Pine Grove Cemetery, October 2003
Pine Grove Cemetery is located at Pine Grove Baptist Church on the west side of Highway 22 north of Lexington. It is maintained very well. This cemetery was recorded July 19, 1994 and updated April 17, 1998 by Joy Beth Bartholomew Campbell, and updated October 4, 2003 by David Donahue.
Cavness, Evelyn Kay, Aug. 11, 1941-____
Cavness, Jimmy Lynn, July 4, 1943-Feb. 25, 1986, "Children Jeffery & Cindy"Hale, Freamon, Apr. 28, 1929-____, "U.S. Air Force retired"; "Husband" footstone
Hale, Billy F., Sept. 15, 1927-____, "Gold Star Mother"; "Wife footstone
"Married June 8, 1953" [sharing base with this double marker is marker for James Lee]Hancock, Gregory Lee, 1952-1990
Hardin, Eular, Dec. 7, 1922-____
Hardin, Jeff David, Feb. 19, 1919-July 13, 1991, "Children Kay & David"Lee, James, Nov. 30, 1947-Feb. 14, 1968, "KIA Vietnam" "U.S. Army Airborne" [shares marker base with double marker for Freamon and Billy F. Hale]
McKimmy, James Melton, Jan. 19, 1944-June 2, 1993
McKimmy, Grapel Louise, April 5, 1949-____, "Married Aug. 20, 1987"Moore, Jay Dennison, Oct. 17, 1973-Nov. 7, 2002
Moore, Stacy Tenea, Jan. 5, 1979-____, "Married Sept. 2, 2000
Stacy Tenea and Jay Dennison Moore
Moore, Misty Dawn, Nov. 18, 1980-Jan. 2, 1993
Owens, James L., May 21, 1933-June 8, 1999, "Father" footstone
Owens, A. Z., Mar. 5, 1931-____, unplaced "Mother" footstone, "Married Sept. 20, 1952"Penix, Don H., 1917-1999, "Dad" footstone
Penix, Mellie B., 1921-1999, "Mom" footstonePierce, Billy M., Dec. 11, 1933-____, "Daddy Bill"
Pierce, Nadell B., Jan. 16, 1934-Jan. 30, 1999, "Moma Na"
"Married Oct. 16, 1934" "Our children: Stan, April, Jennifer and Lacy"Singleton, Bobby, Feb. 18, 1941-Aug. 7, 2002, "Husband"; "Daddy" footstone
Singleton, Shirley, Sept. 13, 1943-____, "Wife"; "Mother" footstone