Some Early Records of Polk County, Tennessee


{Research tip:  Until 1838 the geographical area that became Polk County was considered by the State of Tennessee to be a part of McMinn County...even though it was actually Cherokee land.  Therefore, it will pay early Polk County researchers to check into very early McMinn records.}

The following records are taken from the Polk County Historical and Genealogical Society with permission from Marian Presswood, President and Editor of the PCH&GS Quarterly.

The Old Ocoee Baptist Church was organized the second Saturday of August, 1836 (August 13).
Charter members were as follows:

Even Campbell Rachel Daugherty Stephen Lawson John Ritchey
Sarah Campbell Anny Duggan Mahala Lawson Catherine Ritchey
Absalom Coleman Elizabeth Duggan Nancy Lemmine Travis Rogers
Nancy Coleman Samuel Duggan Jesse Lemmine Fanny Rogers
Nancy A. Coleman Robert Duggan Jenny Lillard Ruth Summy
Sarah E. Coleman Almon Guinn Sarah Lillard Solomon Summy
Nancy Daugherty William Higgins Abraham Lillard Edy Tummins
Josiah Daugherty Mary Higgins Mary Patterson Samuel Tummins
Preston Daugherty *** *** ***

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Polk County Court Minute , Vol. I, 1840-1844

Copied under WPA (Pages 1-2-3 blank.)
Page 4. A list of the names of the Justices of the peace elected in Several civil Districts of Polk County on the 7th day of March 1840.

Robert H. McConnell Silvester Blackwell
Zachariah Rose John Williams
Stephen Blankenship Riley Horn
Andrew Stephenson William W. Henry
Abraham McKissick Alfred Taylor
Benedict Ellis William Wiggins
James W. Witt James Ainesworth
Lewis L. Threewitt John Davis
John Conner ****

     Page 5. State of Tennessee, Polk County, Columbus,

May 4, 1840 May Term

Be it remembered that at a Court opened and held in Columbus for the organization of Polk County, the woshupful Justice to wit, Hamelton Bradford, Coalman and Soloman formed themselves into a Court and organized said County according to the law directed -- by first calling forward the undernamed Justice which was duely elected on the 7th day of March last passed and commissioned by the governor towit for the first Civil District of said County Silvester Blackwell and Robert Mcconnell. For the second civil district of said county Zachariah Rose, John Williams and Stephen Blankenship. For the third civil district Riley Horn and Andrew Stephenson. For the fourth civil district of said County William H. Henry and William Wiggins. For the fifth civil district Abraham McKissick. For the seventh civil district James Ainesworth and L.L. Threewitt, who were duely qualified according to law by Hamelton Bradford, then acting justice for said County.
2dly. The court next proceeded to qualify James Parks who on the 7th day of March last was duely elected County Court Clerk for the County of Polk and the oath was administered by Hamelton Bradford then acting justice of the peace for said County.
3thdly. The woshupful justice to wit, Hamelton Bradford, Abstain Coalman and Soloman Summy then resigned their seats The above named majistrates, who were duely qualified, organized themselves into a Court and proceeded to do business.
Ist. Elected Zachariah Rose Chairman of the Court.
2ndly. The Clerk then qualified John Shamblin in due form of law to the office of Sheriff in and for the said county of Polk his bond being accepted and his securities approved of and by the said Court.
3dly. The Clerk next proceeded to qualify the following named gentleman who were duely elected to the office of Constable in the several districts of said county to wit. David Bradford for the first civil district of said County who entered into bond with approved security in open court. William Coalman and Benjamin C. Davis who were duely electec to the office of constable for the second civil district of said county who entered into bond with approved security. Hiram H. Blanton for the third civil district of said county who entered into bond with approved security. Dennis Haskings for the fifth civil district of said county who entered into bond with approved security. Henry Ellis for the sixth civil district of said county who entered into bond with approved security. William Hamblen for the seventh civil district of said county who entered into bond with approved security.
4thly. The Clerk next proceeded to qualify the Registrar ane took bond with approved security in open court according as the law directed.
5thly. The Clerk next proceeded to qualify the Trustee according to law and took bond with approved security. The Clerk next presented four books of records to the Court for their inspect for the use of the county court of Polk County. Price $10.50 for the large record book. $6.75 for the other three. They were received by the Court.
     Page 6. May Term 1840 David Ragan who was appointed Sheriff of Polk County (pro-tem) then came forward and gave the following certificates from under his hand then resigned his office. State of Tennessee Polk County - I do certify that at an Election held at the Election grounds in the several districts of said County on the 7th of March 1840. That John Shamblin was duely elected sheriff for the aforesaid county of Polk given under my hand this 22nd day of March 1840.


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