Beech Grove C.M.E. church and cemetery are located in the Pinson community. Turn east on Ozier road from U.S. 45. Drive about a 0.8 mile, cross the river, and look for sign for church. Turn left and drive 0.2 miles to church. The small cemetery is located behind the church. There are three markers behind the church. There are perhaps eight unmarked burials.

            David Donahue recorded this cemetery on November 14, 2003 based on earlier work by Jonathan K. T. Smith. Mr. Smith's 1995 record for this cemetery appears in his Tombstone Inscriptions from Black Cemeteries in Madison County, Tennessee. These work is referred to as Smith in a note below.


Franklin, Elizabeth, July 4, 1930-Sept. 28, 1981, "Our beloved mother"

Lancaster, Guy T., June 26, 1894-____, "Father" [ground disturbance suggests his burial here]
Lancaster, Carrie B., June 13, 1896-Feb. 10, 1977, "Mother"

Long, Zula Adell, Feb. 18, 1903-Jan. 19, 1980

Person, Irene, no dates, temporary marker [not found in 2003; reported by Smith in 1995]