(Revised Edition with Maps)
Compiled by Jonathan K. T. Smith
Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 1995

(Page 63)


JAMES WYLY (1799-1857) and his wife, MARY (1801-1851) and their family, well-to-do people, lived on their large farm along Birdsong Creek and near Chalk Level in south east Benton County. He was a successful agricultural manager and a sometime member of the General Assembly of the state. Much of the acreage of the Wyly home-place was in woodland where cattle and hogs ranged; elsewhere were fields of Indian corn, some tobacco and orchards and an ample garden. Wyly needed a large work force and years before his death he had acquired a considerable "black family." He was apparently a humane master and in his obituary in the May 12, 1857 issue of THE TENNESSEE AMERICAN, Nashville, was the comment that, "His slaves found in him a father, not a master." There is probably a good bit of platitude in this remark but lacking a surviving unfavorable tradition about him lends credence to the statement.

In the Wyly family Bible, James Wyly entered besides his own family's vital statistics, those of his bondsfolk. This book was published in Cincinnati, Ohio by N. &G. Guilford, Morgan and Sanxay, 1830 and was owned by Linda Smith Wheatley when the present writer obtained the data from this source.


Slave Bible Records


AMY's children: JOHN, born May 1824; NANCY, born August 5, 1826

LUCY's children: ELLINDER, born Oct. 9, 1827; GEORGE, born May 22, 1829; LUKE, born March 25, 1831; HARRIET, born May 28, 1832; PEATER, born March 13, 1834; JERREMIAH, born December 29, 1835; GILBERT, born Oct. 11, 1837

POLLY's children: MILLEY, born Oct. 9, 1836; AMY, born June 26, 1839


(Page 64)

ELLINDER's children: MARTH, born September 1, 1844; LUIS, born June 1, 1847; JAMES, born March 15, 1849; WESLEY, born December 7, 1851

CARROLINE's children: SIROUS, born April 17, 1850; MARTHA SUSIN, born Tuesday, June 9, 1854

NANCY's children: AMY, born Sunday, November 16, 1851; MARY, born Tuesday, May 9, 1854; THEATE, born Thursday, February 22, 1856

HARRIET's children: MANUEL, born Sunday, January 12, 1852; HENRY, born Wednesday, October 18, 1854

SECELY's children: ELIZA, born Sunday, March 21, 1853; JOSEPHEAN, born Saturday, April 26, 1856



ANN HINARD died the 9 July 1858 or '59/

LUKE died 1831; POLLEY died December 5, 1839; FRANKLIN died March 28, 1843; SARRY died February 1845; JOHN died Monday, February 17, 1851; AME died Tuesday, April 5, 1853; HENRY died February 2, 1855; ELLINDER died 1852; WESLEY died 1852; HARRIET died Friday, February 23, 1855; JAMES died 1852.


JAMES WYLY's will (a transcript of which appears [below] in which he made disposition of his slaves) was probated in July 1857. (Benton County Will Book 1, page 144)

For more information about the WYLY family of Benton and Humphreys counties in Tennessee, see THE WYLY SAGA by Jonathan K. T. Smith (Memphis, 1981).


(from Page 63)

        I, JAMES WYLY of the county of Benton and State of Tennessee do ordain and establish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills by me at any time heretofore made.
        Item. I give and bequeath unto my son THOMAS K. WYLY a tract of land lying on Tennessee river beginning on the bank of Tennessee river on two maples in a dividing line between myself and my brother C. K. WYLY thence running up the river with its meanders upto the mouth of a lane of my Rosses ferry tract so as to include the new house built by my son then running with said land in a westerly direction about two hundred poles to where it will strike the west boundary of said tract of about 1800 acres and the corner of the Nicholson tract thence north shout 200 poles to two gums thence east about five hundred poles with the dividing line before mentioned to the bank of the river the beginning aforesaid, there is reserved two acres of land at the ferry landing that is held jointly in equal parts by myself and brother C. K. WYLY, my will is that my son THOMAS K. WYLY have my half of said two acres. I further give to my said son THOMAS K. WYLY the following named negroes to wit (page 141 ) CAROLINE and her two children SIRUS and SUSAN JANE and LUCY, old TOM and the boy FAYETT and little PETER and girl ANN, man GEORGE.
        Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter VICTORIA WYLT the following tract of land beginning at the mouth of the lane my son THOMAS K. WYLY's corner on the bank of Tennessee river thence up the meanders of the river to the mouth of Birdsong Creek thence with the meanders of said creek to the western boundary of said 1800 tract where it crosses the creek, thence north about three huadred poles to TMOMAS. K. WYLY's before named corner then east with THOMAS K. WYLY's line to the river the beginning. I further give and bequeath to my said daughter VICTORIA the following slaves to wit MUNFORD a man, SEALY a woman her two children ELIZA and JOSEPHINE & MARY about four years old and man GILBERT.
        Item. 3. I give and bequeath to my daughter THEODOCIA the following tract of land (beginning at the south of Birdsong creek) running up the meanders of said river two hundred poles to a white oak and locus/t/ thence west with the JOHN REED survey about one hundred and sixty poles passing the corner of the original tract at that distance thence on west to the DUKED MIMS corner at about forty or fifty poles thence further west to the beginning /inserting creek thence with the meanders of the creak to the/ I further give to my daughter THEODOCIA the following named slaves to wit ABRAM and NANCY, MUNGO and BENJAMIN also CLOA the youngest girl of ABRAM & NANCY.
        Item 4. I give and bequeath to my daughter ARTAMISSA SAUNDERS wife of F. P. SAUNDERS the following tract of land beginning on the bank of Birdsong Creek on a gum runs north about two hundred poles to the west boundary line of the same tract of land the dividing line between myself and Mrs. COMBS tract of land, thence south about three hundred poles to a hickory thence east crossing the road at about one hundred poles to DUKED MIMS south boundary thence north with said MIMS south boundary to two hickories thence with said MIMS line east to said creek thence with the meanders of said creek to the beginning. I further give to my said daughter ASTAMISSA SAUNDERS wife of said F. P. SAUNDERS the following slaves to wit. VINNEY and her daughter LUCY about six years of age, a man by the name of BOB COY LEWIS. It is distinctly understood and I do hereby desire that the foregoing bequest to my said daughter ARTAMISSA of the aforesaid tract of land and slaves is to said daughter ANTAMISSA during her natural lire and at her death to her lawful children to hold forever.
        Item 5. I give and bequeath to my daughter MARY MOSES, wife of Doct. JAMES M. MOSES the following tract of land to wit beginning in the middle of the road in the south boundary of the JOHN REED tract runs north with the JOHN REED (page 142) survey in all about three hundred poles to an old black cypress standing in the head of a pond thence west with the original survey to the home tract about one hundred and ninety poles on the top of the hill the dividing line between myself and Esqr. FORD about one hundred poles to a maple at the foot of a hill then west with the survey to my corner a dogwood & white oak then on south with my line to the Center of the road thence with the middle of said road to wit the Rosses ferry road about three hundred poles to the beginning. I give to my said daughter MARY the following slaves to wit. AMY and MARTHA, man JERRY, boy HANUEL. It is distinctly understood and I do hereby direct that the foregoing bequest to my said daughter MARY of said tract of land and slaves is to her during her natural life and after her death to her lawful children to hold forever.
        Item 6th. I give and bequeath to my daughter CAMALEE wife of Doctor S. M. BARNETT the following tract of land beginning on the bank of Tennessee river on a white oak runs up the river about one hundred and fifty or sixty poles to my corner a walnut in the dividing line between myself and W. C. THOMPSON then on west with the center of the road about one hundred and fifty poles thence still west leaving the road about sixty to W. C. THOMPSON's corner thence north to the DUKED MINS corner twenty five poles to two post oaks thence further north about one hundred and sixty poles to two post oaks thence east about two hundred poles to the beginning. I further give and bequeath to my said daughter CAMALEE the following slaves to wit. negro woman ANN and her children MARGARET and SARAH, girl CINDA about sixteen years old, man HARRY. It is distinctly understood that said devise to my said daughter CAMALEE of the aforesaid land and slaves is to her during her natural life and after her death the same is to descend to her lawful children to have end to hold forever.
        It is my will that the land and slaves I have devised to my two single daughters to wit. VICTORIA and THEODOCIA in this will to to be held by them during their natural lives and if they shall marry and have children then at the death of my (page 143) said daughters said land & negroes and there /their/ increase shall descend to such children as they may have at there /their/ death forever and in case either of my said daughters should die before marriage or after marriage and have and leave no children it is my will that all of said property so devised to them or either of them shall be equally divided share and share about amongst my children and there /their/ heirs. It is my will and desire that JOHN WILY of Humphreys county be and he is he is hereby appointed the guardian for my said two daughter. VICTORIA and THEODOCIA. It is my will and desire that all my stock, household and kitchen furnature and personal property of every kind and description be by my executors hereafter to be appointed be sold upon s credit of twelve months except two beds and furniture for my daughter VICTORIA two beds & furniture and bed & furnature for my son THOMAS K. WYLY which I desire say not be sold /and/ given to them on application. It is my will that the proceeds of my stock, household & kitchen furnature that may be sold and converted into money be equally divided amongst my six children before named. It is my will and desire that my son THOMAS K. WYLY have my gold watch and my shot gun. It in my will that the jeulry my daughters have that they retain the same as there /their/ property. Whereas myself and S. C. PAVATT hold and own several tracts of land in Benton County jointly share and share alike and it is my will that my half of said lands be sold by my executors hereafter to be appointed at such times and at such terms as they may think to the interest of my children and divide the proceeds equally amongst them, said executors are fully authorized to make such division of said land between self & said PAVATT as shall be just giving to each an equal share according to quantity and quality. It is my will and desire that my brothers JOHN WYLY of Humphreys County, C. K. WYLY of Benton County & my son THOMAS K. WYLY be appointed my executors to this my last will and testament.
Given under my hand & seal this 4th of May A.D. 1857.



Codocil to this my last will, to wit. It is my will and desire that four acres of land including what is the burying ground devised to MARY MOSES & her heirs be laid off in such shape and form as may be convenient and the ease is to remain perpetually as a burying ground for the family and to be inherited by my heirs forever. Witness my hand and seal above.




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