From clippings saved by the late Elsie Johnson.'
Colored News
Lexington Progress
No Date, Probably Early September 1959Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. William Ivy Thomas on the arrival of a new baby girl born. Aug. 28 at Conger Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
No Date, Probably Early October 1959Services for Pfc. Louis C. Halton were Thursday at Montgomery High School with Rev. D. B. Simmons officiating. Burial was in Lexington Cemetery with Pafford Funeral Home in charge.
Pfc. Halton died Saturday at Washington Hospital after an illness of several months. He was 25. He was in the Army. [His tombstone lists his death September 26, 1959]
He was a member of the Key's Chapel M.E. Church. He leaves his mother, Mrs. Mary Halton; four brothers, Joseph Halton, Richard Halton, Thomas Halton, all of Lexington and AA-2C Herron Halton of Detroit; four sisters, Miss Lonnie Mae Halton of Memphis, Mrs. Edna Facen of Detroit, Miss Ruby Sue Halton of Nashville and Bettie Halton of Lexington and his grandmother, Mrs. Eliza Halton.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
October 22, 1959Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee Cooper on the arrival of a baby boy.
Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Mackey are the proud parents of a baby girl.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
No Date, Probably November 1959Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Edward Timberlake on the arrival of twin boys born Nov. 1 at Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
December 17, 1959Congratulation! Mr. and Mrs. Luke Carver are the parents of a baby girl born Dec. 5 at Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Dates Unknown, Several Small Clippings On Scrapbook Page with 1959 Items
A son, 7 pounds, 2 ounces, Willie Joe and Lucille Taylor, Lexington, June 2; Lexington-Henderson County Hospital.COLORED:
A son, Reginald Eugene, 7 pounds, 5 ounces, MacDonald and Rosetta Craig, Linden, June 25; Lexington-Henderson County Hospital.A daughter, Bridget Gail, 6 pounds, 10 ounces, James and Lola Jean McClerkin, Wildersville, June 29; Lexington-Henderson County Hospital.
A son, Waymond Nathaniel Carver Jr., 7 pounds, 4 ounces, Waymond and Norma Clara Carver, Rte. 1, July 5; Ramer Clinic.COLORED:
A son, Steven Mario, 6 pounds, 8 ounces, Waymon and Norma Carver, Jackson, July 28; Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.A daughter, June Marie, 5 pounds, 7 ounces, Billie Neal and Sue Helen Williams, Cedar Grove, July 31; Lexington-Henderson County Hospital.
A son, Ronnie Lynn, 7 pounds, 8 ounces, Leanier and Virginia Douglas, Wildersville, Oct. 5; Ramer Clinic.A daughter, Marcella, 7 pounds, 8 ounces, Lee and Gracie Buckley, Cedar Grove, Oct. 3; Huntsman Clinic.
A son, Roy Lee, 7 pounds, 4 ounces, Arthur Lee and Jearlene Cooper, Route 3, Oct. 12; Conger Hospital.A daughter, Karen Ann, 7 pounds, 14 ounces, O. C. and Martha Mackey, Rte. 2, Oct. 7; Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
A son, Nather Jerome, 6 pounds, 111/2 ounces, Joe and Thelma Pettigrew, Parsons, Oct. 10; County Hospital.
A daughter, Nora Alice, 6 pounds, Vance and Willette Horton, Jackson, Nov. 11; Lowry Clinic.A son, Ben Franklin. 8 pounds, 4 ounces, John and Novella Buck, Huron, Dec. 14; Lowry Clinic.
A daughter, 10 pounds, 7 ounces, Isaac and Wiley Harmon, Lexington, Dec. 13; Huntsman Clinic.
A son, Kalvin Leon. 8 pounds, 8 ounces, Linzie and, Bobbie Nell Bomer, Lexington, Dec. 12; Ramer Clinic.
Dates Unknown, Three Small Clippings On Scrapbook Page with Late 1959-Early 1960 Items
A daughter, Paula Mae, 7 pounds, 51/2 ounces, Joe and Joyce Edward, Lexington, Dec. 31; Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.COLORED:
A son, Charles Henry, 7 pounds, 53/4 ounces, Wm. Franklin and Edna Louise Campbell, Lexington, Jan. 7; Lexington-Henderson County Hospital.A son, Robert Gregory, 9 pounds, 8 ounces, John and Novella Buck, Huron, Jan. 8; Lexington-Henderson County Hospital.
A daughter, Thomasa Eugene, 6 lb., 8 oz., Edward Earl and Sundra Jean Flake, Lexington, Feb. 8, Conger Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
Exact Date Unknown, January 1960?Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cathey are the parents of a baby girl born Dec. 27 at Conger Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
Exact Date Unknown, January 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ellis on the arrival of a baby girl born Dec. 31 at Lexington-Henderson County Hospital.
Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell are the parents of a boy born Jan. 7 at Lexington-Henderson Co.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
Date Unknown, Probably Late February 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster Flake are the parents of a baby girl born Feb. 17, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
Date Unknown, Probably March 1960Mrs. Joe Beal are the parents of a baby girl born Mar. 1 at Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. George Swift on the arrival of a baby boy born Feb. 21 at Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Congratulation! Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Williams are the parents of a baby girl born Feb. 26 at Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
Exact Date Unknown, May 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Louis White are the parents of a baby girl born April 21 at Dresden Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
June 9, 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Henry Jr. on the arrival of a baby girl born May 31, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
July 14, 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Harmon on the arrival of a baby girl born July 6.
Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. James Paul Parker are the parents of a baby boy born July 8, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
July 21, 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Smith are the proud parents of a baby girl born July 10, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
August 11, 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith are the parents of a baby girl born July 28, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
August 18, 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor are the parents of a baby boy born August 14, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
September 1, 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Douglas on the arrival of a baby boy born August 22, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
October 27, 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Montague on the arrival of a baby girl born Oct. 4, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooper on the arrival of a baby girl born Oct. 15, Conger Hospital.
Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Blondell Thomas are the parents of a baby boy born Oct. 17, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
November 3, 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. John L. Buck are the parents of a baby girl born Oct. 18, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. John B. Johnson on the arrival of a baby girl born on Oct. 28, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Colored News
Lexington Progress
November 24, 1960Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson on the arrival of a baby girl born Nov. 6, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Edward Timber-lake are the parents of baby boy born Nov. 14, Lexington-Henderson Co. Hospital.
News of the Colored
Lexington Progress
January 11, 1962Congratulations: Mr. and Mrs. Adell Teague on the arrival of a baby boy born Jan. 6 at Conger Hospital.
Congratulations: Mr, and Mrs. Earl Flakes on the arrival of a baby boy born at Conger Hospital.
Lexington Progress
Date Unknown, Probably January 11, 1962Colored:
A son, Leslie Fenois, 7 pounds, 8 ounces, Earl and Sundra Flake, City, Jan. 5 Conger Hospital.A son, Adell Jr., 6 pounds, 12 ounces, Adell and Mary Lou Teague, City, Jan. 6, Conger Hospital.
News of the Colored
Lexington Progress
February 8, 1962Congratulations: Georgia and Joe Henry Johnson are the parents of a baby girl born Jan. 28 at Lexington Hospital.
Congratulations: Ruby Mae and Murray Pearson, are the parents of a baby boy born Feb. 1 at Lexington Hospital.
Lexington Progress
Date Unknown, February 1962Colored:
A son, John Murray Jr., 7 pounds, 2.5 ounces, John Murray and Ruby Mae Pearson, Lexington, Feb. 1, Lexington Hospital.
Hello World
Lexington Progress
March 22, 1962
(from the back side of a clipping)A son, Layne Keith, 7 pounds, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Layne Hart, Lexington, March 14, Lexington Hospital.
A daughter, Donna Sue, 8 pounds, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson, Lexington, March 14, Lexington Hospital.
A son, Timothy Wade, 7 pounds, 10 ounces, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Lanoice Lewis, R-3, Lexington Hospital.
A daughter, Nancy Louise, 7 pounds, 1 ounce, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Bowman, R-2, Lexington Hospital.
A daughter, Ramona, 5 pounds, 15 ounces, Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Ray, Decaturville, March 19, Lexington Hospital.
Lexington Progress
Date Unknown, March 1962Colored:
A daughter, Sheila Rosetta, 7 pounds, 7 ounces, Louis and Dorothy Timberlake Wildersville, March 11, Lexington Hospital.
News of the Colored
Lexington Progress
March 29, 1962Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Timberlake, are the parents of a baby girl.
News of the Colored
Lexington Progress
Date Unknown, April, 1962Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson who are the parents of a baby boy.
News of the Colored
Lexington Progress
May 31, 1962Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teague who are parents of a baby girl born at Lexington Hospital.
News of the Colored
Lexington Progress
Date Unknown, Late June 1962Mr. and Mrs. Blondell Thomas are the parents of a fine baby boy born June 18, Lexington Hospital. Congratulations!
News of the Colored
Lexington Progress
August 30, 1962Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Anderson, R-4 are the proud parents of a baby boy born Aug, 15, Lexington Hospital. Congratulations!
Lexington Progress
December 17, 1964Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Edward Hart, Wildersville are the proud parents of a baby girl horn Dec. 8, Lexington Hospital. Congratulations!