Special Projects

English Union Jack
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British Red Ensign, AKA “Colonial Red Ensign” and “Meteor Flag.” This was also, one of the first National flags of the United States.
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French Fleur de Lis. Used until 1790
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U. S. A.
Betsy Ross Flag
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U.S.A. 13 Star Flag. Used to 1795.
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U.S.A. 15 Star Flag, 1795-1818. Unavailable.

U.S.A. 20 Star Flag, 1818
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U.S.A. 34 Star Flag. 29 Jan 1861 -- Kansas was admitted into the Union as the 34th state
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U.S.A. 35 Star Flag. 20 June 1863 -- West Virginia was admitted into the Union as the 35th state.
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Army of Tennessee, 1862 --
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Army of Northern Virginia
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Bonnie Blue Flag. This lone star lone star flag dates to 1810 and used by a troop of West Florida dragoons. By December 10, the flag of the United States replaced the Bonnie Blue after President Madison issued a proclamation declaring West Florida under the jurisdiction of the Governor of the Louisiana Territory. This flag was used by the Republic of Texas from 1836 to 1839. On January 9, 1861 the convention of the People of Mississippi adopted an Ordinance of Secession. With this announcement the Bonnie Blue flag was raised over the capitol building in Jackson. Harry Macarthy was so inspired that he wrote a song entitled The Bonnie Blue Flag which became the second most popular patriotic song of the Confederacy. The Confederate government did not adopt this flag but the people did and the lone star flags were adopted in some form in five of the southern States that adopted new flags in 1861.
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C.S.A. Battle Flag (Square), AKA “Southern Cross.” Unavailable

C.S.A. 1st National Flag, 7 Stars. “The Stars and Bars”
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C.S.A. 2nd National Flag. “Stainless Banner” 1863
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Confederate 3rd National Flag. The “Last National” March and April only, 1865
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C.S.A. 12 Star Flag. Used by Nathan Bedford Forrest
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C.S.A. Naval Jack, 1861-1863.
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C.S.A. 13 Star Flag, C.S.A. “Battle Flag” Also called “The Southern Cross,” “Army of Tennessee Battle Flag,” and “Confederate Naval Jack.” This is the most recognized of all Confederate Flags. It has one star for each member of the Confederacy with the "X" pattern (called a saltier) denoting progress and strength.
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C.S.A. 13 Stars. A slightly deeper red version than the one above
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C.S.A. Merchant Ships.
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