By Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith
Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 2000JULY-DECEMBER 1879
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July 5, 1879
Rev. J. H. HENRY born July 25, 1803; died June 9, 1879; served in Seminole War, 1836-1837; "great advocate for camp-meetings."
THOMAS M. PERSON born June 11, 1798; died Taylor Co., Ky., June 8, 1879; member of Methodist Church for 62 years.
KITTY LYON born Washington Co., Ky.; died May 23, 1879.
MARY BRIDGES born Feb. 5, 1822; died April 11, 1879; dau of Rev. Wiley B. Snell; her oldest son was Rev. W. Allen Bridges.
Miss ELIZABETH YOUNG born Rockingham Co., No. Carolina, Oct. 16, 1801; died near Spring Hill, Tenn., September 21, 1876.
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HARRIET VAUGHN dau of Rev. Z. Ball, born Garrard Co., Ky., May 8, 1802; married Nov. 2, 1820; died Lincoln Co., Tenn., May 7, 1879.
NELLIE C. LOVE, nee Minner, born Oct. 10, 1814; married Andrew Love, Aug. 16, 1832; died Crittenden Co., Ky., April 15, 1879.
HENRIETTA W. WREN born Bath Co., Ky., 1811; died May 26, 1879; married 1847.
LUCY MONTGOMERY dau of William and Mary Sweeney, Mackville, Ky., born Sept. 5, 1856; married Nov. 23, 1876; died June 9, 1879; surviving were husband and a daughter about 20 months old.
MARY B. NORTHERN, nee Hodge, born Sept. 27, 1799; died May 25, 1879; married Samuel Northern; Davidson Co., Tenn.
RACHEL E. COOPER born Allen Co., Ky., Sept. 19, 1827; died Henderson, Ky., June 3, 1879; married Franklin Cooper 1850.
HENRY GEORGE s/o R. B. and M. T. George, died May. 20, 1879, Versailles, Ky. in his 13th year of age.
EMMET R. SHERRILL s/o Dr. J. L. Sherrill, died June 4, 1879 aged 26 years.
July 12, 1879
LIZZIE COWARD born Feb. 5, 1854; died April 25, 1879.
LITTLETON SIMS born Va., Jan. 9, 1842; s/o James S. and Tabitha Sims; died Mar. 2, 1879.
PRISCILLA DUNCAN youngest dau of S. and A. Winningham, born Hardin Co., Tenn., May 12, 1858; married A. W. W. Duncan, Jan. 5, 1879; died pneumonia, June 5, 1879.
EMMA CONNER born Johnson Co., Ark., Feb. 29, 1872; died May 16, 1879.
NANCY SADLER wife of John Sadler, born Mar. 6, 1800, Va.; died June 22, 1879; married July 17, 1822.
ALBERT G. YATES born Robertson Co., Tenn., Aug. 26, 1859; died Oct. 12, 1878.
JENNIE RODGERS dau of M. P. Rodges, died Mar. 8, 1879 aged 8 years, 8 months, 20 days.
JOE MARVIN GRIMES died Feb. 24, 1879 aged 3 years, 5 months and 24 days; s/o L. W. and Eliza Grimes.
JOHN SOLOMON s/o Lazarus and Elizabeth Solomon born No. Carolina, Jan. 3, 1797; married Rebecca Sturdivant, Feb. 8, 1821; joined Methodist Church Feb. 12, 1837; died Clopton, Ala., May 13, 1879.
JANE CONWAY CARTER dau of Andrew and Mary Gass, born Jefferson Co., Tenn., Nov. 10, 1813; married William P. Carter 1830 and moved to Texas 1860; died Jan. 16, 1879.
JOHN LOVEJOY born Ga., Jan. 1, 1812; died Talladega Co., Ala., Feb. 28, 1879.
FREDONIA DOUGLASS dau of J. and Mary Sledge, born Colbert Co., Ala., about 1833; married James Douglass, Jr., July 28, 1866; died April 23, 1879.
WILLIAM D. ROBINSON s/o James H. and Mary A. Robinson, born Jan. 1, 1857; died June 9, 1879.
NANCY CALEDONIA SHEPPARD born Aug. 3, 1852; married John Sheppard, July 26, 1868; died Perry Co., Tenn., Mar. 3, 1879; buried in family graveyard of her father, George Goodwin.
R. LAFAYETTE WEAVER born Nov. 24, 1830; died July 13, 1879.
July 19, 1879
Rev. JOHN RAINS born near Maysville, Ky., May 27, 1796; moved to Carthage, Tenn. and joined Methodist Church 1821; served Methodist Church in Tenn. Conf.; funeral held July 5, 1879 at McKendree Methodist Church in Nashville.
Tribute of Respect to RICHARD R. STEARMAN who died recently; by Greenbury Quarterly Meeting, dated June 7, 1879.
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Tribute of Respect to Rev. JOHN McKENZIE who died Dec. 25, 1878; by 2nd Quarterly Conf., Harpersville Circuit, No. Ala. Conf., undated.
MATTHIAS ANTEN died April 1, 1879, Fayette Co., Ky.
SARAH J. GROCE wife of Rev. J. M. Groce, dau of John R. and Millie Mitchel, born Dec. 22, 1838; died May 22, 1879.
DELITIA MOORE died Bullitt Co., Ky., July 1, 1879 aged more than 80 years.
MARY E. WARREN dau of Joseph and Mary Ann Kelly, born Jan. 13, 1818; married Mar. 5, 1876; died February 22, 1879.
MALISSA McBRIDE born Sept. 21, 1847; died Nov. 19, 1878; married Nathaniel McBride, December 1867.
JULIUS B. BRISDENDINE s/o W. H. and Anna Brisendine died May 12, 1879. Forrestville, Ga. His son, WILLIE LEE BRISDENDINE died July 24, 1879 aged 3 years and 9 months.
W. J. BIRD born Adair Co., Ky., May 6, 1837; died June 6, 1879; married Mary C. Duessenberry, Nov. 21, 1818 (she died Feb. 5, 1878); married Katie Davie, March 27, 1879.
WILLIAM G. BOEHMS born Franklin, Tenn., July 16, 1825; married Susan A. G. Beale; died June 14, 1879.
VIRGINIA C. VIRGIN born April 29, 1837; died June 29, 1879.
MARY HUTCHESON, mother of Virginia C. Virgin, born May 3, 1802; died July 3, 1879; married John S. Hutcheson 1822.
ELIZABETH HANCOCK born Edgefield Dist., So. Carolina; died June 18, 1879.
SALLIE A. STONE wife of George W. Stone died Litchfield, Ky., July 1, 1879 in the 36th year of her age; dau of Mrs. Martha Yates.
EDWARD C. COOPER s/o W. W. and Margaret T. Cooper, born Ashley, Ill., June 7, 1858; died June 17, 1879, Denver, Colorado.
BERRY DARDEN born Mar. 8, 1860; died June 19, 1879.
Rev. JOHN RAINS born Maysville, Ky., May 27, 1796; served in War of 1812; admitted to preach in Tenn. Conf. of Methodist Church 1837; funeral held July 5, 1879. Oldest son, Capt. John Rains, died in Confederate Army; a son, James E. Rains, Confederate soldier, died in battle at Murfreesboro. Of the Rev. Rains' 15 children only 5 survived him.
July 26, 1879
SARAH JANE BRASHEAR born Mar. 22, 1817; died May 3, 1879; married S. S. Brashear, Sept. 21, 1837; had 4 children. Hardinsburg, Ky.
ALMA STEPHENS dau of Thomas and J. Stephens born Nov. 30, 1858; died Mar. 14, 1879.
SALLIE C. MURCHISON died June 30, 1879 in her 29th year of age.
PATSY ELLIS dau of Barnett H. Allgood, born Pickens Dist., So. Carolina, July 31, 1810; married Stephen Ellis, Feb. 13, 1842; died Blount Co., Ala., July 5, 1879; mother of 7 children.
MOURNING HILLIARD DOUGLASS dau of Elijah and Maria Boddie, born Sumner Co., Tenn., Jan. 26, 1828; married Rev. Alfred Douglass, Aug. 5, 1849 and he died of cholera 3 weeks later; she moved to Memphis, Tenn. 1858 where she spent rest of her life; died June 21, 1879.
Captain WILLIAM A. SHAW, Cheatham Co., Tenn., born Sept. 29, 1834; died June 26, 1879.
SUSIE E. SNOW born Nashville, Tenn., Mar. 6, 1844; died Davidson Co., Tenn., June 26, 1879.
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RUBIE D. HYDE dau of N. C. and Fannie S. Hyde born April 12, 1879; died July 6, 1879.
AMOS TOFT, Tullahoma, Tenn., died June 22, 1879 aged about 62 years.
MOLLIE F. ESTES dau of Samuel and Martha Estes, born Wilson Co., Tenn., July 1852; died May 27, 1879.
JOHN C. FERGUSON s/o John H. and Martha Ferguson born White Co., Ga., Feb. 10, 1854; died Edmonson Co., Ky., Nov. 6, 1878.
ROBERT JEMISON CARTER s/o Charles and F. T. Carter, born Talladega Co., Ala., Feb. 11, 1835; died Tate Co., Miss., May 29, 1879.
JOHN BELEW HENLEY s/o Reason and Jane Henley born Madison Co., Tenn., Feb. 10, 1857; died Kaufman Co., Texas, June 29, 1879 to which he had moved in 1878; joined Methodist Church, Bell's Chapel, Henderson Co., Tenn. 1876.
August 2, 1879
ROBERT G. MARTIN born Tuscaloosa Co., Ala., June 8, 1820; died Dec. 21, 1878. Near West Point, Miss.
SUSAN A. LANUM born Mar. 30, 1801, Washington Co., Ky.; married Thomas Lanum, Aug. 6, 1840; died Feb. 13, 1879.
Rev. E. SWEAT born Bladen Co., No. Carolina, Aug. 6, 1798; married Sarah Perry; moved to middle Tenn. 1825; died June 18, 1879.
SARAH ELIZA WILLIS GOODLETT born Albemarle Co., Va., July 12, 1799; married Dr. Ebenezer Erskine Goodlett, April 27, 1837; died Franklin, Ky., Jan. 29, 1879 leaving only one child, James E. Goodlett of Memphis, Tenn.
H. T. CARTMEN born Nov. 29, 1855; died July 4, 1879. Lebanon, Tenn.
FRANCIS TOLL born Cornwall, England, Nov. 13, 1813; married Ann Siddle, Mar. 15, 1841; moved to U. S. 1854; died July 7, 1879.
HARRIETT A. R. HERRICK wife of F. C. Herrick, died Nashville, Tenn., June 21, 1879; dau of Isaac and Angeline Reese.
MARY P. "Mollie" KELTON wife of J. S. Kelton, dau of Rev. J. J. and Martha P. Comer, born Warren Co., Tenn., Oct. 1, 1854; married May 17, 1875; died May 29, 1879.
NANCY McCAIN WARE dau of James and Elizabeth McCain born No. Carolina, Feb. 29, 1808; married E. H. Ware, Oct. 13, 1840; died April 30, 1879.
LIZZIE FLEMING born Mar. 31, 1876; died May 30, 1879.
Rev. Dr. S. C. DAILEY born Elbert Co., Ga., June 2, 1800; died Feb. 14, 1879.
GRACIE PEARL EARHEART dau of T. M. D. Earheart, Strasburg, Ala., died July 7, 1879 aged 1 year.
SALLIE C. NICHOLSON wife of W. G. Nicholson, dau of William T. Colvert, born Sept. 23, 1854; died Iredell Co., No. Carolina, July 1, 1879.
DRUCIE PARKER dau of J. F. and Fannie Parker, born Aug. 19, 1877; died July 8, 1879.
NORA Z. COLLINS born 1876; died April 4, 1879 aged 9 months and 26 days.
GREENE BERTIE CAMPBELL infant s/o Robert E. and Sarah A. Campbell, born Jan. 18, 1878; died July 6, 1879.
ULA PILE dau of J. R. and Vashti Pile, born Jan. 20 and died July 12, 1879.
August 9, 1879
Mrs. LOUISA JANE MAYFIELD born Williamson Co., Tenn., Feb. 18, 1831; died June 24, 1879 in Nashville, Tenn.; had no children.
SARAH CAROLINE HUGHES wife of T. M. Phillips born Newberry Dist., So. Carolina Jan. 31, 1819; died May 5, 1879.
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THOMAS M. EGINTON s/o Hon. Charles Eginton, Covington, Ky., died July 9, 1879; born Winchester, Ky.; graduated in law from Harvard University; married Kate Winn 1873.
ELIZABETH BINKLEY wife of Joseph Binkley, Davidson Co., Tenn., born Dec. 12, 1820; died July 15, 1879.
WILLIAM M. BRANDON born June 5, 1817, Franklin Co., Ala.; married Mary B. Mann, Sept. 26, 1843 and had 8 children; married Mary E. Blair who survived him. He died in Lauderdale Co., Ala., June 8, 1879.
MINNIE M. DOWNING born August 1863; died May 31, 1879.
POLLY BOARD born March 7, 1792; died White Mills, Ky., April 15, 1879.
CORNELIA D. PRIDDY wife of H. L. Priddy, Bartlett, Tenn., dau of Dr. P. H. Cole,
Fayette Co., Tenn., died July 5, 1879.
KATE YOUNG, nee Hammond, wife of Charles C. Young, born Miss., June 27, 1852; died Ill., Feb. 2, 1879.
MILES A. JACKSON born April 13, 1823; married Sallie Speer, Dec. 12, 1843; died July 9, 1879.
JANE M. BARTLETT wife of Major Robert Bartlett, Cedar Hill, Tenn., died July 16, 1879 in her 60th year of age; married April 16, 1843.
WILLIAM N. YOUNG s/o George A. and Theresa Young born Adair Co., Ky., Feb. 28, 1873; died in same place, June 22, 1879.
August 16, 1879
Dr. S. M. SYKES s/o Dr. William A. Sykes, born May 4, 1838; graduate, University of Miss. 1857; married Lou Walker 1868; joined Methodist Church 1873; died July 16, 1879.
JOHN FLYNT, SR. born Stokes Co., No. Carolina, May 24, 1798; moved to Madison Co., Tenn. and in 1819 moved to Monroe Co., Miss.; died April 20, 1879.
MARY ELLA NOWLIN dau of Dr. B. W. and Nellie Nowlin, granddaughter of Rev. J. H. Strayhorn, Tenn. Conf., died July 6, 1879 aged 17 years, 21 days.
POLLY GREENWOOD, nee Morgan, died Union Co., Ark., June 26, 1879 aged 81 years, 5 months and 27 days.
DRURY ROBERTS died July 15, 1879 in his 87th year of age; married Lucy Richards 1817. Kentucky.
JAMES B. RAY born So. Carolina, July 17, 1799; married W. A. Watkins 1824; moved to Miss.; died July 10, 1879.
Judge SAMUEL B. AYERS born Buckingham Co., Va., April 9, 1845; died Nashville, July 17, 1879; became judge of 12th Judicial District at age 34 years; married Mary S. Mott.
JANE REID born Lancaster Dist., So. Carolina, Aug. 12, 1800; died Barbour Co., Ala., July 29, 1879; moved to Ala. with husband, John Reid, in 1835; he died 27 years before she did; surviving were 3 sons, 3 daughters.
IDA MADDIN dau of John W. and Mattie J. Hewlett died July 12, 1879 aged 3 years, 6 months and 5 days. Maysville, Ala.
ELIZA H. FOWLER died Davie Co., No. Carolina, July 3, 1879, lacking three days of her 73rd birthday.
S. C. ERWIN born Roan /Rowan/Co., No. Carolina; died near Starkville, Miss., June 3, 1879; married Miss Gaff.
NAT HAYES died July 28, 1879 aged about 80 years.
"Sister" READMAN born July 3, 1788; died August 29, 1879.
ALICE SCRUGGS only dau of Nathan H. and Ellen R. Scruggs, born April 21, 1871; died July 1, 1879. Tribute in her memory by Town Creek, Ala. Sunday School dated July 18, 1879.
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GEORGE W. P. FROST s/o Dr. S. B. Frost, died July 1879.
JOHN DAVID O'NEAL s/o G. W. and V. C. O'Neal born Feb. 8 and died July 5, 1879.
ALEXANDER CATES s/o J. T. and Mary F. Cates died July 3, 1879 aged 7 months, 3 weeks and 6 days old.
August 23, 1879
Rev. WALKER RAYNE died New Orleans in his 70th year; native of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Sanderland, England; spent youth in London; married Matilda Parker; at age 24 years came to Philadelphia, Pa. and then in 1845 moved to New Orleans; married (2) Mary Langdon. /Death date not given/
Rev. THOMAS J. ATWELL born Wilson Co., Tenn., Aug. 22, 1843; died Smithville, Tenn. July 13, 1879. August 30th issue, a tribute to him by 4th Quarterly Conf., Smithville Circuit, Tenn. Conf., dated August 12, 1879.
MARY E. EASTERBROOK wife of H. D. Easterbrook, dau of H. M. Clark, born Kent Co.,
Michigan, Jan. 28, 1859; died near Nashville, Tenn., August 9, 1879.
LAURA MELISSA HALE wife of C. W. L. Hale, Liberty, Tenn., born DeKalb Co., Tenn., 1820; married Aug. 24, 1854; died July 12, 1879.
WILLIAM HAY born Sussex Co., VA., May 8, 1792; served in War of 1812; married Frances Hay 1816 and moved to Tenn.; member of Methodist Church 46 years.
NANNIE BET HUDSON born Aug. 11, 1855; died Green Co., Ky., July 22, 1879.
DIMARIUS BRYAN wife of Abner Bryan, dau of John A. and Barsheba Farrar, born May 3, 1845; married Oct. 15, 1874; died pneumonia, Coffee Co., Tenn., June 24, 1879.
EPHRAIM MABRY born Rutherford Co., Tenn., Aug. 12, 1820; married Malinda Deberry 1842; died Allen Co., Ky., Sept. 12, 1878.
LEVI ROGERS s/o William and Mary Rogers, born Union Dist., So. Carolina, Mar. 27, 1802; married Drusilla A. M. Sims, Mar. 26, 1835; moved to Miss. 1850s; died Union Co., Miss. July 4, 1879.
A. L. HULLETT dau of Rev. William Hullett born Blount Co., Ala., Nov. 6, 1871; died April 19, 1879.
SALLIE TURNER youngest child of Capt. John A. and Mary F. Turner, died Aug. 9, 1879 aged 2 years; her brother, John A. Turner, aged 4 years, died Aug. 10, 1879.
Mrs. REBECCA EWING born Lincoln Co., Tenn., Oct. 13, 1813; died Aug. 10, 1879.
ROWENA MELTON dau of L. H. and Amy F. Sheely, born May 24, 1877; died June 17, 1879.
IDA MADDIN dau of J. W. and Martha Hewlett died July 12, 1879 aged 4 years.
JOHN DAVID O'NEAL s/o G. W. and V. C. O'Neal born Feb. 15, 1879; died July 6, 1879.
MARY E. SADLER wife of E. M. Sadler, died Iuka Springs, Miss. July 13, 1879 in the 50th year of her age.
REBECCA ANN DOWELL widow of R. C. Dowell, dau of late Rev. Henry Bell, born Madison Co., Tenn., Jan. 24, 1830; died Henry Co., Tenn., July 5, 1879.
WILLIE P. B. BRASELMAN s/o Thomas and Mary Braselman, born Union Co., Miss., April 26, 1857; died Feb. 25, 1879.
MARY A. YOUNG wife of Rev. R. A. Young, Tenn. Conf., died Aug. 15, 1879; born Bledsoe Co., Tenn., 1825; married 1847. September 6th issue, a tribute in her memory by W. M. Leftwich. September 11th issue, a tribute in her memory by Homer's Mission Home, dated August 20, 1879.
August 30, 1879
LOU L. COLLIER, nee Watkins, born Sumner Co., Tenn., July 5, 1827; married V. L. Collier, Oct. 15, 1861; died July 8, 1879.
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Tribute of Respect to WYLIE FENNELL BOULDIN, born Morgan Co., Ala., March 15, 1832; died July 11, 1879; by Trinity Masonic Lodge 386 dated August 1879.
PERMELIA S. ADKISSON, nee Harris, born Maury Co., Tenn., Jan. 15, 1822; married Yerba Adkisson, Jan. 24, 1843; died Maury Co., Tenn., July 21, 1879; mother of 6 children.
SALLIE F. BARR dau of Thomas Barr, born Feb. 8, 1877; died Mar. 6, 1878. Her brother, JOHNNIE B. BARR born Jan. 12, 1879 and died June 30, 1879. Their mother, HELEN S. BARR, wife of Thomas Barr, dau of John and Rebecca Brotherton, born Sept. 17, 1855; married May 2, 1876; died July 8, 1879.
MARY COLLINS, Ridgeway, No. Carolina, died Feb. 17, 1879; stricken with paralysis 2 years before her death. Sister of Dr. Joseph B. Cottrell. Born Caswell Co., No. Carolina, Nov. 16, 1802; dau of Dr. Thomas Cottrell who had moved there from Maryland; left 2 daughters, 3 sons. Submitted by grandson, George W. Tarry.
VIRGINIA LEE HOUSTON, LaGrange, Tenn., died Pine Bluff, Ark. on a visit, June 13, 1879 aged 70 years; dau of Edward and Mary Lee (dau of Rev. Dr. Leroy Lee of Va. and niece of Rev. Jesse Lee); moved to LaGrange in 1844 and married James R. Houston 1855.
Colonel W. E. TOMLINSON born Sussex Co., Va., Mar. 1, 1814; married Mary J. G. Parham, Nov. 3, 1833; joined Methodist Church at Lebanon, Va. 1838; moved to Miss. 1845; wife died in 1853 leaving 2 daughters; he married Emma Harris, Madison Co., Tenn., Nov. 21, 1866. He died May 10, 1879. Sept. 6th issue, a tribute to his memory by 3rd Quarterly Conf., Ashland Circuit, Miss. Conf., giving his death date as May 9, 1879.
CORA EDNA BROWN born Sept. 28, 1874; died June 19, 1879 in railroad accident.
E. A. FOULKS born Nottoway Co., Va., Jan. 28, 1825; married Miss McTemple, Feb. 15, 1849; died June 27, 1879.
HIRAM L. MORRISS s/o Henry and Fannie Morriss, born May 27, 1875; died April 9, 1879.
September 6, 1879
WILLIAM FRANK LENOIR born Loudon Co., Tenn., Nov. 21, 1816; s/o William B. and Elizabeth (Avery) Lenoir; died in same county, Sept. 1, 1878; married Elizabeth G., Nov. 16, 1841 and she died Jan. 10, 1855 leaving children Walter, William and Thornton; married Hattie Osborne, July 7, 1858 and had a son, Henry. Successful planter.
JOHN W. SCOTT born Jefferson Co., Miss., June 4, 1829; died April 3, 1879.
ALBERT F. KNOTT born Mar. 12, 1819; married Malinda Haskins, Oct. 31, 1848; died August 11, 1879; cancer. Bedford Co., Tenn.
Rev. JOSEPH LANSDALL, born near Charleston, So. Carolina, May 24, 1812; died Aug. 3, 1879; married Elizabeth Ferguson 1838; licensed to preach, Methodist Ch., Aug. 16, 1845; ordained deacon Oct. 28, 1849; ordained elder Oct. 6, 1861. Town Creek, Alabama.
ALEXANDER F. McFERRIN, Cannon Co., Tenn., died Aug. 23, 1879 aged about 70 years.
SARAH H. LAMONS born Jan. 14, 1817; died near Carthage, Tenn., Aug. 12, 1879.
Mrs. LIZZIE MARTIN died Montgomery Co., Tenn., July 31, 1879 in her 74th year.
SUSAN MALONEY, nee Kousler, born Mar. 23, 1850; died Aug. 11, 1879.
Rev. JONATHAN D. STEWART died of yellow fever, Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 26, 1879; buried there in Elmwood Cemetery.
September 13, 1879
NANCY J. LINTON born Muhlenburg co., Ky., Mar. 6, 1822; married Benj. B. Linton 1843; died July 7, 1879.
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Rev. WILLIAM B. WOODWARD born Aug. 23, 1846; married Lizzie Lockhart, Dec. 22, 1870; died near Winchester, Tenn., July 2, 1879; a long panegyric written by A. L. Comer.
COLUMBIA LOUISA BUFFINGTON wife of James H. Buffington, born Richmond, Va., Mar. 25, 1831; died Covington, Ky., August 1, 1879.
Rev. LORENZO DOW PHILLIPS born Dec. 10, 1806; licensed to preach, Methodist Church, 1831; ordained deacon 1846; died Coffee Co., Tenn., April 22, 1879.
ANNA M. KIZER wife of Capt. G. M. Kizer, dau of General William and Sallie Williams, born Maury Co., Tenn., Dec. 9, 1846; married Nov. 23, 1865; died July 27, 1879.
SARAH AYDELETT, nee Smith, wife of Andrew E. Aydelett, died Henderson Co., Tenn., July 3, 1879; born Aug. 8, 1821; married August 1, 1844.
CLARISSA MURRELL wife of Jesse Murrell, dau of Charles and Barbary Medaris, born Adair Co., Ky., Feb. 16, 1811; died Brownsville, Tenn., Aug. 5, 1879.
PANTHEA HOLT, nee Royster, wife of T. B. Holt, died August 3, 1879.
JANE R. BANKS dau of Capt. William Harvey, born Talbottom, G.; married Jobey B. Banks 1841; died Aug. 28, 1879.
LIVELY MOUNT, nee Patterson, widow of Amos Mount, born Wilson Co., Tenn., Oct. 22, 1814; died Washington Co., Ark., Aug. 11, 1879; married Dec. 1835; moved to Ark. 1853; husband died in 1854; had no children.
Tribute of Respect to FRANCIS D. POYAS born Charleston, So. Carolina, July 1802; died Pickens Co., Ala., Jan. 11, 1879; by 3rd Quarterly Conf., Carrollton Circuit, No. Ala. Conf., dated June 21, 1879.
September 20, 1879
JOHN MORROW died Holmes Co., Miss., June 15, 1879 in the 64th year of his age A very long panegyric written by a "Friend."
MATTHEW NELSON born Va., Dec. 15, 1797; died Noxubee Co., Miss., Aug. 6, 1879.
ANN B. HEWELL born Mecklenburg Co., Va., Feb. 6, 1802; died May 22, 1879, Tuscaloosa, Ala.
JOHN B. STRANGE s/o E. S. and Mary Strange, born Limestone Co., Ala., Jan. 28, 1849; died July 7, 1879; surviving were his parents.
JOHN S. TRUEETE born Sparta, Tenn., Feb. 13, 1855; died Lancaster, Texas, Feb. 26, 1879.
MARY WRIGHT born Marshall Co., Tenn., Sept. 1, 1816; married Stephen C. Wright, Aug. 8, 1843; died by Aug. 14, 1879; surviving were four children.
LOUISA D. MOODY wife of Rev. S. R. Moody, born Aug. 14, 1812; married Nov. 1830; died August 9, 1879.
Tribute of Respect to GEORGE MONROE MULLEN born Aug. 9, 1806; died near Pickenville, Ala., Feb. 21, 1879; by 3rd Quarterly Conf., Carrollton Circuit, No. Ala. Conf., dated June 21, 1879.
September 27, 1879
Mrs. JULIA HARTMAN born Mecklenburg Co., Va., Dec. 16, 1819; died July 14, 1879.
JESSEE RICE JOHNSON s/o Rev. Samuel R. and Dulcenia Johnson, born Mar. 15, 1860; died Coffee Co., Tenn., July 13, 1879.
ALTAMA C. GEORGE died June 1, 1879 aged 64 years.
SARAH E. KNOTT, nee Roberts, born July 24, 1857; married James Knott, May 23, 1878; died April 7, 1879.
JOHN HARTWELL HAYNES s/o Samuel and Nancy Haynes, born middle Tenn., Nov. 27, 1821; married Martha Roberson, Dec. 27, 1846; died April 24, 1879.
THOMAS G. MOSS born Mar. 10, 1841; died Aug. 8, 1879.
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JULIA A. E. PEDAN dau of John Landrum, born Barren Co., Ky., Nov. 26, 1837; married Samuel H. Pedan, Jan. 27, 1857; died Dec. 19, 1878.
WILLIAM A. BOYD died near Gurleyville, Ala., Aug. 6, 1879; Cumberland Presbyterian.
Dr. EDGAR MOREMEN born Meade Co., Ky., Feb. 1853; died August 12, 1879.
CARRIE ALMA WEBSTER born May 5, 1877; died Oct. 30, 1878. MARY ALICE WEBSTER born Aug. 24, 1878; died June 13, 1879. Both daughters of George W. and Harriet H. Webster, Montgomery Co., Ala.
AARON SPIVEY born Johnson /Johnston/ Co., No. Carolina, August 1799; moved to Autauga Co., Ala. 1817; to Coosa Co. 1835, where he died August 14, 1879.
ANNIE A. SMITH, nee Herman, born Jan. 17, 1849; married Reuben D. Smith, Aug. 24, 1871; died by Sept. 1, 1879. Iuka, Miss.
REGINA E. HARRIS wife of Rev. W. A. Harris born Maury Co., Tenn., Sept. 30, 1834; died Boone Co., Ark., May 3, 1879.
MARY E. LEE born Dec. 31, 1842, Maury Co., Tenn.; died Giles Co., Tenn. August 4, 1879.
HATTIE HOUGHTON dau of William and Eugenia Allen, born Aug. 31, 1877; died July 18, 1879.
TABITHA JANE MALORY dau of James F. and Susan Robey, born Mar. 5, 1855; died July 22, 1879.
BERNICE T. ROBEY born Dec. 3, 1878; died July 8, 1879.
October 4, 1879
ELLEN HOGAN HARRIS wife of Bennett S. Harris, dau of John W. and Virginia Hogan, born Logan Co., Ky., Sept. 7, 1856; married Dec. 7, 1874; died Aug. 25, 1879.
MARY McDONALD born Washington Co., Ky., Aug. 16, 1801; married Thomas L. Barnett; died Sept. 7, 1879.
WASHINGTON M. BRANDON died June 8, 1879; married Mary Wrenn who died in May 1870 leaving 3 daus, 2 sons; married Mary E. Blair and had 1 child.
JOHN ROBISON born Montgomery Co., No. Carolina, July 27, 1787; died Atlanta, Ga., July 12, 1879.
I. N. PIERCE born Aug. 21, 1832, Marion Co., Ky.; died July 22, 1879; surviving were widow and a son and daughter.
EUGENIA E. McMURRY dau of Samuel and Louise Wilson, born Rutherford Co., Tenn., May 25, 1826; married Colonel L. P. McMurry, Oct. 20, 1853 and died Sept. 4, 1879 in Gibson Co., Tenn.
MEDORAH E. COLEMAN born Jan. 8, 1857; died Aug. 2, 1879.
CYNTHIA C. WHITE dau of Henry and Nancy Baily, born Williamson Co., Tenn., Feb. 26, 1821; married William H. White, Feb. 22, 1844; died Denton Co., Texas, Sept. 3, 1879.
LIZZIE GIBBENS died July 19, 1879 near Hot Springs, Ark.
SARAH WARD died Aug. 30, 1879 aged about 68 years. Versailles, Ky.
FRANCES COURTNEY GARRETT wife of L. C. Garrett, dau of W. M. and Mary A. Branch, born Maury Co., Tenn., Dec. 17, 1841; married Feb. 19, 1865; moved to Texas 1878; died July 26, 1879 leaving 3 children.
HARRY BASCOM WADE s/o J. T. and M. S. Wade, born Marengo Co., Ala., Nov. 2, 1859; died Hill Co., Texas, Feb. 4, 1879.
MARY E. DAVIS BETTS dau of A. M. and Sophia York Davis, born Nashville, May 13, 1837; died Greensboro, No. Carolina, Sept. 5, 1879; married Rev. A. D. Betts, May 12, 1855.
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GERTIE CLARKE dau of Greville C. and Julia A. Clarke, died July 20, 1879 aged 1 year, 11 months and 11 days. Ft. Smith, Ark.
PARMELIA J. SNIPES wife of John W. Snipes born Nov. 16, 1831; died Coffee Co., Tenn., August 26, 1879.
LEMUEL RANSON LOVE s/o F. P. and Mary Love, born Aug. 31, 1878; died Sept. 4, 1879.
MAGGIE ANN McALISTER dau of M. L. and C. L. McAlister born Jan. 5, 1878; died July 31, 1879.
October 11, 1879
RACHEL A. BLANKENSHIP, nee Strain, dau of James Q. and J. Strain, born Blount Co., Tenn., Oct. 1810; died June 9, 1879. A son, THOMAS BLANKENSHIP, Confederate soldier, died in the war. Another son, WILLIAM J., also predeceased her.
OCTAVIUS C. SMITH died Sept. 3, 1879; born Louisa Co., Va., Dec. 1846; married Lucy A. Stkins; surviving were widow and several children.
IRENE GERTRUDE ALLEMONG dau of John W. and Sarah C. Allemong died Sept. 6, 1879, Augusta Co., Va. at residence of grandfather, B. F. Hailman.
BELLE DYER dau of Judge A. B. and Sarah D. Dyer, Ky., died August 20, 1879.
CORA B. MOSELEY wife of Charles H. Moseley, dau of Hon. A. A. C. Rogers and Fredonia B. Walker; born Paducah, Ky.
MARY DAVIS McDOUGAL died Savannah, Tenn., Sept. 6, 1879; born Oct. 19, 1823, Lauderdale Co., Ala.; dau of Colonel Cornelius Carmack; married Dr. James McDougal, Jan. 23, 1845. A statement written by her:
To my Children: If I should not live to raise my children, I wish them to know that the greatest desire of their mother’s heart is that they may be good, respectable members of society, and get to a better world at last. Our probation on earth is short, at best; we can struggle through life’s short pilgrimage without much of this world's goods, and be none the worse for it in the great eternity. But should you live out your days here, and die without the "one thing needful;" should you barter your souls for wealth, or the pleasures of earth, you will be undone forever. I would have my sons be high-minded, honorable Christians. Never, my sons, for your own sakes, and for the sake of her who watched over your infancy and childhood, do a mean, low, and trifling act, for the sake of making a few dollars and cents. Act honorably to all men in all things, and suffer not your judgment to be biased by self-love or se1f- interest. I would have my daughters be amiable, modest, and affectionate to each other. And if I should be called away I can but leave them in the hands of their father and Heavenly Father. My children, always adhere to the truth under every circumstance in 1ife. Never tell a willful falsehood. Never let money or fear prompt you to do so. It is just as bad to act a lie as to te11 one. If you cheat your fellow-man it is 1ying. If you give a false coloring to any statement it is lying; you may repeat any thing you hear another say, and use exactly the same words, and yet by the tone of voice, and manner of telling it, make it appear like another story altogether; this would be giving a false coloring to the story, and would be very wrong. It is in this way tattlers can always keep up a fuss among neighbors. Remember what your Bible says about that little member, the tongue, and keep it bridled; watch over your thoughts and actions — keep them right, and the tongue will not be so hard to manage; for "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." "Keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips from speaking guile."
Texas Christian Advocate please copy.
Miss SUE THOMAS MALONE born Lauderdale Co., Ala., July 16, 1856; died Aug. 7, 1879; dau of Mitchell Malone, Sr.
AMIE FREEMAN, nee Gill, wife of Thomas Freeman; native of Mecklenburg Co., Va.; died Dickson Co., Tenn., July 13, 1879 aged 76 years, 8 months and 26 days.
SUSIE DUNN youngest dau of Major W. D. and A. H. Dunn, born Feb. 16, 1867; died August 16, 1879.
JAMES KIRBY born Spartanburgh Dist., So. Carolina, Aug. 16, 1791; married Jan. 26, 1830; moved to Ala. 1849; died Mar. 26, 1879.
October 18, 1879
ROBERT EMMETT RICHARDSON born No. Carolina, August 1831; died Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 29, 1879, yellow fever; in youth went to Warren Co., Miss.; served in Mexican War, wounded twice; medical education at University of Pa.; served as surgeon in Confederate Army; moved to Jefferson Co., Miss.; married; had a son and daughter.
JENNIE CARDWELL dau of Joseph and Mary Cardwell, Smith Co., Tenn., died July 27, 1879 aged about 18 years.
ELIZABETH WELCH born Loudoun Co., Va., Oct. 25, 1791; lived in Bedford Co., Va. but moved about 1810 to Allen Co., Ky.; married there to Christopher A. Welch, Nov. 1820; in 1830 moved to Morgan Co., Ala. and settled in Somerville; entire family moved to Washington Co., Ark. where she died Sept. 22, 1879. She was a "shouting Methodist." Survived by husband, 3 sons, 2 daus; one dau. deceased.
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KATE E. LAWREY, nee Condon, born Cork, Ireland, Nov. 1, 1847; came to U.S. in youth; married thrice (1) Mr. Davis; (2) Mr. Clone; (3) Robert Lawrey; raised a Roman Catholic but converted to Methodism.
CATHERINE SEWELL wife of Rev. Joseph Sewell, born June 17, 1795; dau of Joseph Sewell of Va.; married Oct. 2, 1817; joined Methodist Church at Grassy Lick, Montgomery Co., Ky.; resided in Clark Co., Ky.; moved in 1838 to Henry Co., Ky. where she died September 5, 1879.
JAMES A. BURGIN born May 2, 1833; died Jefferson Co., Ala., Sept. 2, 1879.
TRAVIS JONES oldest s/o B. Jones, born Barbour Co., Ala., July 15, 1871; died Montgomery, Ala., July 24, 1879.
GEORGEAN F. BIRCHFIELD dau of Rev. John and Mary Corley, born Talladega Co., Ala., May 2, 1847; married H. C. Birchfield, Dec. 1869; died July 25, 1879.
ROSA PEARL KEY dau of A. W. and H. A. Key, born Sept. 28, 1875; died Jan. 16, 1879.
Tribute of Respect to SARAH ANN HASINTINE COX who died Wilson Co., Tenn., Aug. 9, 1879 aged 19 years, 7 months; by Sabbath School, undated.
October 25 1879
THOMAS G. WISDOM born Buckingham Co., Va., April 19, 1797; married Judith S. Dabney, Va., Dec. 12, 1816; moved to No. Carolina 1825; to Ala. 1850; died Jackson Co., Ala., Sept. 5, 1879.
IDELLA McFERRIN HARWELL born Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1857; died Oct. 11, 1879.
MARTHA J. ATWELL, nee Smithson, born Lunenburg Co., Va., Aug. 18, 1815; married John B. Atwell 1835; died Smithville, Tenn., Aug. 9, 1879.
ELIZABETH TURNLEY third wife of Temple Turnley died Aug. 15, 1879 in the 67th year of her age.
JAMES COLMAN born May 31, 1855; died Sept. 19, 1879.
ELIZABETH AMANDA CATO born June 19, 1819; died Sept. 27, 1879; married Robert H. Cato at age 18 years.
SUSAN T. HARMON, nee Curry, wife of Nathaniel Harmon, born near Greenburg, Ky., July 7, 1817; married James King, July 10, 1838; died Aug. 11, 1879, Rome, Ga.
L. A. PRINCE born So. Carolina; died Miss. Sept. 1, 1879.
SUE A. RAWLINS, nee Williams, born Christian Co., Ky., Aug. 6, 1829; married John W. Rawlins, Feb. 24, 1847. Pembroke, Ky. Died Jan. 14, 1879.
LAVINIA E. KELTON dau of John K. and Mary Harrison, born Aug. 25, 1832; married John H. Kelton, Dec. 27, 1859, Greene Co., Tenn.; moved to Ark. Feb. 1866; died July 27, 1879. Fayetteville, Ark.
MARGARET FORKUM died Jackson Co., Tenn., May 27, 1879 aged over 90 years.
JOHN C. HAYNES born April 15, 1857; married Mary E. Bedwell, Oct. 29, 1874; died Clarksville, Tenn., July 26, 1879.
URSULA DURKIN infant dau of Rev. George M. G. and Mary A. Durkin, No. Carolina Conf., born Nov. 11, 1878; died Sept. 16, 1879. "She is gone -the sweet little babe is gone."
NANNIE BURKE dau of Indiana and Abner Burke, born May 21, 1876; died Clinton Co., Ky., Aug. 17, 1879.
Tribute of Respect to FLORENCE McLEMORE, teacher in Tullahoma, Tenn. Sabbath School who died recently; by her Sabbath School, undated.
A Tribute of Respect to HARRY ALEXANDER DAWSON, only child of Henry A. Dawson who died Aug. 16, 1879; buried beside his mother; by "Dovie", dated September 8, 1879.
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November 1, 1879
JAMES PRATHER born Greene Co., Tenn.; moved to Talladega Co., Ala. in 1832; married Lucinda M. Driskill 1833; had 5 sons, 3 daus; moved to Coosa Co., Ala. and to Winn Parish, La. 1858; two of sons died when "small" and others lived to adulthood; Jonathan, a soldier in Co. D, 12th La. Regt., CSA and killed at battle of Franklin, Nov. 30, 1864; Ambrosia died in Alexandria, La. hospital, a member of 27th La. Regt. Another son, James M. Prather and a dau, Mrs. Bird mentioned too.
ALICE V. MARCH youngest dau of Colonel W. B. March, Davie Co., No. Carolina, died Salisbury, September 29, 1879.
EUGENIE BARBEE born Aug. 4, 1863; died Oct. 5, 1879. "Genie", a male, died from stab wounds.
MARGARET ELLA HOBBS dau of M. T. and Mary J. Chenault, born Feb. 18, 1861; married M. K. Hobbs, Dec. 12, 1878; died July 14, 1879, consumption.
SUSAN OLIVER died Mooreville, Ala., Oct. 2, 1879 aged 70 years.
MARY BENNETT PAGE wife of Joseph Page, born Davidson Co., Tenn., April 8, 1807; married Feb. 18, 1841; died January 18, 1879.
CARRIE M. SCRUGGS wife of Rev. A. T. Scruggs, second dau of Colonel W. M. and Mildred J. Yates, born Culpeper Co., Va., Aug. 26, 1822; married Jan. 16, 1872; after 1833 lived in Columbia, Tenn.; died Grenada, Miss., Oct. 2, 1879.
MATTIE ENSLEN born near Wetumpka, Ala.; died Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 28, 1879 aged 26 years.
JAMES A. BURCHART died near Big Spring, Ky., Aug. 9, 1879.
ZACHARIAH TAYLOR CHRISTIAN s/o J. T. P. Christian, Alexander City, Ala., died Aug. 2, 1879 in his 23rd year of age.
ELIZABETH McMULLINS wife of John H. McMullins, born May 8, 1818; died Madison Co., Ala., October 5, 1879.
MARY H. MORRIS born Smith Co., Tenn., May 17, 1830; died there Sept. 8, 1879.
November 8, 1879
JOHN D. FENNELL born near Lynchburg, Va., 1809; married 1828 and had 6 children; last year "lost" a son, son-in-law and nephew to yellow fever; he died July 7, 1879. Tribute to his memory by 4th Quarterly Conf., Holly Springs Miss., dated Oct. 13, 1879.
CORNELIA A. MALLORY born Davidson Co., Tenn., Oct. 31, 1855; dau of Colonel James E. Newsom and step-dau of Rev. William D. Cherry; attended Soule Female College; married George P. Mallory, Feb. 10, 1876 and had a son and dau; died Sept. 1, 1879.
MARGARET ELLEN ROWE, nee Howard, born Oct. 15, 1842; married Stephen D. Rowe, May 1, 1867; died near Providence, Tenn., Aug. 20, 1879. Her only child, STEPHEN HOWARD ROWE, born January 30, 1879; died September 16, 1879.
MARGARET LOUISA REEVES dau of Rev. Benjamin O. Striplen, born Sept. 4, 1829 and married W. F. Coldwell, Oct. 1857 who died in the Confederate Army; married John Q. Reeves, Jan. 7, 1877; died June 21, 1878.
Rev. FAIRFAX FINCH born and raised in Ala.; died Montgomery Co., Miss., Aug. 18, 1879 aged 70 years; a school teacher.
MARK CHALMERS WOODS s/o P. H. and Dora E. Woods, died Aug. 2, 1879 aged 6 months and 17 days.
JIMMIE PUGH BUFFALOE infant s/o John J. and Augusta M. Buffaloe, born Middleburg, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1878; died Aug. 22, 1879.
THOMAS McADORY born Christian Co., Ky., June l5, 1817; died Jefferson Co., Ala. June 23, 1879. Tribute by Jonesboro Quarterly Conference, undated.
B. L. HARDIN born Nov. 28, 1848; married Ann E. Turner, Feb. 21, 1867; drowned accidentally, September 1, 1879.
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EPHRAIM SCOTT died Oct. 11, 1879, Tuscaloosa Co., Ala. in his 20th year of age.
LYCURGUS DUNCAN ROACH infant s/o George and A. L. Roach, born April 8, 1879; died May 9, 1879.
November 15, 1879
FLORENCE PEARCE BROWNING dau of Capt. Samuel C. and Emily Pearce, born in Maysville, Ky., Sept. 1852; died malaria fever, Indianapolis, Oct. 12, 1879; surviving were husband and one child.
FELIX S. PARKER born Humphreys Co., Tenn., Aug. 7, 1859; died Aug. 25, 1879.
BRUCE H. ROSS, Shelbyville, Ky., died Sept. 1, 1879 "in the very morning of life's prime."
MARTHA CLEMENTINE BOYD wife of Robert L. Boyd, Louisville, Ky., died Oct. 3, 1879, Taylor Co., Ky.
CHARLES MARTIN GOWER s/o E. M. and Mary E. Gower born Jan. 12, 1866; died Sept. 22, 1879.
SARAH CAROLINE CHAPMAN dau of Charles and Cleasey Alverson; married William Chapman, Nov. 27, 1873; died by Oct. 26, 1879; left a husband and 3 children.
Resolutions of Respect for JAMES L. WATERS who died Sept. 14, 1879; by the Waterloo, Ala. Methodist Sabbath School, dated October 27, 1879.
Tribute of Respect to WALTER N. SNELL who died in Houston, Miss., Oct. 9, 1879; by Committee of Providence Sunday School dated Oct. 12, 1879.
SARAH WYENT wife of David Wyent, born Feb. 21, 1824; died July 26, 1879; raised in Lincoln Co., No. Carolina; moved to Panola Co., Miss. 10 years ago; had 2 sons, 3 daus; joined Evangelical Lutheran Church June 12, 1847 and joined Methodist Church about 1874. Batesville, Miss.
NANCY FELAND born Nov. 7, 1808; died Hopkinsville, Ky., Oct. 23, 1879; born and raised in Barren Co., Ky.; married Samuel Feland, Oct. 1, 1835; moved to Hopkinsville in April 1848; had two children, Wilber and John Feland.
MARY F. ENOCHS wife of Alfred Enochs, Sr., dau of M. P. and Agnes Walker, born Nov. 9, 1813; married 1837; died Aug. 30, 1879.
MARY E. MELTON JOHNSON born Holmes Co., Miss., Jan. 15, 1856; dau of Jesse Melton; married Sidney Johnson, Dec. 5, 1878; died Holmes Co., Sept. 24, 1879, leaving an infant son two weeks old.
LILIAN SARAH HIGH dau of B. A. and L. A. High, died Sept. 22, 1879 aged 3 years, 10 months and 21 days.
DAVID DEE ALEXANDER born Dec. 31, 1867; died Oct. 6, 1879.
Tribute of Respect to MARY E. WHITE born Jan. 4, 1864; died Feb. 12, 1869/1879?/ by Pikeville, Ala. Methodist Church dated October 12, 1879.
November 22, 1879
"Sister" TURNEY wife of Hon. Hopkins Turney, born Dec. 9, 1809; died Sept. 5, 1879; Episcopalian.
JOSIAH M. KENNEDY born Oglethorpe Co., Ga., Apr. 4, 1801; married Nancy Rogers, Jan. 23, 1822; died August 20, 1879.
EDWARD PEGRAM born Dinwiddie Co., Va. 1787; joined Methodist Church 1822; died August 19, 1879.
SALLY J. DUTY born 1800; married Lytton Duty 1820 (he died 1828); died Fleming Co., Ky., Sept. 29, 1879.
FANNIE REAMS dau of late Robert Reams; died so. of Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 2, 1879 aged about 20 years of age.
SARAH BRUMFIELD, Hardin Co., Ky., died Oct. 16, 1879 in her 30th year of age.
HATTIE HEMINGWAY died recently in her 37th year of age.
ROBERT McCARTY KENNEDY s/o Melville V. and Cynthia H. Kennedy, born Dec. 4, 1878; died Oct. 13, 1879.
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BENNIE D. ESTES dau of Prof. D. B. and Fadie R. Estes, born June 14, 1878; died Sept. 21, 1879.
JANE GLENN wife of William Glenn, died Etowah Co., Ala., July 1, 1879. "She lived to a good old age."
MARY FRANCES STRAIN wife of Thomas L. Strain, Florence, Ala., born July 16, 1832; married June 1850; died Aug. 15, 1879; buried at Shiloh Church, Lincoln Co., Tenn.; surviving were husband and ten children.
NANNIE FARRAR ABERNETHY infant dau of W. P. and Alice Abernethy, died Blanche Tenn., Nov. 6, 1879 aged 2 years, 2 months.
ELLA MAY OWEN infant dau of J. C. and Sarah Jane Owen, born Aug. 28, 1877; died July 5, 1879.
A Tribute of Respect to Miss SALLIE A. McGEHEE who died Oct. 23, 1879; by Sabbath School, Weaver's Station, Ala., dated Nov. 9, 1879.
LIZZIE JANE JONES wife of Asbury T. Jones, born Oct. 23, 1852; died near Unionville, Tenn., Jan. 14, 1879.
WILLIE MARVIN DRENEN youngest child and only dau of William and Margaret F. Drenen, born May 27, 1878; died October 8, 1879.
LITTLETON MEADOW born June 15, 1818; died Aug. 11, 1879. LITTLETON PATTON MEADOW s/o L. and Martha Meadow, born July 7, 1878; died Oct. 2, 1879.
November 29, 1879
Rev. WILLIAM WILSON COOK born Caldwell Co., Ky., May 2, 1818; married Nancy Doles and had 5 children; married Mary L. Taylor and had one son, Dayton; licensed to preach, Methodist Church, 1847; ordained deacon Oct. 19, 1851.; ordained elder Oct. 10, 1858; served in numerous charges.
ELIZABETH FARIS, NEE Burgess, born Augusta Co., Va., Mar. 16, 1815; her mother was a sister of John H. Bell, a merchant in that county; moved to Lawrence Co., Ala.; married John Small 1833; he died leaving 3 children; married Anthony H. Faris 1839 and had 5 children; moved to Corinth, Miss. 1861; died Oct. 31, 1879 in residence of son, James F. Small.
ELIZABETH STANLEY died Henderson, Texas, Oct. 30, 1879 in her 76th year of age She married Lewis Stanley and moved to Ala. 1837; moved to Texas with her children in 1876; dau of William Walker.
MARTHA FIELDS GREEN wife of Willis K. Green. Nolensvi1le, Tenn.; died Oct. 17, 1879 in 50th year of her age.
KITTIE W. HARRIS born Nov. 13, 1861; died Aug. 13, 1879.
JOHN R. SWIFT born Morgan Co., Ala., Feb. 21, 1851; died Oct. 29, 1879.
ABSALOM BURKETT died Maury Co., Tenn., Oct. 12, 1879.
MARGARET E. MIZE dau of John P. Mize, Logan Co., Ky., born Jan. 21, 1843; died Oct. 26, 1879.
PATTIE C. NANCE dau of Robert W. and Fannie Nance born Aug. 19, 1877; died November 11, 1879.
December 6, 1879
WILLIAM D. RANKIN, Asheville, No. Carolina, born near Greeneville, Tenn., Jan. 23, 1804; married Elizabeth L. Roadman, July 3, 1828; died Sept. 25, 1879.
EDWIN L. CARTER joined Chestnut St. Methodist Church Nov. 23, 1865; died in Louisville, Ky., Oct. 9, 1879 at residence of father-in-law, William Kendrick.
GILLIE ANN McREYNOLDS dau of Robert McReynolds, born Allen Co., Ky., Sept. 11, 1856; died Sept. 15, 1879.
SARAH A. J. EDNEY born Oct. 15, 1859; died Oct. 18, 1879; married J. S. Edney, Nov. 29, 1877.
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MARY JOHNSON, nee Troup, born 1799; married Mr. Crockett 1833 (he died same year); married Robert M. Johnson 1843 (he died 1862); died Oct. 5, 1879.
Dr. JOHN C. WALKER born LaFayette Co., Miss. Mar. 24, 1839; moved to Ark. 1864; died Columbia Co., Ark., Nov. 24, 1879. "He may be styled a self-made man."
LADY KATE SOYARS dau of Dr. J. T. and Dora Soyars born July 31, 1874; died Oct. 1, 1879. S1aughterville, Ky.
MARY H. WOODSON wife of Dr. Woodson, Parsons, Kansas, born Dover, Tenn., Dec. 5, 1832; died October 1, 1879.
AVELLA McREA wife of Joseph McRea born Feb. 14, 1841; joined Methodist Church 1876; died Aug. 31, 1879. Todd Co., Ky.
ROXIE SCOTT born Lauderdale Co., Ala., Oct. 19, 1855; died Waterlook, Ala., Oct. 2, 1879.
DENIE (Gibson) CARROLL born Wilson Co., Tenn., April 5, 1855; married J. J. Carroll, Sept. 23, 1874; died Oct. l0, 1879; surviving were husband and 2 children.
"In Memoriam" -DEAN LANIER who died recently.
ROBERT NIX infant s/o George H. and Matilda Nix, born Sept. 12, 1876; died diphtheria, Nov. 1, 1879. Laurel Hill, Tenn.
JESSE FITE infant s/o Calvin and Mary Fite, born Nov. 23, 1878; died Nov. 9, croup. Laurel Hill, Tenn.
SALLIE NESBITT PENNINGTON infant dau of Rev. Leroy and Elizabeth Pennington, born Jan. 20, 1876; died Nov. 10, 1879. "…it is enough to say they are safe in the arms of Jesus", referring to these three infants of Laurel Hill, Tenn.
December 13, 1879
Rev. HENDERSON H. MONTGOMERY born Williamson Co., Tenn., Aug. 12, 1849; died June 15, 1879; s/o Andrew Hamilton Montgomery and Elizabeth Jane Morris Montgomery; converted at Sardis camp-meeting, Henderson Co., Tenn., Aug. 10, 1835; licensed to preach, Methodist Church, Aug. 15, 1840 and served in the Memphis Conference for 6 years; transferred to Miss. Conf. in 1846. "He was scrupulously exact in money matters."
Recent deaths noted of three local preachers -JOHN MORAN, STEPHEN TERRY and JOSEPH LANSDELL.
Memorial to WILEY H. WILLIAMS who died recently; by Board of Trustees, Columbus, Miss., dated October 14, 1879.
SARAH JANE TAYLOR wife of Rev. B. T. Taylor, a local Methodist preacher, Litchfield Circuit, born Tenn., 1829; died Grayson Co., Ky., Nov. 17, 1879.
SALLIE ADELAIDE McGEHEE dau of Robert and Annie McGehee, born Calhoun Co., Ala., Nov. 11, 1854; died Oct. 23, 1879, typhoid fever.
CARRIE LEONORA WILLEY dau of W. C. and Caroline Willey, born Mar. 24, 1877; died Oct. 28, 1879.
December 20, 1879
ELIZABETH REES PITTS born Lincoln Co., Tenn.; died near Fayetteville, Tenn., Aug. 18, 1879; married Robert Pitts.
Rev. FRANCIS MARION MONK born Crawford Co., Ga., Sept. 15, 1825; married Margaret Ann Henderson, April 25, 1847 and had ten children; Methodist preacher; ordained deacon Nov. 27, 1864; ordained elder Nov. 28, 1869. "He was a plain, practical preacher." Died near Austin, Ark. /date not given/.
HARVIN S. MOORE born Va., Jan. 31, 1798; moved with father, John Moore and family to No. Carolina and then to Smith Co., Tenn., from whence he had served in the War of 1812; moved to Greene Co., Ala., then to Madison Co., Ala.; married D. Ann Jackson, March 1, 1824; died Jan. 13, 1879; left 4 sons, 1 dau. His wife, D. ANN MOORE, born Granville, No. Carolina, Oct. 15, 18O3; died Feb. 4, 1879. One son, William N. Moore, mentioned.
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Mrs. MARY H. SAMPLE born Onslow Co., No. Carolina, Nov. 30, 1807; died Holmes Co., Miss., October 16, 1879.
GEORGE VINCENHELLER born Berkeley Co., Va., May 16, 1813; died Oct 10, 1879; married Elizabeth Jean, Feb. 28, 1839.
CORA ALMA DANIEL dau of Leroy and Mary Daniel died Dec. 3, 1879, an only child. Shepherdsville, Ky.
December 27, 1879
There were no obituaries in this last issue of 1879.
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