July 3, 1987

Turner, Annie Mae, Mrs., interred Sept. 10, 1988

Williams, Eugene, interred Mar. 10, 1990

Winkfield, George, interred Feb. 26, 1989