From Family Findings
Lake County, Tennessee Centennial Edition
Vol. II, No. 4, October 1970, p. 145
Copyright, Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society, 1970
Appears on this web site by permission
"The Lake County Star" was the first newspaper ever published in Lake County, Tennessee. It was established in 1879 by C. D. Tresenriter and after two or three years was sold to Mr. Arthur Eastwood. Below are some news items from the February 23, 1883, issue, abstracted and contributed to FAMILY FINDINGS by Abigail Rice Hyde of Ridgely, Tennessee.
Lake County, Tennessee, Official Directory J. G. TIPTON, Trustee |
Mr. JAMES TIPTON brought several head of cattle from 14-Bend Wednesday per steamer Centennial.
Mrs. DR. MILLER of Reelfoot is visiting her daughter, Mrs. JAMES E. WARD 'til the water subsides.
JOE DIAL died Friday night last. He was a young man well liked by all.
Misses MATILDA and FLORA WYNN, sisters to Mrs. F. A. BONHAM, are staying in town until the overflow subsides.
JO ROBINSON, TIP ANDERSON, HALE BURRUS, and TOM MORRIS worked manfully all day Monday taking care of their cotton and cotton seed. Their grist mill ran all day long. So rapidly did the water rise that they floated the last bale of cotton to a place of safety.
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