MASON/BELL Bible (transcribed by Tami Ramsey)
Front inside cover: Zachariah P. BELL his Bible Bot at Jefferson January 18 AD 1818 Price $9=25
Zachariah BELL married to Nancy WALKER May the 9th 1812
John G BELL married to Mary P. LULLIVANT Sept. 8th 1818
Green H. MASON married to Frances C. WOOD 17 January 1833
Abram MASON was married to Peggy CURREY a daughter of Ezekiel CURREY's October the 28th, 1800
Ezekiel B. MASON was married to Candase H. WALDON a daughter of John WALDON February the 26, 1822
Elizabeth B. MASON was married to B.F. COLLINSWORTH September 21, 1825
Zachariah BELL born December 8th, 1791
Nancy BELL born June 30th 1797
John G. or J. BELL born November 22nd 1795
Martha J. or G. BELL February 22nd, 1797
Thomas B. KEEL or BELL born February 14, 1798
Harris was born October the 14, 1803
Green Washington was born May the 15th, 1830
Weit was born September 15, 1839
Mary Pope born April 24th 1761
Abram MASON was born October the 22, 1778
Peggey MASON was born July 15, 1774
Partheanea MASON was born July the 22nd, 1801
Ezekiel B. MASON was born October 18, 1802
Betsy MASON was born October 19th, 1804
Isaac Hall MASON was born October 14, 1807
Polly MASON was born April 22, 1807
Sally MASON was born Februuary 6th, 1811
Martha MASON was born January 26th, 1814
Nancy MASON was born January 11th, 1806
Joseph Price MASON was born Friday the tenth day of October 1823 a son of E.B. & C. H. MASON
John Walden MASON was born Monday the twenty first of March 1825 and weighed 11 pounds, son of E.B. & C.H. MASON
Abram Hall MASON was born the 31 day of December 1826
Green Washington MASON was born January 4th day 1829
Mary BELL died January 27th 1805
Nathaniel BELL died January 27th 1806
John BELL died on December 29th 1806
Hester died July the 22, 1846
Peggy MASON departed this life September 29, 1858 Aged 84 years 14 days
Abram MASON departed this life August 29th 1862 Aged 83 years 10 months 7 days
Sally BROWN wife of J.R. BROWN departed this life July 26th 1870
Isaac H. MASON died April 3rd 1880 at 9:30 A.M.
Mr. Jacob M. TWIGG and Mizz Manerva MERRITT married March 26, 1850
Jacob M. TWIGG born March 13th 1813
Manerva M. TWIGG born October 18, 1823
Andrew M. LEARY was born Oct 4th 1812
Martha H. MASON was born July 20th, 1814
Jacob M. TWIGG departed this life January 17th, 1851
Minerva TWIGG departed this life October the 6, 1852
Isaac MASON and Parthenea his wife was married November 24, 1774
Polly MASON was married to William DUNGAN February the 13, 1800
Abram MASON was married to Peggey his wife October the 28, 1800
Isaac MASON, Jr. was married to Sally his wife October the 16, 1806
Jacob MASON was married to Martha his wife July the 14, 1805
Caty MASON was married to Timothy TWIGG October the 12, 1803
Joseph MASON was married to Edieth his wife June the 30, 1812
Thomas MASON was married to Elenner his wife the 26 of February 1818
Reynear H. MASON was married to Elizabeth his wife January the 12, 1826
Isaac MASON, Sr. was married to Sarah his second wife September the 28, 1817
Isaac H. MASON and Rebecca A. FURGISON was married October 26, 1830
Sarah MASON was married to James R. BROWN December the 19, 1833
Green H. MASON was married to Frances C. WEBB January the 17, 1833
Martha H. MASON was married to Andrew McCLARY January 3, 1837
Nancy M. MASON was married to Thomas M. DUNGAN January 3, 1837
Isaac H. MASON was married to Mary A.E. CORE? September the 24..... 1846
Isaac H. MASON died April 4..... 1880
Elizabeth B. COLLINWOOD died January 26......1879
Isaac MASON was born January 31...... 1753
Parthenea MASON his wife was born June the 6.....1756
Polly MASON was born November the 21..... 1775
Abram MASON was born October the 22...... 1778
Isaac MASON, Jr. was born April the 16.... 1782
Jacob MASON was born March the 3 ...1784
Caty MASON was born January the 31...1786
Rebeckah MASON was born December the 18....1787
Joseph MASON was born February the 3.....1790
Thomas MASON was born February the 25...1792
Elizabeth MASON was born February the 11....1794
Reynear H. MASON was born December the 23...1797
William H. MASON son of Isaac H. & Rebecca Ann MASON was born October 14, 1831
Bergman C. MASON was born March 6th 1833
Robert W. MASON was born January the 4..1834
Tennfree C. MASON was born July 25 1854
Thomas MASON died 31 December 1847 aged 55 year and 10 months
Jacob MASON departed this life January 26 the year 1810 aged 26 years
Parthenea MASON departed this life June the 13...1816 Aged 60 years
Caty TWIGG departed this life April the 15 ..1818 aged 32 years
Rebeckah MASON departed this life the 23 of August 1818 Aged 30 years
Elizabeth MASON departed this life February the 24..1822 aged 28 years
Polly DUNGAN departed this life December the 22 ...1825 aged 50 years
Polly LANE departed this life August 30 ..1830 aged 21 years
William H. MASON departed this life October the 10 ... 1832 aged 1 year
Isaac MASON Sr. departed this life August the 30 ...1832 aged 80 years
Rebecca A. MASON departed this life August 30 ..1845 aged 32 years
Martha MASON departed this life September the 30 ...1846 aged 11 years
Parthenea H. GARVER departed this life December the 20......1846 aged 44 years
Isaac MASON Jr. departed this life October 5th 1853 aged 70 years and 5 months
Reynear H. MASON departed this life January the 1 ...1852 aged 55 years
Peggy MASON departed this life September 29, 1858 age 88 years
Harrette was born 28 of November 1845
Luci's boy Tom was born the 27th of February 1850
Luci's girl Mary was born the 3rd of May 1851
Henry was born August the 10...1848
Gladys POWELL born October 24, 1906
The information above was donated by Tami Ramsey on April 2, 1998 - Thank you Tami for your contribution to the Bible Records page!!! :-)
John G. Hill was married to Jemima Cook, Feb 11th, 1826
Lucinda A. Hill was married to J. McAlexander, May 12th, 1845
Sarah Hill was married to C.N. Moore, Jan 19th 1848
Eliza Jane Hill was married to G. H. Dukes
William M. Hill was (married) to Mary E. Ruby, Dec 25th, 1855
Allen Hill died Nov 5th, 1830
Charles Hill died Feb 5th, 1842
Jacob T. Hill died Mar 8th, 1856
Martha L. (Hill) Sucer died June 20th, 1857
Jamma (Jemima) Hill died June 7th, 1861
M.(Meredith) N. Hill died July the 25th, 1852 in war, Richmond, Va.
Annie H. Taylor was born Feb the 16, 1850
Emma Ophelia Moore was born Jan 14, 1849
Elizabeth Ella Moore was born Nov 20, 1850
Frank Charles Moore was born Dec 27, 1852
Octie Olivia Moore was born March 14, 1854
Hal J. Ferrell Moore was born May 20, 1856
Lelia Newton Moore was born Nov 14, 1859
John G. Hill was wounded at the Battle of Chickamauga and departed this life at Augusta, Georgia at the Sauletimos (sp?) House in the year of out Lord one thousand and eight hundred and sixty four.
Charles Newton Moore died Aug 25, 1859
John G. Hill (Sr.) departed this life the 29th day of October 1869
Emma Ophelia Moore died Sept 1859
Frank Chalres Moore died March 14, 1899
Lelia Newton Moore died July 1863
Sarah E. Braden (Hill) died June 1919
Leonidas F. Hill was married to Annie Taylor August the 14th, 1866
Elizabeth Ella Moore married Samuel Thomas Power, Feb 3, 1880
Frank Charles Moore married Mattie E. Rook, Dec 20, 1878
Octie Olivia Moore married William Norman, 1875
H. J. F. Moore was married to Barbara Rook (no date)
Charles Lewis Power married Lena McLain, Nov 14, 1907
Mary Emma Power married H. Clyde Woods July 20, 1910
Shelby Reeves Power married Octie Kizer July 12, 1912
Sallie Thomas Power married John Hamilton McClatchy Dec 28, 1912
Eugene Douglas Power married Pearl Wright May 10, 1914
Octie Power married Andrew Cochran, Dec 31 1916
Charles Lewis Power was born Dec 15, 1880
Mary Emma Power was born Nov 10, 1882
Eugene Douglas Power Aug 14, 1884 (was born)
Octie Moore Power was born Oct 28, 1887
Shelby Reeves Power was born May 10, 1890
Sallie Thomas Power was born Oct 25, 1891
Sarah Louise Power was born May 27, 1909
Helen Estelle Power was born Aug 31, 1911
Douglas Clyde Woods was born June 23, 1911
Charles Lewis Power Jr. was born May 13, 1914
Mary Alice Power was born Oct 31, 1916
Dorothy Elizabeth Power was born Jan 16, 1915
Shelby Reeves Power, Jr. was born Jan 31, 1917
I know these are not in any order, but this is the progression of the names and births and marriages as they appear in the two different columns in the family bible.
I also have records from the Moore family bible that belonged to Austin Elvy Moore ( 15 Aug 1804 - 16 Aug 1874) The copyright date of that bible is 1856. The records in the Moore family bible coincide with the records from the Hill family bible.
Transcribed by Martha Power Little
A small synopsis of the Hill family (by Martha Power Little):
The first Hill family of which we have a record is Allen Hill who was born 27 Dec 1769 on the Dan River, Pittsburg Co., Virginia. Although efforts have been made to find out the names of his parents, nothing is known
about them. Allen married Sarah Garrett in East Tennessee in 1794. Sarah Garrett was born Feb 22, 1771 in Amelia County, Virginia. Nothing is known about her parents. After marrying, Allen Hill began to move westward from East Tennessee following the Cumberland River. He settled near Nashville, living on the Cumberland, Big Harpeth and the Little Harpeth Rivers where several of his children were born. These children were Jacob, Nancy, Byrd, Evalina, Eliza and John Garrett Hill. Later Allen Hill moved to Madison County, Tenn where he settled near Medon. It was here that he helped establish the Cane Creek Baptist Church. He died at Medon in 1857. John (Jack) Garrett, son of Allen Hill and Sarah Garrett Hill, married Jemima Cook of Medon, Tenn on 11 Feb 1826. After the signing of a treaty with the Chickasaw Indians which moved the Indians to Oklahoma and opened sections in North Mississippi to settlement, John G. Hill moved his family to Marshall County, Mississippi near Holly Springs in the Wesley Chapel neighborhood.
© Copyright All Rights Reserved - Laura W. Griffith July 1998