Henderson Co. TN
The schools of Henderson County date back to the very early settlements, perhaps as early as 1822 or 1823. But these schools were of an isolated character, being taught in various neighborhoods of the County. Sometimes they were taught in log houses built for the purpose, sometimes in churches, and sometimes in vacant dwellings.
The first school of much significance in the County was the Lexington Academy, which was authorized October 18, 1825, with John T. Harmon, J. W. Philpot, John Purdy, Richard McCree, and James A. Haslett as its trustees. In 1827 M. B. Cook, W. M. Haskins, and Samuel Wilson were added to the list. In 1826 John T. Harmon, C. H. Miller, J. J. Hill, Reuben Wilcox, and James A. Haslett were authorized to raise money for the Academy.
The first house was built in July 1832, in the eastern part of town on a lot purchased from Samuel Wilson. This building stood until 1852 or 1853, when it, being old and too small to serve the increased number of students, was sold. With the proceeds the trustees, W. H. Warner, John Brooks, R. B. Jones, and William Brooks, purchased a lot and building in the northern part of town. On this lot was erected a good brick building which served its purpose until 1885, when it was sold to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. With the proceeds, a new site containing four acres in the southeast part of town, was purchased, and on it erected a new frame building two stories high, containing a study hall and several recitation rooms.
The trustees conducting the business transactions were C. R. Scott, President; P. J. Dennison, treasurer; J. N. Hall, W. F. Brooks, and L. A. Stanford. They realized $250.00 on the old building and had on hand about $300.00; and, in addition to this, a sufficient subscription was obtained to raise the amount to $1,500.00 with which the new site was purchased and the building erected.
The school became recognized as the County High School, and S. A. Mynders, A. B. was chosen principal. The course of study embraced the English language, and its literature, pure and applied mathematics, natural sciences, ancient and modern languages, bookkeeping, and a special course for teachers. The purpose of the school, which will hereafter be known either as the County High School or as Lexington High School, was intended to fit students for the university and for practical life. S. A. Mynders was a very shrewd and active man in the field of education, and afterwards became the State Superintendent. While State Superintendent he greatly promoted school interest and helped to arrange for the State to appropriate more money for the public schools. The County High School under his supervision became widely known and much appraised.
Lexington was at one time quite an educational center, having its church schools and the Academy. About forty teacher students and a much larger number of regular students attended the County High School the first year of its actual service. The educational system in Lexington became widely known during that period, but failed to gain a great deal during the following years. However, during the past quarter of a century it has regained its rapid advancement. We shall hear more of it later on in this chapter.
The public schools over the County had nothing like a systematic course of study until after 1844. In that year a report of Henderson County school conditions was made and school directors, or commissioners, were elected in each of the school districts, which were made to correspond to the civil districts.
The report showed that there were 2,058 children of school age, that the length of school term varied in length from about forty to sixty days, and that the school fund averaged about fifty cents for each pupil.
The above plan of the management of common schools was not a good one, but continued to exist with little variation until the whole of it was broken up by the Civil War. In 1872 a new plan was adopted that gave a more or less uniform system of .public schools over the County.
A partial report of 1885 shows that the scholastic population for that year was 4;514 white; 683 colored; or a total of 5,197. The whole number of white teachers employed .was 81; colored 7. There were three consolidated schools, and a total enrollment in all the schools of 2,250 white and 350 colored, with a total average attendance of 1,350. The total amount paid in: salaries was $7,329.60 and total: expenditure of $6,381.25. The average length of the school term was 57 days and the average salary: per month for the teacher was $28.00.
Schools ran along thus until about 1895 to 1900 when good schools were established at Scotts Hill and Sardis. These were schools of a high grade and carried on work similar to our present high school work. More will be given about Scotts Hill and Sardis schools in Chapter 14.
Except at Scotts Hill and Sardis the schools of Henderson County had reached a low by 1900 or 1905. But with the comng of J. O. Brown in 1907 came also an advancement in education. Mr. Brown came to Lexington to engage in the hardware business, but being a school man and seeing the great need of. school and school interest in the County and town, he was induced by the citizens of the town to take charge of the school.
There was but little public interest and public funds at that time. The town could run but two or three months' public school. Mr. Brown had no stipulated salary except to give the town three months' public school for the amount of school taxes to be collected each year and the use of the school building for the remainder of the year to make what he could. The preceding year there had been three teachers employed, and the school had automatically closed before the time was out for the want of students.
Mr. Brown, at one, began work to interest parents and pupils. He employed a faculty of six teachers and became personally responsible for their salary for a nine months' session. The first faculty consisted of J. O. Brown, J. L. Rush, M. L. Stanfill, Misses Dell Bright, Martha Smith, and Nannie Jett. He was successful in inducing State Superintendent R. L. Jones to locate the Peabody Institute, of four weeks, for West Tennessee in the town of Lexington for the years of 1907 and 1908. He was also a member of the corps of instructors in this institute. This brought some three or four hundred of the leading teachers of West Tennessee into the town for the period of four weeks each summer for the two years, all of which had its effect in arousing the local interest in educational work. It also placed Mr. Brown in a favorable light before the people of the town and County as a leader in school work. Schools began to improve at once.
No good work has ever been accomplished without opposition. So it was, after the first year, some of the "Wise Acres" began to complain and made an effort to force the principal out of the school or to make him turn over a part of his earnings to the town and to select his faculty for him and to say how much he should pay his teachers, but in the beginning Mr. Brown obtained a five year contract, and by the time the five years had expired the best people of the town and County had recognized his ability in leadership and the boards of education continued to elect him year after year until he had served them for twenty-two years.
In February of 1909, the legislature passed an act permitting the County court of each county of the State to levy a tax and establish a public High School. In July of the same year, J. O. Brown and County Superintendent, W. H. Denison, went before the court in Lexington and asked them to vote a tax and establish a high school there. They explained the law made for that purpose and the advantages that would be derived from high school by the boys and girls of the County. The taxes were voted and a High School Board was elected. A few days later, the Board met. They had authority to locate and employ teachers for the school but on consideration, they had no house nor money nor would they have until taxes were collected. It was expected that the high school would open in September. They did not know what to do. Mr. Brown was called in for consultation. He told them the probable number that would enter the high school and what it would cost to take care of that number. If the school did not begin in September, the court would probably rescind its act and the County would have no high school, for already there were murmurings against the taxes necessary to run the school. Mr. Brown made a proposition to furnish teachers, care for the school, and advance the money for current expenses until the board could collect the taxes and refund the money. The proposition was gladly accepted and the school was established.
Great opposition soon arose to the taxes necessary to run the school. Some of the "would-be-politicians" made their county campaign against the high school. The second year was more strongly opposed than the first. It became uncertain whether there would be a high school the next year or not. Under these conditions the best work could not be accomplished. The principal began to plan for permanency. In 1911 the legislature was again in session. He asked the school men to back a bill requiring each county court to establish one or more high schools in each county. The school men were afraid to undertake it. The County Superintendent, W. H. Denison, together with Mr. Brown drew a bill for Henderson County and had it passed. Thus making Henderson County the leader in the State in compulsory High School education.
These are just a few of the difficulties which were confronted and overcome in the progress of school work in the County. Mr. Brown was an ever lasting worker. He never quit. Aside from teaching nine months at home, he taught each summer in the teachers' college at Memphis or in the University at Jackson. He was diligent and faithful in meeting with the County teachers and in encouraging and assisting them in every way possible. The teachers came to regard him as their very best friend and were not backward in going to him for assistance and help in time of need: His work has been such that there is a common saying that no other-man in the County has done so much in the progress of schools. No doubt, that saying is correct.
The High School, at present, ranks as one of the best-high schools in the State. Since its establishment in 1909 there have been over three hundred fifty graduates. With the exception of. the years during the war and the two years following nearly fifty per cent of: the graduates have gone to higher institutions of- learning. Their work in colleges and universities has been of high esteem.
For twenty-two years Mr. Brown has served Lexington and Henderson County. (From 1907 to 1929). During this: time schools in Lexington grew from an enrollment of about one hundred on the year preceeding his first and from a faculty of three for the same year and one poor building to an enrollment of nearly severi hundred in grammar school and high school and to a faculty of eleven in each school (twenty-two in all) and to two magnificent buildings.
In addition to the good work in education at Lexington the County has a splendid high school at Scotts Hill; three year high schools at Sardis and at Reagan, which are likely to grow into four year schools; junior high schools at Judson, Wildersville, Luray, Poplar Springs, Darden, and Bargerton and elementary schools throughout the County.
We also have other school men in the County that are worthy of mention. Prof's. P. H. Murphy and Ira C. Powers of Scotts Hill High School, Prof. Luther Bobbitt of Lexington High School, Prof. Arthur Bobbitt of Lexington City School and others are doing commendable work.
While. Mr. A. H. Fuller was County Superintendent he conducted a competitive examination at Lexington, the winner of which received a $1500.00 scholarship to Oxford University. The examination was held in June 1904. John A. Pearson made the highest grade and won the scholarship.
The County Superintendents of Henderson County have been: Levi S. Woods, Billie Brooks, Addison Henry T. J. Brooks, Judge R. H. Thorpe, Y. A. Jackson, W. R. Wilson, Mrs. L. T. Fielder, A. H. Fuller, C. P. Patterson, W. H. Denison, O. F. Holmes, J. O. Brown, and R. E. Powers, who is serving at present.
The present membership of the County Board of Education are E. M. Evans, chairman, E. D. Deere, Fred S. Sellers, H. W. Creasy, E. P. Segerson, A. W. Holmes, and G. W. Stewart.
With the present advantages no boy or girl in the County needs go uneducated. An elementary school is within reach of every child in the County and high. schools are at such intervals that any ambitious pupil can attend.
The present schools with their present teachers are given below.
Lexington High School: Luther Bobbitt, G. R. Dodds, Tillman Stewart, Paul Caywood, Mrs. Joe Davis, Mrs. H. A. Powers, Miss Margaret Carter, Miss Mary Elizabeth Ball.
Lexington City School: J. A. Bobbitt, Mts. J. A. Henry, Miss Maxie Dennison, Mrs. Cora Garner, Miss Mary Paul Spellings, Miss Elizabeth Summers, Miss J. D.Tilson (senior), Miss Florence, Miss Margaret Moffitt expression teacher, Miss Louise Keith music teacher.
Scotts Hill High School and Elementary School: P. H. Murphy, Ira C. Powers, Cecil Milam, Hubert Jones, Mrs. Hubert Jones, Mrs. Tom Stewart, Miss Gertrude Roberts, Miss Rubie Roberts.
Alberton—Mrs. J. L. Hare, Miss Cora McPeake; Antioch —Andros Rhodes; Bargerton—J. P. Montgomery, Gladys Manley, Mayrene Leslie; Birch—Major Scates; Brown, 5—B. F. Johnson; Brown, 6—Troy McPeake; Cedar Grove—C. C. Scott; Central—R. D. Todd, Mrs. R. D. Todd, Miss Opal Butler; Center Hill—T. F. Stanfill, Miss Lula McMurray; Chapel Pauline Lindsey; Chapel Hill—Mrs. Elizabeth Hart; Chesterfield—Miss Ruby Wallace, Miss Lounelle Evans; Cooper (colored)—Connie Kizer; Corinth— Miss Opal Hays; Crowell—N. . Todd, Mrs. Martha Long; Cross Roads—Mrs. Eva Derryberry; Cross Roads—G. Bartholomew, Loyce Gilliam, Miss Louise Oakley, Miss Mildred Reed; Darden—Eunice Wood, J. H. Kolwyck, Miss Bessie Mae Evans; Duke—A. M. Duke; Ebenezer—Elmer Duck; Farmville—Kennedy Laws; Harmon (colored)—Willie B. McCullough; Hinson Springs—Goy Snider; Holly Springs (colored)—J. A. Cooke; Howard—Irona Tucker; Judson—Auburn Powers, Andrew Todd, Miss Gertrude Powers; Juno—Miss Della Pendergrass; Kizer (colored)— J. H. Edwards; Laster—Mrs. Lena Wallace; Life—Miss Clara Buck; Lexington (colored)—E. A. Gray, Bland Edwards, Theodore Wilson, and Mrs. E. A. Gray; Longosuhst—L. W. Adams and Mary Sue Goff; Luray—(Colored) S. E. Whitaker;
Mable Grove—Miss Ruby Miller; Maness—Mrs. Mona Powers; Middlefork—W. C. Crook, Miss Minnie Page; Moore's Hill—Milani Scates; Moss—Miss Nell Jackson; Mt. Gilead—J. L. Fesmire, Miss Lavada Moody; Oak Forest (colored)—Miss Mary Buck; Oak Grove—Miss Pearl Helms; Ollies Grove—Miss Ruth Thomas; Palestine—Miss Mildred Kent; Piney—Miss Exie Smith; Pleasant Hill, 1—Ernest Wilkins; Pleasant Hill, 2—Beatrice Loving; Poplar Springs, 1—Lyde Reeves; Poplar Springs, 2—J. B. Austin, J. L. Douglas, Miss Omera Winslow, Miss Eula Mae Ringold; Pritchard (colored)—Miss Georgia Smith; Presley—C. V.
McClanahan; Park Meal (colored)—Cassie Roberson; Reagan—J. H. Page, Mrs. J. L. McKinstry, Tom Bailey, Miss Maggie Todd; Reed—Miss Ruth Frizzell; Rock Hill—J. A. Deere, Miss Jewel Reed; Rock Springs—Miss Mamie Brooks; Sandy—Miss Minnie Page; Sardis—E. A. Weaver, D. L. Story, Miss Beulah Holland, Miss Mary Blevins, Miss Carrie Powers; Sand Ridge—Guy B. Amis, Miss Mildred Sellers, Louise Austin; Shady Hill—D. E. Howell, W. S. Middleton, Mrs. G. Youngerman; Sheppard—Clyde Smith; Smith— Athael Milam; Spring Hill—Miss Jessie Oakley, Miss Katherine Thomas; Stegall—Mrs. L. H. Milam; Thomas—L. H Milam; Timberlake (colored)—George Beal; Timberlake (white)—Mrs. Vaughn Duck; Truett—Carmon Buck; Union Cross—J. B. Powers, Miss Oleita Jones; Union Hill—O. D. Phillips; Unity—Aubrey Lipscomb; Wake Forest—Mrs. Opal Story; White—Miss Ida Halter; Wildersville—C. M. Reeves, Miss Opal Finch, Miss Jerinima Laws, Miss Gussie Gobelett; Maple Springs—Herbert Lawler; Beach River— Ashley Adams; Independence—Oren Gilliam.
Below are clippings from the County papers.
First Year: English, Naomi Hopper, Margaret Brooks, Vesta Ashbury, Estelle Bailey, Loy Jowers, Martha Jane Williams, Nelle Rhodes. Algebra, Estelle Manley, Naomi Hopper, Margaret Brooks, Billy Lacy. Latin, Naomi Hopper, Margaret Brooks, Martha Jane Williams. Civics, John Albert Hancock, Leo Pearson, Larell Hendrix, Jim Davis, Thomas Williams, Beulah Alexander, Howell Deere, Elmer Franklin. Science, Loy Jowers, Lewis Blankenship, A. E. Beasley. Home Economics, Naomi Hopper, Nadine Butler, Bernice Hays, Margaret Brooks. Agriculture, Leroy Hardin, Fred Youngerman, W. C. Kee, Houston Helms.
Second Year: English, Dorothy Austin, Edith Brooks, Sallie Neal Cooper, Mabel Scates, Patty Sue Deere. Algebra, Dorothy Austin, Edith Brooks, Rettie Stephens. History, Irene Derryberry, Sallie Neal Cooper, Ruth Hopper, Harry Mullins, Alberta Veteto, Warren Holmes, Larry Franklin. Latin, Mildred Veteto, Pattie Sue Deere. Biology, John Williams, Josephine Austin, Dorothy Austin, Vesta Ashbury. Home Economics, Lorraine Austin, Edith Brooks, Rettie Stephens. Agriculture, D. L. Douglas, Robert Douglas, Lyman Sellers.
ThirdYear: English, Ruth Bobbitt, Robie Hart, Pauline Scott, Lula Mae Cogdell, Edith Rhodes, Lawrence Kee, Alton Green, Eddie Belew. Geometry, Rebecca Evans, Alton Green, Velma Hays, Lawrence Kee, Robert Summers, Pauline Scott, Ruth Bobbitt, Lula Mae Cogdell, Edith Rhodes. ‘History, Eddie Belew, Edith Rhodes, Robbie Hart, John D. Webb, Lyman ‘Sellers, Mary Louise Deere, Willie Anderson, Sarah Webb, Hazel Wallace. French, A. Green, Pauline Scott, Ruth Bobbitt. Chemistry, Edith Rhodes, Dalton Rhodes, Mildred Jones, Robert Douglas, Lucille Deere, Mary Louise Deere.
Fourth Year: English, Lorraine Austin, Charles Armstrong, Ophelia Hall, Ruth Hall. History, Woodrow' Butler, Lorraine ‘Austin, ‘Josephine Austin, Ruth Hall, Charles Armstrong, Laura Mae Graves. Solid Geometry, Charles Armstrong, Paul Summers, Woodrow Butler, Henry Maxwell. French, Ruth Hall; Lois White, C. B. Johnson. Chemistry, Lorraine Austin, Ophelia Hall, Exie Neisler, Woodrow Butler, Jane Lassiter. Economics, Opal Fesmire, Jane Lassiter, Ruth Hall, Lois White, James Hinson, Laura Mae Graves.
Work for the Ensuing Term Started Monday
with Large Enrol1ment
With approximately three hundred students and a large number of citizens present, the city school began work on Monday September 1.
After the devotional exercises, conducted by Rev. W. C. Waters of the M. E. Church; South, Supt. J. A. Bobbitt called on several for brief talks.
R. A. Lewis, president of the Central State Bank, emphasized the value of forming correct habits. Judge W. H. Denison, chairman of the board of education, quoted Prof. Halbrok's idea of the best teacher as being the one who can soonest make herself useful to the student. W. H. Montgomery, former, chairman of the school board, offered a few words of encouragement. Mrs. W. H. Denison, president of the Parent-Teacher Association, represented her organization and called a meeting for Friday of this week. Prof. J. O. Brown illustrated the work of the school by comparing it to a game that must be "played fair" and in accordance with the rules. Supt. R. E. Powers was present and offered a few words of appreciation as did Postmast John L. Sullivan.
Miss Florence, the new primary teacher, was introduced and spoke a few words befitting the occasion. Mr. Hendrix announced his plan for giving lessons in painting and drawing.
The program was enriched by vocal solos rendered very effectively by Mrs. J. A. Pafford and Miss Ivy Holland. Miss Louise Keith was at the piano.
An interest was manifested at the opening which it is hoped will be an index to a year of profit and pleasure.
Scotts Hill High School opened July 21st for the 1930-31 session with 114 enrolled; 59 high school pupils from Decatur County and 55 from Henderson county.
Hubert Jones and the class in agriculture attended the annual meeting at the Pope farm in Henderson County August 22nd and report a good day filled with an instructive program.
The new edition to the school building will soon be ready to take care of agriculture and home economics department in a better condition than ever.
We now have three trucks bringing them in from the hedges and dusty highways.
Side walk work is progressing well. One walk leads from the school building up to the main street, and this week will see the completion of this walk to the main business section of the town.
A new twelve volume encyclopedia has been added to the library this year.
The gymnasium will have a floor laid in it before the ball season opens this fall.
All the high school teachers attended the educational meeting at Jackson last Saturday.
Below are given three paragraphs pertaining to the early history of the Methodist Episcopal, the Missionary Baptist, and the Cumberland Presbyterian Churches. These paragraphs are direct quotations from Goodspeed's History of Tennessee published in 1887,which contains historical sketches of Henderson County. It gives accounts, however, of only these three churches. No other early records can be found.
"The Methodist Episcopal Churches South are a part of the Jackson District of the Memphis Conference. They are mainly embraced in the Lexington Station, Lexington Circuit and Scotts Hill Circuit. The three above mentioned (in 1887) embrace fifteen churches or classes, and a membership of 671. The first class was organized in Lexington about 1840 and a house soon after erected. The old register having been lost, it is impossible to ascertain the names of the first class or the date of the organization. The oldest member now living (1887) is Mrs. Elizabeth Ewing who joined the church at Knoxville in 1824. The names of others who joined the church early, are R. B. Jones, in 1839, under the preaching of Rev. Renshaw; Mrs. A. A. Warren, in 1838, under Rev. J. Kelsey; Bettie Bell in 1840, under R. S. Swift, and E. E. Smith at the same time; J. W. G. Jones, in 1847, under A. D. Bryant. These are all the names of members that are preserved previous to the war. Among the ministers of the Lexington class since the war may be mentioned R. S. Swift, J. G. Harris, T. G. Whitten, J. J. Brooks, J. A. Moody, and W. T. Lock. This class now numbers fifty members and has a new house of worship and maintains a good Sunday School. Perhaps the first Methodist Church built in the county was the one at Olive Branch in 1832. This was built on a two-acre lot deeded by Solomon Milam to Ramsom Cunningham, John Cooper, Jas. Hart and Thomas Johnson on July 29, 1832. Shady Grove was another one of the early Methodist Churches of Henderson County. Here was a well known camp-ground and church which were established between 1830 and 1840. Among those connected with this church were the Renshaws, Andersons, Corbets, Hunts, Cogdills, Sherwoods, Hamlets, Youngs and others. The church at Holly Springs was built in 1845, New Hope in 1855, Barren Springs in 1857, Hepzibah in 1855, New Prospects in 1850, Bethel about the same time, Mount Pleasant in 1872, Poplar Springs in 1873, and many others at different dates. The early revivals were largely due to the zeal of the members at the annual camp-meetings that were formerly held in every county and in almost every neighborhood.
"The Missionary Baptist Church was built in Lexington in 1847. In 1880 another lot was purchased of J. S. Fielder and the present brick house erected thereon. This church (1887) has a good membership and maintains a Sunday School. Other Baptist Churches are Piney Creek, Union Church, Scarce Creek, Ridge Grove, Bible Union, Pilgrim's Rest in Zion, Hopewell, and a few others. The membership of this church is quite large in the county (1887).
"John Barrett, a Cumberland Presbyterian minister, preached in Henderson County in 1824. He was, perhaps, the first to preach the doctrine of this church in the county. Some of the first churches in the county were built by the Cumberland Presbyterians. There is a small congregation of Presbyterians at Lexington, but they are without a house of worship at present, (1887), although they own the old Lexington Academy which was purchased recently for church purposes. Palestine, is the place of an old church and camp-ground. The membership at this place is twenty-one. Spring Hill is another Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Its membership is forty-eight. Mount Gilead Church was built in 1856. Its membership is now about twenty. Besides these churches, there is one Methodist Protestant Church, a United Baptist Church, at Masyer's Chapel, a Freewill Baptist Church at Shady Grove, and one on Steele Creek, and a Christian Church in the Fifteenth District."
In spite of the reports that religion and Christianity are on a downward trend, we find that the value of church property, the contributions to Christian work, and the church membership are increasing year after. year. In 1887 the Lexington Stations, the Lexington Circuit, and ‘the Scotts Hill Circuit of' the M. E. Church South embraced a total membership of 671. Now the same three organizations, or collections of churches, have a total membership of 1193, and church building and homes for pastors va1ued at $27,300.
The report of the Annual Conference of the M. E. Church South for 1929 showed the Lexington Circuit to have one local pastor, H.R. Harris, seven churches and buildings worth $10,000, one parsonage worth $1000, and a: total membership' of 546. The churches of the Lexington Circuit are Bethel, Shady Grove, Sharon, Hickory Flat, Rock Springs, Mt. Neba, and Lebanon.
The Scotts Hill Circuit has seven churches and buildings valued at. $3,500, one parsonage valued at. $800, and a total membership of 332. Reverend H. T. Sanson is the pastor. The seven churches are Scotts Hill, Smith Chapel, Oak Grove, New Hope, Ebenezer, Mount Moriah, Liberty.
The Lexington Station has one full time preacher, Dr. W. C. Waters, a total membership of 319, a church building worth $7,000, and a parsonage worth $5,000.
Luray is a church of the same order but is a member of a circuit whose headquarters is outside the County. Luray's pastor is H. H. Newsom.
In Henderson County there are eight Methodist Episcopal Churches North, as they are commonly called. The strongest of these is the Poplar Springs Church. Reverend G. W. Florence is pastor of it and also Center Ridge and Union Cross. Reverend J. C. Sandusky is pastor of the Sardis, the Union Hill, and the Lebanon Churches. Rev. C. W. Ruth is pastor of the Crowell church.
The Beech River Baptist Association held its fifty-ninth annual session with Darden Baptist Church September 20-22, 1929 and had representations from twenty-seven Missionary Baptist Churches of Henderson County.
Fleetwood Ball of Lexington, Tennessee, Moderator; Joe Jennings of Parsons, Tennessee, Clerk; Elco; Carrington of Parsons, Tennessee, Treasurer.
Fleetwood Ball, Joe Jennings, Luther Garner of Lexington, George McPeake of Warrens Bluff, G. W. McBride of Sardis, Esco Carrington of Parsons, L. A. Lawler of Huron.
Superintendent of W. M. U., Mrs. Shin Jones, Lexington, Superintendent of Sunday Schools, Joe Jennings.
Introductory by A. U. Nunnery, Parsons, Alternate by T. C. Jowers, Lexington, Missionary by G. G. Joyner, Parsons, Alternate by W. L. King, Parsons.
State, Joe Jennings, Alternate, G. G. Joyner, Southern Baptist, Fleetwood Ball, Alternate, J. T. Bradfield of Parsons.
Bible Grove—L. V. Wood, J. L. Wood; Cedar Grove—Not represented this session; Central Grove—Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daws; Chapel Hill—W. W. Garner, J. S. Bell, R. R. Garner; Corinth—C. W. Kolwyck, C. S. Wood, J. J. Kolwyck, W. G. Reeves; Darden—W. F. Boren, L. B. Moore, Mrs. Nona Johnson, W. O. Hill; Hepzibah—By letter; Huron— L. A. Lawler, Herbert Lawler; Jack's Creek—R. L. Rogers, A. O. Rogers, Loren Rogers; Judson—G. R. Austin, E. Rogers, Roy Powers, I. J. Powers; Lexington, 1st—Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Jones, Mrs. A. Griggs, E. S. Garner; Lexington II—by letter; Luray—D. S. Sumner, Mrs. Florence Sumner, Walter Wilkins; Maizes Chapel—W. W. Overman, A. L. Wood, Lester Wood, R. L. Arnold; Mt. Ararat—M. H. Tolly, C. C. Stephens, J. E. Wilkins, Clifford Eads; Mt. Gilead—; New Fellowship—G. W. Hutton, I. H. Baker, Myrtle Phillips; Oak Grove—H. L. Garner, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Scott; Piney Creek—T. C. Jowers, J. F. Neisler, Leo Pitty; Pleasant Grove—; Pleasant Hill—Clayton Stanfill, J. C. Dyer, W. H. Chalk; Ridge Grove—; Rock Hill—Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Deere, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Reed; Sardis—J. T. Bradfield, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnson, J. A. Sheppard; Union—Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Frizzell, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lewis; Union Hill—Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bailey, Carl Wilkingson; Wildersville—T. D. Birchett, Luther Halbrook, M. C. Carnal, J. Leslie.
R. W. Baker, Sardis, Tennessee; Fleetwood Ball, Lexington, Tennessee; W. F. Boren, Darden, Tennessee; J. S. Bell, Life; E. L. Davis; Darden, Tennessee; J. B. Eads, Senath, Missouri; E. S. Garner, Lexington, Tennessee; J. D. Hicks, Huron, Tennessee; T. C. Jowers, Lexington, Tennessee; L. A. Lawler, Huron, Tennessee; John Page, Lexington, Tennessee; J. N. Phillips, Sardis, Tennessee; R. L. Rogers, Lexington, Tennessee; Eli Rogers, Scotts Hill, Tennessee; A. H. Wylie, Sardis, Tennessee.
Chapel Hill, J. L. Kennedy, Lexington, Tennessee; Central Grove, J. B. Hays, Chesterfield, Tennessee; Corinth, H. B. Wood, Darden, Tennessee; Hepzibah, Etheridge Jowers, Lexington, Tennessee; Huron, H. A. McPeake, Huron, Tennessee; Judson, G. R. Austin, Scotts Hill, Tennessee; Lexington, First, J. W. Stewart, Lexington, Tennessee; Luray, John W. Hamilton, Luray, Tennessee; Mazies Chapel, Chester Wood, Wildersville, Tennessee; Mt. Ararat, J. E. Wilkins, Darden, Tennessee; Mt. Gilead, F. J. Coffman, Juno, Tennessee; Oak Grove, W. T. Davis, Chesterfield, Tennessee; Pleasant Grove, R. W. Harris, Darden, Tennessee; Piney Creek, T. C. Jowers, Lexington, Tennessee; Rock Hill, D. E. Helms, Warren Bluff, Tennessee; Sardis, A. A. Hanna, Sardis, Tennessee; Union, W. G. Frizzell, Chesterfield, Tennessee; Wildersville, W. R. Bolen, Wildersville, Tennessee.
Bible Grove, J. L. Wood, Chesterfield, Tennessee; Cedar Grove, H. W. Creasy, Sardis, Tennessee; Central Grove, John B. Hays, Chesterfield, Tennessee; Chapel Hill, J. S. Bell, Life, Tennessee; Corinth, I. K. Reeves, Darden, Tennessee; Darden, W. O. Hill, Darden, Tennessee; Hepzibah, C. S. Boswell, Lexington, Tennessee; Huron, Mildred Perkins, Huron, Tennessee; Jacks Creek, S. E. Johnson, Huron, Tennessee; Judson, N. M. Todd, Scotts Hill, Tennessee; Lexington, First, E. F. Boswell, Lexington, Tennessee; Lexington, Second, W. M. Owens, Lexington, Tennessee; Luray, G. W. Priddy, Luray, Tennessee; Maizes Chapel, W.W. Overman, Lexington, Tennessee; Mt. Ararat, W. A. Carrington, Darden, Tennessee; Mt. Gilead, J. J. Lawrence, Juno, Tennessee; New Fellowship, G. W. McBride, Sardis, Tennessee; Oak Grove, H. L. Garner, Warrens Bluff, Tennessee; Piney Creek, O.K. Petty, Lexington, Tennessee; Pleasant Grove, V. L. Wood, Wildersville, Tennessee; Pleasant Hill, S. F. Rogers, Juno, Tennessee; Ridge Grove, Elkins Lewis, Lexington, Tennessee; Rock Hill, J. A. Deere, Warrens Bluff, Tennessee; Sardis, Mrs. Callie Johnson, Sardis,Tennessee; Union, C. L. Reed, Chesterfield, Tennessee; Union Hill, A. R. Wright, Reagan, Tennessee; Wildersville, M. C. Carnal, Wildersyille, Tennessee.
Lexington, First: Miss Georgia McCall, Lexington, Tennessee.
Lexington, First: Mrs. Felix Creasy, Lexington, Tennessee; Luray, Mrs. J: W. Hamilton, Luray, Tennessee; Union, Mrs. E. W. Dennison, Chesterfield, Tennessee.
The Primitive Baptist Churches are Antioch, Zion's Rest, and Barren Springs.
The United Baptist have a large church at Center Hill and another near Cedar Grove. J. H. Kennedy is pastor of both churches.
The Cumberland Presbyterians have a church at Palestine and one at Mt. Gilead. Rev. H. C. Cooper is pastor of these. The Beech Grove Church is of this order, but has no pastor at present. It was once a great gathering place.
The one Southern Presbyterian church of the County is at Reagan. Rev. J. L. McKinstry is the acting pastor.
The Christian Churches of the County are Lexington, Juno, Independence, Sardis, Stray Leaf, Holly Hill, Scotts Hill, and Central. Few, if any, of these churches have pastors, but they are very active.
There are several churches of the Pentecostal faith over the County. If the leaders of this faith wish to hold a revival in a community, they do not hesitate on account of having no church house. They build bush harbors and go ahead with the revivals. People go for miles and miles to these meetings. Some go for the sake of religion while others go for a big time -- to see those with the "Holy Ghost" "perform". Once a "lost sinner "is brought through" the shouting, talking in tongues and dancing begins. Some have refused to take doctors' medicine, when sick, depending upon God to heal them; some have even handled poisonous snakes to show to the people that God would protect them from harm. But no doubt many are sincere in their convictions.
The Darden and Scotts Hill Churches are the strongest ones. Meetings sometimes last almost all summer at some of these places. There is also a church of this order near Wildersville.
Liberty Hill is the one church of the Latter Day Saints in the County. It is an off-shot of the old Mormon Church.
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